This website is an update of a previous Presidents Gallery exhibit, initially erected as a physical display by the University Archives in 1995 and later repurposed as an online resource. Shane Hazzard and Elizabeth Nielsen prepared the project's texts and images, with input and review from the Archives Staff.
The contemporary version of this exhibit was created by four talented OSU students. Susanne Ranseen researched and developed an updated text detailing the lives of the university's past presidents. Regina Pimentel assembled the website in Omeka, creating much of its metadata in the process. The project's graphic design was created by Vahagn Azaryan and technical assistance was provided by Travis Stevens.
This website is a product of the Special Collections & Archives Research Center at Oregon State University Libraries: Anne Bahde, Tiah Edmunson-Morton, Natalia Fernández, Larry Landis (Director), Karl McCreary, Elizabeth Nielsen, Chris Petersen, Trevor Sandgathe, Ruth Vondracek and Ryan Wick.
Special thanks are due to Christy Turner.
Release Date: December 2, 2013