13. Biographical. 1910-1996.
Holdings in this vast section -- arranged both according to subject and format -- document a number of themes from Linus Pauling's remarkable, complex life. An eclectic array of manuscript and typescript materials, correspondence, notebooks, newspaper clippings, government documents, legal documents, tax documents and receipts have been sorted into sub-sections labeled Academia, Political Issues, Legal, Business & Financial, and Personal Materials & Family Correspondence. In addition, over 2,700 pages of loose-leaf scrapbooks compiled by the Paulings have been cataloged on the item level and reside in the Biographical section. Digital versions of the Pauling FBI files and scrapbooks are available upon patron request.
317 boxes
6. Scrapbook Pages Mounted by Linus Pauling, 1910-1981.
12 boxesBoxes 6.001 - 6.010 (Page: 1 - 10)
Newspaper Clipping: "Miss Ava Miller of Corvallis...", [engagement announcement] Publication Unknown, June 1923.
Newspaper Clipping: "One of the pretty summer weddings...", [wedding announcement] Publication Unknown, June 17, 1923.
Newspaper Clipping: "Out-of-town Young Folk Wed Here", Publication Unknown, June 16, 1923.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus Pauling '22...", [re: LP & AHP wedding] Publication Unknown, 1923.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Married", Publication Unknown, 1923.
Newspaper Clipping: "Men You Read About", [re: Judge J. U. Campbell; Pauling annotations: "My father's sister"; "Later he became Chief Justice of the Oregon Supreme Court"] Publication Unknown, No Date. [1920s].
Identification Card: "The Bearer Hereof Is Cadet L. C. Pauling, A Member of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps Camp, Presidio of San Francisco, Cal.", No Date. [1920s].
Newspaper Clipping: "Travel Talks at Meeting Are Enjoyed", Pasadena (California) Star-News, 1927.
Program: "The O.A.C. Forensic Association Presents Pierro by the Light of the Moon, 'Holly Tree Inn', 'Suppressed Desires'", March 30, 1922.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling-Miller", Salem (Oregon) Statesman, June 18, 1923.
Newspaper Clipping: "Mr. and Mrs. Linus Carl Pauling...", Portland Oregonian, June 1923.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemistry Professor at Caltech Leaves for Study in Europe", Pasadena (California) Star-News, April 16, 1930.
Newspaper Clipping: "German Scholarship Won by Portland Student", Portland Oregonian, 1926.
Newspaper Clipping: "Plans Studies in Munich, Germany", Oregon Journal, 1926.
Newspaper Clipping: "Fellowship Given Grad", Publication Unknown, No Date, [1920s].
Newspaper Clipping: "Another June Bride...", [re: LP & AHP wedding] Publication Unknown, June 1923.
Newspaper Clipping: "Lectures Are Given for Teachers", Pasadena (California) Star-News, December 14, 1925.
Program: Institute Meeting at California Institute of Technology, Pasadena California, and Manual Arts High School, Los Angeles, California, December 13-17, 1925.
Newspaper Clipping: "To Explain Nature of Chemical Bonds", Pasadena (California) Star-News, January 1926.
Newspaper Clipping: "Birth Record", [re: birth of Linda Helen Pauling] Publication Unknown, 1932.
Newspaper Clipping: "Local Traveler is Studying in Munich", Pasadena (California) Star-News, April 29, 1926.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pacific Intersectional Meeting", Publication Unknown, 1928.
Newspaper Clipping: "Guggenheim Awards Made", Publication Unknown, 1927.
Speech Announcement: Los Angeles Section of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Regular Meeting, March 29, 1928.
Program: NFB Double Bond, American Chemical Society Eighty-Second Meeting, Buffalo, New York, August 31-September 4, 1931.
Correspondence: from M. Gomberg, [re: awarding to LP of the "American Chemical Society Award in Pure Chemistry", Initiated by A. C. Langmuir] July 8, 1931.
Correspondence: from H. E. Howe, [re: photograph of LP for publicity] July 17, 1931.
Correspondence: from M. Gomberg, [re: speech topics] July 22, 1931.
Correspondence: LP to Charles L. Parsons, [re: certificate wording] July 31, 1931.
Correspondence: from Charles L. Parsons, [re: certificate wording] July 28, 1931.
Correspondence: from H. E. Howe, [re: returning photograph] August 1, 1931.
Correspondence: from H. E. Howe, [re: copy of speech] August 4, 1931.
Correspondence: from Charles L. Parsons, [re: available materials for speech] August 5, 1931.
Article: "The American Chemical Society Award in Pure Chemistry", Journal of the American Chemical Society, [?] 1931.
Correspondence: from Greta B. Millikan, [re: expressing congratulations for Langmuir Award] September 6, 1931.
Correspondence: from Palmer Miller, [re: congratulations for Langmuir Award] August 20, 1931.
Correspondence: from George Glocker, [re: congratulations for Langmuir Award] August 20, 1931.
Correspondence: from Bill Tuley, [re: congratulations for Langmuir Award] September 2, 1931.
Correspondence: from W. A. Jensen, [re: congratulations for Langmuir Award] August 21, 1931.
Correspondence: from Simon Freed, [re: congratulations for Langmuir Award] July 27, 1931.
Correspondence: from William H. Ziegler [LP annotation: "A druggist who was a friend of our family and who helped me"] [re: congratulations for Langmuir Award] August 21, 1931.
Correspondence: from Sara W. Prentiss, [re: congratulations for Langmuir Award] September 1, 1931.
Correspondence: from M. Gomberg, [re: expressing congratulations for Langmuir Award] September 2, 1931.
Correspondence: with Oscar Rice, [re: expressing congratulations for Langmuir Award] September 7, 1931.
Correspondence: from Paul D. V. Manning, Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, Pacific Coast Editor, [re: expressing congratulations for Langmuir Award] September 11, 1931.
Correspondence: from Phoebe Hogness to AHP, [re: expressing congratulations for Langmuir Award] August 11, 1931.
Correspondence: with Ida Lynn Miller, [re: expressing congratulations for Langmuir Award] August 21, 1931.
Correspondence: from Thorfin Hogness, [re: visitation from LP] August 17, 1931.
Correspondence: from H. M. Randall, [re: invitation to visit] August 17, 1931.
Correspondence: from Paul Azleleow [?] [re: expressing congratulations for Langmuir Award] August 21, 1931.
Correspondence: from N. V. Sidgwick, [re: expressing congratulations for Langmuir Award, August 20, 1931.
Newspaper Clipping: "New Prodigy in Science", Publication Unknown, (Manhattan, Kansas) August 1931.
Newspaper Clipping: "Young Chemist Wins the Langmuir Award", New York Times, August 20, 1931.
Newspaper Photo with Caption: "Win Science Medals", New York Sun, August 20, 1931.
Newspaper Clipping: "Californian, 30, Gets Chemistry Prize of $1,000", New York Herald Tribune, August 20, 1931.
Newspaper Clipping: "Portlander Wins Science $1,000 Prize", Portland Oregon Daily Journal, August 19, 1931.
Newspaper Clipping: "Professors of the Test Tube", Portland Morning Oregonian, August 1931.
Newspaper Clipping: "Langmuir Winner Stumped Einstein", New York Times, August 23, 1931.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling...", [re: Langmuir Award] New York Herald Tribune, August 26, 1931.
Newspaper Clipping: "Wins Langmuir Prize", New York Sun, August 19, 1931.
Newspaper Clipping: "Incentive", New York Sun, August 20, 1931.
Magazine Article: "Prizemen", Time, August 31, 1931.
Newspaper Clipping: "The Langmuir Prize", Buffalo (New York) Courier-Express, August 31, 1931.
Newspaper Photo with Caption: "Youthful Winner of Science Honor", New York Herald Tribune, August 30, 1931.
Newspaper Clipping: "Processional", New York Evening Post, August 26, 1931.
Newspaper Clipping: "Young Caltech Scientist Wins Wide Recognition", Los Angeles Evening Express, August 1931.
Newspaper Clipping: "California Man First Winner of Chemical Prize", Christian Science Monitor, September 1931.
Newspaper Clipping: "Honor Paid to Niagara Falls Manufacturer", Buffalo (New York) Courier-Express, September 3, 1931.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemistry Medal Presented to Tone", Buffalo (New York) Evening News, September 3, 1931.
Newspaper Clipping: "A Thirty-Year-Old Prize Winner Who Once Stumped Einstein", New York Sun, September 4, 1931.
Newspaper Clipping: "California Man First Winner of Chemical Prize", Christian Science Monitor, September 3, 1931.
Newspaper Photo with Caption: "Research Rewarded", Buffalo (New York) Evening News, September 3, 1931.
Newspaper Photo with Caption: "Chemists Honor Science Prodigy", Clarksburg (West Virginia) Exponent, September 6, 1931.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling's Work", Los Angeles Times, September 20, 1931.
Program: Program of the Eighty-Second Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Western New York Section, August 31 - September 4, 1931.
Program and Menu: American Chemical Society, Eighty-Second Meeting, Subscription Dinner, Buffalo, New York, August 31, 1931.
Magazine Article: "We Congratulate Dr. Linus Pauling...", Nation, vol. CXXXIII, no. 3452, September 2, 1931.
Publication: Double Bond, Jr., August 31, 1931.
Publication: Double Bond, Jr., September 1, 1931.
Newsletter Article: "Simplicity of Eigen-Function is Demonstrated", Double Bond, Jr., September 3, 1931.
Magazine Article: "The New American Chemical Society Award", Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, vol. 23, no. 9, September 1931.
Magazine Article: "Buffalo Material Available for Entertainment", Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, vol. 9, no. 18, September 20, 1931.
Bulletin Article: "The Buffalo Meeting", Chemical Bulletin, September 1931.
Bulletin Article: "Chemist Uses Head", Chemical Bulletin, October 1931.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemical Crystal's Secrets Revealed by Dr. L. Pauling", Portland Sunday Oregonian, October 25, 1931.
Newspaper Clipping: "Gifted", Los Angeles Times, December 6, 1931.
Article: "Pauling, Linus Carl", [published vita] Publication Unknown, [?] 1931.
Magazine Article: "Guggenheim Fellowships", Publication Unknown, 1932.
Newspaper Clipping: "Beaver Grads Who Made Good", Oregon State College Daily Barometer, December 8, 1931.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientists Publish New Journal Jan. 1", New York Times, December 23, 1932.
Newspaper Clipping: "Large Audience Hears Pauling", [sic] Santa Barbara (California) Morning Press, March 4, 1933.
Magazine Article: "Brightest Young Man", Time, April 11, 1932.
Newspaper Clipping: "Editorial Board", [listing of board members] Publication Unknown, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "College Seniors Given Diplomas", Corvallis (Oregon) Gazette-Times, June 5, 1933.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Gets Honor", [re: election to National Academy of Sciences] Publication Unknown, 1933.
Newspaper Photo with Caption: "Oregon Men Honored at Oregon State College Commencement", Publication Unknown, June 1933.
Newspaper Clipping: "At Only Thirty-Two", Oregon Daily Journal, June 8, 1933.
Magazine Article: "The Oxygen Equilibrium of Hemoglobin and its Structural Interpretation", Science, [Pauling annotation: "Nat. Ac. Sci. meeting"] May 3, 1935.
Newspaper Clipping: "Young Savant", Pasadena (California) Post, September 27, 1933.
Magazine Article: "The Magnetic Properties and Structure of Hemoglobin and Related Substances", Science, [Pauling Annotation: "Nat. Ac. Sci. meeting"] May 22, 1936.
Newspaper Clipping: "What's New in the Progress of Science", Los Angeles Times Sunday Magazine, June 23, 1935.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling Gets College Job", Portland Oregonian, May 9, 1937.
Program and Menu: Iowa Chapter Society of the Sigma Xi, Initiation and Annual Dinner, April 20, 1936.
Newspaper Clipping: "Young Chemist Succeeds Noyes", Los Angeles Times, May 5, 1937.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Durand Addresses Final Convocation Today", Oregon State College Daily Barometer, 1935. [?].
Article: "Modern Structural Chemistry", Catalyst, vol. 20, no. 4, April 1935.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling Will Go North", Pasadena (California) Star-News, May 8, 1937.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling New Chairman of Department", California Tech, May 6, 1937.
Newspaper Clipping: "Local Chapter of Sigma Xi Affiliates with National", Oregon State College Daily Barometer, May 11, 1937.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus Pauling Made Caltech Chemical Head", Pasadena (California) Post, May 5, 1937.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Heads Cal Tech Dept.", Los Angeles [?] Examiner, 1937.
Newspaper Clipping: "Honored Again", Pasadena (California) Post, May 9, 1936.
Flyer: Baker Lectureship in Chemistry, Cornell University, October 12, 1937.
Newspaper Clipping: "Noted California Chemist Will Begin Ithaca Lectures Tuesday", Publication Unknown, (Syracuse, N.Y.) October 11, 1937.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemistry Lecture Heard by 100", Ithaca (New York) Journal, October 13, 1937.
Newspaper Clipping: "Caltech Chemist Named Editor", Pasadena (California) Star-News, December 1, 1937.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus Pauling to Talk Here", Cornell University (Ithaca, New York) Daily Sun, October 12, 1937.
Newspaper Photo with Caption: "Distinguished Educator Guest in Pasadena", Los Angeles [?] Times, September 1937.
Newspaper Clipping: "Baker Lecture Series Announced", Publication Unknown, 1937.
Newspaper Clipping: "Prof. Pauling to Be Honored", Ithaca (New York) Journal, November 6, 1937.
Program: Dedication of the Crellin Laboratory of Chemistry, California Institute of Technology, May 16, 1938.
Reprint: "The Future of the Crellin Laboratory", Science, vol. 87, no. 2269, pp. 563-566, June 24, 1938.
Article: "Chemistry Seminar", California Institute of Technology Alumni Review, March 1939.
Newspaper Photo with Caption: "Officers of Scientific Association", Milwaukee Evening Post, June 20, 1939.
Newspaper Clipping: "These Men of Science are Practical Fellows", Milwaukee Journal, June 19, 1939.
Program: Dedication of Chemistry Hall, Oregon State College, December 2, 1939.
Article: "Dr. Linus Pauling...", [re: Nichols Medal] The Hexagon, (Alpha Chi Sigma) vol. XXXI, no. 4, January 1941.
Newspaper Photo with Caption: "Honored by American Chemical Society", [re: Nichols Medal] New York Times, March 8, 1941.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemistry Award Goes to Dr. Pauling", New York Times, March 8, 1941.
Article: "Linus Pauling", The Hexagon, (Alpha Chi Sigma) vol. XXXI, no. 1, October 1940.
Newspaper Clipping: "Mr. Pauling to Speak at Open Lecture", Wellesley College News, April 25, 1940.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. J. B. Conant Pays Honor to 'Tech Chemist", Pasadena (California) Post, March 28, 1940.
Newspaper Clipping: "Aid for Children Ready Here", Pasadena (California) Star-News, July 11, 1940.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nichols Medal Awarded to California Chemist", New York Times, October 25, 1940.
Newspaper Clipping: "Sees Germ 'Cure'", Pasadena (California) Post, April 24, 1940.
Newspaper Clipping: "Mr. Pauling Gives Lecture", Wellesley College News, May 2, 1940.
Newspaper Clipping: "'Streitists' Urge Federal Union of Britain, America", Pasadena (California) Post, July 23, 1940.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Honored with Nichols Medal", Publication Unknown, October 1940.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Given Chemistry Medal", Publication Unknown, October 1940.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Honored by Chemical Society", Publication Unknown, October 1940.
Magazine Article and Photos: "Appreciation", The Hexagon, (Alpha Chi Sigma) October 1940.
Newspaper Clipping: "Caltech Savant Wins Chemical Society Award", Pasadena (California) Post, October 25, 1940.
Magazine Article: "Linus Pauling Wins Nichols Medal", Oil, Paint and Drug Reporter, October 28, 1940.
Magazine Article: "A.C.S. Award to Be Presented to Folkers", News Edition, 1940 [?].
Program: William H. Nichols Medal Meeting, New York, March 7, 1941.
Article: "William H. Nichols Medal Meeting", The Indicator, vol. XXII, no. 3, March 1941.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nichols Chemistry Medal Awarded to Dr. Pauling", Publication Unknown, October 1940.
Newspaper Clipping: "High Chemistry Honor Gained by Caltech's Prof. Linus Pauling", Publication Unknown, October 1940.
Article: "Felicitations, Dr. Pauling", Chemistry in Action, November 1940.
Magazine Article: "Award of the William H. Nichols Medal of the New York Section of the American Chemical Society", Science, November 1, 1940.
Magazine Article: "Honorary Degrees to be Conferred at the Fiftieth Anniversary of the University of Chicago", Science, May 30, 1941.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nichols Medal Awarded to California Chemist", New York Times, October 15, 1940.
Article: "Symposium on Proteins Held", Publication Unknown, 1941. [?].
Article: "Pauling Receives Nichols Medal", Publication Unknown, 1941.
Magazine Article: "Pauling Awarded Nichols Medal", Chemical and Engineering News, 1941.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling Wins Chemical Society Award", New York Herald Tribune, October 25, 1940.
Correspondence: from ?, [re: pH and acid] No Date.
Journal Article: "The Significance of Urinary pH: Critical Observations", Annals of Internal Medicine, v. 14, no. 7, January 1941.
Journal Article: "Control of Urine Reaction", American Journal of the Medical Sciences, v. 200, no. 1, pp. 84-96, July 1940.
Newspaper Clipping: "Bolster U.S. Schools to Save Democracy, Conant Pleads", Chicago Daily News, September 29, 1941.
Magazine Article: "Honorary Degrees Conferred at the Fiftieth Anniversary of the University of Chicago", Science, October 3, 1941.
Invitation: "Luncheon for the scholars and scientists who are to receive honorary degrees at the fiftieth anniversary celebration", September 27, 1941.
Magazine Article: "Serums from Flasks?", Time, March 30, 1942.
Press Release: "Disease-Fighting Blood Substance Formed Artificially in Laboratory Flasks, Confirming Theory of Molecular Changes in Immunization", March 13, 1942.
Article: "Linus Carl Pauling", Phi Lambda Upsilon Register, January 1942.
Program: December Meeting, California Section of the American Chemical Society, Berkeley, California, The Vortex, December 13, 1943.
Program: January Meeting, Chicago Section of the American Chemical Society, January 27, 1944.
Article: "Linus Pauling and the Stieglitz Memorial Lecture", Publication Unknown, 1944.
Article fragment: "Imagination in Science?", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "California Scientist Wins Pure Chemistry Award", Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania) Post-Gazette, September 9, 1943.
Newspaper Clipping: "Freshmen's Favorite Lecturer Holds Many Academic Honors", California Tech, January 20, 1944.
Magazine Article: "Linus Carl Pauling...", [biographical sketch] Chemical and Engineering News, November 25, 1943.
Newspaper Photo with Caption: "Make Plasma Substitute", Publication Unknown, 1945.
Bulletin Article: "A Great New Vista", Industrial Bulletin, no. 180, July 1942.
Magazine Article: "Linus Carl Pauling", [biographical sketch] American Chemical Society News, September 10, 1942.
Newspaper Clipping: "Immunity to Pneumonia III Believed Achieved in Test Tube", New York Sun, August 21, 1942.
Newspaper Clipping: "California Scientists Develop Synthetic Pneumonia Serum", Salt Lake City (Utah) Tribune, 1942.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling, Campbell Find Process to Create Antibodies Chemically", California Tech, November 5, 1942.
Newspaper Clipping: "Synthetic Antibodies", New York Times, March 22, 1942.
Newspaper Clipping: "New Kind of Synthetic Medicine Made", Oregon Journal, 1942.
Magazine Article: "Science in the News", [re: "artificial antigens to fight disease"] Science Digest, June 1942.
Newspaper Photo with Caption: "Develop Substitute for Blood Plasma", New York Times, February 15, 1945.
Newspaper Clipping: "Savant Reveals Serum Discovery", Pasadena (California) Star-News, January 28, 1945.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemists Find Gelatin for Use as Blood Plasma", Publication Unknown, 1945.
Newspaper Clipping: "Artificial Plasma", Publication Unknown, 1945.
Newspaper Clipping: "Caltech Bares Plasma of Nontoxic Gelatin", Pasadena (California) Star-News, February 14, 1945.
Newspaper Clipping: "Caltech Men Find Plasma Substitute", Daily News, February 14, 1945.
Newspaper Clipping: "Paint Jap Flag on Garage of Scientist Who Hired Nisei Awaiting Army Call", Pasadena (California) Post, March 7, 1945.
Newspaper Clipping: "'Pranks' Backfired", Pasadena (California) Star-News, March 7, 1945.
Newspaper Clipping: "Vandalism Follows Hiring of U.S.-Jap", Los Angeles Times, March 7, 1945.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientist Who Engaged Jap Gardener Gets Threat Note", Los Angeles Times, March 10, 1945.
Newspaper Clipping: "Jap Flag Painted on Garage Door", Los Angeles Examiner, March 7, 1945.
Newspaper Clipping: "Vandalism Aimed at Evacuees Reported in Pasadena Area", Pacific Citizen, March 17, 1945.
Newspaper Clipping: "Jap Flag Painting Probe Begun by Police Here", Pasadena (California) Star-News, March 7, 1945.
Program: Eighth Annual Seminar of the Alumni Association, California Institute of Technology, April 22, 1945.
Newspaper Clipping: "Medical Research Lagging in Southern California, Caltech Chemistry Head Says", Pasadena (California) Star-News, September 21, 1945.
Program: January Meeting of the Chicago Section of the American Chemical Society, January 27, 1944.
Newspaper Clipping: "Prompt Use of Nazis' Scientific Data Proposed to Make More Jobs in U.S.", Los Angeles Times, November 25, 1945.
Newspaper Clipping: "Reed, Logan Battle Today for ASB President Post", Pasadena (California) Chronicle, January 11, 1946.
Newspaper Clipping: "Fight Slows on China Fronts as Leaders Prep for Truce", Daily Pacifican, December 21, 1945.
Correspondence: LP to Elizabeth Gillette ("Aunt Lizzie"), [re: family information] January 18, 1946.
Correspondence: from Elizabeth Gillette, [re: family information] December 16, 1945.
Press Release: "Great Advances in Medicine and Biology to Come From Study of Sizes and Shapes of Molecules; Specific Action of Drugs Explained by Molecular Configuration", February 1, 1946.
Newspaper Clipping: "Shapes of Molecules Provide new Approach to Biology", Pasadena (California) Star-News, February 5, 1946.
Magazine Article: "Rochester Section Inaugurates Harrison E. How Lectures", Chemical and Engineering News, vol. 24, no. 4, February 25, 1946.
Program: First Harrison Howe Memorial Lecture, Rochester (N.Y.) Section, American Chemical Society, February 4, 1946.
Newspaper Clipping: "Caltech Chemist Awarded Gibbs Medal", Pasadena (California) Star-News, June 4, 1946.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling Wins Award", Los Angeles Times, June 5, 1946.
Program: The George Westinghouse Centennial Forum, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 17, 1946.
Newspaper Clipping: "Caltech Chemists Pry Into Unseen", Los Angeles Times, May 18, 1946.
Newspaper Photo with Caption: "Tonight's the Night...", Pasadena (California) Chronicle, April 5, 1946.
Magazine Article: "Molecular Architecture and Biological Reactions", Chemical and Engineering News, vol. 24, no. 10, May 25, 1946.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling to Get Gibbs Medal", Pasadena (California) Star-News, June 14, 1946.
Magazine Article: "Gibbs Medal Awarded to Pauling", Chemical and Engineering News, vol. 24, no. 10, May 25, 1946.
Press Release: "Willard Gibbs Medal Given to Linus Pauling", Science Service, June 5, 1946.
Invitation: Cocktail Party in Honor of Linus Pauling, Willard Gibbs Medalist for 1946, Chicago Chemists Club, June 14, 1946.
Announcement: "The Willard Gibbs Medal Jurors announce the selection of Dr. Linus Pauling, California Institute of Technology, as the recipient of the Thirty-Fifth Willard Gibbs Award", Chemical Bulletin, 1946.
Program: Pacific Division of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Twenty-Seventh Annual Meeting, University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada, June 17-22, 1946.
Newspaper Clipping: "Determining Structure of Giant Molecules Declared Most Pressing Problem Facing Biological Chemists", Nevada State Journal, June 20, 1946.
Magazine Article: "Linus Pauling Awarded Gibbs Medal", Chemical and Engineering News, vol. 24, no. 13, July 10, 1946.
Magazine Photo with Caption: "Linus Pauling", Chemical Metallurgical Engineering, July 1946.
Speech Abstract: "Modern Structural Chemistry", The Chemical Bulletin, 1946.
Article: "Pauling Awarded Gibbs Medal for Work on Structural Chemistry", Drug, Vitamin and Allied Industries, June 1946.
Article: "Dr. Linus Pauling...", [re: Gibbs Medal] Steel, June 17, 1946.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling Wins '46 Willard Gibbs Medal", Chicago Daily Tribune, 1946.
Newspaper Clipping: "Cancer Study Leans on Ancient Theory", New York World-Telegram, June 15, 1946.
Newspaper Clipping: "Californian Wins Society's Medal", Washington (D.C.) News, July 9, 1946.
Newspaper Clipping: "Ancient Theory Used in Cancer War", Richmond (Virginia) Times Dispatch, July 23, 1946.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Hails Advances Made by Chemistry", Chicago Daily Tribune, June 15, 1946.
Magazine Cover: "Linus Pauling -- Willard Gibbs Medalist, 1946", Chemical Bulletin, June 1946.
Article: "Linus Pauling", Chemical Bulletin, June 1946.
Newspaper Clipping: "Here's News on Molecule", Publication Unknown, 1946.
Program: "Thirty Fifth Award, Willard Gibbs Medal, Founded by William A. Converse, June 14, 1946, Chicago Section American Chemical Society".
Program Fragment: "Speakers Table", [seating arrangement] No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Will Address ACS Society", Pasadena Junior College Chronicle, March 26, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "To Head Chemists", New York World-Telegram, December 26, 1947.
Program: "Roster of Guests" The George Westinghouse Centennial Forum, Pittsburgh, Pa, May 16-18, 1946.
Publication: "Candidates for ACS President", Isotopics, November 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Richards Medal Given to California Chemist", New York Times, May 9, 1947.
Program: California Institute of Technology, The Inauguration of Lee Alvin Dubridge as President of the Institute, Pasadena, California, November 12, 1946.
Newspaper Clipping: "Caltech Professor Going to Oxford", Publication Unknown, 1947. [?].
Article: "Linus Pauling...", [re: Oxford fellowship] Publication Unknown, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "The Faraday Lecture", Publication Unknown, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Use of Uranium Energy in Place of Coal Foreseen", Publication Unknown, 1947. [?].
Newsletter: "Plea for Peace", People's Peace, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Explains Antibody Specificity in Terms of Stereochemical Relation", Drug Trade News, October 21, 1946.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemical Society Hears California Professor", Elizabeth (New Jersey) Journal, October 15, 1946.
Program: Hollywood Academy of Medicine, Dinner Meeting, November 14, 1946.
Invitation: Conference on the Chemistry and Physiology of Growth, Princeton University, September 27-30, 1946.
Newspaper Clipping: "Radio Group Officials Linked to Communists", Los Angeles Times, December 20, 1946.
Newspaper Clipping: "Oxygen Meter Has Its Postwar Uses", Times, March 9, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Caltech Scientist Develops Delicate Oxygen Analyzer", Pasadena (California) Independent, March 9, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Atom Subject of Scientists", Portland Oregonian, April 20, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Cambridge Honors Caltech Professor", Los Angeles Examiner, March 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemists Honor Dr. Linus Pauling", Pasadena (California) Star-News, April 12, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling of Caltech Honored", Los Angeles Herald & Express, April 12, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Medal Award", Boston Post, April 13, 1947.
Magazine Photo with Caption: "Wins Richards Medal", Oil, Paint & Drug Reporter, April 21, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemist Wins Science Awards", Jamaica (New York) Long Island Press, April 24, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "To Get Degree", Pasadena (California) Star-News, March 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Awarded Richards Medal", New York Journal of Commerce, April 12, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Announces Award to Dr. Linus Pauling", Los Angeles News, April 12, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Honored by Chemistry Group", Washington News, April 23, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemists Honor Dr. Linus Pauling", Pasadena (California) Star-News, April 12, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Atomic Energy Scientists Pessimistic as to Control", Portland Oregonian, April 22, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Today's Guest Editorial -- Our Atomic Duty", Oregon Daily Journal, April 29, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "L.A. Told 500 A-Bomb Blasts Would Kill All Life in World", Los Angeles Daily News, May 29, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Richards Medal Given to California Chemist", New York Times, May 8, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Atom Energy to Distill Ocean Water Forecast", Publication Unknown, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Richards Medal Given to California Chemist", New York Times, May 9, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Wallace Starts Peace Crusade", Publication Unknown, May 13, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Predicts New Bomb Would Kill Million", Pasadena (California) Star-News, May 21, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Wallace Bowl Ban Stirs Gilmore Meet Ticket Sale", Hollywood (California) Press Times, May 14, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling Wins Richards Chemistry Honor", Pasadena (California) Star-News, May 8, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling to Speak at Wallace Rally", Pasadena (California) Star-News, May 12, 1947.
Article: "Determination Keynotes Convention -- Delegates Register Demand for Quick Completion of Rural Power Objective", Rural Electrification, May 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Sees Power for 100 Million Years in 1-year Atom Mining", Los Angeles Daily News, May 21, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Announce award to Dr. Linus Pauling", Publication Unknown, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling to Get Degree at Cambridge", Pasadena (California) Star-News, May 28, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientist Warns of Bombs", San Diego Union, May 25, 1947.
Pamphlet: "The Nature of Atomic Energy and its Peacetime Significance", speech by Linus Pauling, Conference on The Citizen's Role in the Atomic Age, Los Angeles, May 28, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Caltech Scientist Honored", Pasadena (California) Star-News, June 16, 1947.
Invitation: The Sixth International Congress for Experimental Cytology, Stockholm, July 12, 1947.
Invitation: Marguerites' Ball, Christ's College, University of Cambridge, June 9, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Noted Figures Take Degrees on Thursday", Varsity, June 7, 1947.
Program: Awarding of Honorary Doctorate at Clare College, Cambridge University, June 12, 1947.
Menu: Awarding of Honorary Doctorate at Clare College, Cambridge University, June 12, 1947.
Menu: The Natural Science Club, St. John's College, Oxford University, June 13, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Cytologfruarna sg nytt verk av Milles", Stockholm Tidningen, July 13, 1947.
Invitation: Centenary Celebrations of the Chemical Society, London, July 15-17, 1947.
Menu: Luncheon for Ladies Attending the Centenary Celebrations, July 15, 1947.
Speech Announcement: The Chemical Society Centenary Address, C. N. Hinshelwood, London, July 15, 1947.
Invitation: Centenary Celebration Luncheon, London, July 15, 1947.
Program: Centenary Celebrations Programme, Registration List and List of Societies Represented at the Celebrations, London, July 14-17, 1947.
Menu: Centenary Celebration Dinner, July 16, 1947.
Seating Arrangement: Centenary Celebration Luncheon, July 15, 1947.
Invitation: Centenary Celebration Conferment of Honorary Degrees and Dinner, July 16, 1947.
Menu: Dinner, XIth International Congress of Pure & Applied Chemistry, London, July 18, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "University News, Oxford", Times (London), June 26, 1947.
Invitation: Informal Reception, XIth International Congress of Pure & Applied Chemistry, London, July 16, 1947.
Newspaper Photo with Caption: "Dr. Linus Pauling...", [re: Cambridge honorary doctorate] Engineering and Science, June 1947.
Invitation: Gathering of Ladies Attending the XIth International Congress of Pure & Applied Chemistry, London, July 22, 1947.
Menu: Dinner in Honor of the Congress Lecturers, XIth International Congress of Pure & Applied Chemistry, London, July 24, 1947.
Article: "Sheff Centennial Celebration", Yale Alumni Magazine, November 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "$75,000,000 A Year Asked for Science", New York Times, September 19, 1947.
Magazine Article: "ACS Candidates for 1948", Chemical and Engineering News, vol. 25, no. 42, October 20, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Better World Via Science Promised by Harvard Prof", Atlantic City (New Jersey) Press, September 20, 1947.
Magazine Article: "Linus Pauling and George Beadle...", [re: honorary doctorates from Yale] Science, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling will be Speaker", Publication Unknown, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Atomic Radiation in Various Fields and Role of the Scientist Stressed at Symposium", Publication Unknown, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Yale Honorary Degrees Awarded to Caltech Men", Publication Unknown, October 18, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientists, Women Voters, AVC Protest County Loyalty Check", Pasadena Independent, November 25, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Atom Expert to Speak Here Wednesday", Publication Unknown, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Licenses to Wed", [re: Linus Pauling Jr. and Anita Oser] Pasadena Star-News, September 19, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Caltech Scientist's Son to Wed Rockefeller, McCormick Scion", Los Angeles Times, September 19, 1947.
Speech Announcement: "Atomic Energy, a Discussion by Representatives of the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists", Reed College, Portland, Oregon, April 21, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "British Davy Medal Won by Pauling, U.S. Chemist", New York Times, November 15, 1947.
Magazine Article: "Grants and Awards", Science, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Royal Society Honors Pauling with 'Davy Medal' in Chemistry", Publication Unknown, November 21, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Election of Dr. Linus C. Pauling...", [re: ACS presidency] Minneapolis Star-Journal, December 24, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemical Society Picks Californian as Chief", St. Paul (Minn.) Dispatch, December 24, 1947.
Reprint: "Address of the President Sir Robert Robinson, at the Anniversary Meeting, 1 December 1947". [re: Davy Medal].
Article: "Statements by Candidates for President of the A.C.S.", Isotopics, vol. XXIII, no. 7, November 1947.
Article: "ACS Elects Pauling President for 1949", Oil, Paint & Drug Reporter, December 29, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus Pauling Wins London's 'Davy Medal'", Publication Unknown, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Atomic Energy", Publication Unknown, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemists Elect", New York Journal of Commerce, December 24, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemists Pick Pauling", Hollywood Citizen News, December 24, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "New President", Pittsburgh Press, December 26, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemist", Boston Post, December 27, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Heads Chemical Society", Visalia (Calif.) Times-Delta, December 24, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemical Society Honors Caltech Professor", Flint (Mich.) Journal, December 25, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "To Head Chemists", New York World-Telegram, December 26, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus C. Pauling", New York Journal of Commerce, December 29, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Elected", New York World-Telegram, December 24, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "American Chemical Society Head", Columbus (Neb.) Telegram, December 24, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Public to Hear Atom Scientists", Publication Unknown, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Top Chemist", Detroit News, December 26, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus C. Pauling Is President-Elect", York (Neb.) News-Times, December 24, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemists Pick New Officers", Jackson (Mich.) Citizen Patriot, December 25, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemical Society Elects Californian as Its Head", New York Times, December 24, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "The election of...", McCook (Neb.) Gazette, December 24, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "The election of...", Oakland Tribune, December 24, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling to Head Chemists", Seattle Times, December 24, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "The election of...", Monticello (Ind.) Journal, December 24, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemists' Chief", Oregon City (Ore.) Enterprise, December 31, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Caltech Aid Head of Chemical Unit", Los Angeles Times, December 24, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Chosen ACS President-Elect to Succeed Thomas", New York News Record, December 24, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Heads Society", La Porte (Ind.) Herald-Argus, December 24, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Californian Will Head American Chemical Society", Lincoln (Neb.) State Journal, December 25, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Will Head A.C.S.", New York Journal of Commerce, December 29, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nation's Chemists Elect Pauling ACS President", New York Journal of Commerce, December 24, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemists Elect Head", Washington News, December 24, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemical Society Elects", Omaha (Neb.) Morning World-Herald, December 24, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Heads Chemical Group", New York News, December 24, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Heads Chemical Group", New York News, December 24, 1947.
Newspaper Clipping: "Portland Scientist, New Head of Chemical Society, Billed", The Oregonian1948.
Article: "Chemists Elect Pauling", Chemical Industries, January 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "He Taught a Scientist of the Atomic Age", Oregon Journal, January 24, 1948.
Article: "Dr. Linus C. Pauling...", [re: ACS presidency] Drug and Allied Industries, January 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling -- Royal Society Elects Caltech Expert", Publication Unknown, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Future of Blood Plasma Substitute Under Study", Publication Unknown, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemists' Chief", Orange (Calif.) News, January 6, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Explosive Platform Given Wallace at PCA Parley", Los Angeles Daily News, January 19, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemists Will Hear Dr. Linus Pauling", Publication Unknown, (Seattle, Wash.) 1948.
Article: "ACS Officers", Iron Age, January 29, 1948.
Article: "Educator to Head ACS", Michigan Architect and Engineer, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "President-Elect of the ACS", New York Journal of Commerce, April 19, 1948.
Article: "Linus Pauling, Atomic Architect", Science Illustrated, May 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Professor Pauling's Lecture", The Yorkshire Post and Leeds Mercury, May 4, 1948.
Flyer: "Structural Basis of Physiological Activity of Proteins", Oxford University Medical Society, February 3, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Rites Set", [re: funeral for Edward W. Crellin] Pasadena (California) Star-News, May 18, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Professor Pauling's Lecture", The Yorkshire Post and Leeds Mercury, May 4, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "University News -- Oxford", [re: LP honorary doctorate from Oxford] 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemist Honored", [re: election to Royal Society] Christian Science Monitor, July 19, 1948.
Pamphlet: "X-Ray Diffraction Studies of Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins", Pauling booth in Exhibit Section, First International Poliomyelitis Conference, New York, July 12-17, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Will Head A.C.S.", New York Journal of Commerce, August 30, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "U.S. Embassy Denies Report of Restraint", Mexico City Herald, September 8, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "U.S. Chemist Elected by Royal Society", New York Sun, July 13, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "New Scientist Head Raps Un-American Committee", Bakersfield Californian, September 8, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Will Be Chairman of Red Dean's Talk", Publication Unknown, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Royal Society of London Honors American Chemist", New York Times, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling -- Royal Society Elects Caltech Expert", Los Angeles Herald-Express, July 17, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientist Flays Thomas Committee", San Jose News, September 8, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientist Flays Thomas Probers", Stockton (Calif.) Record, September 8, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemists' Leader Hits House Un-Americans", The Daily Worker, September 9, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemical Society Head Charges Probe Committee", Cushing (Okla.) Citizen, September 9, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "President-Elect of Chemists Criticizes Thomas Committee For Treatment of Scientists", St. Louis (Missouri) Star-Times, September 8, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "President-Elect of Chemists Criticizes Thomas Committee For Treatment of Scientists", St. Louis (Missouri) Star-Times, September 9, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Portland Session to Draw 3000 Outstanding Chemists", Portland Sunday Oregonian, September 12, 1948.
Program: "Royal Institution of Great Britain Lectures Before Easter 1948, Friday Evening Discourses and Courses of Afternoon Lectures", No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemist Criticizes Thomas Committee", Norman (Oklahoma) Transcript, September 10, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemist Assails Un-American Unit", Port Arthur (Texas) News, September 9, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemical Group Head Hits Thomas Panel", Austin (Texas) American, September 9, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemists Head Blasts House Spy Inquiry", Belleville (Illinois) News-Democrat, September 9, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Men of Science", St. Louis Globe Democrat, September 9, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "World Shortage of Scientists Seen by Savant", Pasadena (California) Star-News, September 18, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Europe Found in Need of More Scientists", Publication Unknown, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Noted Scientists to Give Papers As U.S. Chemists Gather in City", Portland Oregonian, September 14, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Princeton Man Tells of New Plastic Roads", Oregon Journal, September 14, 1948.
Newsletter Article: "House Committee is Called 'Inhumane'", Science News Letter, September 18, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Will Address Chemists", Hollywood (California) Citizen-News, September 30, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "More Scientists, Chemists Needed", Tacoma (Washington) Times, September 17, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling to Speak", Los Angeles Times, October 1, 1948.
Article: "Honors and Awards", Engineering and Science Monthly, February 1949.
Article: "October Meeting", SCALACS, October 1948.
Article: "Follow-Up", [re: election to Royal Society] Science Illustrated, November 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "University Chemists' Group Has Meeting", Laramie (Wyoming) Boomerang, October 5, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemists to Hear Californian Friday", Denver (Colorado) News, October 17, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling to Speak at I. U. Wednesday", Indianapolis (Indiana) Star, October 18, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Carl Pauling Noted Chemist to Speak At University", Boulder (Colorado) Camera, October 18, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Expert Plans Denver Talk", Denver (Colorado) Post, October 19, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemical Society Head Here", Seattle Times, October 12, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dinner for Chemists", Denver (Colorado) Post, October 15, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemist to Speak at Wyoming U", Cheyenne (Wyoming) St. Tribune, October 21, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemical Society Will Hear Speaker", Sheridan (Wyoming) Press, October 21, 1948.
Invitation: Convocation on the Occasion of the Presentation of Medals for Merit for Outstanding War Service, California Institute of Technology, October 4, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Honors Due 5 Caltech Scientists", Pasadena (California) Star-News, October 3, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemical Society Leader to Speak", Indianapolis (Indiana) Times, October 20, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling Will Speak Monday", Laramie (Wyoming) Branding Iron, October 21, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemist Says Antibodies in Blood Cause Allergies", Denver (Colorado) Post, October 23, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Utah Chemists Will Honor National Head", Salt Lake City (Utah) Tribune, October 25, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Eminent Chemist Speaks to U. Science Gathering", Salt Lake City (Utah) Telegram, October 27, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemical Society Chief to Speak", Salt Lake City (Utah) Telegram, October 22, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemical Society to Hear Leader", Salt Lake City (Utah) Telegram, October 26, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Coast Savant to Address Chemistry Unit", Salt Lake City (Utah) Desert News, October 26, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Noted Chemist Claims Probe Endangers U.S. Research", Salt Lake City (Utah) Tribune, October 27, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Noted Chemist Marks Gains", Salt Lake City (Utah) Tribune, October 28, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Noted Chemist to Speak at State College", Great Falls (Montana) Tribune, October 27, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Group to Hear CIT Chemist", Salt Lake City (Utah) Tribune, October 23, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling...", Helena (Montana) Independent-Record, October 26, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "State ACS Group to Hear Noted Chemist at College", Bozeman (Montana) Chronicle, October 26, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Gives Address Here to Chemical Society", Laramie (Wyoming) Daily Bulletin, October 26, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Noted Chemist Explains Fight on Organisms", Salt Lake City (Utah) Desert News, October 28, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemist Outlines New Process", Salt Lake City (Utah) Telegram, October 28, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Eminent Chemist to Lecture Here", Moscow (Idaho) Argonaut, October 29, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemistry Leader to Address Meet", Portland Oregonian, October 31, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Portland Scientist, New Head of Chemical Society, Billed", Portland Oregonian, November 1, 1948.
Article: "Some New Ideas About Inorganic Complexes", SCALACS, November 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Hear Top Chemist", Coeur d'Alene (Idaho) Press, October 30, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemist to Speak", Spokane (Washington) Spokesman Review, October 31, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Top Scientist Speaking Here", Portland Oregonian, November 1, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Guest Speaker", Hanford (Washington) Works News, November 12, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemist to Speak", Everett (Washington) Herald, November 1, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemistry Leader to Address Meet", Portland Oregonian, October 31, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus Pauling...", [re: University of Paris honorary doctorate] Publication Unknown, 1948.
Article: "Among five California Institute of Technology...", [re: Medals for Merit] Chemical and Engineering News, November 15, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemists' President to Speak at Univ.", Seattle Times, October 31, 1948.
Invitation: Dinner at The Sorbonne, Paris, November 27, 1948.
Flyer: "Los Angeles Urological Society Announces Its Third Annual Urologic Post-Graduate Convention, November 14th to 18th", 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemists Elect Dr. E. H. Volwiler", Seattle Times, December 5, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Volwiler Chosen Chemical Society 1950 President", Chicago Journal of Commerce, December 7, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Heads Chemists", Chicago Sun-Times, December 6, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Named President-Elect of the Chemical Society", New York Times, December 7, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemists Elect Head for 1950", Baltimore (Maryland) Morning Sun, December 6, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Volwiler Chosen to Head Chemical Society in '50", Youngstown (Ohio) Vindicator, December 6, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Back After Degree Gift", Los Angeles Daily News, December 13, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. E. H. Volwiler Elected Chemical Society President", Richmond (Virginia) Times Dispatch, December 6, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Volwiler to Head Chemical Society", Houston (Texas) Post, December 6, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemical Society Names Chicagoan President-elect", Houston (Texas) Post, December 6, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemical Society Picks 1950 Slate of Officers", Washington, (D.C.) Star, December 5, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemical Society Elects", Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania) Sun Telegram, December 6, 1948.
Article: "In Short", [re: University of Paris honorary doctorate] Engineering and Science Monthly, December 1948.
Article: "SRO! SRO!...", Sacramento (California) Condensate, (A.C.S. bulletin) December 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemical Society Elects Head", Louisville (Kentucky) Times, December 6, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Illinois Man Named by Chemical Society", Louisville (Kentucky) Courier-Journal, December 6, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemical Society Head", San Francisco Chronicle, December 6, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemical Society Elects", Portland Oregonian, December 5, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemical Society Elects", Omaha (Nebraska) Evening World-Herald, December 6, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemical Society Elects", Omaha (Nebraska) Morning World-Herald, December 6, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. E. H. Volwiler Elected President of Chemists", Publication Unknown, December 5.
Newspaper Clipping: "Atom Energy May Supply L.A. Water", Los Angeles Times, December 11, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Ex-Portlander Heads Chemists", Publication Unknown, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Freshman Chemistry Teachers' Theme", Publication Unknown, 1949.
Article: "Dr. Linus Pauling...", [re: University of Paris honorary doctorate] SCALACS, January 1949.
Magazine Article: "Pauling to Be Edgar Fahs Smith Lecturer", Chemical and Engineering News, January 10, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Atomic Energy May Supply City's Water", Los Angeles Times, December 11, 1948.
Article: "Dr. Linus Pauling to Give East Tennessee Lectureship", Publication Unknown, 1949.
Article: "Linus Pauling...", [re: election to Academy of Sciences of the Institute of France] Publication Unknown, 1949.
Article: "ACS President Linus Pauling...", [re: appointment of representatives] Publication Unknown, 1949.
Magazine Article: "CCNY Alumni Lecture", Chemical and Engineering News, March 21, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "New Chemical Society Unit", New York Herald Tribune, March 21, 1949.
Program: "Caltech Players Present: Maid in the Iceplant", California Tech, March 3, 1949.
Program and Menu: William H. Nichols Medal Meeting, New York, March 11, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Hill Heads New ACS Division", Philadelphia Inquirer, March 18, 1949.
Program: Symposium on Biocatalysis, The Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, March 12, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "New Idea to Advance Medicine", New York Journal of Commerce, March 21, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "N.Y. World Peace Gathering Branded Communist Front", Los Angeles Examiner, March 24, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Universities Need Greater Support From Industry to Push Basic Research", New York Journal of Commerce, March 25, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Defends World Peace Parley", Pasadena (California) Star-News, March 29, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Say Caltech Man Heads 'Sounding Board' for Reds", Pasadena (California) Independent, March 25, 1949.
Article: "Du Pont Announces Grants in Aid", Chemical and Engineering News, 1949.
Magazine Article: "Kolthoff Given Nichols Medal for Analytical Researches", Chemical and Engineering News, vol. 27, no. 13, March 28, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling to Charter Local Chemistry Section", Riverside (California) Enterprise, April 12, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Will Speak at Faraday Lecture", Pasadena (California) Star-News, April 1, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Penicillin Hailed as New Basis for Scientific Progress", San Francisco News, April 2, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemical Group Ends Session", San Francisco Bulletin, April 2, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Hay Fever Research Papers Due", Pasadena (California) Star-News, April 19, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Warns Science Not To Neglect Basic Research", Publication Unknown, April 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Tampa U. Class Day Tomorrow", Tampa (Florida) Times, May 27, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Delivers P.C.C. Faraday Lecture", Pasadena (California) Star-News, April 8, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "'Red' College Professors Under Fire", Pasadena (California) Star-News, May 9, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemist Receives Award", New York Times, May 21, 1949.
Newspaper Photo with Caption: "Something to Talk About", Pasadena (California) Star-News, April 9, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Congratulations", [re: University of Tampa Commencement] Publication Unknown, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Time for Another Tampa U. Commencement", Publication Unknown, 1949.
Article: "Our Speaker This Month", Crucible, May 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Lowell Thomas Heads U. of Tampa Speakers", Tampa (Florida) Daily Times, May 14, 1949.
Newspaper Photo with Caption: "Dr. Linus Pauling...", [re: Edgar Fahs Smith lecture] Drug and Allied Industries, May 1949.
Article: "May Meeting", Crucible, June 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientist Here Predicts Great Future Changes", Tampa (Florida) Daily Times, June 1, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Tampa U. Alumni, Trustees Hear Prominent Speakers", Tampa (Florida) Morning Tribune, June 2, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Lowell Thomas to Get Degree", Tampa (Florida) Daily News, June 2, 1949.
Magazine Photo with Caption: "ACS President Linus Pauling...", [re: receipt of Willard Gibbs medal by Peter Debye] Chemical and Engineering News, June 6, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Claremont Head Urges Red Teachers' Dismissal", Los Angeles Times, June 14, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Would Okeh [sic] Red Teacher Who Remained Out of Party", Los Angeles Daily News, June 14, 1949.
Magazine Article: "Illinois Tech to Dedicate Two Chemistry Buildings", Chemical and Engineering News, June 6, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Educators Debate Red Teachers Issue", Pasadena (California) Star-News, June 14, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Red Tutors Held Unfit by Own Credo", Los Angeles Examiner, June 14, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Wins Paul-Lewis Award for His Work on Biotin", New York Times, August 10, 1949.
Magazine Article: "Gibbs Medal Awarded to Debye", Chemical and Engineering News, vol. 27, no. 23, June 6, 1949.
Magazine Article: "San Gorgonio Gets Charter", Chemical and Engineering News, June 20, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nutrition Expert Wins Garvan Prize", New York Journal of Commerce, August 2, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Lardy Wins Enzyme Chemistry Award", New York Journal of Commerce, August 10, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Caltech Faculty Members Get Research Grant", Pasadena (California) Star-News, August 10, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Noted Analytical Chemist to Receive Fisher Prize", New York Times, August 19, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Sage Wins Oil Chemistry Award", New York Journal of Commerce, September 6, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Peace Parley Greets Critic of Soviet Coldly", New York Post, September 6, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Names Chemistry Award Winner", New York Journal of Commerce, September 12, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling, president of the American Chemical Society, reviewing 116th national meeting of the society", Bridgeport (Connecticut) Post, September 18, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemist Decries A-Bomb Gloom", Philadelphia Inquirer, September 20, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemical Society's Head Urges $75,000,000 Yearly Research", Newark (New Jersey) News, September 20, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Aid Research, Chemist Asks", Milwaukee Journal, September 20, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Television Features", Bridgeport (Connecticut) Post, September 20, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Radio and Television", New York Herald Tribune, September 20, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "ACS President", New York Journal of Commerce, September 19, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemist Sees Better Chance of Atom Pact", Detroit News, September 24, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Basic Research Progress Requires Doubling University Chemical Staffs", New York Journal of Commerce, September 19, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "$75,000,000 A Year Asked for Science", New York Times, September 20, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Desert Fever Checking Drug Tested by Chemical Society", Atlantic City (New Jersey) Union, September 20, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Better World Via Science Promised by Harvard Prof", Atlantic City (New Jersey) Press, September 20, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Benefits for All", Denver (Colorado) Post, September 23, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Basic Research Support Urged", New York Journal of Commerce, September 20, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Sees Better Chance Now of Agreement on Atom Control", Patterson (New Jersey) News, September 24, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientist Sees Peace Hope, Now Reds Have an A-Bomb", Memphis (Tennessee) Press-Scimitar, September 24, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientist Sees Better Chance for Atom Accord", New Bedford (Massachusetts) Standard-Times, September 24, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Red A-Bomb to Speed Control Pact, Chemists' Chief Believes", Oklahoma City Times, September 24, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientist Sees Hope for World-Wide Peace", Mansfield (Ohio) News-Journal, September 24, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Benefits for All", San Angelo (Texas) Evening Standard, September 29, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Atomic Energy Agreement May Be Made Soon", Niagara Falls (New York) Gazette, September 24, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Russia and the Atom Bomb", New York Herald Tribune, September 25, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Comment on Blast", Minneapolis (Minnesota) Star, September 24, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Control Seen Nearer if Russians Can Lose Inferiority Complex", New Haven (Connecticut) Register, September 25, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Bases Research", Rhinelander (Wisconsin) News, September 30, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Secrecy on Atom Called Excessive", New York Times, September 25, 1949.
Program: Congreso Continental Americano Por la Paz, Mexico, September 5-10, 1949.
Program with Manuscript Notes: The Detroit Institute of Cancer Research, Second Annual Scientific Meeting, September 12-14, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Basic Research", Iron Mountain (Michigan) News, September 28, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling OKs Red Teachers", Pasadena (California) Independent, May 10, 1949.
Article: "Millions Urged for Basic Research", Michigan Architect and Engineer, September 1949.
Magazine Article: "Council Raises Dues and Publication Rates", Chemical and Engineering News, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemistry's Legions", Washington (D.C.) Pathfinder, October 5, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientific Research", New Bedford (Massachusetts) Standard-Times, October 4, 1949.
Article: "News and Notes", [re: bicentennial lecture, City College, New York] Publication Unknown, October 28, 1949.
Magazine Article: "The $75,000,000 Question", Newsweek, October 3, 1949.
Magazine Article: "Sunny Skies Greet", Chemical and Engineering News, vol. 27, no. 40, October 3, 1949.
Speech Announcement: "The Scientist As Citizen", Los Angeles Daily News, October 4, 1949.
Program: "The Scientist As Citizen", Unitarian Public Forum, October 7, 1949.
Article: "Labor Strife and Possible Declining Export Prices Create Concern in Process Industries", Chemical Metallurgical Engineering, October 1949.
Article: "Chemists Gather on Boardwalk", Publication Unknown, 1949.
Poster: "Corrido Del Congreso De La Paz", September 1949.
Program: Urology Third Annual Post-Graduate Convention, Los Angeles, November 14-18, 1949.
Article: "Dr. Linus Pauling to Give E. Tenn. ACS Lectureships", Oak Ridge National Laboratory News, November 25, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling to Speak in East Tennessee", Knoxville (Tennessee) Journal, November 27, 1949.
Article: "Pauling to Address NY Alumni", Publication Unknown, 1949.
Magazine Article: "Pauling to Deliver East Tennessee Lecture", Chemical and Engineering News, October 21, 1949.
Article: "CCNY Alumni to Hear Pauling", Oil, Paint and Drug Reporter, November 28, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Head of Chemists Will Speak Here", Springfield (Massachusetts) News, November 28, 1949.
Article: "Valence of Metals Subject of Talk by Dr. Pauling", Oak Ridge National Laboratory News, December 2, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Expert Asserts Some Scientific Text Books Merely Double Talk", Springfield (Massachusetts) News, December 6, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Text Books are 'Double Talk' Dr. Pauling Tells Chemists", Springfield (Massachusetts) Morning Union, December 6, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientific Attack", Cleveland Press, November 30, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientists Are Told of Responsibilities", Knoxville (Tennessee) News-Sentinel, December 2, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Science Lecture at City College", New York Times, December 7, 1949.
Article: "Dr. Pauling Reveals Molecular Structure Research Progress", Oak Ridge National Laboratory News, December 9, 1949.
Newspaper Photo with Caption: "Leaders in Chemistry Field Meet in Portland", Portland Oregonian, September 14, 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Stellar Role of Physical Chemist Cited", by Linus Pauling, Chicago Journal of Commerce, September 19, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "U. of T. to Honor Prominent Guests", University of Tampa (Florida) Minaret, June 1, 1949.
Article: "Dr. Pauling is Tour Speaker for April and May", Southwest Retort, vol. 2, no. 6, March 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Famous Scientists Visit N.B.", St. John (New Brunswick, Canada) Telegraph-Journal, August 31, 1951.
Article: "The Ultimate Decision", Southwest Retort, vol. 2, no. 8, May 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Not Notified of Hawaii Action", Pasadena (California) Star-News, March 28, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "[Univer]sities Need Greater Support [In]dustry to Push Basic Research", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Addis", San Francisco People's World,, June 7, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Services Today for Dr. Addis", San Francisco Chronicle, June 6, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Fund will continue aid given by Dr. Hurwitt", San Francisco (California) People's World, June 10, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Thomas Addis Rites in L.A.", San Francisco Call-Bulletin, June 6, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Addis of Stanford Dies in L.A.", San Francisco Chronicle, June 5, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "To Name French Diagnostic Lab For Late Sausalito Physician", Southern Marin Messenger, December 15, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Laboratory to Commemorate Dr. Thomas Addis", Independent-Journal, December 17, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Thomas Addis, 1881-1949", San Francisco People's World, July 6, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "New 'Sea Water' Plan in N.Y. Crisis", Los Angeles Daily News, December 17, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Tool Checks Oxygen in Air", Jackson, Michigan Citizen-Patriot, January 27, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "New Device Tells How Much Oxygen is Present in Air", Toledo Blade, January 26, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "To Drink the Sea", The Journal, (Lewiston, Maine) December 19, 1949.
Article: "Representatives for ACS", American Chemical Society News, vol. 27, no. 52, December 26, 1949.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus Pauling:", letter to the editor of The Key, January 1950.
Article: "Linus Pauling...", [re: award from Southern California chapter of the National Council of the Arts, Sciences and Professions] Publication Unknown, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Revolt of the Chinese", The Dispatch, (Oneida, New York) December 20, 1949.
Article: "Chemists Are Above Economics", Chemical and Engineering News, January 16, 1950.
Article: "Ernest H. Volwiler Succeeds Pauling as ACS President", Chemical and Engineering News, vol. 28, no. 1, January 2, 1950.
Speech Announcement: "The Atom and Peace in 1950", Crescenta-Canada Democratic Club, La Crescenta, California, February 17, 1950.
Speech Announcement: "Reminder: Dr. Linus Pauling... on The Atom and Peace in 1950", Crescenta-Canada Democratic Club, La Crescenta, California, February 17, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientist Urges U.S., Soviet Begin Talks to End the Threat of Atomic Warfare", New York Times, February 14, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Challenges Urey on Stockpiling Hell Bomb", Sunday Compass, February 12, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Society of Chemists to Hear Californian", Dallas (Texas) News, March 30, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientific Research Valuable in Medicine, Scientist Tells Audience", Telegraph-Journal, February 8, 1950.
Article: "Pauling Challenges Chemists", [reprinted from Isotopics, December 1949] Southwest Retort, February 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Says Red-Capitalism Fight Trivial Compared to New War", Pasadena (California) Star-News, March 14, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemical Society to Meet Thursday", Mobile (Alabama) Press-Register, April 2, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus C. Pauling", Shreveport (Louisiana) Journal, April 3, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling will Speak to Chemical Society", Shreveport (Louisiana) Times, April 2, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "The Hydrogen Bomb", by Linus Pauling, The Key, March 13, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Amer. Chemical Society President to Speak at Tulane April 10", Baton Rouge (Louisiana) Advocate, April 6, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "The Hydrogen Bomb", by Linus Pauling, Key, March 27, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "American Chemical Society president...", New Orleans (Louisiana) Times-Picayune, April 6, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling", Mobile (Alabama) Press, April 6, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemical Society Sets Meeting for Wednesday", Baton Rouge (Louisiana) State Times, April 3, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemical Society to Hear Dr. Pauling", New Orleans (Louisiana) Times-Picayune, April 4, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "California Educator to Address Chemical Meet in Lake Charles", Beaumont (Texas) Enterprise, April 9, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling", Publication Unknown, (Mobile, Alabama) April 6, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "American Chemical Society president...", New Orleans (Louisiana) Times-Picayune, April 6, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemical Society to Hear Teacher from California", Publication Unknown, April 12, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling to Speak", New Orleans (Louisiana) States, April 10, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Speaks for Joint ACS, Sigma Xi Meet", Texas A&M College (College Station) Battalion, April 13, 1950.
Article: "First Year Chemistry -- A Problem", SCALACS, April 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Hints Epochal Find in Medicine", Detroit Times, April 19, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Russia Knows H-Bomb Formula", Houston (Texas) Press, May 2, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus Pauling to Discuss Super Bomb", Pasadena (California) Star-News, May 13, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling Will Speak on Hydrogen Bomb, World Peace", Pasadena (California) Star-News, May 17, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientist Visiting in Mobile Reveals Possible Devastation in H-Bomb Use", Mobile (Alabama) Register, April 7, 1950.
Magazine Photo with Caption: "An overflow crowd was attracted to Linus Pauling's, CalTech, talk before the Division of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry", Chemical and Engineering News, May 1, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling...", [re: talk to San Antonio ACS section] San Antonio (Texas) News, May 4, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "UNM Science Lecturer", Albuquerque (New Mexico) Journal, May 7, 1950.
Speech Program: No Title, dedication ceremonies of the Nathan Goldblatt Memorial Hospital, June 15, 1950.
Magazine Article: Review [by LP] of P. Gombas, Theorie und Losungsmethoden des Mehrteilchenproblems der Wellenmechanik. Basel, Switzerland: Verlag Birkhauser, 1950. Chemical and Engineering News, July 10, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Five Caltech Men Soliciting Funds to Aid Weinbaum", Pasadena (California) Star-News, August 24, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Caltech Man Defends Weinbaum", Los Angeles Examiner, July 30, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Speaks Tonight on Hydrogen Bomb and Peace", Pasadena (California) Star-News, May 18, 1950.
Article: "The Ultimate Decision", by Linus Pauling, Southwest Retort, May 1950.
Program: The American Philosophical Society General Meeting, Philadelphia, April 21, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemical Society to Hear Pauling", Amarillo (Texas) News, May 6, 1950.
Speech Announcement: "A Discussion of the Social and Scientific Implications of the H Bomb", Linus Pauling, [with Richard Lipmann] Medical Council of the Arts, Sciences and Professions, June 8, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Science Speeds Search for Blood Substitute", Pasadena (California) Star-News, June 17, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Against Loyalty Oath", Publication Unknown, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Famous Chemist Will Speak Here Saturday Night", Hamilton (Ontario) Spectator, November 2, 1950.
Article: "Science for You", Shop Talk, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Noted Scientist Speaks Here", Baytown (Texas) Sun, August 29, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "To Speak Here", Ottawa (Ontario) Citizen, October 30, 1950.
Speech Announcement: "The Scientist in Modern Society", speech by Linus Pauling, The Society of Professional Chemists and Engineers, Baytown, Texas, August 29, 1950.
Magazine Article: "Academic Research as a Career", by Linus Pauling, Chemical and Engineering News, vol. 28, no. 46, November 13, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Loyalty Oath Probers Charge many Educators Fail in Duty Toward Youth", Sacramento (California) Examiner Bureau, November, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Academy Will Hear Pauling", Morgantown (West Virginia) Dominion-News, November 14, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Caltech Chemist Belittles Loyalty Oath", Daily News, November 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Says Loyalty Oath Dangerous", Pasadena (California) Star-News, November 13, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Caltech's Pauling Says He's Not a Communist", Publication Unknown, November 16, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Two Teachers Balk on Reply to Query on Link with Reds", Los Angeles Times, November 14, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pasadena Board May Recall Vote to 'Fire' Goslin", Los Angeles Mirror, November 17, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Defies State Question on Communism", Los Angeles Examiner, November 14, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Refuses to Tell if He Was in Red Party", Pasadena (California) Independent, November 14, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Will Seek Facts on 'Both Sides'", Pasadena (California) Star-News, November 14, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Teacher Association Leader Says Group Opposed to Loyalty Oath", Los Angeles Examiner, November 14, 1950.
Article: "Energy and Life", Electronic Medical Digest, Autumn 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "1,000 Refuse to Sign California Loyalty Oath", National Guardian, December 13, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Plasma Substitute Seen Boon in Atomic Attack", Pasadena (California) Star-News, December 3, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemist to Hear California Speaker", Ann Arbor (Michigan) News, December 7, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Gets Grant", [re: NIH blood research grant] Publication Unknown, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Hearing Unchanged", Pasadena (California) Star-News, November 17, 1950.
Newspaper Clipping: "Tech Scientists' New Blood Surrogate Will Save Lives in Case of A-Blast", California Tech, January 11, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "New Blood Extender Developed As Another Plasma Substitute", Pasadena (California) Independent, February 8, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Group Scores 'Loyalty Checks'", Publication Unknown, [?] 1951.
Magazine Article: "Industrial Support of Basic Research Urged", by L.A. DuBridge, Chemical and Engineering News, January 1, 1951.
Speech Announcement: "The Structure of Proteins", American Chemical Society, Southern California Section, January 5, 1951.
Speech Announcement: "The Structure of Antibodies and the Nature of Serological Reactions", Sigma Xi Meeting, January 11, 1951.
Speech Announcement: "H-Bomb or Peace Policy, Which Does America Need?", Bertha Reynolds, Linus Pauling, Philip Morrison, Colston E. Warne, I. F. Stone and Stefan Heym, Carnegie Hall, New York, February 13, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Bears Note", University of Hawaii Ka Leo, March 21, 1951.
Newspaper Clippings: "Students Protest" and "Wants to Hear Dr. Pauling", University of Hawaii Ka Leo, [?] March 16, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "U. H. Withdraws Invitation to Noted Caltech Chemist", Publication Unknown, March 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Hits 'Conviction' Without Trial by School", Publication Unknown, March 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "U. H. Students Pressing on Dr. Pauling Issue", Publication Unknown, March 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Hawaii U. Bans Dedication Talk by Dr. Linus Pauling", Publication Unknown, March 28, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Final Appeal to Regents", University of Hawaii Ka Leo, March 27, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Regents of U. H. Withdraw Invitation to Dr. Pauling", Publication Unknown, March 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Not Notified of Hawaii Action", Pasadena (California) Star-News, March 29, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Caltech Savant's Invitation Voided", Los Angeles Times, March 29, 1951.
Article: "Dr. Pauling Defies Gag...", Science and Education, April 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Fascism Wins Again; Glugg's Act Upheld", Honolulu (Hawaii) Wrecker, April 1, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Demands Hawaii U. Retract 'Slur'", Pasadena (California) Independent, April 3, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Asks Hawaii Bid Renewal", Pasadena (California) Star-News, April 2, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Solons Smell Communists Among Peace Meet Sponsors", Los Angeles Daily News, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "ASUH-Sponsored Student Hearing on Pauling Case at 1 P.M. Today", University of Hawaii Ka Leo, April 7, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Holiday, Ferrer, Academy Winners, Put on Red List", Los Angeles Daily News, April 5, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Solons Also List Pauling, Atom Expert", Pasadena (California) Independent, April 5, 1951.
Article: "Some time ago...", [re: Univ. of Hawaii controversy] The Nation, April 14, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Travesty", Los Angeles Daily News, April 9, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. DuBridge Chosen for Job by Eisenhower", Los Angeles Times, April 25, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Caltech Prof Now a Veep", Pasadena (California) Independent, April 25, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Elected by National Group", Los Angeles Daily News, April 25, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Incident Declared Closed", Los Angeles Times, April 26, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling to Visit Hawaii; Raps Regents", Pasadena (California) Star-News, April 26, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Wins Hawaii Lecture Bid", Los Angeles Daily News, April 27, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Professor at Princeton Wins Eastman Award", New York Times, April 27, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "To Speak on Hydrogen Bomb", Pasadena (California) Herald, April 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Mrs. Cranston Files; Denies Peace Group Connection", Pasadena (California) Herald, April 26, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Going to Hawaii", New York Times, April 26, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Cal Tech Professor Wins Honor", Pasadena (California) Herald, April 26, 1951.
Invitation: Dedication of New Research Laboratories at the Experimental Station, Wilmington, Delaware, May 10, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "New Filmland Hearings Set", Galveston (Texas) News, May 20, 1951.
Newspaper Photo with Caption: "Annual Tea", Pasadena (California) Independent, May 17, 1951.
Notification of Hotel Reservation: Dedication of New Research Laboratories at the Experimental Station", Wilmington, Delaware, May 9-10, 1951.
Invitation: Buffet Supper, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, May 16, 1951.
Passenger List: 10,806th Crossing Between Hawaii and the Mainland Aboard the Stratocruiser "Oahu", June 5, 1951.
Magazine Article: "American Philosophical Society", Science, June 1, 1951.
Program: American Chemical Society Conference on College General Chemistry, Oklahoma A&M College, Stillwater, Oklahoma, June 13-22, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Prof. Pauling, Wife Return from 11-Day Hawaii Trip", Pasadena (California) Independent, June 10, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Paulings Back from Hawaii", Pasadena (California) Star-News, June 8, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Haldeman Will Speak at Meeting", Monmouth (Illinois) Review Atlas, June 11, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "University News Briefs", Honolulu (Hawaii) Record, June 14, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus C. Pauling will Speak to Chemical Society", Bartlesville (Oklahoma) Examiner, June 17, 1951.
Magazine Article: "Southern Cal Student Affiliates Hold Regional Meeting", Chemical and Engineering News, June 18, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemistry Expert Plans Tulsa Talk", Tulsa (Oklahoma) World, June 17, 1951.
Magazine Article: "Linus Pauling...", [re: Hawaii trip] Science, June 29, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Soviets Dispute a Chemical Theory", New York Times, July 15, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Will Speak", Pasadena (California) Star-News, October 15, 1951.
Magazine Article: "World's Crystallographers Observe Great Progress", Chemical and Engineering News, vol. 29, no. 31, July 30, 1951.
Program: First Unitarian Church of Los Angeles, Summer Services 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Memorial Dinner to Dr. Addis", People's World, July 25, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "What's On", People's World, July 25, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Probable Location", People's World, July 25, 1951.
Newspaper Photo with Caption: "Famous Scientists Visit N.B.", St. John (New Brunswick) Telegraph-Journal, August 31, 1951.
Reprint: "Science in the Modern World", speech delivered at the First Unitarian Church of Los Angeles, August 12, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Personalities in the News: Dr. Pauling Now Under Russ Fire; Rita Hayworth Files Divorce Suit", Seattle Times, September 2, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Russians Hit Theory Held by U.S. Scientist Named in Red Probe", Washington Star, September 2, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Russ Academy Hits at Caltech's Scientist Pauling", Los Angeles Times, September 2, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Russ Denounce Pauling Theory as Anti-Soviet", Pasadena (California) Independent, September 2, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Conant Predicts No World War Will be Waged in Atomic Age", Washington Star, September 5, 1951.
Newsletter Article: "Atomic Hair-Splitting", Science News Letter, September 15, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Two Students Get Chemical Awards", Los Angeles Daily News, October 17, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling Awarded Chemical Society's Medal", Pasadena (California) Star-News, October 18, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemists Solve Protein Secret", San Antonio (Texas) Express, September 9, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Entertain at Party", Pasadena (California) Star-News, October 11, 1951.
Magazine Article: "Linus Pauling...", [re: protein work] Newsweek, September 17, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nearer Secret of Rag, a Bone & Hank of Hair", Los Angeles Daily News, September 5, 1951.
Typescript Fragment: "Protein 555", [re: protein work] 1951.
Magazine Article: "Symposium on Structure of Protein Chains", Chemical and Engineering News, September 17, 1951.
Magazine Article: "Symposium on Bond Strength", Chemical and Engineering News, September 17, 1951.
Magazine Article: "Hemoglobin Structure", Chemical and Engineering News, September 17, 1951.
Magazine Article: "Chemists and the World Ahead", Newsweek, September 17, 1951.
Magazine Article: "Chemists Solve a Great Mystery", Life, September 24, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Gets New Honor", Pasadena (California) Independent, October 18, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Will Lecture", Pasadena (California) Star-News, October 18, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling of Caltech to Get Lewis Award", Los Angeles Times, October 19, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "2 California Chemists Win High Honors", Los Angeles Mirror, October 20, 1951.
Magazine Article: "Pauling and Li to Receive California Awards", Chemical and Engineering News, October 29, 1951.
Speech Announcement: "Meeting", Franklin Delano Roosevelt Democratic News Gazette, October 1951.
Article: "Distinguished Visitor", University of New Brunswick Alumni News, October 1951.
Magazine Article: "Study of Radioactive Effects is Among New PHS Grants", Chemical and Engineering News, vol. 29, no. 44, October 29, 1951.
Magazine Photo with Caption: "The Scientists Talk Things Over", Fortune, October 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Secrets of Proteins Uncovered", Pasadena (California) Star-News, September 4, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemists Pierce Protein Mystery", Los Angeles Times, September 5, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemical Society Honors 2 on Golden Anniversary", New York Times, November 28, 1951.
Bulletin Article: "The First Fifty Years", The Vortex, (Bulletin of the California Section of the ACS) vol. XII, no. 10, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Discovery of Basic Structure of Flesh and Bone Reported", St. Louis Post-Dispatch, November 9, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Awards Given to Two Chemists", San Francisco Examiner, November 28, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemists to Honor UC Man at Meet Here", Berkeley (California) Gazette, November 26, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemists Plan Award Dinner", Oakland (California) Tribune, November 27, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling to Get Medal", Pasadena (California) Star-News, November 27, 1951.
Article: "Soviet Russia...", Industrial Laboratories, October 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemistry of Life", Somerset Guardian, (Bath, England) November 9, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Two Scientists Get Chemical Awards", Publication Unknown, November 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemical Group Honors Professor at Caltech", Santa Monica (California) Outlook, November 28, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Professors to Receive Medal", Los Angeles Times, November 27, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "2 Chemists Awarded Achievement Medals", Stockton (California) Record, November 28, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemical Society Honors 2 on Golden Anniversary", New York Times, November 28, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Caltech Savants Receive Medals", Pasadena (California) Independent, November 28, 1951.
Program: American Chemical Society California Section Golden Anniversary First Annual Award Dinner, November 27, 1951.
Article: "Linus Pauling, C. H. Li Get Calif. ACS Medals", Oil, Paint and Drug Reporter, December 3, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Hair Molecules' Shape Debated", Baltimore (Maryland) Sun, December 31, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Win Recognition", Austin (Texas) Statesman, November 30, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemists Receive Medals for Work", Modesto (California) Bee, November 28, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Hormone Drug Called Top Science News", Fullerton (California) News-Tribune, December 3, 1951.
Article: "California Section Awards", SCALACS, December 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Leading Scientific Discovery of 1951 was Synthesis of Cortisone", Xenia (Ohio) Gazette, December 3, 1951.
Newspaper Clipping: "Drs. Pauling and Li Cited by Calif. Section of ACS", Drug Trade News, December 10, 1951.
Magazine Article Fragment: "Popular Mechanics Fiftieth Anniversary Hall of Fame, 1902-1952", Popular Mechanics, January 1952.
Magazine Article: "Molecules Tailored to Order", Popular Mechanics, April 1952.
Newspaper Clipping: "Caltech President Backs Dr. Pauling's Red Denial", Publication Unknown, 1952.
Newspaper Clipping: "Professor Defends Ousted Physicians", Los Angeles Times, January 11, 1952.
Magazine Cover: The Vortex, [picturing Choh Hao Li and Linus Pauling] vol. XIII, no. 1, January 1952.
Newspaper Clipping: "Y's Doings", California Tech, January 31, 1952.
Articles: "Chemists of the Future" and "Social News", SCALACS, vol. VII, no.1, January 1952.
Program: Students' Day 1952, California Institute of Technology, January 12, 1952.
Newspaper Clipping: "Caltech's Pauling Honored by Brazilian Institutions", Pasadena (California) Independent, 1952.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling to Address Chemical Society Meeting", Ontario (California) Report, January 5, 1952.
Newspaper Clipping: "A Dinner Honoring...", [re: Reed College lecture] Oregon Journal, February 11, 1952.
Newspaper Clipping: "Purge Hits Doctors", National Guardian, January 30, 1952.
Newspaper Clipping: "Brazilian Honors Come to Pauling", Pasadena (California) Star-News, January 27, 1952.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Honored by Brazilians", California Tech, January 31, 1952.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling Visits Reed Famous Scientist to Speak", Reed College Quest, February 11, 1952.
Article: "Caltech", SCALACS, March 1952.
Magazine Article: "Two Brazilian educational institutions...", Science, February 22, 1952.
Magazine Article: "Two Brazilian educational institutions...", Chemical and Engineering News, February 18, 1952.
Newspaper Clipping: "Top Scientists will Speak Here", Publication Unknown, 1952.
Magazine Article: "The 1870 Iron Curtain", Chemical and Engineering News, February 4, 1952.
Magazine Article: "Improved Plasma Substitute", Chemical and Engineering News, February 18, 1952.
Article: "An Aristocracy of Achievement", by Linus Pauling [sic] [Pauling annotation: "I didn't write this article!"] New Outlook, vol. 5, no. 2, February 1952.
Newspaper Clipping: "14 New Tau Beta Pledges Elected", California Tech, February 28, 1952.
Program: Saturday Night Lectures, University of British Columbia, 1951-1952.
Newspaper Clipping: "He Seeks Plasma Substitute", Vancouver (British Columbia) Daily Province, February 14, 1952.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dilworth Group Urges American Ideals Classes", Pasadena (California) Star-News, March 3, 1952.
Newspaper Clipping: "Prominent U.S. Scientist Due to Speak in City", Vancouver (British Columbia) Daily Province, February 11, 1952.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Gives University Lectures", Pasadena (California) Star-News, February 16, 1952.
Program: The American Philosophical Society, Annual General Meeting, April 24-26, 1952.
Seating Chart: The American Philosophical Society, Dinner, April 25, 1952.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Answers Passport Rejection with Strong Denial He's Communist", Pasadena (California) Independent, May 15, 1952.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Raps Passport Ban", Los Angeles Examiner, May 12, 1952.
Newspaper Clipping: "Deny Pauling a Passport, Says Report", Pasadena (California) Independent, May 11, 1952.
Newspaper Clipping: "Noted Chemist Talks Here, Doctors Invited", Cleveland Press, May 28, 1952.
Program: Royal Institution of Great Britain Lectures After Easter 1952, Friday Evening Discourses, London, 1952.
Reprint: "Vision", an address given by Paul F. Clark, University of Wisconsin, June 19, 1952.
Newspaper Clipping: "Caltech Will Award Degrees to 340 Friday", Los Angeles Times, June 4, 1952.
Newspaper Clipping: "Passport for Ike Refused by President", Hot Rivet, [gag issue of California Tech] June 1952.
Newspaper Clipping: "Noted Speakers Brought to University Campus for Lectures on Varied Topics", University of Missouri News, June 25, 1952.
Newspaper Clipping: "State Department Clears Pauling for Trip Abroad", Pasadena (California) Star-News, July 15, 1952.
Magazine Article: "Protein Structure Unraveled at Increasing Rate", Chemical and Engineering News, August 25, 1952.
Newspaper Clipping: "Patrolman Inhales Poison Gas", Pasadena (California) Star-News, November 2, 1952.
Magazine Article: "Great Advances Predicted in Elucidating Protein Structure", Chemical and Engineering News, July 7, 1952.
Magazine Photo with Caption: "Linus Pauling, CalTech, shown here with Mrs. Pauling, presented a paper on the stereochemistry of polypeptide chains", Chemical and Engineering News, August 18, 1952.
Newspaper Clipping: "Noted Scientist coming to Install New Fraternity", Oregon Journal, November 5, 1952.
Newspaper Clipping: "Science Unit Slates Event", Portland Oregonian, November 2, 1952.
Newspaper Clipping: "Brookhaven Laboratory Medical Head Links Acceleration of All Science Study", Portland Oregonian, November 7, 1952.
Program: Students' Day 1952, California Institute of Technology, December 6, 1952.
Newspaper Clipping: "Ex-Red Tabs Pauling in House Quiz", Pasadena (California) Independent, December 24, 1952.
Newspaper Clipping: "Former Red Names 30 As Communists", Publication Unknown, December 24, 1952.
Poem: "Trial by Passport", New Statesman and Nation, November 29, 1952.
Newspaper Clipping: "Denials Fly at Budenz Red List", Los Angeles Herald & Express, December 24, 1952.
Newspaper Clipping: "Ex-Red Branded 'Liar' by Noted Caltech Savant", Los Angeles Mirror, December 24, 1952.
Magazine Article: "The Instrument Frontier", Fortune, December 1952.
Newspaper Clipping: "Body Protein Discoveries Bared Here", Pasadena (California) Star-News, January 19, 1953.
Newspaper Clipping: "Rope-Like Twist of Molecules in Hair Seen", Los Angeles Times, January 20, 1953.
Newspaper Clipping: "Step in Solving Chemistry's Most complex Problem -- Structure of the Protein Molecule", New York Times, January 25, 1953.
Magazine Article: "Molecular Cables", Chemical and Engineering News, January 26, 1953.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nature Uses Rope Trick to Form Proteins", Cleveland Press, February 4, 1953.
Flyer re: action to prevent execution of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, February 13, 1953.
Newspaper Clipping: "Caltech Professors to Wait on Students in Charity Drive", Pasadena (California) Star-News, February 24, 1953.
Newspaper Clipping: "Professor Lucas to Receive [sic] Award", Los Angeles Daily News, March 6, 1953.
Newspaper Clipping: "Caltech Professors Wait Tables for Students", Pasadena (California) Star-News, March 12, 1953.
Newspaper Clipping: "Famous Scientists Will Wait Upon Students", Pasadena (California) Star-News, March 10, 1953.
Newspaper Clipping: "Prof. Lucas Feted on Eve of Retirement From Caltech", Pasadena (California) Star-News, March 15, 1953.
Magazine Article: "'Hold' and 'Fit' Theories Hold for DDT Structure-Activity", Chemical and Engineering News, March 30, 1953.
Article: "Linus Pauling...", [re: trip to Europe] Publication Unknown, 1953.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Now on Long Trip", California Tech, April 9, 1953.
Program: A Course of Lectures Given in the Series of Foster Lectures, University of Buffalo, April 30 - May 5, 1953.
Newspaper Clipping: "Give Students H-Bomb Facts, Teachers Told", Pasadena (California) Star-News, April 4, 1953.
Newspaper Clipping: "Enzyme Clue Leads to Super-Insecticides", New York World-Telegram and Sun, April 10, 1953.
Magazine Article: "Linus Pauling...", [re: trip to Europe] Chemical and Engineering News, April 27, 1953.
Newspaper Clipping: "Newspaper Guild to Honor Pauling", Pasadena (California) Star-News, April 2, 1953.
Newspaper Clipping: "Page One Ball Honors Famous in Many Fields", Buffalo (New York) Courier-Express, April 30, 1953.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Asks All Be Told Bomb's Fury", Publication Unknown, 1953.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemists Will Hear CIT Scientist Tonight", Fresno (California) Bee, May 15, 1953.
Newspaper Clipping: "Public is Invited to Hear Pauling Talk on Proteins", Fresno (California) State University Collegian, May 15, 1953.
Program: May Meeting, Fresno Sub-Section, California Section of the American Chemical Society, May 15, 1953.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Will Participate in German Medial Seminar", Pasadena (California) Independent, June 19, 1953.
Newspaper Clipping: "No Mention of Schools Here in State Education Report", Pasadena (California) Star-News, June 9, 1953.
Newspaper Clipping: "Caltech to Host Chemistry Group", Pasadena (California) Star-News, June 20, 1953.
Newspaper Clipping: "More than 300 Degrees Due at Caltech Rites", Pasadena (California) Star-News, June 11, 1953.
Newspaper Clipping: "Research Keys Leather Chemists' Talks", Footwear News, June 5, 1953.
Magazine Article: "Leather Chemists' Knowledge of Collagen Structure Increasing", Chemical and Engineering News, June 22, 1953.
Article: "Research -- Theme of American Leather Chemists at Anniversary Meeting", Leather World, June 1953.
Program: Fourth Annual Workshop on the Teaching of General Chemistry, American Chemical Society, California Institute of Technology, June 22-27, 1953.
Newspaper Clipping: "Caltech Receives Grant for Basic Research from Polio Foundation", Pasadena (California) Star-News, June 28, 1953.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Leaving for European Lecture Tour", Pasadena (California) Star-News, June 29, 1953.
Press Release: re: LP trip to Europe, News Bureau of California Institute of Technology, June 1953.
Newspaper Clipping: "Duell mellan USAs -- Sovjets kemistlejon", Stockholms-Tidningen, July 30, 1953.
Newspaper Clipping: "Urey hr med ny teori", Stockholms-Tidningen, July 29, 1953.
Newspaper Clipping: "1.500 kemister kongressar", Stockholms-Tidningen, [?] July 1953.
Newspaper Clipping: "Rysk-amerikansk kemistduell", Stockholms-Tidningen, July 30, 1953.
Newspaper Clipping: "British Scientist Here Tells of Heredity Study", Los Angeles Times, September 30, 1953.
Press Release re: Caltech conference on the structure of proteins, News Bureau of California Institute of Technology, September 21, 1953.
Brochure: "The 41 States Where Linus Pauling's General Chemistry Texts are Used...", W. H. Freeman, 1953.
Announcement: "Dr. Linus Pauling Will Speak", Franklin Delano Roosevelt Democratic Club, October 21, 1953.
Newspaper Clipping: "Five Scientists Get Rehovot Fellowships", Jerusalem Post, November 4, 1953.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Begins Trip to Israel Ceremony", Pasadena (California) Star-News, October 30, 1953.
Newspaper Clipping: "Germany Pauling Topic", Publication Unknown, October 20, 1953.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling on Israel Trip to Open School", Publication Unknown, October 1953.
Newspaper Photo with Caption: "Professor Ernest B. Chain...", Jerusalem Post, November 13, 1953.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling to Give PBK Lecture; 'Molecular Medicine' Topic of Speaker", Allegheny College (Meadville, Pennsylvania) Campus, November 5, 1953.
Newspaper Clipping: "Values of Molecular Study Cited", Allegheny College (Meadville, Pennsylvania) Campus, November 12, 1953.
Newspaper Clipping: "'Molecular Medicine' Hope of Future -- Dr. Pauling Tells Allegheny Audience", Meadville (Pennsylvania) Tribune Newspapers, November 10, 1953.
Newsletter Photo with Caption: "Twisted Strands of Life", Science News Letter, December 19, 1953.
Press Release: "Twisted Strands of Life", Science Service, November 22-28, 1953.
Magazine Photo with Caption: "Dr. Linus Pauling...", [re: protein molecule] Publication Unknown, November 1953.
Magazine Article: "Catalysis Shapes a Career", Chemical and Engineering News, December 28, 1953.
Publication: "Vanuxem Lecture", Princeton University Weekly Bulletin, vol. XLIV, no. 10, November 13, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Imua is Neutral as Pauling Talks on Protein Form", Honolulu (Hawaii) Star-Bulletin, January 29, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Says U. H. is Short on Leadership, Top Professors", Honolulu (Hawaii) Star-Bulletin, February 4, 1954.
Article: "The last four lectures of the Harvey Society...", Publication Unknown, January 8, 1954.
Magazine Article: "Linus Pauling...", [re: lecture trip around the world] Chemical and Engineering News, vol. 32, no. 2, January 11, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Noted Chemist Here this Week", Yellow Springs (Ohio) News, March 18, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemist on Series at Antioch", Dayton (Ohio) Daily News, March 14, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Science Informative, Antioch Group Told", Dayton (Ohio) Daily News, March 17, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Science Test of Imagination, Speaker Tells Antioch Group", Dayton (Ohio) Journal Herald, March 17, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Notorious Communist-Fronter on Antioch Visiting Faculty", Yellow Springs (Ohio) American, March 11, 1954. [Pauling annotation: "This paper is said to be sponsored (paid for) by Dr. Hammond, former chemistry teacher at Antioch who makes money from Drierite as an anti-Antioch College sheet."].
Newspaper Clipping: "'Cultural' Worth of Science Stressed by Antioch Speaker", Springfield (Ohio) Sun, March 20, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemist Schedules Talk, Conferences", Springfield (Ohio) Sun, March 20, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientist Foresees Predictable Cures for Man's Little-Understood Diseases", Springfield (Ohio) Sun, March 19, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "McCarthy as Malenkov Prober HST Proposal", Oregon Journal, March 27, 1954.
Newspaper Photo with Caption: "Chemical Authority and Molecule Model", Kansas City (Kansas) Star, March 25, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Smoking-Cancer Link Seen by Famed Scientist", Salt Lake City (Utah) Deseret News and Telegram, March 26, 1954.
Magazine Article: "125th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society", Science, May 21, 1954.
Magazine Article: "Another Abnormal Hemoglobin", Chemical and Engineering News, April 5, 1954.
Program: National Academy of Sciences, Ninety-First Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., April 26-28, 1954.
Article: "The World Problem and the Hydrogen Bomb", by Linus Pauling, New Outlook, May 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Reed Graduates to Hear Pauling", Publication Unknown, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Reed to Hear Caltech Man", Portland Oregonian, June 13, 1954.
Program: Spring Dinner Meeting, China Lake Branch of the Scientific Research Society of America, May 13, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling to be Speaker at Daughter's Graduation", Pasadena (California) Star-News, May 30, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Peace Group Hits H-Bomb", Pasadena (California) Star-News, May 24, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientist Raps Oppenheimer Ban", Publication Unknown, June 1954.
Press Release: [re: appearance of LP at Reed College commencement], Reed College News Bureau, May 30, 1954.
Program: Reed College, Forty-Sixth Commencement Exercises, June 13, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Urges Study of Abnormal Molecules", Telegram, June 21, 1954.
Program: Chemical Institute of Canada, 37th Annual Conference, June 20-23, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Enrolls at Reed", Pasadena (California) Star-News, September 21, 1954.
Magazine Article: "Polio Foundation Awards $2.5 Million to 32 Groups", Chemical and Engineering News, August 9, 1954.
Program: Nuclear Science in Engineering Education, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, September 7-10, 1954.
Magazine Photo with Caption: "Caltech to Build Lab for Research in Chemical Biology", Chemical and Engineering News, July 19, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling to Address N.Y. ACS Tonight", New York Journal of Commerce, November 5, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "American Chemical Society, N.Y. Section", New York World-Telegram, November 4, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Prize-Winner Will Give Lectures", Princeton Herald, November 13, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling to Address NY-ACS Tonight", New York Daily News Record, November 5, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling to Address NY-ACS Tonight", New York Daily News Record, November 5, 1954.
Flyer: Prather Lectures in Biology, Harvard University, April 18, 20, 22, 25, 1954.
Article: "The Oppenheimer Case -- Threat to American Scientists", by Carey McWilliams with comment by Linus Pauling and Norbert Wiener, Nation, May 1, 1954.
Bulletin Article: "Vanuxem Lectures", Princeton University (New Jersey) Weekly Bulletin, October 30, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Jewish Group Hears '54 Nobel Prize Winner", Arizona Daily Star, November 22, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Defends Oppenheimer", Newark (New Jersey) News, November 5, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "A Happy Life to 115 is Yours in 1999", Minneapolis (Minnesota) Tribune, October 9, 1954.
Program: Installation Service of Reverend Amos Murphy as Minister of Education, The First Unitarian Church of Los Angeles, October 17, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Starts Four Lectures", Toledo (Ohio) Times, November 15, 1954.
Magazine Article: "Russia is attempting to establish A.M. Butlerov...as the father of organic chemistry...", Science, December 17, 1954.
Program: The Chemical Institute of Canada, 37th Annual Conference, June 21-23, 1954.
Article: "Chemical Biology at Caltech", Engineering and Science, February 1954.
Article: "40th Class Graduates Many Receive Awards", Reed College (Portland, Oregon) Sallyport, June 1954.
Article: "Nobel Prize Winner Addresses RESA Group", Institute News, December 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Caltech Chemist in Spotlight", Mirror, October 30, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Caltech prof mentioned for Nobel prize", Los Angeles Daily News, October 30, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Prize Slated for Caltech Man", Los Angeles Times, October 30, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobelprisen i Kemi ventes tildelt USA-Videnskabsmand", Tirsdag, November 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "American Due to Receive Nobel Chemistry Prize", New York Times, November 2, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Top Candidate for Nobel Prize", Times, November 2, 1954.
Typescript portion: "Pauling - 3", No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling Awarded Nobel Chemistry Prize", St. Louis Dispatch, November 3, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "McCarthy Target Wins Nobel Prize", Washington Post and Times Herald, November 4, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "U.S. Chemist Nobel Choice", Nippon Times, November 3, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "McC Target, Pauling Wins Nobel Award", New York Daily News, November 4, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Prize Winner", Washington Post, November 4, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Caltech's Pauling wins Nobel Prize", Los Angeles Daily News, November 4, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Prize to Dr. Linus Pauling", Pasadena (California) Star-News, November 4, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus Pauling of Caltech wins Nobel Prize in chemistry", Daily News, November 4, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Cal Tech Chemist Wins Nobel Award", Associated Press, November 3, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling Wins Nobel Chemistry Prize", No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling of Caltech Awarded Nobel Prize", Los Angeles Examiner, November 4, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemist Pauling Wins Nobel Prize in Atoms", Pasadena (California) Independent, November 4, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus C. Pauling Wins Nobel Chemistry Prize, Speaks on Hemoglobin in Guest Seminar Here", Cornell University (Ithaca, New York) Daily Sun, November 4, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "McCarthy Target Wins Nobel Prize", Post & Times Herald, Washington D.C., November 4, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Three Awarded Nobel Prizes", Edmonton (Alberta, Canada) Journal, November 4, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "3 Americans Win Nobel Prize Awards", Houston (Texas) Chronicle, November 4, 1954.
Magazine Article: "Nobel Prize for Chemistry, 1954", Current Science, India. No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "World in Brief", Mirror, November 5, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling and McCarthy", Dallas (Texas) Morning News, November 5, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus C. Pauling Wins Acclaim for Researches", Honolulu (Hawaii) Star-Bulletin, November 10, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Award Was Well Deserved", Los Angeles Daily News, November 5, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling Notified Here of Award of Nobel Prize", Ithaca (New York) Journal. No Date.
Correspondence: from Jorge Guerra Deben, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize & request for criticism on idea of "cooling the periodic table down to room temperature"] November 23, 1954.
Correspondence: from Joseph Halle Schaffner, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from Ray Fuoss, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 2, 1954.
Correspondence: from F. Arndt, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Leon Blitzer, [re: luncheon and address in Tucson] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from Fred Okrand, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Edward N. Wise, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize & request for chemical address in Tucson] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Walter Gordy, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from Ed Gould, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from W. Albert Noyesh, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Catherine McMillan Clauser, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 9, 1954.
Correspondence: from Esther Nasater, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Ralph Hultgren, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from John Otvos, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from Alice & Ed Doisy, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Harry L. Fisher, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Fritz Lipman, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Polymer Research Institute, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Frank F. Buff, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 2, 1954.
Correspondence: from Adam F. Schuch, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Otto & Tuttik [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize], No Date.
Correspondence: from Joe, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from Harper W. Frantz, Pres. Norman Kharasch, Pres-Elect Philip L. Bruce, Secretary Dorothy Craig, Treasurer, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] December 2, 1954.
Correspondence: from Robert Stanaway, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Fred, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 6, 1954.
Correspondence: from Dr. Asima Chatterjee, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from Roderick Heffron, M.D., [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from David Nachmansohn, M.D., [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Gregory S. Duboff, [re: carcinogenesis, especially arachidonic acid] November 12, 1954.
Correspondence: from Russell E. Silvius, [re: autographing Alfred Nobel stamps] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from Robert S. Dawson, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from Ernst Sinclair, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 15, 1954.
Correspondence: from Michael Even-Ari, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 22, 1954.
Correspondence: from Howard Lucas, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] December 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from Howard Lucas, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] October 29, 1954.
Correspondence: from Frank Aydelotte, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 2, 1954.
Correspondence: from Ingrid & Stig Claesson, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from Willie Zachariasen, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from R. K. Kapur, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 2, 1954.
Correspondence: from Frederick Wall, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from S. J. Salisbury, [re: thanks for sending copy of Nobel lecture] 1956.
Correspondence: from G. E. Owen, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 14, 1954.
Correspondence: from Robert F. Bacher, [re: approving request for leave of absence with salary] November 19, 1954.
Correspondence: from W. F. Giauque, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Elmer E. Anderson, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Knox Farrand, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Henry B. Bull, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from Bob Alberty, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Robert L. Burwell, Jr., [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Frank T. Gucker, Jr., [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from J. W. Williams, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Henry Gilman, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from Per K. Frolich, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Ralph W. G. Wyckoff, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 16, 1954.
Correspondence: from Clarence A. Burmeister, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 9, 1954.
Correspondence: from Virtanen, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Massimo Simonetta, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Guzmon Barron, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Elaine and Edward Mittelman, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from GHA Clowes, Eli Lilly and Co, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Carl and Gerti Cori, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Frank Toole, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Mr. And Mrs. William Young [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize], No Date.
Correspondence: from Hauip? [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize], No Date.
Correspondence: from A. & B. Pullman, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Miss Marjorie Crawford, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 7, 1954.
Correspondence: from Rick and Susie Bozona?, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from George Glockler, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from David O'Mella?, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from William V. Consolazio, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Lawrence Blinkis?, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 2, 1954.
Correspondence: from Louis Levin, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Harry Grundfest, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 16, 1954.
Correspondence: from Samuel R. Aspinall, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from F. A. Long, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize, expense summary, newspaper clipping] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Norman Horowitz, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Dr. J. M.Bijovet, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from J. Links, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Judy? & Willy Fowler, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize], No Date.
Correspondence: from Walter J. Lehmann, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] October 29, 1954.
Correspondence: from Fred Fairbrother, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Paul and Leila, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Dr. and Mrs. H. F. Helmholz, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Ralph and Terry Spitzer, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 10, 1954.
Correspondence: from Balliol, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 10, 1954.
Correspondence: from John G. Kirkwood, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 2, 1954.
Correspondence: from Zechmeisters, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize], No Date.
Correspondence: from Gladys and Kent Wilson, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from G. K. Rollefson, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from G. L. Clark, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Seniel Ostrow, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from W. J. Moore, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from John R. Cann, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from Ted Puck, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Barbarin Arreguin, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Alberto Sandoval C., [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from J. K. Miettinen, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize, article accepted for Jubilee] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Hans-Joachim Bruchner, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Paul Schatz, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 15, 1954.
Correspondence: from Hilda Gerhard Schmidt and X-ray lab, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize], No Date.
Correspondence: from Durbridge, [re: honorary dinner at Caltech] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from Ubbelohde, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Havinga Leiden, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Dorothy Hoaglen, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5th.
Correspondence: from Otto Warburg, [re: congratulations? (In German)] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Soundel and Lillian Becker, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Ihr Pietsch, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize (In German)] November 6, 1954.
Correspondence: from Conant, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Siblings, [re: sending love & invitation to Christmas dinner] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from John Waugh, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] October 29, 1954.
Correspondence: from R. B. Woodward, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Ruth and John Singer, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Alice and Lindsey Helmholz, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Piet Kolthoff, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Kenneth Palmer & Fred Stitt, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from J. N. Wilson, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from H. J. Muler, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from Anna and Axel, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from Henrik Ramel, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Kurt Jacoby, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from John, Jerry, Jean, and Linda Shirley, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from P. Debye, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from William E. Vaughan, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Nathan Kaplan, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Carr, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 7, 1954.
Correspondence: from Irving S. Bengelsdorf, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from H. B. Vickery, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Betty Sullivan, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Roger Adams, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from George S. Parks, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from W. O. Aydelotte, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from John L. Webb, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Selma A. Waksman, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Carsten and Maude, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from Martin Gary, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Ohio State Chemists & Edward Mack, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Julian and Elizabeth Sturtevant, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 2, 1954.
Correspondence: from Miyoshi and Norma Ikawa, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Meyer Weisgal, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 3.
Correspondence: from Frank and Janeth Dickey, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from Kurt Mislow, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 3.
Correspondence: from Perutz, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Lionel Joseph, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from James Franck, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from George Wald, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from George Glockler, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from Albert B. Ruddock, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from Joe Hirschfelder, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 3.
Correspondence: from Phoebe and Thorfin, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4.
Correspondence: from Ernest O. Lawrence, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Karl Dittmer, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Max Gumpel, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 2, 1954.
Correspondence: from Adolph Butenant, (in German), No Date.
Correspondence: from Edwin N. Lassettre, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Howard R. Bierman, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Steacie, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Hans Freeman, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Martin Kamen, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 2, 1954.
Correspondence: from Harry M. Weaver, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from H. Sinclair Tait, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from Frank H. Westheimer, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from J. L. Franklin, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Ernst Berliner, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Allan C. G. Mitchell, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Elvin A. Kabat, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 11, 1954.
Correspondence: from P. Marrer, (in Swedish), November 6, 1954.
Correspondence: from H. M. Kulcker? [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize], No Date.
Correspondence: from Dennis Riley, November 11, 1954.
Correspondence: from Ogden Baine, J.J. Banewicz, C.T. Kenner, Harold Jeskey, November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Sofia and Joseph Fruton, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from Herman, Mimi, Hans and Peter, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Staff of Institute of Chemistry, Helsinki University, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from Irene and Frederic Joliot, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize, (in French)] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Paul A. Giguere, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from Pauline, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] October 30, 1954.
Correspondence: from GD Searle and Co., [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 11, 1954.
Correspondence: from Edit and Bror Begman, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Hardyman, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Arts Sciences & Professions Council, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Jean and Spring, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from Freddie and Rose King, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 10, 1954.
Correspondence: from L.A. DuBridge, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Elfriede, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from Beatrice Wulf, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Bea and Oliver [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Donald, Prentice, Sperry, RD, Bethany Conn, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from Charles M. Grossman, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] March 22, 1955.
Correspondence: from Dorothy and Bill Eberhardt, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] December 17, 1954.
Correspondence: from E. J. Bigwood, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize (in French)], No Date.
Correspondence: from C. K. Ingold, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] December 16, 1954.
Correspondence: from Jorge Anncizar-Sordo, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] December 24, 1954.
Correspondence: from Alan C. Nixon, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 20, 1954.
Correspondence: from Louis B. Fleming, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] January 7, 1955.
Correspondence: from John E. Amoore, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] January 2, 1955.
Correspondence: from R. Lessing, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] January 31, 1955.
Correspondence: from Jaroslav and Marie Heyrovsky, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] December 7, 1954.
Correspondence: from George Merck, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Bill Jones, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 6, 1954.
Correspondence: from Fernandez Alonso, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize (in Spanish)] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Bill Cochran, Francis Crick, Herbert Gutfreund, Hugh Huxley, John Kendrew, Max Perutz, Sanger, Tom Cobley, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Jim Adams, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Arletta and Holmes, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from Charles Coryell, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize], No Date.
Correspondence: from Professor and Mrs. Wibaut, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Carl A. Price, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from multiple signees at Cambridge, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize], No Date.
Correspondence: from Dr. O. Kratky, (in German), November 9, 1954.
Correspondence: from Reuben, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 12, 1954.
Correspondence: from George Washington Trinidad-Wall, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from H. P. Robertson, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from Philip W. West, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 6, 1954.
Correspondence: from Meridian R. Ball, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from Priscilla Feigen?, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 7, 1954.
Correspondence: from Gertrude Caro Philipson, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize], No Date.
Correspondence: from Charles Alan Thomas, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] January 24, 1955.
Correspondence: from Esther Simpson, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Duncan McRae, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] February 15, 1955.
Correspondence: from D. C. Martin?, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from J. R. Killian, Jr., [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from fR. G. H. SIU, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Jacob Joseph Blum, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from C. H. Brough, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 19, 1954.
Correspondence: from S. Mizushima, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Samuel J. Prigal, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: copy of letter to Albert Einstein from Samuel J. Prigal, [re: request for leadership in peace actions] March 30, 1954.
Correspondence: from Charles C. Thomas, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 10, 1954.
Correspondence: from Dr. P. Waser, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from W. S. Collens, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 23, 1954.
Correspondence: from Joseph Hittelman, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 10, 1954.
Correspondence: from Paul D.V. Manning, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] December 17, 1954.
Correspondence: from Fred Seitz?, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] December 10, 1954.
Correspondence: from Stanley Schaefer, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 7, 1954.
Correspondence: from Lawrence A. Williams, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from M. E. Spaght, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from James A. Ibers, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from T. Katsurai, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from E. S. Cox, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 12, 1954.
Correspondence: from Martha Lowenstein, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Karol J. Mysells, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 10, 1954.
Correspondence: from General Electric Research Laboratory, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from R. W. Dodson, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 18, 1954.
Correspondence: from Stephen Brunauer, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 9, 1954.
Correspondence: from Eric Ellenbogen, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 9, 1954.
Correspondence: from Grace Mary Coryell, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize, family update] November 18, 1954.
Correspondence: from Clifford S. Garner, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from C. Kittel, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from E. A. Evans, Jr., [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Bernard Jaffe, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from Rolf S. Nilsson, Bo Johansson, [re: autograph request] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Sadie L. Ornitz, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 24, 1954.
Correspondence: from Robert M. Yerkes, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 22, 1954.
Correspondence: from John Behnke?, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 19, 1954.
Correspondence: from George W. Troy, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from T. Deegan, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from M. L. Wolfrom, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from Glenn T. Seaborg, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from Howard K. Schachman, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 12, 1954.
Correspondence: from George J. Spears, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 9, 1954.
Correspondence: from Oseur?, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from Edward M. Carson, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 7, 1954.
Correspondence: from Harrison, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 14, 1954.
Correspondence: from John A. Leighty, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 10, 1954.
Correspondence: from G. W. Wheland, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 11, 1954.
Correspondence: from James F. Corwin, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 9, 1954.
Correspondence: from Randolph T. Major, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 10, 1954.
Correspondence: from George R. Harrison, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 10, 1954.
Correspondence: from Lewis H. Tuthill, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 12, 1954.
Correspondence: from George G. Laties, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 12, 1954.
Correspondence: from Earl H. Hoerger, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 15, 1954.
Correspondence: from James S. Coles, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 6, 1954.
Correspondence: from Harvard, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 9, 1954.
Correspondence: from Arthur C. Giese, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] December 20, 1954.
Correspondence: from John Wolfenden?, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] December 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Robert Ballinten?, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] March 29, 1954.
Correspondence: from Leland H. Pence, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Charles Huggins, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Robert J. Havighurst, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 7, 1954.
Correspondence: from Pauline Ney, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize, invitation to Thanksgiving dinner] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from A. O. Beckman, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 12, 1954.
Correspondence: from Warren C. Lothrop, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from J. N. Sen., [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 7, 1954.
Correspondence: from Evelyn McBain, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from Andrew A. Recsei, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 29, 1954.
Correspondence: from J. H. Van Vleck, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 10, 1954.
Correspondence: from T. H. Rogers, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 12, 1954.
Correspondence: from Edwin E. Hays, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 12, 1954.
Correspondence: from W. Mayo Smith, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 16, 1954.
Correspondence: from W. D. Leech, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 10, 1954.
Correspondence: from Walter A. Schmidt, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 1, 1954.
Correspondence: from Harvey S. Mudd, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 23, 1954.
Correspondence: from J. Hevesy, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 10, 1954.
Correspondence: from Jean M. Devening, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 16, 1954.
Correspondence: from James R. Page, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 26, 1954.
Correspondence: from Hans Blumenfeld, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Jose I. Bolivar, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 10, 1954.
Correspondence: from W. G. Burgers, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from Paul D. Bartlett, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Sidney W. Fox, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from James E. LuValle, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from Ronald F. Brown, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from J. D. McCullough, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 9, 1954.
Correspondence: from Prof. T. Reichstein, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 6, 1954.
Correspondence: from Francis Joseph Weiss, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Arthur Cherkin, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Lloyd H. Reyerson, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from J. N. Chatterjee, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from George Hedman, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] October 30, 1954.
Correspondence: from I. Arthur Mirsky, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from A. H. Fiske, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from Fisla and Marie Kimball?, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Ted Hoffman, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize, thanks for interview] November 9, 1954.
Correspondence: from F. Cramer, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 12, 1954.
Correspondence: from Makisaburo Ogasawara, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Jack, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 11, 1954.
Correspondence: from Cynthia and David Davies, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize], No Date.
Correspondence: from Patrick O. Ozieh, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Victor Weiskopf, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 10, 1954.
Correspondence: from Marc Kampe de Feriet, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize], No Date.
Correspondence: to Marc Kampe de Feriet from LP, [re: thanks for your note], No Date.
Correspondence: from Henry, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Emil Ott, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 15, 1954.
Correspondence: from Mr. & Mrs. Roger Wolcott Sperry, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize], No Date.
Correspondence: from numerous signees, [re: Max Bergman Memorial Lecture], No Date.
Correspondence: from Werner Nowacki, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 6, 1954.
Correspondence: from Alan Abrams, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize], No Date.
Correspondence: from Weigh?, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize], No Date.
Correspondence: from Zwich?, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize], No Date.
Correspondence: from Charles Conbros?, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 9, 1954.
Correspondence: from A. E. Mourant?, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 22, 1954.
Correspondence: from Ricardo Carvalho Ferreira, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Physical Chemistry Division of the National Chemical Laboratory of India, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 11, 1954.
Correspondence: from Nami Serdaroglu, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 24, 1954.
Correspondence: from Milton M. and Dorcas Miller, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize, family update], No Date.
Correspondence: from Leslie Suttons, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize], No Date.
Correspondence: from C. Heinshelwova?, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 15, 1954.
Correspondence: from K. Bechvet?, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize (in German)], No Date.
Correspondence: from Loschka J. Michel, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] November 24, 1954.
Correspondence: from Jane W., [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize] December 1, 1954.
Correspondence: from Mrs. Richard Corhus?, [re: congratulations for Nobel Prize], No Date.
Magazine Article: "Pauling Named Nobel Laureate", Chemical and Engineering News, November 8, 1954.
Magazine Article: "The Timeless Honor", Newsweek, November 15, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Marxists React Sharply to Pauling's Chemistry", New York Herald Tribune, November 14, 1954.
Magazine Article: "Quotation Marks", New York Times Magazine, November 14, 1954.
Magazine Article: "Linus Pauling", Science, November 12, 1954.
Magazine Article: "Scientists in the News", Science, November 19, 1954.
Magazine Article: "Nobel mukafatlari", Science News of Akis (Turkey), November 20, 1954.
Magazine Article: "Pauling passport problem", America, November 27, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: Dr. Pauling, Nobel Prize Winner, to Tour World", Los Angeles Times, November 25, 1954.
Correspondence: Invitation from CalTech faculty, December 3, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling Honored at dinner", Los Angeles Daily News, December 4, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobelvinnarna borjar komma", Aftonbladet, December 7, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobelprijswinnaars '54 schrijven voor Elvseviers Weekblad", Elseviers Weekblad, November 20, 1954.
Correspondence: Invitation from Professor and Fru Arne Westgren, December 9, 1954.
Program: "Nobelstiftelsens Hogtidsdag", December 10, 1954.
Program: "Nobelstiftelsens Middaag", December 10, 1954.
Program: "Nobelstiftelsens hogtidsdag", December 10, 1954.
Program: "Stockholms Slott", December 11, 1954.
Program: "Diner", December 11, 1954.
Correspondence: from George Hevesy?, December 6, 1954.
Correspondence: from Naturvetenskapliga Foreningen Vid Stockholms Hogskola, December 13, 1954.
Name card: "L. Pauling", No Date.
Magazine Article: "Nobelpreis-Trager in Stockholm", Publication Unknown, December 21, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Accepts Nobel Award", No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobeljaktigt I het TV-skrubb 'Ahh' pa gatan for prinsessa", Svenska Dagbladet, December 11, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linda ser pa staten: Kungen 'a nice fellow'", Dagens Nyheter, December 12, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Julklappskop och Lucia for Nobelpristagarna", Dagens Nyheter, December 13, 1954.
Correspondence: from Westgren Secretary, [re: awarding of Nobel Prize for Chemistry, 1954] October 3, 1954.
Correspondence: to Prof. A. Westgren from LP, [re: accepting Nobel prize and attending ceremony], No Date.
Photo: From right to left, Frau Boru, Mrs. Enders, John Enders, LP, and Max Boru, at the Nobel Prize Ceremonies. "Frau Boru Mrs. Enders John Enders Linus Pauling Max Boru" Stockholm 10 December 1954 Photographer: Stockholms Tidiningen, b/w print, no negative available.
Photo: LP seated with three women, one AHP, standing behind him. All in formal wear. LP is holding open an album. "10 December 1954" Photographer: Text & Bilder, b/w print, no negative available.
Photo: LP seated and holding an album, small box and manila envelope while three women standing behind him, one AHP, lean over him, smiling, possibly kissing him. "10 December 1954" Photographer: Reportagebild, b/w print, no negative available.
Photo: LP and a woman speak to a King Justaf, while another woman and LP Jr. stand behind them. "Linus Pauling 1954 Nobelpristagare" "King Justaf LP Linus Pauling Jr. Li" Photographer: Pressens Bild, b/w print, no negative available.
Photo: LP seated with LP Jr., Crellin, and Peter (left to right) standing behind him. LP hold an album and small box. All four are in formal dress. The wall behind them is covered with portraits. "Linus Jr. Crellin Peter Linus Pauling" "10 December 1954" Photographer: Text & Bilder, b/w print, no negative available.
Photo: From left to right, Weller, Born, Robbins, Enders, LP, all standing on a stage, in formal dress, holding an album, small box, and manila envelope. "Five of the six American Nobel Laureates of 1954 (the sixth: Hemmingway)" "Weller, Born, Robbins, Enders, Pauling" Photographer: Hans Malmberg, b/w print, no negative available.
Photo: From left to right, Peter, Crellin, LP Jr. [in back] AHP, Linda [obscured by AHP] and LP, all in formal dress and surrounded by others. "Dec 1954" "Linus Pauling Ava Helen Pauling Linda P. Linus Pauling Jr. Crellin Pauling Peter Pauling" Photographer: Stockholms-Tidningen, b/w print, no negative available.
Press Release: "To the Editor", News Bureau, California Institute of Technology, November 2, 1954.
Photo: The audience at the Nobel Ceremony, all in formal dress and facing the stage. Pauling family in top right of photo? "Pauling Family 1954" Photographer: Hans Malmberg, b/w print, no negative available.
Article: "Linus Pauling, premio Nobel 1954 per la chemica", Pirelli, December 6, 1954.
Article: "Linus Carl Pauling, Nobelprijswinnaar", Overgedrukt uit Med. Vlaam, 1955.
Booklet: "Candle, Book, and Bell", [collection of poems] from Sheridan Van Dolah, March 18, 1955.
Photo: LP bows on stage while audience stands and claps. "Linus Pauling acknowledging receipt of Nobel Prize 10 Dec 1954 Concert House, Stockholm" "King Justaf Princess Marg." Photographer: Reportagebild, b/w print, no negative available.
Photo: LP standing with the American Ambassador and Professors Robins, Weller, Enders, and Born. "1954" "Prof. Pauling, the American Ambassador, Profs. Robins, Weller, Enders, and Born. (The latter of G. Britain, the others of the U.S.A)" Photographer: Pressen Bild, b/w print, no negative available.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Gets Nobel Prize", Milwaukee Journal, November 4, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Awarded Nobel Chemistry Prize", Los Angeles Times, November 4, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Career of Dr. Pauling Full of Achievements", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Newspaper Photo: "Congratulated", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Premio Nobel", Publication Unknown, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Wins Nobel Award", Wilmington (Delaware) News, November 4, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Prize for M'Carthy Target", Schenectady Gazette, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemist Pauling Wins Nobel Prize", Louisville (Kentucky) Times, November 4, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "California Chemist Wins Nobel Prize", Schenectady Union Star, November 4.
Newspaper Clipping: "Winner of Nobel Chemistry Prize Target of M'Carthy", York (Pennsylvania) Dispatch, November 4, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Target of M'Carthy Wins Nobel Prize", Chicago Sun-Times, November 4, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemistry Nobel Prize to Pauling", New York Herald Tribune, November 4, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Winner Hopes to Go to Stockholm", Bremerton (Washington) Sun, November 4, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "U.S. Chemist Wins Prize", Billings (Montana) Evening Gazette, November 4, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling, Nobel Chemist, Assails Treatment of Scientists by U.S.", New York Times, November 5, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Kemivinnaren tycker om att ta en okenpromenad", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Former M'Carthy Target Wins '54 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for Molecules Study", (Cheyenne) Wyoming Eagle, November 5, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Banquet Honors Four Prize Winners", Los Angeles Times, November 5, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: in Japanese [translation: "Quantum Mechanics Applied to Structural Chemistry"], Asahi Shimbun, November 5, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Thinking out Loud", Dallas (Texas) Morning News, November 6, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "U.S. Nobelist may be Denied Passport", Toledo (Ohio) Blade, November 6, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel For Pauling", New York Sunday Times, November 7, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Short-sighted Policy", Minneapolis (Minnesota) Morning Tribune, November 6, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Lee Shippey asks What do you Think?", Sierra Madre News, November 11, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Oregon's Nobel Winner", Portland Oregonian, November 8, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Prize Winner Feted by Associates", Los Angeles Times, December 4, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Departs to get Nobel Prize", Los Angeles Times, December 7, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Gets Nobel Prize", Mirror, December 9, 1954.
Magazine Article: "Congratulations", SCALACS, December 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling can use Nobel cash", Pasadena (California) Star-News, December 8, 1954.
Magazine Article: "Linus Pauling", Science, December 10, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pristagare pa kungamiddag at sjotunga och radjur", MT Ssondag, December 12, 1954.
Magazine Article: "Linus Pauling", Chemical and Engineering News, December 20, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pasadena's Nobel Prize Winner", Pasadena (California) Star-News, December 12, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Hemingway, Six Others Receive Nobel Awards", Los Angeles Times, December 11, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Molekylmodelller frammmtidsskulpturer", Svenska Dagbladet, December 8, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Fysikprofessor fick glad chock", Dagens Nyheter, December 9, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Mamma, pappa, barn Pauling dominerade glad mottagning", Dagens Nyheter, December 10, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobelfolket Samlat", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Brudparet Som Blev Nobelpar", Svenska Dagbladet, December 9, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobelpristagarmaka raddade over 400 judar undan doden", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Sober champagnefest for nobelpristagarna", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobelfolket Samlat", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobelfint Hos Ekebergs", Dagens Nyheter, December 10, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobelpristagartmote hos riksmarskalken", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling och Gard blev ljuspunkter", Dagens Nyheter, December 12, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Hemingway's Nobel Prize Awarded him in Absentia", New York Herald Tribune, December 11, 1954.
Magazine Article: "Nobel Prizes for 1954", Physics Today, December 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Party for Nobelpristagare", Svenska Dagbladet, December 13, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Fru Born kungens bordsdam vid Nobelgalan pa Slottet", Dagens Nyheter, December 12, 1954.
Correspondence: from Bringlet Soldsworth, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] December 19, 1954.
Correspondence: from Shunichi Kimura, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] December 9, 1954.
Correspondence: from E.S. Erickson, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Franklin Turrell, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] December 6, 1954.
Correspondence: from E.T. McBee, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] December 1, 1954.
Correspondence: from Gordon Sutterland, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] December 20, 1954.
Correspondence: from M.E. Straumanis, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize, Avogadro's number] December 17, 1954.
Correspondence: from George F. Wright, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] March 20, 1955.
Correspondence: from Erwin Chargaff, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 9, 1954.
Correspondence: from Adrien Albert, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Shelesnyak, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 2, 1954.
Correspondence: from Woodell?, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize], No Date.
Correspondence: from Arthur Furss, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from George E. Hall, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from Curtis Benjamin, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from D. Keilin, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Ernst A. Hauser, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from John M. Clark, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from M. Haisssiinsosy?, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize (in French)] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from J. M. Robertson, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from P.W. Bridgman, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Murry?, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from David Harker, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Louis B. Wright, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from Nelson Smith, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from E. Thilo, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize (in German)] November 18, 1954.
Correspondence: from I. Moyer Hunsberger, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 29, 1954.
Correspondence: from Harry Goldblatt, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] December 15, 1954.
Correspondence: from J. A. Campbell, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] December 9, 1954.
Correspondence: from N. A. Khan, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] December 16, 1954.
Correspondence: from B. S. J. Wostmann, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from George Barati, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] December 18, 1954.
Correspondence: from Paul Scheuer, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 29, 1954.
Correspondence: from Edith, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize], No Date.
Correspondence: from Sterling, November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Karlis and Blanche Wilsner?, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 6, 1954.
Correspondence: from Stelios Vouyoucalos, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize], No Date.
Correspondence: from Joe Edisbury, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 6, 1954.
Correspondence: from George Rivers? Jr., [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] January 18, 1955.
Correspondence: from Loria?, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize], No Date.
Correspondence: from Vincent du Vigneaud, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 15, 1955.
Correspondence: from Llekker?, [re: newspaper clippings], No Date.
Correspondence: from Herbert L. Baer, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] January 19, 1955.
Correspondence: from MK Brodie?, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] January 25, 1955.
Correspondence: from Mrs. Nalter Rauteustrauck, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] December 12, 1954.
Correspondence: from Raymond K. Sheline, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 9, 1954.
Correspondence: from Leon Blitzer, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 29, 1954.
Correspondence: from Ursula and Piero Bellugi, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 10, 1954.
Correspondence: from Fred Stitt, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 29, 1954.
Correspondence: from John W. Tietz, [re: search for articles containing theories and hypotheses of LP's research] November 25, 1954.
Correspondence: from Karl Paul Link, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 24, 1954.
Correspondence: from Hans H. Zinsser, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize], No Date.
Correspondence: from Findlay E. Russell, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 30, 1954.
Correspondence: from Yasuhiko Nozaki, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 26, 1954.
Correspondence: from Arne Tiselius, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from John R. Maeaulhim?, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize], No Date.
Correspondence: from Hoylande D. Young, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 23, 1954.
Correspondence: from Robert A. Spur, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from W. A. Waters, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Maurice L. Huggins, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize], No Date.
Correspondence: from Albert A. Fisk, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from Emilo Segr, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Ken, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize], No Date.
Correspondence: from A. Neuberger, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 16, 1954.
Correspondence: from Carl Palmer Miller, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 10, 1954.
Correspondence: from Karl Freudenberg, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize (in German)] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Harvey Itano, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from E. R. Piore, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Wayne Morse, [re: passport validation, congratulations for Nobel prize] November 12, 1954.
Correspondence: from Joel Warren, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Sherman H. Ripley, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 12, 1954.
Correspondence: from E. R. Smith, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 10, 1954.
Correspondence: from C. W. Shilling, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 9, 1954.
Correspondence: from Pierre Van Rysselberghe, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 10, 1954.
Correspondence: from Y. P. Varshni, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from John Takman, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Ganesh Karmakar, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from Murray Abowitz, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from R. B. Dean, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Frederick D. Rossini, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 6, 1954.
Correspondence: from Alvin J. Cohen, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from George A. W. Boehm, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from John H. Northrop, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from Robert B. Brode, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from E. C. Gilbert, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Bryce Crawford, Jr., [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Charles R. Engel, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 6, 1954.
Correspondence: from Malcolm Sharp, [re: request to speak at Urey recognition dinner] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Victor and Ethel La Mer, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from ? Lippman Malherbe?, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 2, 1954.
Correspondence: from Grace E. Barstow Murphy, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 29, 1954.
Correspondence: from W. G. Brown, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 12, 1954.
Correspondence: from Harlow Shapley, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from Glatha Latimer, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 10, 1954.
Correspondence: from W. M. Wardlaw?, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from Geoffrey B. Bodman, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from Dexter S. Goldman, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Lucy W. Pickett, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from Paul G. Klawans, [re: autograph request], No Date.
Correspondence: from Lester and Gladys Dragstedt, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from P. Gendron, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Olga and Philip Hayward, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from E. C. Kleiderer, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Lloyd and Sylvia Jeffress, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Maria and Joe, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Mr & Mrs. Victor Beard, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Edwin McMillan, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Herman Schlesinger, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Francis Bittar, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 14, 1954.
Correspondence: from Ray Pepinski, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 10, 1954.
Correspondence: from Edward R. Garrett, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 15, 1954.
Correspondence: from Irvine H. Page, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 12, 1954.
Correspondence: from Warren C. Johnson, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 17, 1954.
Correspondence: from Sydney Brenner, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 6, 1954.
Correspondence: from Frederick G. Sawyer, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 18, 1954.
Correspondence: from Oseav Helmer?, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from Carlos Ogimi, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize, personal update], No Date.
Correspondence: from Rainoy Teominal Salido?, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] May 16, 1955.
Correspondence: from George Burch?, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize], No Date.
Correspondence: from Mrs. Edwin Buchurau?, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 15, 1954.
Correspondence: from Anne Walters, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Kathleen Lousdals?, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Melba, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 2, 1954.
Correspondence: from Francis Simon, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 6, 1954.
Correspondence: from Alberto Geuta?, (in French), November 6, 1954.
Correspondence: from Walter Miles, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 23, 1954.
Correspondence: from Mary Doe, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Claire and Tom, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 2, 1954.
Correspondence: from Ed Ghetacwigs?, [re: proofread article] November 9.
Correspondence: from H?y, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Friz E. Borguis, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 25, 1954.
Correspondence: from Max Mason, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 30, 1954.
Correspondence: from George Cleland, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] December 10, 1954.
Correspondence: from Albert Dekker, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Robert R. Oppel, [re: autograph request] November 27, 1954.
Correspondence: from Joel Edisbury, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from Peter Pauling, [re: flight schedules] November 22, 1954.
Correspondence: from J. Vsilliser-Duray?, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize (in French)] December 11, 1954.
Correspondence: from Hans?, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 28, 1954.
Correspondence: from Albrecht Unsold, (in German), November 6, 1954.
Correspondence: from Ethel Kingsbacher, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize], No Date.
Correspondence: from Bashka Paeff, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 14, 1954.
Correspondence: from Jacques Oudin, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize(in French)], No Date.
Correspondence: from Turrell, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November, 1945.
Correspondence: from K. H. Gustavson, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from Aunt Elizabeth, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize, personal update] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from Reba, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize, personal update] November 2, 1954.
Correspondence: from John Kendrew, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 1954.
Correspondence: from ?, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize, personal update] November 16, 1954.
Correspondence: from Ann, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 9, 1954.
Correspondence: from Rene Wurmier?, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize (in French)] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Takashi Asamura, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize], No Date.
Correspondence: from Pedro Gener, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize (in Spanish)], No Date.
Correspondence: from George and Bille, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize, personal update], No Date.
Correspondence: from F. Gallais, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 13.
Correspondence: from Swedish man?, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] December 13, 1954.
Correspondence: from Chauncey D. Leake, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize, presidency of American Association for the Advancement of Science] November 26, 1954.
Correspondence: from Bob Feidle?, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] October 29, 1954.
Correspondence: from Marion C. Morris, National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, [re: request for reference] December 1, 1954.
Correspondence: from Beets, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4.
Correspondence: from H. G. Thode, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from Harold B. Friedman, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 9, 1954.
Correspondence: from Andre J. deBethune, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize, chemistry text review] December 10, 1954.
Correspondence: from W. V. Houston, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 12, 1954.
Correspondence: from E. Sherwood Jones, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from Lawrence Bragg, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from A. C. Allison, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize, paper re: erythrocytes] November 24, 1954.
Correspondence: from A. G. Ogston, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 25, 1954.
Correspondence: from M. H. L. Pryce, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Hermann Lehuraun?, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Eric Rideal, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Rosalind Franklin, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 5.
Correspondence: from I. MacArthur, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 19, 1954.
Correspondence: from Felix Haurowitz, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from Andrew A. Recsei, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 12, 1954.
Correspondence: from Granoverbeek?, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 11, 1954.
Correspondence: from Joe Capsin, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize, newspaper clippings enclosed] 1954.
Correspondence: from Lionel Aucoin, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize, autograph request] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from David, University of Puerto Rico - School of Medicine, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize, speech invitation] November 15, 1954.
Correspondence: from A. Sandoval, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico - Instituto de Quimica, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize, invitation for professor exchange program] November 19, 1954.
Correspondence: from J. Courtois, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize (in French)] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Robert A. Farrick?, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 24, 1954.
Correspondence: from Colin B. Mackay, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 12, 1954.
Correspondence: from C. Lalor Burdick, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] December 16, 1954.
Correspondence: from Harold P. Klug, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from Peter Tornqvist, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize], No Date.
Correspondence: from Leonora and Earl Bilge, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize], No Date.
Correspondence: from Ronnie? Bell, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize, plans to visit] November 6, 1954.
Correspondence: from Lucile, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize], No Date.
Correspondence: from Ernest A. Krahmer, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize, request for copy of research] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Kenneth Mees, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Paul D. Foote, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Don M. Chase, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Mort Jones, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from R. Daudel, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize (in French)] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from George Goldfinger, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from Modesto Bargallo, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize (in Spanish)] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Howard Vesper, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Ralston H. Holmes, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Hilard Baier, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Bruce A. Findlay, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from C. L. Collins, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize, appreciation for stand on peace] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Henry D. Isaac, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize, request for personal views] November 12, 1954.
Correspondence: from Charles Saffer, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Abraham White, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Jules Duchesne, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 9, 1954.
Correspondence: from Friedrich-Freksa, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize (in German)] November 11, 1954.
Correspondence: from Hans Herloff Inhoffen, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize(in German)] November 12, 1954.
Correspondence: from Henry Wise, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 9, 1954.
Correspondence: from George M. Day, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Henry Allen Moe, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 2, 1954.
Correspondence: from Alan, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from R. B. Stowe, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Gene, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from K.S. Krishnan, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 18, 1954.
Correspondence: from Jay Banovitz, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 30, 1954.
Correspondence: from George Griswold, Jr., Newsweek, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize, magazine article] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from Henry B. Hass, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from Stephen H. Fritchman, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize], No Date.
Correspondence: from Otto Stern, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Abe Fadem, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Celia Tivirmau?, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize], No Date.
Correspondence: from D. M. Morandini, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Malcolm Schmidt, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from John Edgar, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 11, 1954.
Correspondence: from J. W. Cook, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from Clementina B. Vda. De Cerruti, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize (in Spanish)] November 16, 1954.
Correspondence: from W. V. Houston, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize], No Date.
Correspondence: from Gunther S. Stent, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Mimi and K. Van Niel, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from Eugenio Riesz, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 11, 1954.
Correspondence: from Mary Alice Fox, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize (in Portuguese?)], No Date.
Correspondence: from Mary Bowen, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from Sam Miller, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize], No Date.
Correspondence: from H. Brasseur, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize], No Date.
Correspondence: from Martland Jossdgmar?, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 11, 1954.
Correspondence: from Ephraim Katchalski, CIT Scientific Committee, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from David Shoemaker, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from multiple signees from Cambridge, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Charles C. Price, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 10, 1954.
Correspondence: from F. H. Spedding, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 18, 1954.
Correspondence: from Gino DiCastro, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 9, 1954.
Correspondence: from K. Selmayr, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize (in German)] December 18, 1954.
Correspondence: from F. Allan Andersen, John Rastrup-Andersen, Borge Bak, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Hans H. Weber, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize (in German)] November 18, 1954.
Correspondence: from Heinrich Heesch, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 18, 1954.
Correspondence: from Giovanni Giacometti, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize, pi-orbitals] November 14, 1954.
Correspondence: from Karin Edmark, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Ruth E. Lacey, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from Sara W. Prentiss, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 7, 1954.
Correspondence: from Lester Kieft, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 24, 1954.
Correspondence: from A. M. Zarem, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 26, 1954.
Correspondence: from Pierre Gross, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize (in French)] November 6, 1954.
Correspondence: from K. S. Pitzer, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 30, 1954.
Correspondence: from Jerome Hershman, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] December 1, 1954.
Correspondence: from Harry G. Day, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 27, 1954.
Correspondence: from Bob, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from Louis Finkelstein, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 2, 1954.
Correspondence: from Malcolm Dole, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 30, 1954.
Correspondence: from John E. Pomfret, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Bill Astbury, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Maurice Stacey, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from E. E. Wickes, E. W. Hughes, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Gabriel Stein, Joel Raccah, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 11, 1954.
Correspondence: from Frank Lanni, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize], No Date.
Correspondence: from Francis C. Gray, Massachusetts General Hospital, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 9, 1954.
Correspondence: from Dick and Anne Lippman, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from Garman Harbottle, Norman Elliott, Keith Rowley, Simon Freed, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 2, 1954.
Correspondence: from E. Bright Wilson, Jr., G. B. Kistiakowsky, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from Max Bettman, Eddie Hughes, Harlod Klug, Fred Ordway, Ken Trueblood, Jurg Waser, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from John Edsall, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Hubert Alyea, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Barbara W. Low, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Floyd Rowland, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Dave and Reinie Pressman, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 3, 1954.
Correspondence: from Edward Goodlaw, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 23, 1954.
Correspondence: from P. Swings, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 17, 1954.
Correspondence: from Rafael Grinfeld, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 17, 1954.
Correspondence: from Jack Morrison, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 18, 1954.
Correspondence: from S. David Bailey, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 17, 1954.
Correspondence: from Heinrich Thiele, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize (in German)] November 7, 1954.
Correspondence: from W. Foerst, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize (in German)] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Foerst, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize, request for Nobel paper] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from S. Ttusezawa?, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] October 11, 1954.
Correspondence: from J. A. Christiansen, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 20, 1954.
Correspondence: from Mrs. Lowell Adams, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 30, 1954.
Correspondence: from Sylvia T. Gavurin, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] December 6, 1954.
Correspondence: from W. F. Libby, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Stanford D. Moore?, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 7.
Correspondence: from John Fulton, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 6, 1954.
Correspondence: from Bill Pirie, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 11, 1954.
Correspondence: from Kathy Johnson, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Mau Julia?, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 22, 1954.
Correspondence: to AHP from Else Abbott, American Embassy, Stockholm, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize, formal attire] November 24, 1954.
Correspondence: from Ruth Tohuau, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 14, 1954.
Correspondence: from Virginia Badger, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize, personal update], No Date.
Correspondence: from Pastor of Saint Joseph's Church, Sunnyside, WA, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 14, 1954.
Correspondence: from N. Boothman, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] December 1, 1954.
Correspondence: from G. H. Whipple, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Oliver Grummitt, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Peter H. Odegard, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Dennis Fox, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Columba Quran?, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 17, 1954.
Correspondence: from A. Moffe, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 20, 1954.
Correspondence: from Werner Kroebel, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize (in German)] November 18, 1954.
Correspondence: from R. Bognar, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 24, 1954.
Correspondence: from Lee Shippey, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize], No Date.
Correspondence: from Reuben L. Kahn, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 29, 1954.
Correspondence: from G. Rymina?, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize (in German)] November 10, 1954.
Correspondence: from Ake Bendix, Rolf S. Nilsson, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 9, 1954.
Correspondence: from F. A. Gilfillan, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] December 10, 1954.
Correspondence: from J. E. Hobson, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 10, 1954.
Correspondence: from J. Monod, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from Charles D. Russell, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from Bruce Hornbrook Sage, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] December 1, 1954.
Correspondence: from John Despaul, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Margaret Chadwick, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize, personal update] November 28, 1954.
Correspondence: from Paul Manning, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 30, 1954.
Correspondence: from Jesse and Susie Dulnond?, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 28, 1954.
Correspondence: from Harvey C. McCaleb?, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 14, 1954.
Correspondence: from E. H. Volwiler, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 16, 1954.
Correspondence: from John T. Sites, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 12, 1954.
Correspondence: from Stanley J. Winkelman, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Henry Russell?, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Robert Malinoff, Mary and David Hyun, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 19, 1954.
Correspondence: from Stanley Moffatt, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 10, 1954.
Correspondence: from Hinz, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize (in German)] November 8, 1954.
Correspondence: from Clark Foreman, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 5, 1954.
Correspondence: from Lars Frank, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 9, 1954.
Correspondence: from Ralph Winger, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] December 1, 1954.
Correspondence: from F. H. Crick, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 6, 1954.
Correspondence: from Richard and Desiree Wilson, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize], No Date.
Correspondence: from F. J. W. Roughton, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from Casper Schutte, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 9, 1954.
Correspondence: from Johanna Sommerfeld, Mit Ernst, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize (in Swedish)] November 24, 1954.
Correspondence: from D. Rajagopal Rao, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 10, 1954.
Correspondence: from Milton Harris, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 4, 1954.
Correspondence: from L. L. Thurstone, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 9, 1954.
Correspondence: from W. A. Mars, [re: congratulations for Nobel prize] November 9, 1954.
Correspondence: from J. P. Youtz, [re: article in Svenska Forpackningar] September 13, 1955.
Magazine Article: "Tetramjolk far premmiar I Stockholm", Svenska Forpackningar, No Date.
Magazine Article: "People", Chemical and Engineering News, No Date.
Article: "Los Premios Nobel", Ciencia e Investigacion, January 1955.
Program: 17th College Day, 1954-1955, College of Science, Benares Hindu University, Varanasi, India, February 6, 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Structure of Haemoglobin [sic]", Leader, February 9, 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "No Need of Destruction of Atom Bombs", Amrita Bazar Patrika, February 9, 1955.
List of Invitees: Dinner in Honour of Prof. Dr. Linus Pauling on the Gakushi Kaikan, Chemical Society of Japan, February 22, 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Halt Nuclear Weapon Testing, Pauling Urges", Pasadena (California) Star-News, March 17, 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling...", [re: arrival in Tokyo] Mainichi, February 22, 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Calcutta and Suburbs", Statesman, February 10, 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling Due for Brief Stop", Honolulu (Hawaii) Star-Bulletin, March 10, 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus Pauling to be Honored", Pasadena (California) Star-News, March 7, 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientist Scores School Loyalty Case 'Penalties'", Pasadena (California) Star-News, March 27, 1955.
Newspaper Photo with Caption: "Senate Investigators are inquiring...", [re: passport problems] Foto, [?] 1955.
Invitation: Lecture on the "Structure of Proteins", Indian Chemical Society, Calcutta, February 10, 1955.
Press Release: "South Hadley, Mass.", Mount Holyoke News Bureau, April 23.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Pauling Here Briefly", Honolulu (Hawaii) Advertiser, March 12, 1955.
Announcement: Lecture: "An Account of Our Trip Around the World", The Athenaeum, California Institute of Technology, May 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Japanese Scientists and Their Work Lauded", Asahi Evening News, March 16, 1955, (two copies).
Newspaper Clipping: "Ends Lecture Tour", Pasadena (California) Star-News, March 16, 1955.
Flyer: The Franklin Delano Roosevelt Regular Meeting, March 16, 1955.
Article: "California Enjoys Rebirth of Freedom", Rights, May 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Celebridades Mundiales Linus Pauling", El Norte, (Monterrey, Mexico) June 12, 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Rebirth of Freedom in U.S. Told at Pauling Dinner", Los Angeles Tribune, June 10, 1955.
Invitation: "The Einstein I Knew", American Civil Liberties Union, Los Angeles, May 12, 1955.
Magazine Article: "The biology department of Harvard University...", [re: Prather Lectures] Science, April 1, 1959.
Magazine Article: "Atomic to Suburbia", Newsweek, April 4, 1955.
Article: "Future of Medicine", Electronic Medical Digest, Second Quarter, 1954.
Newspaper Clipping: "Mt. Holyoke Dedicates New Chemistry Labs", Boston Sunday Globe, April 24, 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "New Era in Medicine Predicted by Dr. Pauling at Mount Holyoke", New York Times, April 24, 1955.
Typescript Fragment: re: dedication of Mt. Holyoke Chemistry Building, 1955.
Program: International Symposium on Enzymes: Units of Biological Structure and Function, Detroit, Michigan, November 1-3, 1955.
Program: Dedication of the Newcomb Cleveland Hall and the Chemistry Laboratory, Mt. Holyoke College, April 23, 1955.
Press Release: "Chemistry in Relation to Medicine", [re: summary of talk by LP] April 23, 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Ben Berman to Head SJO", Publication Unknown, 1955.
Article: "Memorial Set for Einstein", Publication Unknown, May 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Says Einstein 'Regretted' Bomb Proposal", Pasadena (California) Star-News, May 15, 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Record Crowd in Einstein Tribute",American Civil Liberties Union Open Forum, May 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "New Era Seen in Protein Studies", Drug Trade News, May 9, 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Core of the Matter", Indianapolis (Indiana) Star, May 15, 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling to Speak at Luncheon", Pasadena (California) Star-News, May 23, 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Tells Surprises in Discoveries", Pasadena (California) Star-News, May 25, 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Aviso Al Publico", El Mundo, (San Juan, Puerto Rico) May 6, 1955.
Invitation: A Dinner Marking a Rebirth of Civil Liberties, Honoring Linus Pauling, Citizen's Committee to Preserve American Freedom, Los Angeles, June 4, 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Busy Speaking Schedule Ahead for Dr. Pauling", Pasadena (California) Star-News, June 1, 1955.
Magazine Article: "Portrait of a scientist, a tribute to Linus Pauling", Science, May 27, 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Ganador Premio Nobel Disertar en la UPR", El Mundo, (San Juan, Puerto Rico) May 3, 1955.
Program: June Meeting, Los Angeles Section of the American Chemical Society, [?] Los Angeles, June 3, 1955.
Magazine Article: "Sixth Chemistry Conference Held at Fisk", Chemical and Engineering News, June 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientists' Meeting in East Berlin", Times (London), September 24, 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Two Professors Due at Seminar", Publication Unknown, October 1955.
Program: The Sixth Chemistry Conference, American Chemical Society, Division of Chemical Education, Fisk University, Nashville, Tennessee, June 15-24, 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Confer 321 Degrees at Caltech's 61st Commencement", Pasadena (California) Star-News, June 11, 1955.
Flyer: Los Feliz Summer Forum, Los Angeles, June 29-August 24, 1955.
Typescript Fragment: re: job prospects for Caltech graduate students, 1955.
Program: The Swedish Club of Los Angeles First Annual Awards Banquet, Honoring the Memory of Alfred Nobel, Los Angeles, November 4, 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "SJO Donor-Dinner to Feature Linus Pauling", Valley Jewish News, June 2, 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Ben Berman to Head SJO", Los Angeles Examiner, June 5, 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling to Install Southland Jewish Group Officers", Los Angeles Times, June 5, 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling Speaker at SJO's 12th Donor Banquet", Heritage, June 2, 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "SJO Dinner to be Held Sunday", Heritage, June 23, 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Donor Dinner to Mark 12th Anniversary of Southland Jewish Org.", B'nai B'rith Messenger, June 24, 1955.
Article: Prof. Linus C. Pauling Accepts Donor Invitation June 26th", Southland Jewish Organization News, June 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "SJO to Charter New Chapter at Dinner Sunday", Publication Unknown, June 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Ученые об идеях настоящего и будущего", ["Scientists about present and future ideas"] Russian Daily, July 29, 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling to Induct New Officers for S.J. Organizations", B'nai B'rith Messenger, June 10, 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling to Officiate", Publication Unknown, June 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling to Talk of 'New World'", Publication Unknown, August 1955.
Newspaper Advertisement: Los Feliz Summer Forum, Los Angeles, Publication Unknown, August 24, 1955.
Article: "Inorganic Reactions and Structure", Chemist, August 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Brooklyn Polytechnic Closes Centennial Year", New York Herald Tribune, October 9, 1955.
Magazine Photo with Caption: "Honored at Brooklyn Polytechnic Centennial", Chemical and Engineering News, October 31, 1955.
Program: Molecular Structure and Biological Specificity, Office of Naval Research, Washington, D.C., October 28-29, 1955.
Bulletin Article: "Under the sponsorship of the Office of Naval Research...", [re: conference on Molecular Structure and Biological Specificity] A.I.B.S. Bulletin, October 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Caltech Annual Report Shows Banner Year from All Angles", Pasadena (California) Star-News, November 14, 1955.
Program: American Crystallographic Association Spring Meeting, The Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, April 11-13, 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Bureau Chief Questioned in Passport Row", Publication Unknown, November 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Passport Refusal Challenge Upheld", Publication Unknown, November 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Says 'Something Rotten' in State Dept. Passport Policies", Pasadena (California) Star-News, November 16, 1955.
Press Release: "Pasadena, California", News Bureau, California Institute of Technology, November 14, 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Capital Bright Side", Stockton (California) Record, November 17, 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Capital Bright Side", Stockton (California) Record, November 18, 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Ford Grants Back 2 Brain Projects", New York Times, August 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Prize Winner Meets Old Chum Here",Austin (Texas) Statesman, December 8, 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "Magic Brain's Use on Problems Seen", The Austin (Texas) Statesman, December 8, 1955.
Magazine Article: "Linus Pauling...", [re: Margaret Beattie Lecture] Science, January 27, 1956.
Magazine Article: "Linus Pauling of Caltech...", [re: George A. Miller Lecture] Chemical and Engineering News, February 27, 1956.
Magazine Article: "The Word and the World", Newsweek, January 16, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "The Year in Review", Open Forum, December 1955.
Newspaper Clipping: "A Little Room", Publication Unknown, 1955.
Invitation: Meeting of the Southern California Section of the American Humanist Association, May 15, 1956.
Reprint: "Youth Wants to Know Presents", with Linus Pauling, Elmer Peterson, Guest Moderator, January 1, 1956.
Magazine Article: "Synthesis and Order in Growth", Chemical and Engineering News, April 9, 1956.
Magazine Photo with Caption: "The Molecular Quantum Mechanics Conference", Southwest Retort, February 1956.
Program: La solenne celebrazione di Avogadro in Campidoglio, Accademia Nazionale Dei XL, Milan, August 1956.
Advertisement: "Perspectives in Organic Chemistry", Interscience Publishers, Inc., 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Doctors Urged to Learn More Psychiatry", Los Angeles Examiner, October 21, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling to Talk About Hypothesis", Daily Californian, January 6, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Says Smog Can Shorten Life", Los Angeles Examiner, October 21, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Denies Science Leads to Faith in God", Publication Unknown, January 1956.
Magazine Article: "Dr. Linus Pauling to be Guest Speaker for Beattie Lecture", Chemical and Engineering News, January 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Prize Winner to Speak Here", Oberlin (Ohio) News-Tribune, October 11, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "He Made It!", California Tech, October 25, 1956.
Magazine Article: "Linus Pauling...", [re: Margaret Beattie Lecture] Chemical and Engineering News, January 23, 1956.
Article: "This Month", [re: Pauling passport troubles] Frontier, February 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "AAUW to Hear Dr. Pauling", Pasadena (California) Star-News, February 23, 1956.
Article: "This Month", [re: Pauling passport troubles] Frontier, February 1956.
Magazine Article: "Modern Structural Chemistry", Science, February 17, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Heritage Week Climaxes in 11 A.M. Address", Humboldt State College (Arcata, California) Lumberjack, February 17, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling to Speak at College", Eureka (California) Humboldt Times, February 17, 1956.
Program: Second Annual Margaret Beattie Lecture, The Council of American Bioanalysts, San Francisco, California, February 4, 1956.
Program: American Heritage Week, Humboldt State College, Arcata, California, February 13-17, 1956.
Invitation: Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, First Night-Meeting of 1956, Los Angeles, March 22, 1956.
Article: "Abnormal Hemoglobin Molecules and their Relation to Disease Discussed", Lab World, March 1956.
Program: The American College of Physicians Convocation, Los Angeles, April 18, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Lecture Set", Pasadena (California) Star-News, April 10, 1956.
Program: The Annual Convocation of the American College of Physicians, Los Angeles, April 18, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Speeches to Begin Tonight", University of Illinois Daily Illini, April 5, 1956.
Magazine Article: "Linus Pauling...", [re: George A. Miller Lectures] Science, March 9, 1956.
Article: "A Series of Lectures by Linus Pauling", Publication Unknown, April 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Here for Lectures", Urbana-Champagne, (Illinois?) News-Gazette, April 4, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling Named Visiting Professor at UI", Publication Unknown, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Commemorato in Campidoglio il grande fisico torinese Avogadro", La Nuova Stamda (Torino, Italy), June 7, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Lend Me Your Ears", Daily American (Rome), June 7, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Celebrato il Centenario della Morete di Avogadro", Il Messaggero, June 7, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Italy to Fete Dr. Pauling", Pasadena (California) Star-News, June 5, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Italy Gives High Honor to Pauling", Publication Unknown, June 1956.
Envelope addressed to Linda Pauling, from Italy, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Cure for Schizophrenia?", Washington Star, May 5, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Hybrid Virus Discovery Called Immunization Aid", Chicago Sun-Times, May 1, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemists Entering New Era of Important Finds: Pauling", University of Illinois Daily Illini, April 6, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Corliss Lamont to Speak in L.A.", Pasadena (California) Star-News, May 8, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Prize Winner to Speak Tonight", University Daily Kansan, (University of Kansas?) May 7, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Bot fr sinnessla mjlig inom tio r", Dagens Nyheter, (Stockholm) June 1, 1956.
Flyer: Program Notes, American Humanist Association, Los Angeles, May 15, 1956.
Journal Article: "Forecast of Enzyme Research", Journal American Medical Association, May 26, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Biochemist Seen Aiding Mind Ills", New York Times, May 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Ties Mental Ills to Molecule", News-Gazette, May 1956.
Correspondence: from Domenico Marotta, Societ Chimica Italiana, (in Italian), January? 1956.
Invitation: Seminario di Scienze Biologiche della Facolt di Scienze, Universit degli Studi di Milano, June 21, 1956.
Invitation: Accademia Nazionale dei XL si Onorano di Invitare la S.V. Alla Celebrazione di Amedeo Avogadro, June 6, 1956.
Invitation: Concerto Che, in Occasione delle Onoranze ad Amedeo Avogadro, Venice, June 6, 1956.
Invitation: Pranzo Che Nella Ricorrenze della Celebrazione di Amedeo Avogadro, June 7, 1956.
Program: Premi conferiti nella seduta sollene del 6 guigno alla presenza del Presidente della Repubblica, Accademia Nazionale Dei XL, Rome, June 6, 1956.
Program: Svolgimento della cerimonia, Celebrazione di Amedeo Avogadro, Accademia Nazionale Dei XL, Rome, June 6, 1956.
Program: Orchestra del l'Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, Celbrazione di Amedeo Avogadro, Accademia Nazionale Dei XL, Rome, June 6, 1956.
Magazine Article: "Linus Pauling...", [re: receipt of Italy's Order of the Republic] Chemical and Engineering News, June 25, 1956.
Program and Menu: Pranzo in onore degli ospiti stranieri e dei premiati del l'Accademia, Accademia Nazionale dei XL, Rome, June 7, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Il Prof. Pauling dopo Padova a Cortina", Gezzetta del Veneto, June 25, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Research in Chemistry of Mental Disease Due", Pasadena (California) Star-News, August 28, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Prize Winner Tells Research Plan", Children Limited, June 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Caltech Gets $450,000 for Mental Study", Publication Unknown, August [?] 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Predicts Conquest of Feeble-Mindedness", Publication Unknown, May 2, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Smog Shortens People's Lives, Scientist Says", Los Angeles Times, October 21, 1956.
Magazine Article: "Genes & Mental Defectives", Time, September 10, 1956.
Magazine Article: "Grants of Nearly $1 Million for Brain Chemistry", Chemical and Engineering News, September 10, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Famed Chemist Attacks Mental Disease", Cleveland Press, September 5, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Democratic Club to Hear Dr. Pauling", Pasadena (California) Star-News, September 19, 1956.
Correspondence: Author Unknown, [re: Itinerary of lecture topics for Pauling speaking tour of the Pacific Northwest] October 22, 1956.
Correspondence: from Birger Tinglof, American-Scandinavian Foundation, [re: Pauling talk] September 30, 1956.
Article: No Title, Letter to the Editor of Fortune, [re: article on Medical Research; A Midcentury Survey] September 1956.
Article: "Where is Science Taking Us? The Research Frontier", Numerous Authors including Linus Pauling, Saturday Review, March 24, 1956.
Flyer: "The Truth About Radiation Damage", A Unitarian Public Forum, Los Angeles, November 30, 1956.
Magazine Article: "Genes & Mental Defectives", Time, September 10, 1956.
Article: "Ford Grants to Five in California", California Mental Health News, September 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "California Institutions to Explore Physiology -- Chemistry of Behavior", Scope Weekly, September 12, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Given $450,000 Grant for MR Study", Children Limited, October 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Winner Declares Century Life Span Near", Salem (Oregon) Statesman, November 11, 1952.
Bulletin Article: "The Ford Foundation...", [re: grants for 1956] A.I.B.S. Bulletin, November 1956.
Magazine Article: "The California Institute of Technology...", [re: dedication of Norman W. Church Laboratory for Chemical Biology] Science, December 7, 1956.
Article: "Dr. Pauling Seeks Molecular Key to Disease", Scope Weekly, November 14, 1956.
Magazine Article: "Pauling Chosen to Initiate Northwest Lecture Tour", Chemical and Engineering News, December 17, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. and Mrs. Linus Pauling...", [re: Pauling family reunion] Sierra Madre News, December 20, 1956.
Program: Mead-Swing Lectures, Oberlin (Ohio) College, October 16-18, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Named Among 10 'Greatest Scientists'", Pasadena (California) Star-News, December 11, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Winner to Lecture", Oregon Journal, November 9, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientist Asks for End to Deadly A-Bomb Tests", Los Angeles Times, October 21, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "A-Tests Reduce Life -- Pauling", Pasadena (California) Independent, October 22, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemists Hear Nobel Winner", Spokane (Washington) Spokesman Review, November 1, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: Letter to the Editor, [re: "What Do You Think", by Lee Shippey] Sierra Madre News, November 29, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Smog Lethal, Scientist Says", Pasadena (California) Independent, October 21, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Winner to Speak Here", Spokane (Washington) Daily Chronicle, November 8, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Ban Atomic Tests, Asks Dr. Pauling", Los Angeles Mirror-News, October 20, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "H-Bomb Tests Threat To Future U.S. Life", Los Angeles Free Press, November 1, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "American-Scandinavian Foundation", (California) Bien, October 4, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: "Two New Cancer Research Projects Started at Caltech", Pasadena (California) Independent Star-News, November 11, 1956.
Newspaper Photo with Caption: "Rock Painting", Pasadena (California) Star-News, November 22, 1956.
Newspaper Clipping: [in Japanese?], Publication Unknown, 1956.
Press Release: "Treatment of Defectives Predicted for 2005", Science Service, December 28, 1956.
Bulletin Article: "The new Norman W. Church Laboratory for Chemical Biology...was formally dedicated", A.I.B.S. Bulletin, January 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Due on Child Panel", Pasadena (California) Star-News, March 21, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Forum", Los Angeles Free Press, March 14, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Experts Exploring New Allergy Theory", Los Angeles Examiner, February 4, 1957.
Magazine Article: "Linus Pauling...", [re: honorary membership in American Association of Clinical Chemists] Chemical and Engineering News, March 25, 1957.
Program: California State Psychological Association, Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, March 30-31, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Stop Atom or Increase Radio-Active Diseases -- Says Nobel Winner", Los Angeles Free Press, April 4, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Doctors Link Arthritis and Rheumatism to Allergies", Los Angeles Times, February 4, 1957.
Journal Article: "Freud", Letter to the Editor of Journal of the American Medical Association, February 16, 1957.
Program: Atomic Realities -- Do We Still Have a Choice?, Sixth Annual Santa Barbara Institute of World Affairs, April 5-6, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Unsere Forschungen waren fr den Frieden bestimmt", Westdeutsche Allgemeine, April 17, 1957.
Program: Meeting of the Winter Night Club, Colorado Springs, Colorado, April 23, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientist Sys 1,000 Will Die in H-Tests", Honolulu (Hawaii) Star-Bulletin, April 30, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling's Contributions", Santa Barbara (California) News-Press, April 5, 1957.
Program: The National Institutes of Health Fourth Annual Lecture, Bethesda, Maryland, May 1, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Couples Tests, Leukemia, Baltimore (Maryland) Sun, May 1, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Rep. Mink States Her Case", "Cheers for Rep. Mink" and "Wants H-Bomb Tests Banned", Letters to the Editor, Honolulu (Hawaii) Star-Bulletin, May 6, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Leukemia Increase Seen in British H-Bomb Tests", Independent, May 1, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Attempt to Distort Loyalty Record of Dr. Pauling Noted", and "Dr. Pauling's Reputation is Challenged by Reader", Santa Barbara (California) News-Press, April 4, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Question Evidence Quoted Against a Fellow Citizen", Santa Barbara (California) News-Press, April 6, 1957.
Newspaper Advertisement: "This is an OPEN LETTER to Dr. Herbert Fingarette...who requested that I produce my source of evidence for the statements that I made regarding Dr. Linus Pauling over FREE SPEECH...", paid for by Ann Gilbert, Santa Barbara (California) News-Press, April 3, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Let's Not Expect Too Much of Man's Rational Behavior", Santa Barbara (California) News-Press, April 7, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Miss Vasconcelos to Wed", Pasadena (California) Independent Star-News, May 12, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Winner Sees Leukemia Peril in A-Tests", Washington, D.C., Evening Star, May 1, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Fall-Out Victims Placed at 10,000", New York Times, May 1, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Lists 10,000 as Fall-Out Victims", New York Times, May 1, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "500 Attend Pauling Talk", Baltimore (Maryland) Sun, May 3, 1957.
Program: Eliot Honors Day Assembly, Washington University, May 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "1,000,000 Deaths Predicted from Past Nuclear Blasts", St. Louis Post-Dispatch, May 15, 1957.
Publication: Linus Carl Pauling, Twrca Teorii Rezonansu I Budowy Biaek, by Wiktor Wawrzyczek, Wysza Szkoa Rolnicza W Olsztynie Dzia Wydawnictw, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Stop Atom or Increase Radio-Active Diseases -- Says Nobel Winner", Los Angeles Free Press, April 4, 1957.
Typescript: "Statement About Bomb Tests", by Linus Pauling, May 2, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Bomb Test Regulation", New York Herald Tribune, May 6, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Unpleasant Data on Radiation", Worcester (Massachusetts?) Telegram, May 10, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling, Nobel Winner, to Speak Next Week", Dallas (Texas) Morning News, May 10, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Big Strides Ahead Seen for Medicine", Dallas (Texas) Morning News, May 18, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pontiff Backed on Atomic Curb", New York Times, May 11, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling to Talk at Westside CC", California Jewish Press, May 24, 1957.
Magazine Article: "A Walk in a Dark Room", Mademoiselle, October 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Sure There'll Be No Nuclear War", Pasadena (California) Star-News, December 17, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Warns of Radiation Results", Children Limited, June 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Senate Curb on Scientists Draws Protest", Open Forum, June 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling Deserves Spotlight", Publication Unknown. [Annotation: "From Egypt, Mass, dated June 1957. No newspaper reference, no return address], No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling to Tell Scientists' Fear of Atom Tests", Los Angeles Times, June 1, 1957.
Program and Menu: Washington University, Meeting of Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi, May 15, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "The Danger from Fallout", Friends Journal, June 1, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Warns of A-Test Peril", Pasadena (California) Independent, June 3, 1957.
Press Release: "Scientists Sign an Appeal Urging International Agreement to Stop Testing Nuclear Bombs", June 3, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Says Atom Tests Shortening Lives", Los Angeles Examiner, June 3, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Visiting Students Assist at Nuptials", Pasadena (California) Star-News, June 3, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "2000 Scientists Ask Ban on Nuclear Tests", Los Angeles Mirror News, June 3, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "2,000 U.S. Scientists Ask End of A-Tests", New York Post, June 3, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientists Protest Nuclear Test Perils", Pasadena (California) Star-News, June 3, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Defective Babies Seen if Atomic Tests Continue", Los Angeles Times, June 3, 1957.
Newspaper Clippings: "A-Ban Petition has Prof. Pauling on Senate Hotseat", and "This is Text of Petition Put Out by Pauling", San Francisco News, June 6, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Welcomes Atom Probe", New York Herald Tribune, June 7, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Subpoenaed", Milwaukee Journal, June 6, 1957.
Newspaper Clippings: "Atomwarner Pauling als Kommunist verdchtigt", and "Dr. Pauling wird nicht verhrt", Dlleldorfer Nachrichten, June 7, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "2,000 U.S. Scientists Say 'End H-Tests'", Peace News, June 7, 1957.
Correspondence: from Robert Morris, Internal Security Subcommittee, [re: Subcommittee hearings schedule] June 7, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Says He'll Be Glad to Face Senators", Los Angeles Times, June 7, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Right to Petition", Washington Post, June 8, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Probers to Drop Dr. Pauling Quiz", Pasadena (California) Star-News, June 7, 1957.
Program: Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society, Gamma Chapter of Texas, Annual Banquet, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, May 17, 1957.
Invitation: The Glidden Company Lectures in Chemistry, Johns Hopkins University, May 2-3, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "2000 Join in Pauling's H-Ban Plea", Los Angeles Times, June 4, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Soviet Propaganda", Hollywood (California) Citizen-News, June 4, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "2,000 U.S. Scientists Ask World Nuclear-Test Ban", New York Herald Tribune, June 4, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "2,000 Aid Pauling Fight Bomb Tests", New York Times, June 4, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "2,000 Scientists Say Stop It!", New York Daily News, June 4, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "2,000 U.S. Scientists Hit A-Tests", Independent, June 4, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Senate Defers Pauling Testimony on H-Bomb", Publication Unknown, June 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling's Senate Probe on Fallout is Delayed", Independent, June 8, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Pleased at Hearing Delay", Pasadena (California) Star-News, June 8, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pravda Denies Red Groups Back Pauling", Pasadena (California) Independent Star-News, June 9, 1957.
Newspaper Photo with Caption: "Dr. Pauling ..." St. Louis Post-Dispatch, June 9, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Details H-Test Stand", Los Angeles Mirror-News, June 10, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "H-Bomb-Test Scare Called a Communist Conspiracy", New York Herald Tribune, June 10, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling to Press Atom Ban Abroad", New York Times, June 12, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Going to Work on Dr. Pauling", San Francisco Chronicle, June 12, 1957.
Menu: E.N.S.C.T. En l'honneur du Professeur Linus Pauling, Restaurant de l'Arogare, June 22, 1957.
Flyer: Une confrence sur le sujet suivant La Structure Des Protines, Facult des Sciences, Universit de Paris, June 18, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Une dclaration du professeur Pauling", Observateur, June 20, 1957.
Bulletin Article: No Title, [re: nuclear tests] Foreign Policy Bulletin, June 15, 1957.
[Reprint of an article originally published in the New York Herald Tribune, May 5, 1957].
Article: "Kein Atomexperiment ist ein Menschenleben wert", Schweizer Illustrierte Zeitung, July 1, 1957.
Magazine Photo with Caption: Text in German, Photo of Linus Pauling and "Dr. Keller", Publication Unknown, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Praises Soviet Parley on Science of Life", St. Louis Post-Dispatch, August 25, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "A-Bomb Kills -- Pauling Political Leaders 'Know'", Independent, August 31, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Warning on A-Test' Toll", Publication Unknown, August 1957.
Magazine Article: "Nuclear Disarmament", Chemical and Engineering News, August 19, 1957.
Program: 9th Annual Seminar in the Chemistry of Natural Products, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada, October 23-25, 1957.
Newspaper Advertisement: The Bryan Priestman Memorial Lecture, University of News Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada, October 23, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Protein Puzzles Will be Solved, Pauling Assures", Fredericton (New Brunswick) Daily Gleaner, October 24, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Acclaimed for Work and Contributions", Saint John (New Brunswick) Telegraph-Journal, October 21, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientists Argue Radiation's Effect, but Agree on World H-Test Ban", San Francisco News, October 4, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Says Radiation From Atomic Fallout Has Its Dangers", Saint John (New Brunswick) Telegraph-Journal, October 24, 1957.
Newspaper Photo with Caption: "Priestman Lecturer at Airport Sunday", University of New Brunswick Brunswickian, October 22, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientists Explore Origins of Life, Dr. Pauling Says", Fredericton (New Brunswick) Daily Gleaner, October 22, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling to Speak Friday at College Chapel", Clinton (New York) Courier, October 24, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Atom Bomb Tests Killing Thousands, Chemist Says", Utica (New York) Daily Press, October 26, 1957.
Article: "The Right to Travel", Coronet, December 1957.
Pamphlet: Public Meeting, Northern California Committee Against Nuclear Weapons Tests, Livermore, California, November 24, 1957.
Program: Postgraduate Course on Hereditary Diseases of Children, School of Postgraduate Medicine of the City of Hope Medical Center, Duarte, California, October 12-13, 1957.
Newspaper Photo with Caption: "Dr. Linus Pauling...", [re: Livermore, Calif. speech] November 29, 1957.
Correspondence: from Aleksander Topchiev, [re: Soviet Signers of Appeal Against Nuclear Weapons Tests] November 26, 1957.
Article: "'Freedom & Science' Banquet to Celebrate Bill of Rights", American Civil Liberties Union Open Forum, December 1957.
Article: "We Shall Not Escape History", New Christian, July-August 1957.
Article: "Parent Blood Test May Make Phenylketonuria Predictable", Children Limited, December 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Attacks Arts Curricula", Hamilton College (Clinton, New York) Spectator, November 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Phillips Visitor Pauling Talks On '...Molecules and Disease'", Publication Unknown, Haverford (Pennsylvania), November 4, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus Pauling to Speak Sun.", Los Angeles Reporter, October 30, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Super-Bomb Perils Population -- Pauling", Valley Times, November 4, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Calls for A-Test Ban", Pasadena (California) Independent, November 4, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "U.S. Diplomats 'Behind Times,' Says Pauling", Los Angeles Examiner, November 4, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Calls for A-Test Ban", Pasadena (California) Star-News, November 4, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Urges Realistic View of Nuclear Perils", Los Angeles Times, November 4, 1957.
Newspaper Advertisement: Public Meeting on nuclear weapons issues, Livermore, California, November 24, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling Speaks in Livermore", Publication Unknown, November 22, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Expect 200 at Nuclear Weapon Protest Sun.", Livermore (California) Herald, November 22, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Justifies Strong Hope for Man's Ultimate Salvation", Cornell University (Ithaca, New York) Sun, October 16, 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "Perils of Witch-Hunting", Los Angeles Mirror-News, October 11, 1957.
Press Release: No Title [re: Pauling speech in Livermore, California] November 1957.
Newspaper Clipping: "9235 scientists ask end to nuclear bomb testing", New York World-Telegram and Sun, January 13, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientists petition U.N. to halt nuclear tests", New York Herald Tribune, January 14, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "9,000 scientists sign petition to ban nuclear tests", Pasadena (California) Star-News, January 14, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "More than 9,000 scientists...", Wall Street Journal, January 14, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "9,000 scientists of 43 lands ask nuclear bomb tests to be stopped", New York Times, January 14, 1958.
Article: "Petition Urging Agreement to Stop Nuclear Tests", Publication Unknown, January 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "9,235 scientists demand halt to atom tests", Seattle-Post Intelligencer, January 14, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling files plea to cease nuclear tests", Los Angeles Times, January 14, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientists of 44 Nations Ask End of Bomb Tests", Seattle Times, January 15, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientists petition on nuclear tests a blunder?", Manchester (New York) Guardian Weekly, January 16, 1958.
Magazine Photo with Caption: "Petitioner Pauling", Chemical and Engineering News, January 27, 1958.
Magazine Article: "Future of A-bomb", Chemical and Engineering News, January 27, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "U.N. Head makes fall-out appeal", New York Times, January 28, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Life Article Scored by Pauling", Sierra Madre News, February 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "U. S. Waits Red Reply; Some Allies Back Bilateral Talks", New York Post, January 14, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Prize Winner to Speak Against Nuclear Bomb Tests", Stanford Daily, February 20, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Raps Teller on Statement", San Francisco Call-Bulletin, February 20.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus Pauling speech at Wheeler today", Daily Californian, February 20, 1958.
Magazine Article: "Sparks", California Feature Service, February 17, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Raps Teller's Fall-out Feud Tactics", San Francisco News, February 20, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dilemma of Modern Man", Berkeley (California) Daily Gazette, February 20, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Clean Bomb Tested, Dr. Teller Reveals", Pasadena (California) Star-News, February 21, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Rival Views on Fallout", San Francisco Examiner, February 21, 1958.
Booklet: "Fallout and Disarmament", KQED-TV.No Date.
Magazine Article: "A First Step in Disarmament", by Linus Pauling, Chemical and Engineering News, February 24, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Reader's service", Spokane (Washington) Spokesman Review, February 23, 1958.
Article: "Linus Pauling...", [re: LP research on mental illness] Harper's Bazaar, February 1958.
Newsletter Article: "'Clean bombs' and fallout hazard", F.A.S. Newsletter, February 26, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Communists busy in trouble areas", Pasadena (California) Star-News, February 26, 1958.
Flyer: University of California at Los Angeles Weekly Calendar, March 16, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Teller will speak Wed.", San Jose (California) State College Spartan Daily, March 3, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling Lectures on War", Daily Bruin, March 18, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Urges Studying Peace Instead of War", Daily Bruin, March 19, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Call Pauling in Nuclear Test Hearing", Pasadena (California) Star-News, March 25, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Clean Bomb Tested, Says Dr. Teller", Publication Unknown, February 20.
Journal Article: "Can 9,235 Scientists be wrong?", Organ of the Association of Scientific Workers Journal, March 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Assembly group rebuffs Pauling", The Independent, (Sacramento, California) March 26, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "TV: hazards of fall-out", New York Times, March 31, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Needed badly: some facts on bomb tests", Independent, March 18, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "No organization involved", California Feature Service, March 24, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Cancer link to certain mental diseases told", Los Angeles Times, April 1, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientists to sue for A-test ban", Washington D.C. Evening Star, April 3, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Ask court ban", Pasadena (California) Star-News, April 4, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Libby calls U.S. 'hottest place' in radioactivity", Publication Unknown, March 31, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling probes mystery of cancer", Pasadena (California) Star-News, March 31, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel winner sees victory over disease", Riverside (California) Daily Enterprise, March 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Suits to bar A-tests sought in US, Russia, and Britain", New York World-Telegram and Sun, April 4, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientists seek order to halt nuclear tests", Washington D.C. Evening Star, April 4, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Court ban on A-tests is asked", Washington D.C. Daily News, April 4, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Suit demands U.S. stops atomic tests", New York Times, April 5, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "5,000 march on A-centre", Montreal Gazette, April 5, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pugwash group 'agreed' on lessening A-dangers", Montreal Gazette, April 8, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Propaganda Fizzles", Hollywood (California) Citizen News, April 5, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nuclear Tests Fought in Suit", Washington Post and Times Herald, April 5, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "14 Ask U.S. and Red Courts to Halt A-Tests", Daily News, April 5, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Court Asked to Ban A-Tests; N.Y., London See 'Peace Walkers'", Philadelphia Enquirer, April 5, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Urges Reduction of Nuclear Arms", Pasadena (California) Star-News, April 6, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Man in the News: Dr. Linus Carl Pauling", Montreal Gazette, April 8, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Allamange de l'Ouest", Le Soleil, Quebec, April 7, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Calls A-Bomb Pacts 'Worthless'", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Doctors See Diet as Aid to Retarded", San Francisco Examiner, April 18, 1958.
Poster: "World Survival in a Nuclear Age", April 23.
Newspaper Clipping: "Special Diets Help Mentally Retarded", San Francisco Chronicle, April 18, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Future Holds Hope for Retarded Child", San Francisco News, April 18, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Prize Winners Discuss Survival in Nuclear Age", Evening Bulletin, April 24, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Radioactive carbon greater peril then strontium 90, Pauling says", Washington Post and Times Herald, April 29, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Libby denies Pauling claim", Washington D.C. Daily News, April 30, 1958.
Typescript: Letter to the Editor of Time, from SANE, (Pauling annotation: "Not published by Time.) April 1958.
Typescript: "Statement by Linus Pauling", [re: article "Libby Disputes Pauling on Perils of Testing", Washington Post and Times-Herald] April 30, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Libby weighs peril of C-14", Washington Post and Times Herald, May 2, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Loyalty proved", Pasadena (California) Star-News, May 3, 1958.
Magazine Article: "Fallout and Freedom", Time, New York, May 5, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Der amerikanische Chemiker...", Tabebuch Wien, May 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus Pauling talk postponed", University of Southern California (Los Angeles) Daily Trojan, May 9, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling hits AEC pair's atom claims as false", Sacramento (California) Bee, May 12, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Genetic Menace of Tests", Letter to the Editor of New York Times, May 8, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Assails Teller, Libby on A-Test Claims", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Scores Libby, Teller", Washington Post and Times Herald, May 12, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Menace to Body", Chicago Sun, April 29, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Says Pauling Lacks Humor About Tests", Pasadena (California) Star-News, May 5, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Again Rips AEC on Fallout", Chicago Sun-Times, May 14, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Interview Protested", New York Times, May 15, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "A-test backers 'dishonest' scientist Pauling charges", Chicago Sun-Times, May 12, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus Pauling to speak on atom ban in Founders", University of Southern California (Los Angeles) Daily Trojan, May 14, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Press as Prosecutor", Washington Post, May 19, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Forum & Agin' 'Em", Pasadena (California) Star-News, May 29, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Fallout Talk is Filmed", University of Southern California (Los Angeles) Daily Trojan, May 22, 1958.
Pamphlet: Call to a Walk for Peace to the White House, May 24-June 1, 1958.
Invitation: Addresses by Norman Cousins and Linus Pauling, The Greater Boston Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy, Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 16, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "L. Pauling describes wars", Chicago Maroon, May 16, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "The People Win in Ike Test Plan", Chicago Daily News, June 2, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling honored by French chemists", Los Angeles Times, June 6, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling to talk here on atom war", Press, June 15, 1958.
Magazine Article: "Letter", Time, June 9, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling pictures new blast peril", New York Times, April 29, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling to speak", Pasadena (California) Star-News, June 12, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Graduation on June 21", Yellow Springs (Ohio) News, June 12, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Disgusted", Pasadena (California) Star-News, June 12, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling says decision needed on nuclear use", Pasadena (California) Star-News, June 15, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientist fears greater fallout in US A-bombs", Boston Globe, June 16, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "A-danger to be aired", New York Sun-Telegraph, June 22, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Honorary degree given parachute developer", Los Angeles Times, June 15, 1958.
Press Release: No Title, [re: LP resignation as Chairman of Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering], News Bureau, California Institute of Technology (Pasadena, California), June 19, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Resigns Post at Caltech", Pasadena (California) Star-News, June 19, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Steps Down to Teach", Independent, April 26, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Quits One Caltech Post", Los Angeles Mirror News, June 19, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Americans Named to Soviet Academy", Cleveland Plain Dealer, June 22, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Antioch Speaker Gets Red Honor", Publication Unknown. June 22, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Grateful for Soviet Honor", Post Gazette, June 23, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "H-Test Ban is Near - Pauling", Sun-Telegraph, June 23, 1958.
Magazine Article: "In a rare gesture...", Time, June 30, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientists Appointments", Publication Unknown, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Bid to Halt Atom Tests Rejected", Pasadena (California) Star-News, July 3, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus Pauling named by Soviets to Russian Academy of Sciences", Honolulu (Hawaii) Star-Bulletin, June 23, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling in Interview Lays Bare Dangers of Continued H-Bomb Tests", U.E. News, June 23, 1958.
Article: "Fact and Fable of Fallout", by Linus Pauling, Nation, June 14, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling sees Bacher as AEC head", Pasadena (California) Independent Star-News, June 22, 1958.
Program: Commencement Events 1958, Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Honored in Soviet", Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania) Sun-Telegram, June 22, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Reds honor Pauling, due here today", Press, June 22, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Explanation of 'Fallout Suits' Will Be Given", Pasadena (California) Independent Star-News, June 22, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling says earth can be destroyed", Pasadena (California Independent Star-News, June 23, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling says earth can be destroyed", Pasadena (California) Independent Star-News, June 23, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling calls A-bomb pacts 'worthless'", Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania)Press, June 23, 1958.
Invitation: Installation Awards Luncheon, Women for Legislative Action, Los Angeles, June 7, 1958.
Postcard: "Wake Up America!", Peace Postal no. 7, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling tells why Russ honored him", Los Angeles Examiner, July 2, 1954.
Magazine Article: "Pauling succeeded by Swift", Chemical and Engineering News, July 7, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Controversial views held by Dr. Pauling", Anaheim (California) Daily, July 2, 1958.
Article: "US court to hear 'stop test' suits", Peace News, July 18, 1958.
Magazine Article: "U.S.S.R. academy members", Chemical and Engineering News, July 28, 1958.
Magazine Article: "Scientists in the news", Science, July 11, 1958.
Magazine Article: "A Note from Dr. Pauling", Frontier, July, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Opponent of Nuclear Testing Speaks Here", Anaheim (California) Bulletin, July 2, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Russ Science Award Not Political - Pauling", Independent, July 3, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Scientist Assails H-Tests", Spokane (Washington) Spokesman-Review, July 28, 1958.
Announcement: "Fission Products and C14; Their Genetic and Somatic Effects", July 21, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Prize Winner to Speak Here", Tacoma (Washington) News-Tribune, July 27, 1958.
Correspondence: from Mrs. Alice Franklin Bryant, [re: a tea with LP] July 29.
Press Release: "Dinner Honoring Linus Pauling", Bryant Campaign Committee, Seattle, Washington, July 28, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling to Talk Here On Dangers Of Fallout", University of Washington Daily, July 31, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Suits to Halt Atomic Tests Dismissed", Seattle (Washington) Times, July 31, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel scientist slated to speak on atom risks", Portland Oregonian, July 31, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling makes case against atomic testing", Berkeley (California) Daily Gazette, July 23, 1958.
Program: University Unitarian Church, Summer 1958.
Newsletter Article: "Letters", SSRS Newsletter, August 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel prize winner asks less bombs", Seattle Post-Intelligencer, July 29, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling backs foe of Jackson", Spokane (Washington) Spokesman-Review, July 29, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling A-test foe, is visitor", Seattle (Washington) Times, July 30, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Court rejects suits to halt atom tests", Publication Unknown, July 31, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nuclear test halt refused by court", New York Times, July 25, 1958.
Typescript: "Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling to Speak in Seattle", July 1958.
Announcement: "Dinner Meeting Features Linus Pauling", Los Angeles Chapter, Federation of American Scientists, July 1948.
Newspaper Clipping: "Mental disease held top worry", Spokane (Washington) Spokesman-Review, July 29, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Savant Urges Quick End to Nuclear Weapon Tests, Sounds Warning", Portland Oregonian, August 5, 1958.
Magazine Article: "...Opinion", Seattle Argus, August 8, 1958.
Magazine Article: "California Institute of Technology", Nature, August 16, 1958.
Press Release: "British Labor M.P., Linus Pauling will Speak on H-Bomb", August 9, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Britain screens atom scientist", Publication Unknown, Dunedin, New Zealand, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Russell hits curb on Pauling", Seattle Times, September 5, 1958.
Program: "Hear Two World Leaders of the Fight For Peace", August 22, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Prominente fordern Versuchsstop", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Another Chance for Dr. Pauling", Observer, September 7, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Britains Treatment of Pauling Chided by Cleric", Seattle Times, September 8, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling charge denied", San Francisco Chronicle, September 8, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: No Title, Times Weekly Review, September 25, 1958.
Announcement: "Scientists on Trial", Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, London, September 22, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling return gets British OK", Pasadena (California) Star-News, September 22, 1958.
Article: "London Diary", New Statesman (London), September 13, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Home office is lying, says the Canon", News Chronicle (London), September 8, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "'Clean' H-bomb is merely a red herring", Raynolds News, September 9, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling's Visa", Manchester Guardian, September 9, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling's visit", Times (London), September 9, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Science meeting", Irish Press (Dublin), September 10, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Marlow medal presented", Irish Independent (Dublin), September 11, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel prize winner in Dublin", Irish Times (Dublin), September 10, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Kept out", Daily Herald (Dublin), September 11, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "US Professor awaits decision", Irish Times (Dublin), September 12, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "British move puzzles U. S. scientist", Irish Independent (Dublin), September 12, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling's Visit", Times, September 5, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling", News-Chronicle, September, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Scientist Told to Leave", News-Chronicle, September 6, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chance for Pauling", Reynolds [?] News, September 7, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling to Visit Austria", Sunday Times, September 7, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Above all Liberties", Peace News (London), 1958.
Invitation: "Wir sind bedroht", Saalbau Essen-Steele, September 26, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Hard way in", Observer, September 14, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Kein Schutz gegen Atomstrahlen", Frankf Bundsch (Essen, Germany), September 28, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Visits from America", Times (London), September 16, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Hard way in", Observer, September 14, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Friends and aliens", Manchester Guardian, September 15, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling's visit", Times (London), September 18, 1958.
Poster: "Scientists on Trial", September 22, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "H-Test Effects on Children", Daily Telegraph (London) September 23, 1958.
Typescript: "Questions for Scientists", September 22, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobelpreistrager in Essen", Mittag (Essen, Germany), September 25, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling given O.K. to return to England", Seattle Times, September 22, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nuclear campaigners defy police", Manchester Guardian, September 23, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel pristager gjesteforeleser i Trondheim i dag", Trondheim Addressenavisen, September 29, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Gjesteforelesing", Aftanposten (Oslo, Sweden), September 29, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobelpreistrger Prof. Linus Pauling", Publication Unknown, September 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemie-Nobelpreistrager warnt", Westdeutsche Allgemeine (Samstag, Norway), September 27, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "50 Bomben wurden genugen", Offenburger Tagbl (Germany), September 27, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nieoller trat in Essen Anti-atomkampfer aus USA", Soester Anzeiger (Germany), September 27, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Saubere Bombe gefahrlicher", Oberfrank Volksztg, September 27, 1958.
Newsletter Article: "Pauling Speaks on C14 at LACFAS Rally", Federation of American Scientists Newsletter, Los Angeles, September, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobelpreistrager gegen Ausrustung", Driesbz General-Ang., September 28, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Niemoller frat in Essen Anti-Atomkampfer aus USA", Hernes Zeitung, September 27, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Politikerkne ma tvinges til a forsta hva en atomkrig innebaerer", Dagbladet (Oslo, Sweden), September 29, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nenneskeheten kan utryddes om stor-krigen slippes los", September 29, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Sprudlende forelesning pa NTH av verdens fremste kjemiforsker", Addressenavisen Trondheim, September 30, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Sprudlende forelesning pa NTH av verdens fremste kjemiforsker", Adressenadvisen Trondheim, September 30, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Fredsproblemet bor loses ved forskning", Aftenbosten (Oslo), October 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "High Real Estate Price", Sacramento (California) Bee, September 30, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Sees Tests to Predict Chance of Normal Birth", Montreal (Quebec) Star, October 16, 1958.
News Bulletin: "Pauling to visit section", Distillate, October 1958.
Magazine Article: "Indefatigable advocate", SAS VIP News, October 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Defective Child Menace Growing", Montreal (Quebec) Gazette, October 16, 1958.
Program: "Research Meeting", October 24, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Evaluating atomic hazard", New York Times, November 2, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: [photo] "At Book Fair", Beverly Hills (California) Press, November 6, 1958.
Program: "The Nature of Nuclear War", Rotary Spokes, November 5, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Caltech Scientist Sees 10 Deaths Due to Fallout", Pasadena (California) Independent, November 6, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "...Test Foe Will Speak", Newark (New Jersey) Evening News, November 7, 1958.
Press Release: "National Lawyers Gild Convention", November 9, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "World on Path Toward Peace, Says Pauling", Chicago Sun-Times, November 10, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Holds A-Bomb is Tool to End World's Wars", Chicago Daily Tribune, November 10, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Peace Research Urged by Pauling", Chicago American, November 10, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Fall-out study challenged", New York Times, November 16, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Evaluating fall-out", New York Times, November 30, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Clark Speaker Asks Nuclear Tests End", Worchester (Massachusetts) Telegram, November 16, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling to Speak Tonight", Swarthmore College, (Pennsylvania) Phoenix, November 11, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Relates Science to Future, Notes Implications of Atom Weapons", Yale University (New Haven, Connecticut) Daily News, November 18, 1958.
Magazine Article: "Suggest Radiocarbon Harmful as Fallout", No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Expects Big 3 to Ban Nuclear Tests Within 6 Weeks", Cincinnati Post, November 18, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Ford Hall Forum", Boston Globe, November 15, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "The Political Science of Professor Pauling", Yale University (New Haven, Connecticut) Daily News, November 18, 1958.
Pamphlet: "Action, Immediate, Right Now!", 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling says Carbon-14 may be worst bomb evil", Pasadena (California) Star-News, November 19, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling advocates peace through research", Tallahassee (Florida) Democrat, November 21, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Cobbler, stick to your last", Tampa (Florida) Tribune, November 23, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Prize-winning chemist speaks, "We live in wonderful world'", Walnut Hills High School (Cincinnati, Ohio) Chatterbox, November 25, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "No place to hide, or laugh", (Seattle) Washington Teamster, August 8, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Soviet Science Talk", Los Angeles Times.No Date.
Magazine Article: "Dr. Linus Pauling Talk at Nov. 4th Meeting Hailed by Massive Audience", Guardians, December 1958.
Press Release: "Dr. Linus Pauling Demands Research for Peace", Unitarian Public Forum, December 6, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "Caltech crossbreeds viruses to make better vaccines", Pasadena (California) Star-News, December 25, 1958.
Newspaper Clipping: "ILWU hears Noble Prize winner", Honolulu (Hawaii) Advertiser, December 31, 1958.
Newspaper Photo with Caption: "Pauling Predicts...", [re: Geneva conference to prevent surprise attacks] Pasadena (California) Independent, December 31, 1958.
Pamphlet: "Forum -- Atoms for Peace or War", Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, 1958.
Newsletter Article: "Fallout hazards hassle continues", Federation of American Scientists Newsletter, January 15, 1959.
Magazine Article: "All about enzymes", Chemical and Engineering News, January 19, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "RE Week Schedule", Publication Unknown, January 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus Pauling set for talk", (Eugene) Oregon Daily Emerald, January 19, 1959.
Itinerary: "Classroom Schedule -- Dr. Pauling", January 18-22, 1959.
Itinerary: "University of Oregon, Leader's Daily Schedule", January 18-22, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling to Speak in Browsing Room", (Eugene) Oregon Daily Emerald, January 21, 1959.
Program: Lecture-Forum Series, Association of Patrons and Friends of the University of Oregon Library, January 7 - March 11, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Abandon war, Pauling urges", Portland Oregonian, January 22, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling speaker at EOC", Oregon Journal, January 22, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel prize winner lauds Porter", Portland Oregonian, January 24, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling charges government 'immoral'", La Grande (Oregon) Evening Observer, January 24, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling to speak here next week", Arcadia (California) Tribune, January 22, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus Pauling to speak for world affairs", University of Southern California (Los Angeles) Daily Trojan, February 16, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "How dangerous is the fallout?", Churchman, February 1959.
Announcement: No Title, [re: Pauling speech to the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Democratic Club of Pasadena] February 18, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Is it treason?", San Francisco Chronicle, February 19, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling states H-bomb dangers", Trojan Owl, February 23, 1959.
Abstract: "Abnormal Hemoglobins", New Titles Published in January, February, March, Chas. C. Thomas Publishers, 1959.
Program: "Directions for Survival", Winter Forum, Mt. Hollywood Congregational Church, March 20, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Brooklyn 'sane' to hear Pauling", New York Survival, March 16, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Most important thing in our world today", Pasadena (California) Independent Star-News, March 22, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "A-fallout will kill -- Pauling", Los Angeles Mirror News, March 31, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel prize winner claims project Argus adds danger", Oxford Press Courier (England), March 26, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Forum & Agin' 'Em", Pasadena (California) Star-News, March 26, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Grim View", Minneapolis (Minnesota) Tribune, March 31, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling UPS", Cincinnati Herald Tribune Service, March 29, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling says fallout will hurt minds of 23,000 unborn", St. Louis Post Dispatch, March 31, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobelpreistrager kritisiert atomenergie-Kommission", Kolner Stadt Anz. Koln, April 1, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "50 000 Amerikaner todlich bedroht", Die Welt (Berlin), April 1, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Carbon 14 peril from A-blasts told by Pauling", Pasadena (California) Independent, April 12, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling's efforts praised", Ann Arbor (Michigan) News, April 16, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Caltech lecture slated tonight", Pasadena (California) Star-News, April 10, 1959.
Newspaper Advertisement: No Title, Ann Arbor (Michigan) News, April 16, 1959.
Newspaper Advertisement: No Title, Detroit News, April 18, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Fallout hazards increased", Detroit Sunday Times, April 19, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling will speak at M.S.U.", Lansing (Michigan) State Journal, April 19, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Must end A-race-Pauling", Detroit Times, April 18, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "So they say", Chicago Sun Times, April 20, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: No Title, Michigan State Journal, April 20, 1959.
Program: Lecture-Concert Series and World Travel Series, Michigan State University, 1958-1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling to speak on science", (Lansing) Michigan State News, April 20, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling warns of test dangers, pleads for halt", Lansing (Michigan) State Journal, April 21, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling hits effects of fallout", Michigan State News, April 21, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling to speak on nuclear arms race", Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, April 24, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Professor hits Pauling story", University Park (Pennsylvania) Daily Collegian, April 22, 1959.
Program: Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, New Jersey State Branch, Annual Meeting, Trenton, New Jersey, April 25, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling hits new radiation estimate", Sacramento (California) Bee, April 27, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Effect of Strontium-90", New York Times, April 28, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling says U.S. has 75,000 A-bombs", New York Times, April 28, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling revises his fallout fears", Detroit Free Press, April 19, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "5000 dor av atomprovcance", Publication Unknown, April 1959.
Bulletin Article: "Radioactive Carbon Called Nuclear Danger", Bulletin of the Brooklyn Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy, April 1959.
Bulletin Article: "Most important thing in our world today", Social Questions Bulletin, vol. 49, (Gresham, Oregon), April 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "How much Strontium 90?", Boston Herald, May 3, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Four generations of Union leaders: 'A burning belief in the future'", New York Teacher News, May 2, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Appeals court asked to halt atomic tests", Publication Unknown, May 5, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Doubts strontium 90 induces leukemia", Boston Herald, May 6, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Asks appeal court to halt atom tests", New York Metropolitan News, May 7, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Not very safe", I.F. Stone's Weekly, May 4, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Body molecules to be discussed by Dr. Pauling", Pasadena (California) Independent, May 7, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "If H Bombs Were Dropped...", (advertisement for Alas, Babylon, by Pat Frank), Publication Unknown, May 10, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling says new radiation level to cause leukemia in one in 1000", Coos Bay, Oregon, May 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "BPWC Speaker", Lone Pine (California) Progress-Citizen, May 15, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling lecture slated today", Pasadena (California) Independent, May 11, 1959.
Article: "The deadly mist", New Statesman, May 9, 1959, (two copies).
Announcement: No Title, [re: broadcast of two addresses of the Presidential Session of the American Orthopsychiatric Association Meeting] May 1959.
Newsletter Article: "Radiation perils cited", Newsletter of the United Independent-Socialist Committee, May 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Meeting with Dr. Albert", Pasadena (California) Star-News, June 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Reader offers comment on peace advertisement", Chico (California) E.R., June 8, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling to lecture", (Portland) Oregon Journal, June 7, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling terms Adm. Strauss 'too immoral'", Portland Oregonian, June 8, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling inviger AMSA-expo", Freden, June 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Universitetet er vel ikke stengt?", Dagbladet (Oslo), June 11, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Mehr ehrfurcht vor dem leben!", Stadt Osnabruo, June 25, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientist Spurr's rites due Sunday", Pasadena (California) Star-News, June 19, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobelpreistrager Prof. Dr. Linus Pauling spricht in der Halle Munsterland", Munsterisches Tageblatt (Sweden), June 30, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Prof. Pauling besucht Berlin", National Ztg (Berlin), June 30, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling warnt erneut", Deutsche Ztg (Berlin), June 30, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Prof. Pauling: Verzicht auf atombombenversuche", Neues Deutschl (Bremen, Germany), June 30, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Konflikte mit den mitteln der vernunft losen", Montag (Germany), June 29, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Letters, Scientific America", New York, June 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling blasts Strauss", Pasadena (California) Star-News, June 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobelpreistrger Pauling: DDR muß in die UNO", Berliner Ztg., July 1, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Prof. Pauling warnt wetdeutschland bonner atomrustung bedroht uns alle", Neues Deutschl (Germany), July 1, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Prof. L. Pauling sprach", Mnstersche Ztg., July 1, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling: DDR in die UNO", Der Morgen (Dusseldorf, Germany), July 1, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Ostzonaler Rundfunk nahm Pressekonferenz auf", Riehr Naelirichlen, July 7, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Bevan fordet anerkennung der DDR", Sachsische Zeitung, (Germany), July 1, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Erbschaden bei allen Menschen", Westf Rundschau (Dortmund, Germany), July 2, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobelpreistrager aus USA spricht vor friedensfreunden: ostsender hort mit", Westd Allg. (Germany), July 2, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Unsere wahl: atomod oder weltregierung", Dusseldorfer Nachichten (Dusseldorf, Germany), July 2, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Fachwissenschaftler diskutierten atomfragen", Munsterisches Tageblatt (Germany), July 2, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Professor Dr. Linus C. Pauling", Der Morgan, July 3, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Gefahr im quadrat", Bz Am Abend (Germany), July 3, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Atombombenexplosionen lassen eine million menschen an krebs erkranken", Frankenpost (Munich, Germany), July 3, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nene wrnung Paulings vor der atombombe", Stuttgarter Zeitung (Stuttgart, Germany), July 4, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Die schrecken der atomaren waffen", Darmstadter Echo, July 3, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Warnung vor zerstorung", Berliner Ztg (Berlin), July 4, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Prof. Pauling: unuberhorbare forderung nadh versuhdsstop", National Ztg (Berlin), July 4, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Neue warnung Paulings vor der atombombe", Stuttgarter Zeitung (Stuttgart, Germany), July 4, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Unsere wahl: atomod oder weltregierung", Dusseldorfer Nachichten (Dusseldorf, Germany), July 2, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Ein unermudlicher warner", Deutsche Volkszeitung, (Germany), July 4, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Stellt den wettlauf mit dem tode ein!", Berliner Ztg (Berlin), July 5, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Prof. Pauling Dr. h.c. der humboldt-Universitat", National Zeitung (Berlin), July 5, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Ein unermudlicher warner", Deutsche Volkszeitung (Germany), July 4, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "AMSA expon till malmo, Freden (Stockholm), July 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Stellt den wettlauf mit dem tode ein!", Berliner Ztg (Berlin), July 5, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Gegen den sinnlosen militarismus!", Neues Deutschland (Berlin), July 5, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus Pauling in Ost- und West-Berlin", Der Tagesspiegel, July 5, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling applauded by Reds", Pasadena (California) Star-News, July 5, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Prof. Pauling in Munchen", Nurab Nach, July 5, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Prof. Pauling Dr. h.c. der humboldt-Universitat", National Zeitung (Berlin), July 5, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Prof. Pauling: DDR anerkennen!", Neue Zeit (Berlin), July 5, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus Pauling in Berlin", Tribune (Berlin), July 5, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Gegen den sinnlosen militarismus!", Neues Deutschland (Berlin), July 5, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Gegen den sinnlosen militarismus!", Neues Deutschland (Berlin), July 5, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Prof. Pauling: Atom-luftschutz ist lacherlich", Frank Presse (Munich), July 6, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Sie mussen schluB machen", Frank Tagespost, July 6, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Prof. Pauling: DDR in UNO aufnehmen", Tribune (Berlin), July 1, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Ein gas aus amerika", Neues Deutschland (Berlin), July 7, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Berliner mosaik", Telegraf (Berlin), July 8, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Ostberlin ehrt Pauling", Kolner Stadt Anz Koln (Berlin), July 6, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Ehrendoktorwurde fur Prof. Pauling", Volksstimme (Berlin), July 6, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus-Pauling-Versammlung in Stuttgart", Publication Unknown, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "DDR muB in die UNO", Freie Presse (Berlin), July 11, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "USA sollen DDR anerkennen", Neues Deutschland (Berlin), July 10, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus Pauling sprach in Munchen", Deustche Noche (Berlin), July 8, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Prof. Dr. Pauling gast der Humboldt Universitat", Neues Deutschland (Berlin), July 7, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Atomgefahr aus der Sahara", Sachsische Zeitung (Berlin),July 11, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Geschlossene gesellschaf", Deutsche Woche (Munich), July 15, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Ring frei!", 7 Uhr-Blatt (Berlin), July 19, 1959.
Newspaper Photograph: No Title, Die Jat (Germany), July 11, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Forumunter polizeiautsicht", Die Wahrheit (Berlin), July 23, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Forskarna ense I A-vapenfragan", Svenska Dagbladet (Stockholm), July 26, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "'Taktiska A-vapen inget for Sverige'", Dagens Nyheter, (Stockholm), July 30, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Atomkrigets foljder visas pa utstallning I Stockholm", (Stockholm), July 29, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "75.000 vanskapta I varje generation", Afton Bladet (Stockholm), July 28, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Antiatomschau", Duisbg General-Anz (Stockholm), July 29, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Forderungswurdige vereinigung", Deutsche Woche (Munich), July 29, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Prominent US scientist to address city meeting", Edmonton (Alberta) Journal, July 31, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "AMSA-expo I Stockholm", Stockholm Tidingen, July 29, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Professorns besok", Afton Bladet (Stockholm), July 30, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Newspaper Clipping: "U.S. accused of wrecking A-ban talks", Japan Times (Tokyo), August 4, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling expresses shock at walkout by 4 delegates", Mainichi (Japan), August 11, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling tells perils of A-poisoned food", Los Angeles Mirror, August 28, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Spread of A-weapons seen added war peril", Los Angeles Times, August 28, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Left and right snipe at atom statement", Toronto (Ontario) Globe and Mail, August 8, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: [in Japanese] 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling voices opposition to security pact revision", Mainichi (Tokyo), August 5, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling backs up Hiroshima appeal", Asahi Evening News (Japan), August 11, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Readers In Council", Japan Times, August 11, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Five foreign delegates have faith in Hiroshima appeal", Japan Times (Tokyo), August 15, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus Pauling's letter", Japan Times (Tokyo), August 16, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "75000 Amerikanische atombomben", Rhein Merkur (Koblenz, Germany), August 14, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus Pauling erhebt Einspruch", Der Sonntag (Berlin), August 16, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "World women's group seeks united front against war", Minneapolis (Minnesota) Star, August 12, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: [in Japanese] Asahi Evening News (Japan), August 14, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Kennedy's statement", Mainichi (Tokyo), August 15, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling urges A-free calcium", Publication Unknown, August 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Spread of A-weapons seen added war peril", Los Angeles Times, August 28, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: [in Japanese] Asahi Evening News (Japan), August 18, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling urges curbing spread of atom bomb to other nations", San Bernardino (California) Sun Telegram, August 30, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Anerkennung der DDR zwedkmaBig", DDR Revue (Vremin, Germany), September 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling books Portland talk", Portland Oregonian, September 6, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Peace 'imperative', states Eisenhower", Edmonton (Alberta) Journal, September 1, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientist to outline dangers of radiation", Edmonton (Alberta) Journal, September 1, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling stresses hazard from fallout", (Portland) Oregon Journal, September 14, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling stresses hazard from fallout", (Portland) Oregon Journal, September 14, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Fall-out flash", Punch (London), September 23, 1959.
Magazine Article: "Magnetic Caltech", Fortune, September 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Regardons vivre les etudiants americains", Les Nouvelles Litteraires (Paris), September 3, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling to speak at SOC Thursday evening", Medford (Oregon) Tribune, September 8, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: No title, Ashland (Oregon) Daily Tidings, September 9, 1959.
Flyer: Annual State Meeting of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Los Angeles, California, September 25, 1959.
Newspaper Photo with Caption: Fre Och Frihet, Grundag (Germany), October 6, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus Pauling replies", Progressive, October 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling talk covers molecular influence", Cornell University (Ithaca, New York) Daily Sun, October 9, 1959.
Magazine Article: No Title, Saturday Evening Post, October 10, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "'Liar' shout at congress", Melbourne Sun, October 10, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "3,000 hear Pauling assail nuclear peril", New York Times, October 26, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling talk traces mankind's evolution", Cornell University (Ithaca, New York) Sun, October 15, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Rockefeller calls for new A-tests", Pasadena (California) Star-News, October 26, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Professor Pauling speaks on 'molecules and disease'", Los Angeles Center News, October 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Prospects for Peace Are Good, Says U. S. Professor", Melbourne Age, November 3, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "'McCarthyism' in Aust. says visiting U.S. professor", Publication Unknown, Sydney, Australia, November 3, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Through the looking glass", Publication Unknown, November 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "A-war 'would end civilization'", Melbourne Sun, November 6, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "End visa system: novelist", Melbourne Herald, November 9, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Peace gathering to begin today", Melbourne Sun, November 7, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Only a few fireworks at peace rally", Melbourne Sun, November 9, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Red methods against peace congress, says Mr. Priestly", Melbourne Age, November 10, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Plea to support Geneva efforts", Melbourne Age, November 11, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "A-fallout horrifying in it's effects", Melbourne Sun, November 10, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: No Title, Melbourne Herald, November 11, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "'Disarming is not enough'", Melbourne Sun, November 11, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Three Congress sections sit today", Melbourne Sun, November 11, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "'...declaration of hope' approved", Melbourne Sun, November 14, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "The spirit of tolerance", Melbourne Age, November 14, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Democracy in Australia", Melbourne Age, November 14, 1959.
Flyer: Public Meeting, Richmond, Australia, November 15, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Generalizing about peace", Sydney Morning Herald, November 16, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Survival hope in nuclear war", Sydney Morning Herald, November 17, 1959.
Invitation: Private screening of "On the Beach", Australian and New Zealand Congress for International Cooperation and Disarmament, November 13, 1959.
Program: Central Methodist Mission, Pleasant Sunday Afternoon, November 15, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Prof. Pauling to speak here later this month", Auckland Star (New Zealand), November, 1959.
Newspaper Advertisement: No Title, Sydney Telegraph, November 14, 1959.
Transcript Fragment: The Unitarian Half-Hour, November 15, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Care in peace moves", Brisbane Telegraph (Australia), November 23, 1959.
Newspaper Advertisement: No Title, Brisbane Courier Herald (Australia), November 24, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Prize winner arrives in visit", New Zealand Herald, November 25, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Not a single student", Brisbane Telegraph, November 24, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Many deformed children because of atom tests", Otago New Zealand Daily Times, November 30, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Professor Pauling on effects of A-bomb tests", Christchurch Press (New Zealand), November 30, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Disarmament", Christchurch Press (New Zealand), December 1, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "The Scientific Society", Corian (Corio, Australia), December 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientists agree on fallout facts", Otago Daily News (Dunedin, New Zealand), December 1, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "A-fallout warning - N.Z. soil buildup", Auckland Star, December 1, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Each bomb tests wastes lives of 15,000 unborn children", Dunedin Evening Star (New Zealand), December 1, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel prize winner's wife shares in bid to end war", Evening Star (New Zealand), December 2, 1959.
Newspaper Advertisement: No Title, New Zealand Herald Tribune, December 2, 1959.
Flyer: "Our Choice -- Nuclear Death or World Law", speech by Linus Pauling, Auckland, New Zealand, December 2, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Escapism", Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, December 7, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Appeal for nuclear disarmament", New Zealand Herald Tribune, December 3, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "They showed their pleasure with kisses", Auckland Star (New Zealand), December 4, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Defense spending not waste, says Colonel", New Zealand Herald Tribune (New Zealand), December 4, 1959.
Magazine Photo with Caption: C.R. Downs and Linus Pauling, Publication Unknown, 1959.
Program: Australian and New Zealand Congress for International Co-Operation and Disarmament and Festival of the Arts, Melbourne, Australia, November 7-14, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Professor recalls McCarthy", Auckland Star (New Zealand), December 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Woman Researcher Unawed By a 'Mr. Big' of Science", White Plains Reporter Dispatch, January 17, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Neue atomwaffen versuche in USA", Die Welt (Frankfurt, Germany), May 23, 1959.
Typescript: "Most Important Thing in Our World Today", by Linus Pauling, Los Angeles Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy, March 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (U.S.A.) and the U.S. National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy Against Atomic Danger and for Disarmament", Women of the Whole World, no.7, July 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Die Atom-Uhr luft ab", Publication Unknown, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Vortrag mit Beifall und Pfiffen", Publication Unknown, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Bombs exist to kill everyone, says Pauling", Los Angeles Times, August 5, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: [in Japanese] Publication Unknown, August 3, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "...auf die menschheit", Telegraf (Berlin), August 6, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Super bomb supply could end all lives", Publication Unknown, August 6, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Gedenken in Hiroshima", Oberb. Volksztg (Germany), August 7, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "75 000 amerikanische atombomben", Goslarsche Ztg (Germany), August 6, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling: vereinigte staaen haben 75 000 atombomben auf lager", Spand Voklsbl (Germany), August 6, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Appell an Europa", Publication Unknown, (Berlin), July, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Ich Arbeite, um die Atomgefahr zu verringern", Dic Walubeit (Berlin), July 7, 1959.
Itinerary: "Tentative Schedule for Dr. and Mrs. Pauling in Australia and New Zealand", October 31 - December 2, 1959.
Typescript: "Declaration of Hope", Australian and New Zealand Congress for International Co-Operation and Disarmament and Festival of the Arts, (Melbourne), November 1959.
Flyer: "Operation Handshake", Congress for International Co-operation and Disarmament, (Melbourne), November 1959.
Program: Citizen's Conference, Australian and New Zealand Congress for International Co-Operation and Disarmament, (Melbourne), November 9-11, 1959.
Program: Education Conference, Australian and New Zealand Congress for International Co-Operation and Disarmament, November 7-11, 1959.
Magazine Article: Letter to the Editor [re: use of titles by Ph.D.'s] Chemical and Engineering News, November 2, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Conference du Dr Pauling sur la radiation", Dredi, October 2, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientist optimist on avoiding nuclear war", Publication Unknown, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Fall-Out Danger Seen", Publication Unknown, October 3, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling opens speech series; talks changed to Bailey Hall", Cornell University (Ithaca, New York) Daily Sun, October 6, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling's Wife To Speak Here", Publication Unknown, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "In Marked Contrast", Cornell University (Ithaca, New York) Daily Sun, 1959.
Flyer: Deadline Meeting, Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy, Los Angeles,(?) September 29, 1959.
Booklet: "Cornell University Press 90th Anniversary 1869-1959", 1959.
Invitation: "A Luncheon Invitation", Newcastle Women's Auxiliary for International Cooperation and Disarmament, November 18, 1959.
Newsletter Article: "The Paulings Are Speaking January 20th!!", FDR Newsletter, Pasadena, California, January 20, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemistry Talk Slated Tomorrow", Publication Unknown, January 17, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Warns on 'A' Blasts in Tar Sand", The Journal of Commerce, January 22, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Paulings Describe World Tour at FDT Club Meet", Star-News, January 21, 1960, and Pasadena Independent, Pasadena, California, January 22, 1960.
Magazine Article: "A-Bomb Suit Appealed", Chemical and Engineering News, February 1, 1960.
Bulletin Article: "Nation's Science Teachers To Convene", National Secondary School Principals Bulletin, February 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling's Talk Canceled", Publication Unknown, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Offers Method to Reduce Sr90 in Bone", Dental Times, February 15, 1960.
Correspondence: from Marjarie Avery, [re: refuting Dr. Teller] No Date.
Correspondence: from Virginia and Dick Badger, [re: lost on cliff incident]No Date.
Correspondence: from B.J. Balcar, [re: autograph request] February 13, 1960.
Correspondence: from Christian Bay, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 2, 1960.
Correspondence: from Arlene Barr, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 9, 1960.
Correspondence: from Eugene Coan, [re: lost on cliff incident] January 31, 1960.
Correspondence: from Gertrud Legerman, [in German] No Date.
Correspondence: from Tita?, [re: lost on cliff incident] January 31, 1960.
Correspondence: from Mrs. Reginald Johnson, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 13, 1960.
Correspondence: from Julie Stitt, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 4, 1960.
Correspondence: from Karl E. French, [re: sale of oven/stove] No Date.
Correspondence: from Mrs. Macgowan, [re: plans for the WILPF] February 15, 1960.
Correspondence: from Mrs. Sylvia Shrivstisen, [re: impressions of LP and AHP from speeches] February 13, 1960.
Correspondence: from Walter P. Taylor, [re: lost on cliff incident, membership in Desert Protective Council] February 4, 1960.
Correspondence: from Mildred Olvistid?, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 2.
Correspondence: from Sir Lawrence Bragg, [re: receipt of "The Nature of the Chemical Bond"] February 5, 1960.
Correspondence: from Robert H. Breding, [re: request to buy ocean-front property in California from Paulings] February 1, 1960.
Correspondence: from Alvin I. Brown, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 2, 1960.
Correspondence: from Austin Brues, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 4, 1960.
Correspondence: from Louise and Joe Capsin, [re: lost on cliff incident, personal update] February 1, 1960.
Correspondence: from Helen Blair, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 16, 1960.
Correspondence: from Beets, [George Beadle, re: lost on cliff incident] January 31.
Correspondence: from Irving S. Bengelsdorf, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 7, 1960.
Correspondence: from Robert Bloom, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 1, 1960.
Correspondence: from C.W. Chandler, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 2, 1960.
Correspondence: from A. Chatterjee, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 2, 1960.
Correspondence: from Nicholas and Irene Cheronis, [re: lost on cliff incident] January 31, 1960.
Correspondence: from Robert R. Citron, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 12, 1960.
Correspondence: from Pearl Cline, [re: lost on cliff incident] January 31, 1960.
Poem: "Two Little Satellites", by Pearl Cline, 1958.
Correspondence: from Bruce Crawford, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 1, 1960.
Correspondence: from M. G. Davres?, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 1, 1960.
Correspondence: from Karl Darrow, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 1, 1960.
Correspondence: from M. E. Dreier, [re: lost on cliff incident] No Date.
Correspondence: from John E. Eilertson, [re: personal update] February 11, 1960.
Correspondence: from Bill, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 2.
Correspondence: from Mrs. C. Friedman, [re: lost on cliff incident] January 31, 1960.
Correspondence: from W. F. Giauque, [re: receipt of "The Nature of the Chemical Bond, lost on cliff incident] February 4, 1960.
Correspondence: from Paul A. Giguere, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 9, 1960.
Correspondence: from John K. Gray, [re: lost on cliff incident, stock interests] No Date.
Correspondence: from William Esslinger, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 1, 1960.
Correspondence: from Sara Evans, [re: lost on cliff incident, personal update] No Date.
Correspondence: from Paul Ewald, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 3, 1960.
Correspondence: from Joseph Facci, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 1, 1960.
Correspondence: from Mr. & Mrs. A. Hammer, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 1, 1960.
Correspondence: from Liz, [re: personal update] February 24, 1960.
Correspondence: from David, [re: personal update] No Date.
Correspondence: from J. B. S. Haldane, [re: misprint in "The Nature of the Chemical Bond", lost on cliff incident] March 11, 1960.
Correspondence: from Lou Harris, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 1, 1960.
Correspondence: from Samuel Hirsch, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 8, 1960.
Correspondence: from Mary Temple Holmgren, [re: lost on cliff incident, speeches at rallies] February 1, 1960.
Correspondence: from Charles Huggins, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 28, 1960.
Correspondence: from Mason Ingram, [re: lost on cliff incident] May 23, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Rescued After 24 Hours on Slippery Ocean Cliff", St. Louis Post, February 1, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Savant Gives Sea a Wave of Wisdom", Pasadena (California) Star-News, February 1, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Top Caltech Scientist Recovering", Pasadena (California) Star-News, February 6, 1960.
Bulletin Article: "Pauling Rescued From Cliff", Pomona (California) Progress Bulletin, February 1, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Save Nobel Winner on Cliff Over Sea", New York Daily News, February 1, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Noble Prize Winner Rescued", New York Daily News, February 1, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Saves Self With Lecture to Sea", New York World-Telegram and Sun, February 1, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Rescued", Baltimore (Maryland) Evening Sun, February 1, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "A Joke Now", Publisher unknown, Anchorage, Alaska, February 1, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemist Rescued on Cliff", Hartford (Connecticut) Times, February 1, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Quits Climbing After Rescue From Cliff", Washington D.C. Star, February 1, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Prize Winner Found Safe on Ledge", Seattle Post-Intelligencer, February 1, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientist Safe", Stars and Stripes, February 2, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemist Missing", Publication Unknown, (India), February 1, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Missing Scientist Rescued From Clifftop", Publication Unknown, (India), February 1, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Trapped Chemist Found Safe", Publication Unknown, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Found Alive and Unhurt", Japan Times, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Safe and Sound", Stars and Stripes, February 4, 1960.
Correspondence: from Kurt H. Tauss, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 3, 1960.
Correspondence: from Edward Teller, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 1, 1960.
Correspondence: from Norman Thomas, SANE, [re: lost on cliff incident, article for SANE] February 4, 1960.
Correspondence: from H. W. Thompson, [re: receipt of new edition, lost on cliff incident] February 5, 1960.
Correspondence: from Inge Uppman, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 1, 1960.
Correspondence: from Samuel & Celia Tierman, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 6, 1960.
Correspondence: from Bill Tuley, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 17, 1960.
Correspondence: from Lowell & Jean Tozer, [re: lost on cliff incident] January 31, 1960.
Correspondence: from Frank, Connie & Ivan Ulz, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 6, 1960.
Correspondence: from Priscilla, [re: lost on cliff incident] No Date.
Correspondence: from Francine Bradley, Maud Russell, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 1, 1960.
Correspondence: from SANE Committee, [re: opposition to nuclear tests] No Date.
Correspondence: from Stanley R Mohler, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 1, 1960.
Correspondence: from D. Michael Morandini, [re: lost on cliff incident] January 31, 1960.
Correspondence: from Dick, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 1, 1960.
Correspondence: from Hiroshi Munakata, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 16, 1960.
Correspondence: from Maxine Negri, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 3, 1960.
Correspondence: from Donald S. Nicholson, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 2, 1960.
Correspondence: from Mrs. Verun Nicholson, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 1, 1960.
Correspondence: from Nora O'Rand, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 2, 1960.
Correspondence: from Frances Paelian, [re: lost on cliff incident] No Date.
Correspondence: from Frances Paelian, [re: lost on cliff incident] No Date.
Correspondence: from ?, [re: lost on cliff incident, God] February 4, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "I will put my Spirit within you", by Mrs. Roy Hofrichter, Publication Unknown, No Date.
Correspondence: from Linus Pauling, Jr., [re: lost on cliff incident, personal update] February 23, 1960.
Correspondence: from Thomas Perry, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 1, 1960.
Correspondence: from Robo, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 1, 1960.
Correspondence: from M. Slade Kendrick, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 4, 1960.
Correspondence: from Rockwell Kent, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 3, 1960.
Correspondence: from Bernard Kleban, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 5, 1960.
Correspondence: from I. M. Kolthoff, [re: lost on cliff incident] No Date.
Correspondence: from Howard Keats, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 5, 1960.
Correspondence: from Simon A. Janis, [re: lost on cliff incident] No Date.
Correspondence: from a friend, [re: lost on cliff incident, Boy Scout whistle] No Date.
Correspondence: from Raymond L. Snow, [re: lost on cliff incident, radiation information] February 4, 1960.
Correspondence: from Fred Sorri, [re: newspaper clippings] February 2, 1960.
Correspondence: from Mrs. Jan Steward, [re: lost on cliff incident] January 31, 1960.
Correspondence: from Carol & Mike Sienko, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 1, 1960.
Correspondence: from Edmond Shultz, [re: valentine] No Date.
Correspondence: from Judy S., [re: lost on cliff incident] March 15, 1960.
Correspondence: from Arthur u. Elfriede Schneider, [in German] February 3, 1960.
Correspondence: from Simon Schachter, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 3, 1960.
Correspondence: from David Seidman, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 2, 1960.
Correspondence: from Betty S. Selden, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 1, 1960.
Correspondence: from Jacqueline Schachter, [re: lost on cliff incident] January 31, 1960.
Correspondence: from Samuel J. Prigal, [re: lost on cliff incident, Dr. Lippman] February 3, 1960.
Correspondence: from Emily M. Pierson, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 1, 1960.
Correspondence: from Peter, [re: lost on cliff incident, personal update] February 1, 1960.
Correspondence: from Anton, [re: sending letter late] February 18, 1960.
Correspondence: from Horace S. Ritter, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 4, 1960.
Correspondence: from Ruth Rosenwald, [re: lost on cliff incident] No Date.
Correspondence: from Holland Roberts, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 3, 1960.
Correspondence: from Rose Russell, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 9, 1960.
Correspondence: from Fritz Lipmann, [re: lost on cliff incident] No Date.
Correspondence: from Warren C. Lothrop, [re: lost on cliff incident] No Date.
Correspondence: from Robert Livingston, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 1, 1960.
Correspondence: from Bob & Mandy Livingston, [re: lost on cliff incident] January 31, 1960.
Correspondence: from Martha Loewenstein, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 2, 1960.
Correspondence: from Ben May, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 1, 1960.
Correspondence: from Michael A. Mills, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 3, 1960.
Correspondence: from The Mergener, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 1, 1960.
Correspondence: from George Billil, [re: lost on cliff incident] January 31, 1960.
Correspondence: from Walter Mitchell, [re: receipt of autographed book, lost on cliff incident] February 18, 1960.
Correspondence: from Frank and Judy Wilby, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 5, 1960.
Correspondence: from E. K. Wickman, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 1, 1960.
Correspondence: from Pat Werthimer, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 2, 1960.
Correspondence: from N. Visalahihe, [re: lost on cliff incident] February 8, 1960.
Correspondence: from Mary Yip?, [re: Dr. Lippman Fund] February 3, 1960.
Correspondence: from Frank Wilkinson, [re: lost on cliff incident] No Date.
Correspondence: from Vinton E. Ziegler, [re: lost on cliff incident] January 31, 1960.
Correspondence: from Edo & Hester Mita, [re: lost on cliff incident] No Date.
Program: Meeting of the Pasadena Kiwanis International Club, February 18, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "You Can Beat Death But Is It Living?", Tacoma Washington News - Tribune, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientist Says Man 'Could Live Forever'", Pasadena (California) Star-News, February 18, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "At High Price of Eternal Longevity a Nobel Prize Winner Would Just as Soon Forget it", (Nevada) Sparks, 1960.
Journal Article: "Noted Scientist Will Discuss Nuclear Testing and Other World Problems, Monday, at Heman", St. Louis JCCA (Jewish Community Centers Association) Journal, February 19, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Declares War Politically Meaningless", Publication Unknown, 1960.
Program Schedule, St. Louis, Missouri, February 21, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Rent Teoretiskt", Dagens Nyheter (Lrdagen), February 20, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Here, Urges Test Ban", St. Louis Globe-Democrat, February 23, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Says War Must Be Abandoned", St. Louis Post-Dispatch, February 23, 1960.
Program: "Leaders of America, The Caltech YMCA welcomes Norman Cousins", Pasadena, California, March 2-5, 1960.
Flyer: General Meeting of the Southern California Section of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, Pasadena, California, March 8, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Legion Members Attack Pauling", Pasadena (California) Star-News, March 24, 1960.
Correspondence: from Thomas B. Coolidge, et. al., Chicago Theological Seminary, [re: Pauling visit] March 16, 1960.
Invitation: Dinner Meeting of the Los Angeles Pediatric Society, March 10, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "In Defense of Pauling", Pasadena (California) Star-News, March 25, 1960.
Magazine Article: "Confidentially Speaking", American Rationalist, March-April 1960.
Flyer: No Title, [re: Pauling speech] Hyde Park Kenwood Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy, Chicago, Illinois, March 28, 1960.
Flyer: "Geneva: Turning Point for Peace", an address by Linus Pauling, North Shore Committees for a Sane Nuclear Policy, Evanston, Illinois, March 29, 1960.
Bulletin: "Dr. Pauling", Sane Talk, Newark, New Jersey, March 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Mayor Says He'll Ask Kimpton to Serve on a City Commission", Chicago Sun-Times, March 31, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "End of Wars Now in Sight", Kansas City Star, March 30, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Mayor Will Ask Kimpton to Serve", Chicago Daily News, March 30, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Arcadia 'Smear' Campaign Scored", Open Forum, April 1960.
Press Release: No Title, [re: Friday Evening Demonstration Lecture] Pasadena, California, April 5, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Court Denies Suit to Ban Atomic Tests", Publication Unknown, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "A Man Who Says What He Thinks", Maplewood and South Orange (New Jersey) News-Record , April 14, 1960.
Magazine Article: "Live and Let Live", Publication Unknown, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Talking It Over", Publication Unknown, 1960.
Flyer: "Humanity and Peace Versus Fallout and the Bomb", speech by Linus Pauling, SANE, Newark, New Jersey, April 19, 1960.
Flyer: "Humanity and Peace Versus Fallout and the Bomb", speech by Linus Pauling, SANE, Elizabeth, New Jersey, April 20, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Says A-Bomb Piles Huge", Newark (New Jersey) Evening News, April 19, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Warns World In Most Perilous Age", Publication Unknown, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nr 330 Atombomben gengen", Hildesheimer Allgemeine Zeitung, April 30, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Labor Criticized", Newark (New Jersey) Evening News, April 20, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientist Pauling Will Speak Here On Nuclear War", Princeton Packet, April 21, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus Pauling To Give Talk Tonight", Chapel Hill (North Carolina) Weekly, April 21, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Anti-Red Fanatics Perilous", Chapel Hill (North Carolina) Weekly, April 22, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus Pauling to Give Talks at University today, Friday", News, April 21, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Recipient to Speak Tonight On Need For Peace", Chapel Hill (North Carolina) Daily Tar Heel, April 21, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Asks Total Atom Ban", Charlotte (North Carolina) Observer, April 22, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Raps Fanatic Anti-Reds", Durham (North Carolina) Morning Herald, April 22, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Asks Recognition Of Red China", Chapel Hill (North Carolina) Daily Tar Heel, April 23, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Lambasts Fanatic Pessimists", Pasadena (California) Star-News, April 22, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Distinguished Panel at JCA Annual Meeting May 12", JCA News, April 22, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Panel Will Discuss Nuclear Fall-Out", Publication Unknown, April 26, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling to Speak", Daily Pennsylvanian, April 26, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Ray McConnell's Notebook", Pasadena (California) Star-News, April 25, 1960.
Program: Jane Addams Centennial Dinner, Pennsylvania Branch of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 26, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "'Peace and Disarmament'", Daily Pennsylvanian, April 26, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Effect of Strontium 90", New York Times, April 28, 1959.
Typescript: "Draft of script for brief dramatic introduction", April 27, 1960.
Program: Spring Meeting of the California Science Teachers Association, Southern Section, and the California Mathematics Council, Southern Section, California Institute of Technology, April 26, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Greetings", Publication Unknown, 1960.
Article: "About Humanists", Free Mind, April - May 1960.
Line Graph: "1941 Mortality Tables", from R. M. Sutton, May 3, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Fleetwood Lawton", Los Angeles Reporter, May 4, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Comment Presented Only as Quotation", Arcadia (California) Tribune, May 2, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Peace Prize Winner Will Speak At Kern College", Fresno (California) Bee, May 5, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Will Address Convocation Audience", Bakersfield (California) College Renegade Rip, May 6, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus Pauling to Deliver Convocation Message", Bakersfield (California) College Renegade Rip, April 29, 1960.
Flyer: International Peace Pageant and Musical Festival, Pageant for Peace, Santa Monica, California, May 7, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Students' Peace Walk Draws 200", Santa Monica (California) Evening Outlook, May 7, 1960.
Flyer: "Geneva -- The Turning Point Toward World Peace", an address by Linus Pauling, Pomona, California, May 11, 1960.
Program: San Francisco Little Summit Conference, May 13-14, 1960.
Program: "The Case For Disarmament", SANE, Cleveland, Ohio, May 30, 1960.
Press Release: No Title [re: Franklin I. Harris Memorial Lecture], San Francisco, California, May 13, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Prober Says S.F. Riots Inspired by Commies", Oakland (California) Tribune, May 15, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "3000 Join S.F. March For Peace", San Francisco Sunday Chronicle, May 15, 1960.
Flyer: Annual Phi Delta Epsilon Lecture, University of California - San Francisco Medical School, May 16, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Says Men Like Teller 'Real Enemies'", Pasadena (California) Star-News, May 31, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling To Address Unitarians", Oakland (California) Tribune, May 15, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Asks $5 Billion Atomic Study of Disease", San Francisco Chronicle, May 17, 1960.
Program: Franklin I. Harris Memorial Lecture, Mount Zion Hospital and Medical Center, May 17, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling and Teller", Pasadena (California) Star-News, June 5, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Replies", Pasadena (California) Star-News, June 10, 1960.
Newsletter Article: "Remember Fallout?" Insider's Newsletter, June 13, 1960.
Flyer: "The Struggle for Peace, Urgent Next Steps", Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 15, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Map Final Plans for Pauling Tribute; 1000 Sponsors Seen", Los Angeles Open Forum, August 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "...und die Unbequemen!", Neue Illustrierte, September 3, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Bomb Tests' Harm To Unborn", Times (London), July 1960.
Article: "The Hemoglobin Molecule", Scope Weekly, July 27, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus Pauling", British Peace Campaign, June 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Opposed Philosophies On the Armament Race", Pasadena (California) Star-News, June 20, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling's Position", Publication Unknown, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Includes Militarists Among US Enemies", Sacramento (California) Bee, June 22, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Optimistic On Mental Studies", New York Times, June 30, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Appearance Postponed", Pasadena (California) Star-News, June 20, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling 'Fears' to Name Aides", Pasadena (California) Star-News, June 21, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling's Senate Hearing Delayed", Pasadena (California) Star-News, August 9, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Loses in Try to Stop Investigation", Pasadena (California) Star-News, August 24, 1960 and Pasadena (California) Independent, August 25, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Letters to the Editor" (From Further Atomic Tests), Publication Unknown, September 19, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Government Says Pauling Suit on Quiz Premature", Pasadena (California) Star-News, August 13, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Izvestia Blasts Senate 'Persecution' of Pauling", Los Angeles Times, July 6, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Subpoenaed in Senate Inquiry", New York Times", June 24, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Professor Pauling's Stand", New York Times, June 23, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "False Issue of McCarthyism", New York Times, August 3, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling in Capital to Testify", New York Times, June 21, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: No Title, New York Times, June 26, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Senators Scored On Pauling Case", New York Times, August 4, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Asks Court to Restrict Inquiry", New York Times, August 5, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Stands Pat on Refusal to Give A-Test Ban Names", Baltimore (Maryland) Evening Sun, June 22, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Refuses To Name Atom Test Ban Signers", Sacramento (California) Bee, June 21, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Says Probers Tried to Hurt Reputation", Sacramento (California) Bee, September 27, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Winner Is Defiant At Senate Probe", Baltimore (Maryland) Sun, June 22, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientists Won't Tell Red Probe", Herald ...[cut off] (Victoria, Australia), June 22, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Inquisition - U.S. Style", Sarnia (Ontario) Observer, June 28, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Applauded", New York Herald Tribune, June 29, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "No Names", Clinton (Iowa) Herald, October 12, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "We're not Think-Alikes", Honolulu (Hawaii) Advertiser, June 23, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Appreciation From Pauling", Honolulu (Hawaii) Advertiser, July 22, 1960.
Magazine Article: "The First Amendment", Churchman, November 16, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Senator Dodd's Defense", Christian Science Monitor, October 21, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Defends Pauling", Seattle Post-Intelligencer, June 29, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Charges Accusers Harass Him", Publication Unknown, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Scientist Risks Contempt in Red Probe", Arkansas Gazette, June 22, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Asked for Time", Arkansas Gazette, June 22, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "U.S. Values Questioned", University of Washington Daily, October 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Risks Senate Action in Shielding A-Ban Circulators", Chicago Sun-Times, October 12, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling's Position", Winston-Salem (North Carolina) Journal, June 23, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "First Amendment", Raleigh (North Carolina) News and Observer, June 23, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Before the High Court", St. Louis Dispatch, October 7, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Does Congress Abuse Probe Powers? Pauling Case Raises Question Anew", Albany (New York) Knickerbocker News, June 25, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Militarists Labeled As Enemies of US", Mulberry (Florida) Paper, June 28, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "The Gallery", New York National Guardian, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "The Gallery", New York National Guardian, November 7, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Doctor Pauling", San Francisco Examiner, June 25, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling to Appear at Probe", Los Angeles Examiner, October 11, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Democrats Soft-Pedal Issue of Cuba's Loss", Los Angeles Examiner, September 27, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Wins Delay on Quiz", Los Angeles Examiner, September 10, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Again Risks Contempt", Los Angeles Examiner, October 12, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling, Pasternak, And Liberty", Louisville (Kentucky) Times, June 25, 1960.
Magazine Article: "Fallout", Time, July 25, 1960.
Article: "Dr. Pauling Subpoenaed", SANE, Boston, Massachusetts, July 1960.
Magazine Article: "Dr. Linus C. Pauling May Have to Reveal the Names of Scientists", Chemical and Engineering News, August 29, 1960.
Magazine Article: "Deadline for Dr. Pauling", Newsweek, July 4, 1960.
Correspondence: from National SANE, [re: Pauling Senate Internal Subcommittee case] 1960.
Article: "Linus Pauling...", [re: Senate Internal Subcommittee case] Frontier, November 1960.
Newsletter Article: "Women's International League Supports Pauling", SSRS Newsletter, no. 94, June 1960.
Newsletter Article: "SSRS Meeting Deplores Pauling Inquiry", SSRS Newsletter, no. 94, October 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling in Warning On Dental X-Rays", Honolulu (Hawaii) Journal American, July 8, 1960.
Bulletin Article: "Insults to Body Shortens Lives", University Presbyterian, July 10, 1960.
Typescript: "Dr. Linus Pauling", [re: LP speech at St. Pancras Town Hall] London, July 17, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling's Appeal Cites Senate Delay", Los Angeles Mirror, August 26, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Loses in Court Plea", Fresno (California) Bee, August 24, 1960.
Article: "Back to McCarthy?" Four lights (WILPF), Pasadena, California, July 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Files Suit To Halt Committee", Los Angeles Open Forum, September 1960.
Article: "Testing is the Right of Petition", Churchman, August 1960.
Article: No Title, Survival, October 10, 1960.
Article: "'I Resent...'", Publication Unknown, 1960.
Article: "The First Amendment", Churchman, November 16, 1960.
Newspaper Photo with Caption: "The Professor and Mrs. Barclay Kamb had never seen a two-seat rocking chair...", I'tinseotu, August 18, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Stand on Civil Liberties Queried", New York Times, August 18, 1960.
Magazine Article: "Pauling Hits Senate Subcommittee", Chemical and Engineering News, October 17, 1960.
Magazine Article: "Dr. Linus Pauling Refused Once Again Last Week To Reveal the Names", Chemical and Engineering News, October 17, 1960.
Article: "Los Angeles", SANE, U.S.A., October 1960.
Article: "National SANE Replies to Attack from Senator Dodd", A SANE Report, (West Philadelphia Main Line Branch) May 1961.
Magazine Article: "Pauling Hearing Postponed", Science, August 19, 1960.
Magazine Article: "Pauling and the Senate Committee", Science, October 14, 1960.
Article: "Freedom and Dr. Pauling", American Nationalist, January-February 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling's Bid to Block Order on Names Fails", Los Angeles Times, August 24, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Decides to Testify Today", Los Angeles Times, October 11, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Senate Smear Charged by Dr. Pauling", Los Angeles Times, September 26, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: No Title, Los Angeles Times, September 10, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Says Probe Claim False", Publication Unknown, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Gets Hero Welcome", Pasadena (California) Star-News, October 15, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientist Sues Congressmen", Publication Unknown, August 3, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Ruling Against Pauling Upheld", Pasadena (California) Star-News, September 7, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling to Tell Fight For Freedom", Publication Unknown, September 28, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Threats Against Pauling Hurt U.S.", Los Angeles Mirror, September 22, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling States Facts on Congress Probe", Los Angeles Mirror, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Still Not Talking", Los Angeles Mirror, October 11, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "A-Parley Scientists Back Pauling Stand", Rochester (New York) Times Democrat, August 29, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Accuses Senate Group Of Harassment in Its Demands", San Bernardino (California) Paper, October 4, 1960.
Article: "It appears that the Senate Internal Subcommittee...", National Review, November 5, 1960.
Article: "The Senate Internal Subcommittee...", National Review, April 8, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling in Court Bid Today", Los Angeles Mirror, September 1, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Charges Attack on Him Plot to Push Arms Race", Los Angeles Mirror, September 2, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Says Probe Claim False", Los Angeles Mirror, September 26, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Reaffirms Secrecy Vow", Mirror, October 3, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Accused of Posing as Martyr", Washington Mirror, October 2, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemistry Meet To Lure Pauling Next Week", Pasadena (California) Independent, September 10, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Testimonial Sets for Paulings", Pasadena (California) Independent, September 18, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Feted at Reception", Pasadena (California) Independent, September 19, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Citation Not Discussed, Dodd Declares", New York Herald Tribune, October 4, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Explosive Question", New York Post, September 18, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Honored at Garden Party", Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, California, September 19, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Relationship of Animals, Man Traced", Los Angeles Times, September 19, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Blood Tracing Links Man To Ape", California Tech, October 6, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Surveyor", Honolulu (Hawaii) Advertiser, September 30, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Bill of Rights Dinner", New York Teacher News, October 1, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Evolution of Mind Seen as Hope for Morality", Los Angeles Times, October 6, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Jabs at Religion, Advertising Chauvinism in Talk Here", Pasadena (California) Star-News, October 6, 1960 and Pasadena (California) Independent, October 7, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nuclear Policy Committee Sets Meeting Here", Chicago Sun-Times, October 3, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Librarians Open Conference Here", Pasadena (California) Star-News, October 3, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Summary of Actions Taken by the Supreme Court", New York Times, October 11, 1960.
Flyer: "The Candidates and the Peace Issue", meeting sponsored by SANE, Chicago, Illinois, October 14, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling Explains Position", Pasadena (California) Independent, November 5, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "My conscience will not allow me to protect myself...", Washington Post, October 6, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Refuses To Name Petition Signers", Portland Oregonian, October 12, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "More on Dr. Pauling", Pasadena (California) Star-News, October 12, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Action Still Unsettled", Pasadena (California) Star-News, October 12, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Views on Dr. Pauling", Pasadena (California) Star-News, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Strange Case of Dr. Linus Pauling", Pasadena (California) Star-News, October 11, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "More on Dr. Pauling", Pasadena (California) Star-News, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Senator Gives Views On Pauling Hearings", St. Louis Globe-Democrat, October 24, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "On The Beam", Chicago Sun-Times, October 13, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "All-Star Cast And A Blonde Will Air Sane Nuclear Policy", Chicago Sun-Times, October 13, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Kup's Column", Chicago Sun-Times, October 18, 1960.
Article: "General Nikolai Telensky...", [re: Soviet support of SANE] National Review, October 29, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Peace Talk at U. of C.", Chicago Daily News, October 15, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Gets Hero Welcome", Pasadena (California) Star-News, October 15, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Changes Force World To Give Up World - Pauling", Chicago Sun-Times, October 15, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "L. C. Pauling, Chemist To Speak At Miami", Publication Unknown, October 20, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Sees 20 Years Added to Life", Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania) Post Gazette, October 21, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientist To Speak Here", Cincinnati Post & Times Star, October 21, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Challenges Sen. Dodd", Pasadena (California) Star-News, November 30, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Blasts Senate on Red Charges", Pasadena (California) Star-News, November 3, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling Explains Position", Publication Unknown, 1960.
Flyer: Bill of Rights Dinner, New York, December 15, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Speaks Here", New York Times, October 25, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling's Affiliations", Cincinnati Examiner, October 22, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Speaks Here", New York Times, October 26, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Calls for End Of Atom Bomb Testing", Rochester (New York) Democrat and Chronicle, October 23, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Pleads for A-Test Ban", Pasadena (California) Star-News, October 25, 1960.
Flyer: "Your Survival", an address by Linus Pauling, Greater N.Y. Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy, October 24, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "The Humanist Periscope", Independent, October 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Albert Schweitzer & The News", Independent, October 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Loses Plea in Supreme Court", Los Angeles Mirror, November 21, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Blisters Prober on Pro-Communist Charge", Los Angeles Mirror, November 29, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Manion comlains [sic] Maroon Distorted his views", Chicago Maroon, November 4, 1960.
Magazine Article: "'Fingerprinting' the Apes", Think, November, 1960.
Magazine Article: "A Letter from Stevenson Democrats Who Are Now Supporting Sen. Kennedy", Publication Unknown, November 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Opposition to Loyalty Oath Naive Idealism", UCLA Daily Bruin, November 18, 1960.
Program: 40th Anniversary American Civil Liberties Union, Denver, Colorado, November 19, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Hear Pauling", Vancouver (British Columbia) Sun, November 30, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "A Symbol", University of Washington Daily, November 30, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "There is No Better Bomb", Vancouver (British Columbia) Sun, December 3, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Prize Winner To Speak in Denver", Denver (Colorado) Post, November 13, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Sees Peace Hope", Daily Home News, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Speaks Tomorrow Night At Douglass", Newark (New Jersey) Rutgers Daily Targum, November 15, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling to Speak at Douglas Tonight", Rutgers Daily Targum, Rutgers University, November 16, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Fallout Shelters Hoax On Nation Pauling Says", St. Louis Post-Independent, November 17, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientist Says We Face Greatest Danger", New Brunswick (New Jersey) Home News, November 17, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Talk", Ohio State University Lantern, November 4, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Talks On Science Uses, Defends Record on Communism", Ohio State University Lantern, November 7, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Theater Use Refused for Pauling Talk", Los Angeles Times, November 12, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Barred From Opera House", Los Angeles Times, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Opera House Wary of 'Peace Rally'", Publication Unknown, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Red China Atomic Bomb Called Near", Seattle Post-Intelligencer, December 1, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "What is Freedom?", Bellingham (Washington) Herald, December 2, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Banning Bomb, War Only Hope - Pauling", Province, December 5, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "There is No Better Bomb", Vancouver (British Columbia) Sun, December 3, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Man's Spirit Greater Than Atomic War Threat.", Vancouver (British Columbia) Sun, December 10, 1960.
Program: Morning Order of Service, First Unitarian Church of Los Angeles, California, December 11, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "70-Year-Old Pacifist Freed From Jail, Holds 'No Ill Will'", Pasadena (California) Star-News, December 12, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "India and Pauling", Pasadena (California) Star-News, December 16, 1960.
Brochure: "Linus Pauling on Fallout and Nuclear Warfare", Verve Records, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Speaks at Israel Forum", Gary Post Tribune, December 17, 1960.
Advertisement: "Stop All Nuclear Explosions", SANE Newsletter, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "15 Scientists Named Time's Men-of-Year", Watsonville Register-Pajaronian, December 27, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Men of Year Named", New York Times, December 27, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Time Honors 15 Scientists 'Man of Year'", Publication Unknown, December 27, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Writer-Scientist Chasm Cited By British Author", Publication Unknown, Mexico, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling: China 1961 Atommacht", [Pauling annotation: out of an Austrian or German paper] Publication Unknown, No Date.
Magazine Advertisement: "The Intelligent Man's Guide to Science", Science, v. 132, No Date.
Magazine Article: "At Herman Mark's 20th Anniversary Symposium", Chemical and Engineering News, January 2, 1962.
Flyer: "The Chemical Basis of Mental Disease", sponsored by National Organization for Mentally Ill Children, January 20, 1961.
Ticket: "The Chemical Basis of Mental Disease", January 20, 1961.
Typescript: "Should We Give Nuclear Weapons to NATO?", Los Angeles Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Where the Fault Lies", Cincinnati Enquirer, January 30, 1961.
Article: "News Notes: Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors", Publication Unknown, January - February 1961.
Program: "Arts and Lectures", University of California, Santa Barbara, Spring 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "War Unthinkable?", Publication Unknown, February 9, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Signs House Petition", Publication Unknown, February 9, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Plans UCLA Address", Publication Unknown, February 1, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling to Speak Tuesday", Santa Barbara (California) News-Press, February 12, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Hargis Hits Reds, Pauling, Eleanor", Pasadena (California) Independent, February 17, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling Speaker on Forum Wed. March 8", JCC News, February 15, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling, Other Notables Seek Disarmament", Seattle Times, February 17, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling in U.N. Appeal", New York Times, February 17, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dag Gets Pauling's Plea to Curb A-Arms", New York Post, February 16, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Plot Whig - Clio Colloquium", Princeton Daily Princetonian, February 22, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling 60 today, Still busy", Los Angeles Mirror, February 28, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientists, Family Fete Pauling, 60", Los Angeles Mirror, March 1, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Paul Kagan", Daily Cal, March 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Receives '59 Reed Degree, Portland (Oregon) Reed College Quest, February 20, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pack a Day Cuts Life 8 Years: Pauling", Toronto (Ontario) Globe & Mail, March 21, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Every Cigaret [sic] cuts Your Life 14 Minutes - Scientist", Toronto (Ontario) Daily Star, March 21, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling to Sponsor Conference in Oslo", Los Angeles Times, March 13, 1961.
Program: "Pressures Toward Conformity", Students' Civil Liberties Council Conference, March 4, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling to head nuclear protest meet", Palo Alto (California) Times, March 16, 1961.
Flyer: "Who is this Man?", Jewish Community Center & United World Federalists, March 8, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "More Scientists in Politics Urged", Pasadena (California) Star-News, March 16, 1961.
Typescript: "Remembering an Old Atrocity Helps Prevent a new one", Brooklyn (New York) Council of Peace Groups, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Meer dan 700 geleerden, onder wie 38 Nobelprijswinnaars, tekenden", Friese Koerier, March 4, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus en Ava Pauling aan Hamarskjoeld", Friese Koerier, March 4, 1961.
Flyer: "Peace and Human Dignity", The Friends Committee on Legislation, March 16, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Incident Steps up Anti-Red Bid", Pasadena (California) Star-News, March 17, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus Pauling to Receive Humanist Award Here", Cleveland Press, March 18, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Easter 'Appropriate' for Peace March", Toronto (Ontario) Telegram, March 18, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Axtelle Again Named Head by Humanists", Cleveland Plain Dealer, March 19, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Rabbi Rebukes Paraders for Anti-Semitic Placards", Toronto (Ontario) Globe & Mail, No Date.
Flyer: "International Rally", Toronto Committee for Disarmament, March 19, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "An Hour's Smoking Cuts 3 off Life warns A-Scientist", Toronto (Ontario) Telegram, March 21, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling to Head Nuclear Conference", Pasadena (California) Star-News, March 22, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Roknings farlighet i formler", Svenska Dagbladet, March 22, 1961.
Program: "Application of Modern Techniques to the Study of the Structure and Properties of Metals and Alloys", California Institute of Technology Conference, March 23-24, 1961.
Article: "An Appeal to Stop the Spread of Nuclear Weapons", Nation, March 25, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Anti-Arms Plea Signed by 74 Here", Capital Times, April 3, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Hundreds Join Walk for Peace", Pasadena (California) Star-News, April 2, 1961.
Article: "Interview with Linus Pauling", Canada's Mental Health, April 1961.
Article: "Let the People Speak", Churchman, April 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "2,000 Denounce Atom Warfare in 'Walk' Here", Los Angeles Times, April 2, 1961.
Flyer: "Disarm or Die", Toronto Committee for Disarmament, April 1, 1961.
Article: "Nobel Prize Winners Feature of Congress", Canada's Mental Health, April 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Sets Condition on Letting China into UN", Sacramento (California) Bee, April 4, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Explains Anesthetic Idea", Los Angeles Mirror, April 6, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Hundreds Join Walk for Peace", Pasadena (California) ?, April 6, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "New Theory is Propounded by Pauling on Anesthetics", Honolulu (Hawaii) Star-Bulletin, April 7, 1961.
Program: The Unitarian Church of Honolulu, April 9, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "ILWU Calls for Amity with Cuba, Red China", Honolulu (Hawaii) Advertiser, April 7, 1961.
Program: Teachers' Science Seminar, Hawaiian Academy of Science and the National Science Foundation, March 14, 1961.
Press Release: "Pauling Predicts New and Better Anesthetics", Science Service, April 14, 1961.
Press Release: "The Challenge of the Nuclear Age", Stanford University News Service, April 10, 1961.
Typescript: "Summary of Statement of Harold E. Stassen at Stanford University", April 14, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Stassen, Pauling Conflict on How Far to Disarm", San Francisco Chronicle, April 15, 1961.
Magazine Article: "People:", National Review Bulletin, April 15, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Warns of Atomic Annihilation", Pasadena (California) Star-News, April 16, 1961.
Notice: "Meeting with Linus Pauling on June 3", Boston Committee for Disarmament and Peace, April 20, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "14. Linus Carl Pauling", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling, Wife Leave for Europe", Pasadena (California) Star-News, April 22, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Renowned Scholars Greet TU", New York Teacher News, April 29, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Olso Conference Held by Pauling", Washington Post, May 3, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Oslohyller Pauling med fakkeltog", Dagbladet, May 3, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Svensk atombombe pa is til valget 1964", Dagbladet, May 3, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling's Group Opposes NATO Atom Arms", New York Times, May 8, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Resolusjon til atom-maktene", Morgeuposton, May 9, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Den bristende knopp og den eksploderende bombe", Dagbladet, May 3, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Top Scientists to attend Oslo peace meeting", National Guardian, May 1, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Ban on Atomic Arms for NATO Urged at Parley Led by Pauling", New York Times, May 8, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Rally for Peace", New York Times, May 10, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Speaks Here", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Sample letter: "Dear Premier Khrushchev:", [distributed in front of Carnegie Hall] May 12, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Urges A-Ban Efforts", Record, May 15, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Gives Report at Tech on Oslo Conference", Pasadena California Tech, May 25, 1961.
Booklet: "Pauling-motet i Oslo", Saertrykk av Naturen, 1961.
Progress Report: "Five Months of Peace Activities", Conference of Greater New York Peace Groups, January - May 1961.
Magazine Article: "Who's Sane?", American Legion Magazine, pp. 12, May 19, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Now an Honorary Longshoreman", Dispatcher, July 28, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "'Equality' Seen Slowing Intellectual Progress", Montreal (Quebec) Star, June 8, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Charges U.S. Bad Faith in Arms Parley", Boston Globe, June 4, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "He Discovered The Secret of Atoms", Record, June 3, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Discusses New Theory", Montreal (Quebec) Gazette, June 10, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Winner Critical of Disarmament Stands", Montreal (Quebec) Star, June 10, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Test Ban Seen in Three Months by Compromise", Toronto (Ontario) Globe & Mail, June 12, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Protest Pauling's Mall Posters", Ottawa (Ontario) Journal, June 10, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Progress Toward World Peace", Montreal (Quebec) Star, June 8, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Progress Toward World Peace", Montreal (Quebec) Gazette, June 9, 1961.
Ticket: "Progress Toward World Peace", World Federalists of Canada and Montreal Committee for the Control of Radiation Hazards, June 9, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling's Ottawa Lecture", Publication Unknown, June 10, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Progress Toward World Peace", Montreal (Quebec) Star, June 9, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Geneva Stages Outlined", Ottawa (Ontario) Citizen, June 12, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Outlines Anesthesia View", New York Times, June 10, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Report from Oslo", Washington D.C. Evening Star, June 14, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Talk", Publication Unknown, June 17, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Backs Ban on A-Test", Pasadena (California) Independence, June 29, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Says N-Bomb Political", Los Angeles Examiner, June 29, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Says Neutron Bomb Fraud, Asks Ban", Pasadena (California) Star-News, June 29, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Outlines Anesthesia View", New York Times, June 10, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Caltech's Pauling Calls Neutron Bomb a Fraud", Los Angeles Mirror, June 29, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Frevel Wins Barlow Trophy at Honors Convocation", Alma (Michigan) College Almania, vol. 52, no. 29, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Mrs. Pauling at Peace Meeting", Los Angeles Times, July 2, 1961.
Article: "Sir...", Animal Welfare Institute Information Report, July 20, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling's Hearing Date is Postponed", Sacramento (California) Bee, August, 1961.
Magazine Article: "Pauling Decries New Nuclear Bomb Tests", Chemical and Engineering News, September 11, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "A Vermont Conscience", Burlington Fare Press, September 8, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Vergeblicher Appell sn Chruschtschow", Westdeutsche Allgemine, September 16, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "The Need to Test", Boston Daily Record, September 5, 1961.
Press Release: "Bucks County World Peace Fair", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Magazine Article: "Who Would Survive?", Newsweek, August 28, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Prof. Pauling to be Speaker", Los Angeles Times, August 12, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Speaks Sunday", Los Angeles Mirror, August 12, 1961.
Magazine Article: "Dead to the World", Time, August 18, 1961.
Magazine Article: "Your Proposal ...", Science, August, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "World Progress Through Peace and Disarmament", Los Angeles Mirror, August 12, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "World Progress Through Peace and Disarmament", Los Angeles Times, August 12, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "1st Frieden noch moglich?", Die Andere Zeutung, August, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling ...", Pasadena California Tech, September 21, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Asks K to Cancel A-Tests", Los Angeles Examiner, September 3, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Wires Nikita Urging Russ Halt Tests", Pasadena (California) Independent and Star-News, September 3, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Says Red Tests Set Fate of Thousands", Los Angeles Times, September 30, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling to Address Los Angeles Rally", Militant, October 2, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Civil Defense Plans Rapped by Pauling", Los Angeles Mirror, September 29, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "End the Tests", People's World, September 30, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Rockefeller Urges New Atom Tests to Assure Peace", New York Times, October 26, 1959.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Assails Shelter-Building", Los Angeles Examiner, September 30, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Prize Man Pauling Raps Red A-Test Fallout", Los Angeles Herald Express, September 29, 1961.
Correspondence: from multiple signees, [re: sorry we saw so little of you] October 8, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Defiant U.S. Reds Using Ego Lure", Los Angeles Examiner, October 28, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Russia Fires 25th Bomb; Fear Rises", Los Angeles Examiner, October 28, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus Pauling to give talk", Daily Palo Alto (California) Times, October 27, 1961.
Program: "J. Salvinien", Societe de chimie physique, October 25, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling here tonight", Foothill Sentinel, October 27, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "We support forum", Foothill Sentinel, October 27, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Views are Rather Confusing", Foothill Sentinel, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Death is Seen in Red A-Tests", Albuquerque (New Mexico) Journal, October 1, 1961.
Program: "Immunology and Disease", Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, October 6-7, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Bombs Will Cause Defective Children", San Jose (California) Mercury, October 28, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus Pauling Hits A-Tests in Talk before 1,300 Here", Publication Unknown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Winner Pauling Calls Defense a Form of Militarism", Los Angeles Times, pp. 2, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Bonn Threat Triggered Red Testing, says Pauling", Boston Globe, November 13, 1961.
Article: "The New Sell", Nation, November 4, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Awesome Responsibility", National Guardian, November 13, 1961.
Pamphlet: "Colossal Deception" Liberation, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Forum Hears Pauling Warn of Dire Bomb-Test Effects", Boston Herald, November 13, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling is Gloomy About World Future", Springfield (Massachusetts) Daily News, November 13, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Warning by Pauling Broadcast to Soviet", Publication Unknown, November, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientist, UAW Officer to Speak at YMHA", Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, November 7, 1961.
Flyer: "Disarmament and Survival", November 8, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Lectures", Amherst Student, November 13, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Defective Children Seen Fallout Result by Pauling", Boston Record, November 13, 1961.
Magazine Article: "Nuclear Attack", Bulletin, November, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling to Khrushchev", New America, November 10, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nikita Sued by Italian for Pizza Poisoning", Pasadena (California) Star-News, November 26, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "The dispute on tests", National Guardian, December 25, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "My quantum-mechanics prof ...", Pasadena California Tech, November 30, 1961.
Article: "Gegen Bunkerau", Derstern, December, 1961.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Poses Pertinent Question on Bomb Tests", Sacramento (California) Bee, December 8, 1961.
Correspondence: from Gamilie Stoff?, Internationale der Driegsdienstgegner, [in German] November 27, 1961.
Magazine Article: "Amerikas Strahlengewissen", Hor Zu, November 20, 1961.
Memorandum: "Radio Liberty Treatment of Soviet Nuclear Tests", Radio Liberty, December 4, 1961.
Article: "Linus and Ava Pauling on their Visit to the U.S.S.R", Daily (Moscow) Review, December 1, 1961.
Flyer: "The Role of Nonviolence in World Affairs", November 3-5, 1961.
Magazine Article: "Morgan's Back", Newsweek, December 25, 1961.
Flyer: "No More War", No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Paricipacion del Profesor Senor Linus Pauling en una Jornada Cientifico-Cultural", El Mercurio (Santiago, Chile), January 4, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Concepcion", El Sur (Concepcion, Chile), January 7, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Noticiosa Semanal", El Mercurio (Santiago, Chile), January 7, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Conferencias", La Patria (Concepcion, Chile), January 9, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus Pauling asiste hoy a mesa redonda organizada por FEC", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Magazine Article: "Over-Kill Capacity", Churchman, January, 1962.
Correspondence: from McGeorge Bundy, [re: fallout shelters] January 4, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Reply to Pauling", Publication Unknown, January 8, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Laws Urged to Curb Defects in Birth", Pasadena (California) Star-News, January 23, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Manana a las 11 Horas Sera Inaugurada VII Escuela de Verano en el Teatro Ducal", La Patria (Concepcion, Chile), January 14, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Charla Sobre Jeventud Dara Ava Pauling", El Sur (Concepcion, Chile), January 15, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Escuela de Temporada", El Sur (Concepcion, Chile), January 14, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Bueno, Malo, Pesimo", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Cartas a 'El Sur'", El Sur (Concepcion, Chile), January 20, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Universidad de concepcion", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "El consejo de mujeres para la paz escuchara charla de Sra. Pauling", La Patria (Concepcion, Chile), January 16, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "El vicerrector...", La Patria (Concepcion, Chile), January 18, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Consejo de Madres para la paz", La Patria (Concepcion, Chile), January 18, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "El consejo de Mujeres para la paz se reune con senora Ava Pauling", La Patria (Concepcion, Chile), January 18, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Incidentes Politicos en la Escuela de Verano", La Patria (Concepcion, Chile), January 18, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "VII Escuela Internacional de Verano", El Sur (Concepcion, Chile), January 19, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling to be Speaker at Conference", Pasadena (California) Star-News, January 17, 1962.
Program: First Inter-American Conference on Congenital Defects, The International Medical Congress, Los Angeles, California, January 22-24, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Biochemists Voice Hope on Use of Enzymes in Genetic Disease", New York Times, January 28, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Warns of Dire Radiation Effects", Herald Journal, February 6, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Lecturing Tonight ...", Herald Journal, February 5, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Spieth limits Pauling's topic; students object", Riverside (California) Press, February 8, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Anti-Nuclear Convictions Protested", Pasadena (California) Star-News, February 26, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Says He's for Civil Disobedience", Los Angeles Times, February 20, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Backs Ban-Bomb Group", Pasadena (California) Star-News, February 19, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Defends Civil Disobedience", Los Angeles Herald, February 19, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling's Case Shows Red 'Peace' Subversion", Indianapolis (Indiana) Star, February 21, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Sees 4 Million as Victims of A-Tests", Los Angeles Times, February 26, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Californian Claims A-tests Mutilating", Sacramento (California) Union, February 26, 1962.
Article: "A Molecular Theory of General Anesthesia", Linde Oxygen Therapy News, February, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Sees 4 Million as Victims of A-Tests", Los Angeles Times, February 26, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Says Tests Doom 4 Million", Minneapolis (Minnesota) Morning Tribune, February, 1962.
Program: "The One Electron Bond Theory of Antiferromagnetism and Ferrimagnetism", The Society of the Sigma XI, Duke University, March 2, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling to Lecture", Duke Chronicle, May 2, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Prize-Winning Scientist Protests", Raleigh (North Carolina) News & Observer , March 3, 1962.
Pamphlet: "Do You Need a Speaker?", American Friends Service Committee Speakers Service, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Calls Tests Grave 'Immorality'", Publication Unknown, March 4, 1962.
Program: "Institute of Religion", The United Church, January - March, 1962.
Flyer: "Institute of Religion", United Church, Raleigh, North Carolina, March 6, 1962.
Press Release: "Great Scientist and Humanitarian Comes to North Carolina College", 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Protest A-Bombs Pauling Asks Here", Atlanta (Georgia) Constitution, March 8, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling Hopes to See the End of the Threat of War", Atlanta (Georgia) Journal, March 8, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Believes Red China Has Bomb", Nashville (Tennessee) Banner, March 9, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling is an Admirable Man who Bravely Pursues Right in the Wrong Way", Atlanta (Georgia) Constitution, March 9, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Midday Slates Chemist", University of Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania) PITT News, March 12, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Fallout to Harm Millions", Science News, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Madame In the Spotlight", Harpur College Paper, March 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Packed House Hears Talk by Pauling", Levittown Times, March 19, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Sees Hope in Chaos", Harpur College, March 16, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Believes JFK Knows", Binghamton (New York) Press, March 16, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Danger of A-Test Fallout", Binghamton (New York) Press, March 16, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Fallout Facts", Binghamton (New York) Sun-Bulletin, March 8, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientists Mislead- Pauling", Harpur College, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Asks Disobedience", Press, March 14, 1962.
Program: "...Therefore Choose Life", Annual Institute of International Relations, March 16-18, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "No A-Victory Pauling Says", Nashville Tennessean, March 10, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "A State Gag Plea After Pauling Talk", Tribune, March 19, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "The Unpopular Idea", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Local American Legion Joins Commie Attack on Dr. Pauling", Madison (Wisconsin) Capital Times, March, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Hits Attacks on Linus Pauling", Madison (Wisconsin) Christian Advance, March 19, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Legislator Objects to Pauling Speech", Evening Press, March 19, 1962.
Article: "Dr. Linus Pauling, Nobel Prize winner to Lecture at Convocation on Monday", Beloit College Paper, March 16, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Raps Bomb Tests, Arms Race", Beloit Daily News, March 19, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling to Speak Here on Sunday", Wisconsin State Journal, March 16, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus Pauling to Speak Here", Seattle Post-Intelligence, March 26, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Opposes U.S. Nuclear Testing Plan", Wisconsin State Journal, March 19. 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Bias Film Controversy, Pauling Attack, Israel-Syria Clash Head Letter Topics", University of Wisconsin Daily Cardinal, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Criticizes Alan-Bradley Ads", ...Journal, March 21, 1962.
Newsletter: "Boston Committee for Disarmament and Peace", Newtonville, Massachusetts, March 18, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "US Prods Arms Race, Linus Pauling Claims", Milwaukee Journal, March 19, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Post Protests Scheduling of Pauling Speech", Publication Unknown, Madison, Wisconsin, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling is Rapped", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Rips A-B Actions", Milwaukee Sentinel, Publication Unknown, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "A-B Opposes Disarm Try, Pauling Says", Milwaukee Sentinel, March 21, 1962.
Announcement: "American Association of University Professors", March 16, 1962.
Flyer: "Peace and Human Rights", Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, March 20, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling's Right to Speak Upheld", Syracuse (New York) Post Standard, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "...State U. Speedup", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Senators Push for Answer on Pauling", Knickerbocker News, March 21, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: No Title [Comic], Gazette & Daily, March 19, 1962.
Correspondence: from Walt Partymiller, Editorial Cartoonist of The Gazette & Daily, [re: newspaper clippings and cartoons on LP] March 20, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "The State vs. Humanity", Correspondence, March, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Atom Test Foe will Talk Here", Columbus Evening Dispatch, March 17, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "People Learning Danger of War Says Dr. Pauling", North Manchester (Indiana) College Oak Leaves, March 29, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Letter to the Editor", North Manchester (Indiana) College Oak Leaves, March 29, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus Pauling to Speak Here", Seattle Post-Intelligence, March 26, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Kennedy Misled Us About Tests, Pauling Declares", Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch, March 25, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nuclear Threat, Disarmament to be Pauling Speech Topic", Berkeley Daily Californian, March 29, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "The Nature of Nuclear and the Need for Disarmament" [on back] Berkeley Daily Californian, March 29, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling to Speak on Nuclear Warfare", University of California Los Angeles Daily Bruin, April 6, 1962.
Magazine Article: "Pauling Calls Tests Immoral", Churchman, April, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Steps Toward World Peace is Pauling's SJCC Theme", San Jose (California) News, April 11, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Shelter Foe Linus Pauling Slates Lecture at SJCC", San Jose (California) Mercury, April 11, 1962.
Program: "Dr. Linus Pauling", [re: LP biography], No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling's Warning", New York Times, April 14, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Hope for Injured Body Cells", San Francisco Chronicle, April 18, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "An Open Letter to President John F. Kennedy", New York Times, April 11, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Where is the Opposition", Chicago American, April 29, 1962.
Newsletter Article: "Radiation and Genes", Science News Letter, May 12, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Kennedy Holds Dinner to Honor Western Hemisphere Nobel Winners", Portland (Oregon) Reporter, April 30, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Charge Dr. Pauling Pro-Red", Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, May 1, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Joins White House A-Test Pickets", Oregon Statesman, April 29, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Picket at the White House to be Guest Tonight", Buffalo Courier Express (New York), No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Intelligence Gap", Portland (Oregon) Reporter, May 4, 1962.
Correspondence: from Marianne E. Smith, [re: admiration for picketing the White House] April 30, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "49 Nobel Winners Will be White House Guests", Los Angeles Times, April 29, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Picket Pauling Involves Daddy", Philadelphia Bulletin, April 31, 1962.
Nametag: "Witness for World Order", Religious Society of Friends, April 29, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Pickets President but Will be Dinner Guest", Philadelphia Inquirer, April 29, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Joins Pickets at Capital", Pasadena (California) Star-News, April 29, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Winners Ask Kennedy Autograph", World Telegram, April 30, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Easter Eggheads Roll at JFK Party", New York Journal American, April 30, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "49 Nobel Prize Winners Dine With Kennedys at White House, New York Times, April 30, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Science in the White House, New York Times, May 1, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Literary End to Evening", Washington Post, April 30, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "JFK's Party", New York Post, April 30, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "The Intelligence Gap", New York Post, May 1, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Eggheads at the White House", New York Post, April 30, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Bill Sumner", Pasadena (California) Star-News, May 4, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Prize Winners Attend White House Dinner", Evening Bulletin, April 30, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Eggheads Relax, Dance at White House Dinner", Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, April 30, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling's Telegram and Conduct Insult to President", Seattle Times, May, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Kennedy's Guest-to-be Joins A-Test Pickets", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling Due for Portland Speech", Portland (Oregon) Reporter, April 27, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "U.S. Tests Will Harm 'Only' Tens of Thousands", Weekly People, May 5, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Minimizes Inspection Need for Suspension of Nuclear Testing", Portland Oregonian, May 5, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Red N-Tests 6X Worse, Pauling Says Here", Oregon Journal, May 4, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling to Talk in Portland", Oregon Statesman, May 4, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Student Reports Why Pauling Feels Scientist Must Air Social Views", Portland (Oregon) Reporter, May 5, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling for Disarm Inspections", Oregon Statesman, May 5, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling Speaks at PSC", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Program: "Peace Workshop", Methodist Federation for Social Action, May 5-6, 1962.
Newsletter Article: "The Need for Disarmament", Portland City Club Bulletin, May 4, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Future Guest?", Post-Intelligencer, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "A boycott of milk begins across U.S. in wake of tests", National Guardian, May 7, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling Speaks at PSC", Roosevelt High School (Portland, Oregon) Rauper, May, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Moral Courage vs. Tests", Publication Unknown, Tacoma, Washington, May, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Too Many Atoms!", Portland (Oregon) State College Vanguard, May 11, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Once is Enough", Portland (Oregon) State College Vanguard, May 11, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "And JFK Sent Coffee", Portland (Oregon) Reed College Quest, May 14, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling, Non-Grad of WHS", Washington High School (Portland, Oregon) Washingtonian, May 11, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Opposition to A-Tests Negated by Acceptance of Cause of War", Weekly People, May 19, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "New Hemingway Piece Read to Nobel Winners", Oregon Statesman, April 30, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "1,000 Quakers Schedule World-Order Picketing", Washington Evening Star, April 30, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "A Prize Date with JFK", New York Post, May 1, 1962.
Magazine Article: "People", Time, June 8, 1962.
Magazine Article: "The Atom", Time, May 4, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Cleaning House", Dallas (Texas) Morning News, June 13, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "New Honor for Pauling: A High School Diploma", New York Times, June 19, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "George Beauchamp...", SLP Telegram-Tribune, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Seven Teachers Return Signed '62-'63 Contracts", Cambrian, May 31, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Sees New Hazards in A-H Tests", Dispatcher, June 1, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Settles Suit Out of Court", Pasadena (California) Star-News, June 1, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Punishment Protests", Christian Science Monitor, June 27, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Ban-Tests move in Courts", Publication Unknown, June 23, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Court Rulings Sought to Stop A-Tests", New Zealand Herald, June 23, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling: 1 Million Opfer mehr durch Atomversuche", Die Welt, June 11, 1959.
Magazine Article: "Faith & the Scientist", Time, June 29, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientists as Citizens and Workers", Correspondence, June, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Frontier witch hunt", National Guardian, June 25, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Peace Group Meetings", New York Times, June 25, 1962 [three copies].
Newspaper Clipping: "Peace Group Meetings", New York Times, July 9, 1962.
Magazine Article: "Libel Action by Dr. Pauling", Churchman, July, 1962.
Magazine Article: "Pauling wins case", Peace News, July 20, 1962.
Flyer: "The World Peace and Disarmament Congress", Whittier Area Turn Toward Peace Council, September 22, 1962.
Magazine Article: "Meanwhile, ...", Free Mind, August 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling", Congressional Record - Appendix, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Belated Diploma", Meriden (Connecticut) Record, July 2, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Collects $16,000; Hearst, N.Y. News Sued", American Liberal, July, 1962.
Magazine Article: "Inside Story", Newsweek, July 16, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "They'll say: no more Hiroshimas", People's World, August 4, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "On atomic tests", National Guardian, September 17, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Soviet Resumption of Tests", New York Times, September 11, 1962, [two copies].
Invitation: from Mr. Y.B. Turkson, [re: dinner & drinks] September 20, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Loses Suit to Make U.S. Quit Nuclear Testing", Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch, October 26, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Ghandi Award", New York Teachers News, October 20, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "President- the Editor", Pasadena (California) Star-News, October 10, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Report of the Proceeding of an Inquiry", Detroit Correspondence, October, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nixon Denies Smearing Gov. Brown", Publication Unknown, October 11, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Women chart peace drive at conference in Montreal", National Guardian, October 1, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Asks U.S. to Retract 'Warlike Act'", Los Angeles Times, October 24, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Comments on Blockade, War Dangers", Pasadena California Tech, October 25, 1962.
Correspondence: from LP? to Mr. Plummer Snyder, Mr. Russel Lawler, & Mr. Harry Hubbard, lawyers, [re: complaints against Elks Club permitting gambling where liquor is sold & Cuban conflict] November 26, 1960.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Terms Speech 'Horrifying'", New York Times, October 24, 1962.
Magazine Article: "Strong Dissent", Frontier, December, 1962.
Magazine Article: "In the United States: Negotiations, not blockade", Bullets WPC, November, 1962.
Correspondence: from John Marica, Jessie Langford, Sacramento Women for Peace and others, [re: LP write-in campaign for Senate] November 1, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "2400 Write-in Votes Cast for Linus Pauling", Los Angeles Herald-Tribune, December 17, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Sanity & Peace", York Times Western Edition, November 5, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Report of Girl Friday", Santa Monica (California) Evening Outlook, November 9, 1962.
Magazine Article: "People", Publication Unknown, December, 1962.
Invitation: "Rudolf Virchow Lecture", Rudolf Virchow Medical Society, November 5, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "New Clue Found in Schizophrenia", Publication Unknown, November 1, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Ascribes Mental Illnesses to Genetic Damage", Publication Unknown, November 3, 1962.
Invitation re: lunch with Queen Elizabeth, Brussels, November 11, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Denies 'Wrangling'", New York Times, November 15, 1962, [three copies].
Magazine Article: "Peace; It's a Riot", Newsweek, November 12, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling ser lysere pa situasjonen efter Cuba", Aftenposten, November 13, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pa Blindern i Dag", Dagbladet, November 15, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "16 millioner barneskjebner", Dagbladet, November 16, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "16 millioner vanskapte barn til verden som en folge av atomprovene", Arbleiderbaldet, Oslo, November 13, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "En skandale", Dagbladet, November 13, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Says War Threat Must Vanish", St. Louis Post-Dispatch, November 29, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Calls for Rational Attack on World Problems", Columbia (Missouri) Tribune, November 29, 1962.
Program: "Arts & Science Week", University of Missouri, November 29, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Warns about 'Threat' at M.U. Speech", Columbia, Missouri, November 29, 1962.
Correspondence: from John Marica, [re: LP write-in campaign for Senate] November 23, 1962.
Correspondence: from Isidore Ziferstein, [re: LP write-in campaign for Senate] December 13, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Predicts Theory Success", Dallas (Texas) Times Herald, December 7, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Scientist Sues 3 Countians, Charging Libel", York (Pennsylvania) Gazette and Daily, December 1, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Sues Anti Red League for $100,000", Sacramento (California) Bee, December 1, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "HUAC condemned by the Paulings", National Guardian, December 13, 1962.
Newspaper Clipping: "WSP shows the way", National Guardian, December 20, 1962.
Magazine Article: "Shameful Action", Frontier, January 1963.
Article: "Linus C. Pauling, PhD.", Modern Medicine, January 7, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Medical Editors Honor Pauling for Research",Pasadena (California) Star-News, January 8, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Quick Quotes ... by Craig", Publication Unknown, January 16, 1963.
Magazine Article: "Linus Pauling to be Speaker During Peace Emphasis, March 22", Bluffton (Ohio) College Witmarsum, January 18, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "There was never a stranger backstage drama...", Daily Mail, January 11, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Food for Thought", Publication Unknown, February 26, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling in Modesto", Modesto (California) Bee, February 5, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Prize Winner Will Speak at Junior College", Modesto (California) Bee, February 4, 1963.
Magazine Article: "Shameful Action", Frontier, January 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "The Unitarian Church", Eugene (Oregon) Register-Guard, March 9, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Wife to Speak", Miami Herald, March 18, 1963.
Flyer: "Science and the Future of Humanity", University Programs, March 19, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling to Give Talk at Assembly", Pacific University, (Forest Grove, Oregon) Index, March 11, 1963.
Pamphlet: "37th Congress of the International Anesthesia Research Society", Bal Harbour, Florida, March 24-28, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling, Nobel Prize Winner, Here to Talk on Disarmament", Portland (Oregon) Reporter, March 12, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Winner Linus Pauling Scores Kennedy's Handling of Cuba Crisis", Portland Oregonian, March 12, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "A-Ban Could Benefit Nation, Pauling Says", Oregon Journal, March 12, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Danger Seen by Pauling", Portland Oregonian, March 14, 1963.
Correspondence: from Edgar M. Carlson, Gustavus Adolphus College, [re: honorary doctorate] March 16, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "The scientists", National Guardian, April 18, 1963.
Article: "Letters", Publication Unknown, April 20, 1963.
Invitation: "Resident American Nobel Laureates", The MAYO Clinic and MAYO Foundation, May 4, 1963.
Itinerary: "Around the Campus", March 19, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus Pauling, Nobel Prize Winner and Pacifist, To Speak During Peace Emphasis at College", Bluffton College (Ohio) Witmarsum, March 8, 1963.
Article: "Pauling, Neutra to Speak on Science's Importance, Survival Through Design", Wooster College (Ohio) Voice, March 22, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientist Here", Chicago Sun-Times, March 18, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Halt Bomb Race, Pauling Pleads", Forest Grove (Oregon) News-Times, March 21, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Raps US churches for nuclear bomb stand", B.C. Catholic, March 21, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling raps churches' apathy of Nuclear Warfare", San Francisco Monitor, March 22, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientist Fears A-Weapon Abuse", Detroit Free Press, March 22, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Kennedy Pushed to Give Nations A-Arms - Pauling", Detroit News, March 22, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Criticizes Churches' Softness on Nuclear Weapons", Providence (Rhode Island) Visitor, March 22, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Churches Rapped on Nuclear War Issue", National Guardian, March 22, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling: Churches Fail to Oppose Nuclear War", Chicago New World, March 22, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Less War Risk in Compromise", Akron Beacon Journal, March 26, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "The scientists examine their conscience", National Guardian, March 28, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "A Peacemaker", Miami News, March 27, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Raps Churches for Attitudes on War", Milwaukee Catholic Herald Citizen, March 30, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Five Ways to Kill a Man", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Correspondence: from Richard F. Vogl, KTCA-TV, [re: thanks for your appearance on Inquiry, newspaper clipping enclosed] May 10, 1963.
Correspondence: from Alois Stoff, Internationale der Kriegsdienstgegner, [in German] No Date.
Program: "Appearing with Dr. Spock on a Panel", The Southern California Council for a SANE Nuclear Policy, April 24, 1963.
Typescript: "Benjamin Spock", SANE, No Date.
Correspondence: from SANE sponsoring committee, [re: sponsors for Dr. Spock] March 19, 1963.
Itinerary: [re: Hamilton College, Gustavus Adolphus College, WILPF speeches] May 1-6, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Group in Round of Ceremonies", Minneapolis (Minnesota) Star, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Mrs. Pauling Urges Women Peace Force", St. Paul (Minnesota) Pioneer Press, May 4, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Men Draw 4,000 to Gustavus Adolphus", Minneapolis (Minnesota) Sunday Tribune, May 5, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Winners See 'Great Progress' in Next Ten Years", Minneapolis (Minnesota) Morning Tribune, May 4, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Minnesotans Eagerly Hear Great World Science Leaders", Active Member, May 9, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling: U.S. Not Ready for A-Test Ban", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Article: "Die Natur der chemischen Bindung", Zeitschriften und Bucher, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "National Review Sued for Million by Pauling over Traitor Label", New York Times, May 21, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Peace of Terror", Portland Oregonian, May 19, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "International Review Sued by Pauling for $1,000,000", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Republicans Ask O.C.M.A. for Consistency of Purpose", Santa Ana (California) Register, May 29, 1963.
Magazine Article: "Society and the Scientist", Chemistry in Canada, June 1963.
Magazine Article: "A Scientist by Several Other Names", Science, v. 142, November 29, 1963.
Bulletin Article: "Genetic Effects", Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, June 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Zur Person", [in German] Publication Unknown, No Date.
Correspondence: from Kurt Heyse, [in German] July 7, 1963.
Article: "The Isaac Winners", Fantasy and Science Fiction, pp. 102, July, 1963.
Magazine Article: "Worker Blasts A-Power Plant", Tocsin, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientists Debate Test Ban's Merit", San Francisco (California) Chronicle, July 27, 1963.
Program: "Hear Linus Pauling", Orange County Medical Association, June 4, 1963.
Correspondence: from Owen Chamberlain, [re: approval of test-ban treaty] August 5, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "The Death of a Peace Enthusiast", York (Pennsylvania) Gazette and Daily, August 12, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "SANE's policy", National Guardian, August 15, 1963.
Magazine Article: "I Can Look my Children in the Eye Again", Newsweek, August 12, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Delegacion del Consejo Mundial de la Paz Visito Hoy a JAR", Las Noticias de Ultima Hora (Santiago, Chile), August 27, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "El Arquitecto de los Atomos", Publication Unknown, August 23, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Premio Nobel de Quimica Dictara Charla Cientifica", El Mercurio (Santiago, Chile), August 27, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "O Premio Nobel da Fisica Entregara Mensagem de Aplausos a Goulart", O Globo, August 16, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nos Visita Delegacion del Consejo Mundial de la Paz", La Paz (Santiago, Chile), August 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Visita el Pais el Bioquimico Dr. Linus Pauling", La Prensa (Buenos Aires), August 23, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus C. Pauling, Premio Nobel de Quimica, Visita Buenos Aires", El Diario para toda la Familia, August 23, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Delegafion del Consejo Mundial de Paz con S.E.", El Mercurio (Santiago, Chile), August 28, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "N.M.A. Greets A.M.A. Bias Stand, Asks Action", Medical Tribune, August 30, 1963.
Magazine Article: "SAC: Keeper of the Peace", Empire Magazine, September 29, 1963.
Correspondence: from Alfredo Varela, Bension Curiel, Alberto T. Casella, Comision Directiva Nacional, [re: police action & government] October 28, 1963.
Article: "Sobre la cuestion de Palena", Consejo Argentino de la Paz (Buenos Aires), October 26, 1963.
Article: "Oxford Again - A Rebuttal", Fellowship, September 1, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Two Professors Get NSF Grant", California Tech, October 10, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Quits Caltech for Study Center", Sacramento Bee (California), October 19, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Deplores Moon Shot Before Scientists", Los Angeles Times, October 23, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Labels Moon Program as Waste of Talent", Pasadena (California) Star-News, October 23, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientists Call Truce in Controversy over U.S. Program to Reach Moon", Washington Post, October 24, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Honor to Dr. Pauling", York (Pennsylvania) Gazette and Daily, October 12, 1963.
Journal Article: "Seems to me", New Scientist, October 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "To the Moon", Washington D.C. Evening Star, November 3, 1963.
Magazine Article: "Moon-Race Critic - Nobel Winner Pauling", U.S. News & World Report, December 4, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "I don't know if we've ever met before", Washington Post, No Date.
Correspondence: from James Aronson, National Guardian, [re: Yasui's visa denied] November 5, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Prof. Yasui and Imua", Honolulu (Hawaii) Star-Bulletin, November 16, 1963.
Magazine Article: "Linus Pauling", Churchman, December 1963.
Namecard: "Professor Linus Pauling", Municipality of Gothenburg Luncheon, December 20, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Given Nobel Peace Prize in Ceremony at Oslo", New York Times, December 11, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling, In Stockholm, Sees 'A New Period of Reason'", New York Times, December 20, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Problems Mushroomed", New York Times, December 15, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Peace Prize for Dr. Pauling", New York Times, December 11, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "The Gadfly Pauling", Milwaukee Journal, December 13, 1963.
Newspaper Clipping: "Ava Pauling in Holland for March", Publication Unknown, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Smoking Peril Cited by Pauling", Washington Post, January 8, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Bless Our House", California Tech, January 9, 1964.
Correspondence: from Rabbi Morris Pickholz, The Board of Rabbis of Greater Philadelphia, [re: congratulations on Nobel Peace Prize] January 7, 1964.
Correspondence: to Mrs. Taylor from Senator Hugh Scott, [re: decline invitation to LP tribute] December 17, 1963.
Correspondence: to Henry Nichols from Joan McKinney, United World Federalist Philadelphia Area Council, [re: tribute to LP] January 9, 1964.
Correspondence: from Friends Peace Committee, [re: tribute to LP] January 9, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Let UN Outlaw Nuclear Arms, Pauling Says", Evening Bulletin, January 10, 1964.
Correspondence: from Mayor James Tate, [re: welcome to Philadelphia] December 30, 1963.
Magazine Article: "Pauling, Linus", Current Biography, February, 1964.
Magazine Article: "Von Generation zu Generation", Das Gewissen, February, 1964.
Bulletin Article: "An Embarrassment of Riches", La Wisp, News Bulletin of Southern California Women Strike for Peace, February 7, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Srkaek-pop", Copenhagen, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling at MPC Friday", Monterey (California) Peninsula Herald, January 27, 1964.
Newsletter Article: "Pauling Voices Optimism for Future of Mankind", SSRS Newsletter, February, 1964.
Correspondence: from multiple signers, [re: Happy Birthday] February 28, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Peaceful World Achievable Goal", Publication Unknown, Monterey (California), February 1, 1964.
Press Release: "Alpha Particle Helium Nucleus Renamed Helion", Science Service, March 9, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Globe-Democrat Wins Pauling Libel Suit", St. Louis Globe-Democrat, March 20, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Loses Suit Against Newspaper", Milwaukee Journal, March 22, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Loses Libel Fight Against Paper in St. Louis", New York Times, March 20, 1964.
Itinerary: "Visiting Scholar", College of Arts and Sciences, April 2-3, 1964.
Article: "An Appeal of Conscience for the Jews of the Soviet Union", Conference on the Status of Soviet Jews, 1964.
Program: Anniversary Convocation of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, May 27-28, 1964.
Program: Annual Luncheon Meeting of the Board of Directors, The United Nations Association of Los Angeles, March 26, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Renews Plea to Visit Cuba on Mercy Mission", York (Pennsylvania) Gazette & Daily, April 9, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "U.S. Bars Cuba Trip by Pauling's Party", New York Times, April 11, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Guaranteed Income Asked for all, Employed or Not", New York Times, March 23, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Wipe Out", Daily News, April 15, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Socialists, Go Home", Evening Herald, March, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Bill Sumner", Pasadena (California) Star-News, March 25, 1964.
Program: "Ostermarsch", April 5, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Prize-Winners Headline Forum Here", Publication Unknown, Indiana (Pennsylvania), April 6, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Winner Pauling Visits SJS Tomorrow", Publication Unknown, April 15, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Publicity Lure is Great", San Jose (California) Mercury, April 23, 1964.
Program: "Linus Pauling", San Jose (California) State College, April 16-17, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nuclear Bomb Survivor Seeks to Abolish War", Los Angeles Times, April 25, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Veteran of Hiroshima Leads Peace Mission Visiting United States, Berlin and Russia", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Magazine Article: "Dr. Pauling", Frontier, May 1964.
Magazine Article: "Boom Years", Newsweek, May 11, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Unitarian Public Forum", Publication Unknown, May 1, 1964.
Magazine Article: "A Religion That Moves", Newsweek, May 25, 1964.
Bulletin Article: "Unitarian Public Forum", Publication Unknown, May 1, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "El Dr. Pauling, Sabio y Hombre de su Tiempo", El Dia (Mexico City) May 8, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Blasts Intervention by Great Powers", Mexico City Times, May 9, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Pide la Total Abolicion de Atomicas", La Prensa, May 9, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Desnulearizacion Total Propone el Doctor Pauling", El Universal, May 9, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Peace Group", New York Times, May 23, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Ava Pauling in Holland for March", San Francisco Chronicle, May 13, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Protests force Dutch to lift entry ban", People's World, May 23, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dutch Bar Entry of Women Planning Protest to NATO", Publication Unknown, May 12, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Lecture Planned", State Press, May 15, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Summary of Actions Taken by the Supreme Court", New York Times, May 19, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling A-Test Plea Rejected by High Court", Los Angeles Times, May 19, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "High Court Rejects Pauling Plea to Bar Nuclear Arms Tests", York (Pennsylvania) Gazette & Daily, May 19, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Unitarian Laity Loses Its Leader", San Francisco Chronicle, May 13, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Advances Plan to Abolish War", Arizona Republic, May 16, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Drive Seeks Support For Red Chinese", American, May 20, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Ban on Mrs. Pauling by Dutch Recalled", New York Times, June 9, 1964.
Bulletin Article: "Sunday Morning Discussion Group", Los Angeles First Unitarian Church, June 7, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Auf Wiedersehen in Hamburg",Blinkfrier, May 21-22, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Hay 320,000 Megatones en Almacen", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Contra el Horror Nuclear", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. L. Pauling Supports Koreans' Drive for 'Free Travel'", People's Korea, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "UNESCO: Conference publique de M. Linus Pauling prix Nobel", Le Figaro, June 19, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Kriegsdienstgegner ehren Linus Pauling", Sudalentacher Leitung, June 23, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling: Zwer Atomwaffenlager genugen", Politik, June 29, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Sees One Chance in Twenty for War", Santa Barbara (California) News-Press, June 29, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Zivile Verteidigung kann Kriegsgefahr vergroBern", Bonner Stadt-Anzeiger, June 30, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Im Atomkrieg keine Uberlebenden", Die Welt, June 30, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Im Atomkrieg gibt es keine Uberlebenden", Die Welt, June 30, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Auch Professoren und Studenten aus der Zone in Lindau", Die Welt, June 23, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling: Im Atomkrieg gibt es kein Uberleben", General-Anzeiger, June 30, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Prof. Linus Pauling", Die Welt, July 1, 1964.
Program: "Einladung", Karl Marx Universitat Leipzig, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Prof. Pauling: Dritter Weltkrieg ware Narheit", Bremen, July 2, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Der Amerikanische ...", Hannoversche Presse, July 3, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Prof. Pauling im Rathaus", Hannovershe Allgemeine Zeitung, July 3, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Fur eine Welt ohne Waffen", Essener, July 4, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Ein weltbekannter Gast: Professor Linus Pauling", Gladkeck, July 4, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Im Atomkrieg gibt es keinen Schutz", Westdeutsche Allgerneine, July 4, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus Pauling pladiert fur die Abrustung", Frankfurter Allpameine Zietung, July 6, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Appel zur Abrustung", Frankfurter Hene Presse, July 6, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Senator Dodd Praised", Publication Unknown, October 29, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Republican Moderates Win Civil Rights Fight", Los Angeles Times, August 2, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Urey Decries Cut in Lunar Project", New York Times, December 31, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Encourages Comox Peace Group", Victoria Daily Colonist, November 7, 1964.
Newspaper Clipping: "U.S. Silent on Vietnam Action", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Program: "The First Annual Joseph Workman Lecture and Gala Evening", First Unitarian Congregation of Toronto, September 11, 1965.
Magazine Article: "Modern Biology", Science, vol. 150, December 3, 1965.
Program: Universidad Tecnica del Estado, 1969.
Namecard: "Dr. Pauling", No Date.
Seating Order: "Table 2", plus envelope, No Date.
Invitation: from President and Mrs. Kennedy, [re: Nobel Prize Winners' Dinner at the White House] April 29, 1962, [4 pieces].
Invitation: "Det er os en glaede...", January 3, 1964.
Article: "A Peace Party", Churchman, January 1966.
Article: "The Architecture of Molecules", Engenharia e quimica (Brazil), March - April 1966.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Libel Case Dismissed by Judge", Publication Unknown, April 20, 1966.
Abstract: "Pauling, Linus ...", Biological Abstracts, May 15, 1966.
Article: "The Architecture of Molecules", Product Engineering, June 6, 1966.
Newspaper Clipping: "Memorial Rites Set for Dr. John L. Webb", Publication Unknown, July 26, 1966.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Named to French Academy", York (Pennsylvania) Gazette & Daily, November 17, 1966.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Sees Hope in Young Ideas", Publication Unknown, November 11, 1966.
Newspaper Clipping: "Famine likely in Pak, India, China", Madras (Oregon) Sunday Standard, January 15, 1967.
Invitation: from Indian Institute of Science, [re: Molecular Abnormality, Molecular Disease and Evolution] February 7, 1967.
Newspaper Clipping: "Power from population control", Indian Express, February 16, 1967.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Named to UC Faculty", Pasadena (California) Independent, July l8, 1967.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling to Take Leave to Teach at UC San Diego", Santa Barbara (California) News-Press, July 13, 1967.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Laureates Plan Peace Talks", Santa Barbara (California) News-Press, July 10, 1967.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dodd's Two Roles", New York Times, July 2, 1967.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Loses, Libel Plan", New York Times, June 14, 1967.
Newspaper Clipping: "Antiwar March in L.A. Marred by Two Attacks", Santa Barbara (California) News-Press, August 7, 1967.
Newspaper Clipping: "Antiwar Group in L.A. Plans Two Protests", Santa Barbara (California) News Press, August 8, 1967.
Newspaper Clipping: "Peace: New March; More Rallies Planned", Los Angeles Times, August 13, 1967.
Newspaper Clipping: "Award", Los Angeles Times, August 31, 1967.
Newspaper Clipping: "New Peace Party Fighting to Be no. 3 in California", Los Angeles Times, August 16, 1967.
Newspaper Clipping: "Peace Marchers Move Along Parade Route", Los Angeles Herald Examiner, August 7, 1967.
Newspaper Clipping: "Center for Disenchanted Intellectuals", Oakland (California) Tribune, June 28, 1967.
Newspaper Clipping: "Study Center is Haven For Pauling, Bishop Pike", Oakland (California) Tribune, June 29, 1967.
Newspaper Clipping: "Cultural Group Once Aided by C.I.A. Picks Ford Fund Aid to Be Its Director", New York Times, October 2, 1967.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Heads Society Conference", Santa Barbara (California) News-Press, September 10, 1967.
Magazine Article: "HSAB rule predicts reaction direction", Chemical and Engineering News, February 26, 1968.
Itinerary: for Professor and Mrs. Pauling, [re: trip to UCLA] February 25 - March 1, 1968.
Newspaper Clipping: "Audiences Honor Dr. Pauling", Los Angeles Times, March 7, 1968.
Map: "UCLA", No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Hot Buttered Rummage", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus Pauling, Nobel Prize Winner, Speaks for D.V.P.", University of Massachusetts Daily Collegian, April 12, 1968.
Article: "De kemiske bindinger", Ingeniorens Ugeblad, March 15, 1968.
Article: "The Chemical Bond", Education in Chemistry, March 1968.
Article: "Book Reviews", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Itinerary: "Schedule of Visit of Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling", Chemistry Office, April 9, 1968.
Program: "Arthur Amos Noyes Laboratory of Chemical Physics", Industrial Associates of California Institute of Technology, May 6-7, 1968.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nutrition, Brain Troubles Linked", San Diego Union, May 5, 1968.
Program: "Man and the Physical World", UCLA Committee on Public Lectures, Spring 1968.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Leads Drive to Bar Cuts in Funding for Science", York (Pennsylvania) Gazette & Daily, June 22, 1968.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Fearful on Research Aid", New York Times, June 22, 1968.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Challenged on Theory of Care for Mental Illness", New York Times, June 16, 1968.
Magazine Article: "From the Bizarre - Some Progress", Science, August 1968.
Article: "Vitamin Treatment of Mental Illness", Science Digest, August 1968.
Newspaper Clipping: "More Wasted Taxes", San Diego Evening Tribune, October 15, 1968.
Article: "Overmanagement a danger", Physics Today, November, 1968.
Program: February 26, 1969.
Article: "The Robert A. Millikan Award ...", Caltech News, February 1969.
Magazine Article: "Dandruff rarely calcium", Chemical and Engineering News, March 10, 1969.
Magazine Article: "Pauling to Stanford", Chemical and Engineering News, March 24, 1969.
Article: "A cause for concern", Scientific Research, March 31, 1969.
Newspaper Clipping: "Scientist Gets Award", York (Pennsylvania) Gazette & Daily, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Italians Were Alert", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling-McCone", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "The Teacher-Student Alliance", San Diego Evening Tribune, May 27, 1969.
Newspaper Clipping: "Russ Urge Phased Disarmament Plan", Publication Unknown, Los Angeles, April 23, 1969.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus Pauling", Capital Times, April 17, 1969.
Newspaper Clipping: "2,500 Meet at UCSD on Strike Call", Publication Unknown, May 21, 1969.
Newspaper Clipping: "Berkeley Ban on Meetings, Curfew Lifted", Publication Unknown, San Diego, May 26, 1969.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Speaks Out", San Francisco Chronicle, May 27, 1969.
Newspaper Clipping: "ABM 'Call-A-Thon' Praised", Publication Unknown, San Diego, May 26, 1969.
Journal Article: "Stanford Lures Pauling", Industrial Research, June, 1969.
Program: 86th Annual Commencement, University of Southern California School of Medicine, June 5, 1969.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nixon Missile Plan Wins in Senate by a 51-50 Vote; House Approval Likely", New York Times, August 7, 1969.
Program: "Dinner Dance", Second International Congress of Social Psychiatry, August 6, 1969.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus Pauling", Durrant's: Sunday Times, August 24, 1969.
Newspaper Clipping: "U-Landsteach-In I Lund Nobelpristagare huvudtalare", Arbede Lund, September 14, 1969.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling pa Lunda-mote: 'Militarismen storsta faran'", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobelsymposiet: System av stora stader...Dar bor framtidsmanniskan", Svenska Dagbladet, September 18, 1969.
Newspaper Clipping: "Forskning tjanar de rika - biprodukter till u-land", Vasterbottens-Kuriren, September 22, 1969.
Newspaper Clipping: "Water that Boils at 1,060º And Freezes at 40º Below", International Herald Tribune, September 13-14, 1969.
Typescript: "Stop Nuclear Tests", [re:protests], No Date.
Flyer: "Protest Nuclear Testing by Any Nation of the World", [re: non-partisan protests] September 30, 1969.
Program: "Power and Politics", Californians for Liberal Representation, September 30 - October 2, 1969.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling's peace plea gets standing ovation", Palo Alto (California) Times, October 16, 1969.
Program: "50th Anniversary Celebration", Mineralogical Society of America, November 8-9, 1969.
Newspaper Clipping: "Winner of Nobel Prizes to Speak", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Urges Continued Pressures to Stop War", New York Times, October 17, 1969.
Newspaper Clipping: "O'Neil Replies to Letter In", California Tech, November 13, 1969.
Newspaper Clipping: "Chemist speaks", Huntsville (Alabama) News, November 11, 1969.
Program: "Sixth Madison Marshall Award Dinner", North Alabama Section, American Chemical Society, November 10, 1969.
Newspaper Clipping: "Suffering in Vietnam not worth deaths - Pauling", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling Urges Viet Ceasefire", Birmingham (Alabama) Post-Herald, November 11, 1969.
Article: "Pauling Award", Puget Sound Chemist, December 6, 1969.
Magazine Article: "Pauling adds to list of citations", Chemical and Engineering News, December 15, 1969.
Magazine Article: "Henry Eyring receives Pauling medal", Chemical and Engineering News, December 22, 1969.
Flyer: "Quitting cigarettes is hard, but it won't kill you!", United Church Herald, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Mrs. Pauling to Speak", Palo Alto (California) Times, February 18, 1970.
Program: Universidad Tecnica del Estado, January 19, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "International Latex Fined $5,000 for Gift to Dodd", Publication Unknown, January 4, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling to Speak on Russell", Stanford University Daily, March 4, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Universidad Technica del Estado", Mercurio (Santiago, Chile), January 9, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "La paz del mundo es aun posible", La Tercere (Santiago, Chile), January 9, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Hoy llegara a nuestro...", EL Siglo, January 8, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "La Lucha por la Paz en Estados Unidos Tiene Mucha Fuerza", El Siglo, January 23, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Homenaje a Pauling", El Siglo, January 17, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Metalugicos Rinden Homenaje al Cientifico Linus Pauling", Ultima Hora, January 18, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling se Encuentra hoy con la Juventud", La Nacion, January 17, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Encuentro con estudiantes tiene hoy Linus Pauling", El Siglo, January 17, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "La Tierra antes que la Luna", Ultima Hora, January 18, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nadie se pone de Acuerdo para Detener la Guerra", La Tercera (Santiago), January 19, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Habla hoy sobre Moleculas y Enfermedades", La Nacion, January 20, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Conferencias de Pauling en la Ute", El Siglo, January 21, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "La Medalla del Senado...", La Tercera (Santiago), January 20, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Jefe de Estado satisfecho por cambios a Constitucion", Cronice, January 22, 1970.
Program: "Manfred Eigen", Pomona College, Claremont, California, March 5-6, 9-10, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Peace Prize", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling named for Lenin prize", Palo Alto (California) Times, April 17, 1970.
Invitation: "Apollo 13", NASA, March 12, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling, Panofsky Discuss SALT Talks", Stanford Daily, April 17, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Russian Award to Pauling", San Francisco Examiner, April 17, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Wald to Address Rally", Publication Unknown, March 31, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Wald Hits 'Pentagonism'", Stanford Daily, April 3, 1970.
Flyer: "4 Bockpecehbe", 1969.
Newspaper Clipping: "Public Invited Here for Second Week", Publication Unknown, May 22, 1970.
Pamphlet: "Chemistry at Stanford", No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Reaction Against Violence is Growing at Stanford", San Francisco Chronicle, April 29, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Linus Pauling backs protesters", Palo Alto (California) Times, April 28, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Can Stanford save its own life?", Palo Alto (California) Times, April 28, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Arnett says Pauling promoted violence", Palo Alto (California) Times, May 4, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "ROTC And Rubin", Stanford Daily, April 30, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling urged no violence", Palo Alto (California) Times, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Convocation Highlights Campus Activities", San Jose (California) Spartan Daily, May 8, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "2,000 March in P.A.", Stanford Daily, May 5, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling calls President mad", Palo Alto (California) Times, May 5, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "A Deserving Accolade", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "New Sit-In Rejected at S.D. State", San Diego Union, May 15, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "The American Institute...", Palo Alto (California) Times, May, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "43 Nobel winners ask end to war", Boston Globe, June 4, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Vitamins affect genes?", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Премия борцу за мир", ["An Award to the Peace-Fighter"] Pravda, June 16, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Lenin Prize for Pauling", San Francisco Chronicle, June 16, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Gets Lenin Peace Prize", New York Times, June 17, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling gets Lenin award", Palo Alto (California) Times, June 17, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel winners want nuclear race stopped", Palo Alto (California) Times, September 22, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Winners' U.N. Peace Plea", San Francisco Chronicle, September 22, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "High Energy Radiation", York (Pennsylvania) Gazette & Daily, September 11, 1970.
Memo: "Interferon Scientific Memoranda", Memo #125, December, 1968.
Article: "Effect of Ascorbic Acid on Virus Replication, and Production and Activity of Interferon in vitro, Biological Medicine, 1972.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Peace Winners Attack Arms Buildup", San Jose (California) Mercury, September 22, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "At presentation of peace statement...", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Coast Blaze Battled", San Jose (California) Mercury, September 29, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "750 Scientists Urge Security Bill be Killed", San Francisco Examiner, November 18, 1970.
Correspondence: from Mildred Sarcinella, [re: vitamins and health] No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Vitamin C is Necessary", Albuquerque (New Mexico) Journal, December 8, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Mrs. Jon W. Anderson...", Albuquerque (New Mexico) Journal, No Date.
Correspondence: from Katherine L. Anderson, [re: enclosed newspaper clippings] January 1, 1971.
Newspaper Clipping: "Self-Doctoring Necessary", Albuquerque (New Mexico) Journal, December 27, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Glad to Hear from Doctor", Albuquerque (New Mexico) Journal, January 10, 1971.
Newspaper Clipping: "Vitamin A Bad in Excess", Albuquerque (New Mexico) Journal, December 29, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Says Scientists Have Duty to Speak Out", Publication Unknown, November 12, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling to Deliver Stanford Address on Relevance", San Francisco Daily Commercial News, November 9, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Lecture Scheduled", Palo Alto (California) Times, November 2, 1970.
Magazine Article: "New Blacklist", Time, October 26, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Health Risk in Peacetime Use of Atom Cited", Los Angeles Times, November 1, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling also got 2 Nobel prizes", Palo Alto (California) Times, December 10, 1970.
Article: "New Series of Lectures Presented by Stanford Chemistry Department", Stanford Campus Report, November 4, 1970.
Journal Article: "Book Reviews", Yale Journal of Biology & Medicine, 1971.
Correspondence: from Dr. Gene Knox, [re: role of Vitamin C in preventing disease] November 19, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Linus Pauling", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "Cold Preventive", New York Times, November 19, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Ascorbic Acid is Called Better than Hot Toddies", Oil, Paint, and Drum Reporter, November 23, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Great Vitamin Rush: 'C' Tablets a Sellout After Pauling's Plug", Wall Street Journal, December 4, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nobel Winner Claims There is Cold Cure", Sacramento (California) Bee, November 19, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Vitamin C Said Best For Colds", Monterey (California) Peninsula Herald, November 19, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "End to Sneezes, Sniffles?", Trenton (New Jersey) Evening Times, November 20, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Take Vitamin C and See", Camden (New Jersey) Courier-Post, November 24, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Take Vitamin C and See", Publication Unknown, No Date.
Article: "Blurred Vision: Some common causes", American Practitioner and Digest of Treatment, June, 1959.
Correspondence: from Mr. William Bowen, [re: vitamin E and heart murmur, request for advice on vitamins and sexual potency] November 20, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nothing to sneeze at", Cincinnati Post & Times-Star, November 27, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Nothing to sneeze at", Denver (Colorado) Rocky Mountain News, November 28, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Is Orange Juice Ultimate Answer?", Asherville Citizen, November 30, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Powder Aids Feeding of Mentally Retarded", Los Angeles Times, November 2, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Morning Report", San Francisco Chronicle, November 24, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Common Cold Rates Billing With World's Top Problems", Los Angeles Times, November 24.
Newspaper Clipping: "Druggists Riding Vitamin C Boom", Dayton (Ohio) Daily News, November 25, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling and Vitamin C", Bucyrus (Ohio) Telegraph-Forum, December 21, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Vitamin C Explored As Common Cold Cure", Dalles M. News, December 30, 1970.
Correspondence: from Mrs. R.C. Walsliom, [re: Vitamin C and colds, schizophrenia and chemical imbalance] November 30, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "The Vitamin Man", Miami Herald, No Date.
Newspaper Clipping: "The Rush is on for Vitamin C", Akron Beacon Journal, Ohio, November 29, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Preventing the common cold", New York Times, November 30, 1971.
Newspaper Clipping: "Preventing the Common Cold", New York Times, November 30, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "Vitamin C and the Cold", New York Times, December 15, 1970.
Newspaper Clipping: "A Sure Cure for the Common Cold", New York Times, No Date.