June 13, 1969
Dr. Linus Pauling, Jr.
Round Top Drive
Honolulu, Hawaii 96818
Dear Linus:
Here is a copy of a letter that I have just written to a woman in Honolulu. No doubt you know Dr. Amjadi, whom she mentions as a children's psychiatrist who is treating her son.
We have recently finished our study of 36 chronic schizophrenics, in Patton State Hospital, with respect to their excretion of administered doses of ascorbic acid, niacinamide, and pyridoxine. We found that 18 of the 36 patients were strikingly abnormal in one or two of these three substances, none in all three.
Tomorrow Mama and I move to Stanford. We have bought a house, at 385 Golden Hills Drive, Portola Valley, CA 94025. I am in the middle of the job of getting our NIH grant transferred to Stanford. I have decided that we should work on the development of a method of discovering specific metabolic abnormalities, perhaps in people generally, not only mental patients. We are going to analyze the urine of schizophrenics on a special constant diet, by a high-resolution technique, vapor-phase chromatography, with the hope of studying the amounts of several hundred substances that appear in the urine, and detecting the presence of unusual substances or of ordinary substances in unusual amounts. This work will probably take most of the coming year.
Mama and I have to make two trips to Europe this summer. The first trip, around the first of August, will probably take us only to London. The second trip, probably during most of September, is mainly for the Scandinavian countries. We have thought that we would like to go to Geneva, and see the grandchildren, especially Linus Fowler. We were just visited by a friend of his, Roland Fuchs, who had heard from him about his reasonably satisfactory recovery from his accident. Do you think that we should write to Anita about the possibility of our coming to Geneva, or would you do so? Do you know where the children will be during the last week of July and perhaps the first week or second week of August?
We hope that you will come to see us in our new home in Portola Valley, and perhaps visit us at the ranch.
Much love from,