10 October, 1968
Dear Peter,
I hope you are well settled in again and that you are comfortable and in good spirits.
We are here in our little house again. The Daddy drove down on the 26th of Sept and I flew down the 2nd of October. Thus I am without my little car and I feel like little Linus without his blanket!
Yesterday we went to look at Jeeps and Toyota Land Cruisers. We’ve been tempted by the Toyota which is certainly a powerful, sturdy looking vehicle, four wheel drive and I think could and would go anywhere and pull anything. Is it too heavy for me to heist around? That is the only problem. Also $3000 smackers which seems quite a sum of money. But it is a real utility wagon – also we’ll go 85 miles per on the highway.
I sent the book I bought for you to Crellie. Maybe it will give him some hints. He seems chipper over the telephone. I haven’t seen him.
I think Joan and Kenneth are going to be quite good - a great improvement over what we have had anyway.
Love to you, Mama
I haven’t seen Linda either but she seems better, too. I think we’ll take both little dogs to the ranch! I wish we’d been able to tear down Phil's house while you were there.