Letter from Linus Pauling to Michael B. Hyman. Page 1. March 11, 1969
Letter from Linus Pauling to Michael B. Hyman. March 11, 1969. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 1 p.  View Transcript

Activity Listings

  • Letter from Dr. C. S. Wallia, Program Director, Committee on Arts and Lectures, Guy S. Millberry Union, University of California, San Francisco Medical Center, to LP RE: Invites LP to give a lecture at the University of California Medical Center on the topic of Science and Public Policy. Mentions that the audience would consist primarily of Health Sciences students, staff and researchers and that the lecture would be semi-formal, or non-technical. Notes that they can offer an honorarium of $75 and travel expenses and suggests April 30th as a possible date for the lecture. [Letter from LP to Wallia, 2, 1969] [Letter from Wallia to LP, 7, 1969] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (W: Correspondence, 1966-1970), Box #447, Folder #447.4]
  • Letter from George Feigen, Department of Physiology, Stanford University, to LP RE: Tells LP that he is welcome to use his laboratory and equipment if he would like since they are housed in an old building that does not have much space. Describes the work he has been doing regarding toxin fractions and antibodies and their immunological and pharmacological consequences. Encloses examples of his current research. [Letter from LP to Feigen, 2, 1969] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (F: Individual Correspondence (Fast - Feigen)), Box #118, Folder #118. 3]
  • Letter from Hermann Müller to LP RE: Written in German. Asks if LP has found time to look through the book from Gesell and Schnell and think about what was presented. Gives his opinion about the disorder in the world and notes that he has begun writing to Nobel Peace Prize winner Father Pire, a copy of which is included. [Letter from LP to Müller, 2, 1969] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (M: Correspondence, 1968-1971), Box #261, Folder #261.2]
  • Letter from Ira B. Klein, Department of Biochemistry, University of California, Berkeley, to LP RE: Congratulates LP on his appointment at Stanford University and mentions his pleasure that LP will be continuing his work on the chemistry of mental health. Notifies LP that he no longer plans to do postdoctoral work during the fall and instead plans to travel for the next year, though he still wants to someday work on the chemistry of the brain. [Letter from Klein to Hesselbach, 4, 1969] [Letter from LP to Klein, 2, 1969] [Letter from Klein to Doukas, 0, 1969] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (K: Correspondence, 1967-1971), Box #203, Folder #203.3]
  • Letter from Jana Junkermann, Secretary to LP, to Gertrude V. T. Lewis RE: Assures her that LP received her letter dated January 25th and mailed a reply, which was returned to him, marked "unclaimed". Tells Lewis that she set the letter aside, hoping that Lewis would write again, possibly due to a change in address. Encloses the original, unopened letter LP mailed to her. [Letter from LP to Lewis, 1969] [Letter from Lewis to Junkermann, 2, 1969] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (L: Correspondence, 1967-1971), Box #234, Folder #234.3]
  • Letter from LP to Virginia S. Connor RE: Promises to send a copy of his paper "Orthomolecular Psychiatry", along with other material. [Letter from Connor to LP, 2, 1969] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (C: Correspondence, 1966-1969), Box #78, Folder #78.4]
  • Letter from Mary Domb Mikkelson to LP RE: Attaches a copy of the article she wrote about the scientific achievements of a local boy and tells him that she is interested in doing a follow-up article, emphasizing providing authoritative scientific corroboration for the boy's contentions about the synthetic skin he created. Requests that LP write her a brief letter of comment, including a statement authorizing her to quote LP in the article. [Letter from LP to Mikkelson, 2, 1969] [Letter from Mikkelson to LP, 8, 1969] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (M: Correspondence, 1968-1971), Box #261, Folder #261.2]
  • Letter from Mrs. Robert Mollett to LP RE: Describes her five-year-old son, who is hyperactive and does not talk, possibly due to a chemical imbalance. Forwards LP some of her son's test results to be evaluated and requests the name and locations of any organizations or individuals in Kentucky that are involved in work similar to LP's. [Letter from LP to Mollett, 2, 1969] [Letter from Mollett to LP, 4, 1969] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (I: Organizational Correspondence (In - In)), Box #182, Folder #182.5]
  • Letter from Unknown to Ken Stott, Jr., RE: Says that LP expresses his thanks to Stott for his letter to LP about LP's appointment as Professor of Chemistry in Stanford University. Includes handwritten note by LP in bottom margin of page: "Reprints sent: Science & Peace, Roebling Medal, Aging & Death". [Filed under LP Correspondence: (S: Correspondence, 1968-1969), Box #385, Folder #385.2]
  • Newspaper Clipping: "Dr. Pauling to Leave UCSD for Stanford", San Diego (California) Evening Tribune. [Filed under LP Biographical: Newspaper Clippings. Box #1969n, Folder #1969n.9].
  • Note from Professor Friederich I. Mautner, Department of Mathematics, University of Paris, to LP RE: Discusses further his opinion about the attacks being made on him and what he believes should be his next course of action. [Letter from Mautner to LP, 7, 1969] [Letter from LP to Mautner, 2, 1969] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (M: Correspondence, 1968-1971), Box #261, Folder #261.2]
  • Publication by LP "Structure of the Methyl Radical and Other Radicals" in The Journal of Chemical Physics 51, 2767. [Filed under LP Biographical: Publications Bibliographies. Box #5.006, Folder #6.6].