Activity Listings
- Application for use of Auditorium Room 119 Kerckhoff for Professor Conant's Lecture on Wednesday March 27, 1940 [Filed under California Institute of Technology: Materials re: Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 1933-1963, No Date: Box #1.024, Folder 24.8]
- Letter from Clarence K. Streit to Wesley Winans Stout, Editor of Saturday Evening Post, RE: Responds to editorial published about writer's book Union Now, and dismisses any claims that the Federal Union, Inc. accepts foreign subsidies or is under foreign influence. [Filed under AHP: Federal Union, Inc.: Box #5.004, Folder 4.5]
- Letter from Herman Schneiderman to LP RE: writes to apply for a position as a post doctorate research associate. Gives information on his training and experience. Picture and resume included. [Reply from LP February 29, 1940] [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia: Box 1.017, Folder 17.3]
- Letter from LP to Dr. Alfred L. Loomis, Mark Hopkins Hotel, San Francisco, CA RE: Apologizes that the next meeting of the Guggenheim Board of Selection has been changed and will now interfere with invitation of Loomis to spend weekend at El Monte. Informs Loomis that LP is very busy this spring but still plans to spend a few days in Berkeley. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #230.6, File: (L: Correspondence, 1940)]
- Letter from LP to Dr. R. E. Clement, President, Atlanta University RE: gives strong recommendation of Mr. James E. Lu Valle for an academic appointment at Atlanta. [Letter from LP to Jones October 17, 1939] [Letter from Clement to LP March 5, 1940] [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia: Box 1.018, Folder 18.2]
- Letter from LP to Mr. EC Barrett, CIT RE: Asks if there are enough funds in the traveling expenses fund for him to attend the meetings of the American Chemical Society, American Philosophical Society, and National Academy of Sciences. [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia: Box #1.029 file 29.1]
- Letter from LP to Mr. EC Barrett, CIT RE: Requests a check for $425 to send to New York per request from Professor L. Zechmeister who wishes to use up some of his traveling expenses. [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia: Box #1.029 file 29.1]
- Letter from LP to Mr. Edward C. Barrett, Comptoller, CIT RE: Requests appointment of Dr. Norman Abrahamsen to Research Assistant in chemistry with stipend of $100 per month from 2/1/40-5/31/40. Enclosed is letter from Edwin R. Buchman regarding the same individual and appointment. [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia: Box #1.029 file 29.1]
- Letter from LP to Professor W Huse RE: States the title sent by Conant for his lecture is “A Ghost Returns to View the Scene, or Changing Views in Organic Chemistry” [Telegram from James B. Conant to LP February 24, 1940] [Filed under California Institute of Technology: Materials re: Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 1933-1963, No Date: Box #1.024, Folder 24.8]
- Letter from WN Lacey to LP RE: Requests the Chemistry Division Council consider the recommendation that $200 be allocated to the expense budget of Ch 167 and $500 be allocated to the salary of Professor Sage to permit an increase in the number of fifth-year students in chemical engineering. [Filed under LP Biographical: (CIT: Materials re: Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 1915-1944), Box #1.019, Folder #19.7]
- Letter from WN Lacey to LP RE: States they have applications to date from nine of the Applied Chemistry seniors who wish to be admitted to fifth-year work in chemical engineering. Discusses their qualifications and the extra work it will require of Dr. Sage. Outlines the change in expenditures. [Filed under LP Biographical: (CIT: Materials re: Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 1915-1944), Box #1.019, Folder #19.7]