September 19, 1968
Mrs. Lucile P. Jenkins
Rt. #2, Box 697 Estacada,
Oregon 97023
Dear Lucile:
I have just thought of something, as I have a number of times before, although I did not take any action about it.
There is one thing that I should like to have. We have here at the ranch a number of Indian relics that were found by the man from whom we bought the place. I remember another one, which I found when I was a boy. I found it at the bottom of the creek at Oswego, and I think that Mama kept it in the old tool chest that belonged to Granddad.
It was a pestle, used in grinding grain. It was nicely shaped, about nine inches long, and I think over two inches in diameter at the bottom end, tapering to about one inch, but with a sort of bulge at the bottom end.
Would you be good enough to send it to me, by parcel post, if it is still around? I hope that it has not been thrown away.
I have been hard at work all summer, preparing a new edition of one of my books. Peter came over from London for a month, to help me out, and Crellin and Linda and their families both visited us.
Much love from,