Activity Listings
- Letter from A. Hoffer, M.D., Ph. D., to LP, RE: Dr. Hoffer writes that he will assume LP is willing to appear on the editorial board of a new journal Schizophrenia for the American Schizophrenia Foundation because he has not received a response. He asks LP to respond soon to tell him what to do. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 160, Folder# 160.4]
- Letter from Dr. Arthur Cherkin to LP, RE: Writes to LP about a manuscript on memory consolidation and includes a draft of the manuscript. He states that data from the research will be sent to Dr. Robert Landahl given LP approves because Landahl wants to construct a mathematical model of consolidation. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 64, Folder# 64.9]
- Letter from Steven Nishibayashi to LP, RE:J Invites LP to give a lecture on the social and political issues of today at Los Altos High School in May 1969. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 289, Folder# 289.4]