December 5, 1968
Mr. Stanley Schaefer
W. H. Freeman and Company
660 Market Street
San Francisco, Calif. 94104
Dear Stan:
Under separate cover I am returning the laboratory manual by [...].
I think that it would be worth publishing, and I would be willing to have it as a book in my series.
As you pointed out, the writing is terrible. The job of editing the manuscript would be a big one.
The subject matter looks very good to me. I have checked a good number of pages, and have found only one real error. It is on page 5 of the experiment on x-ray powder diffraction technique, about the middle of the manuscript. The figure showing the structure of carbon dioxide, at the bottom of the page, is wrong. The molecules are shown in only two different orientations, whereas in fact they have four different orientations.
Also, there is an error in judgment on the same page, involving the fluorite structure. The structure is shown much better by having a fluorine atom at the corner of the unit cube, rather than a calcium atom.
It is evident that the author is an able person, who understands what she is writing about.
Linus Pauling