Activity Listings
- Check from AHP to The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company: $111.19 [Filed under LP Biographical: Financial, Tax Documents, 1965-1972, Box # 4.003, Folder # 3.4, Personal Income tax, 1968.]
- Letter from Dr. Herbert T. Rosenfeld to LP, RE: Writes that he had suffered a stroke like AHP and hopes that she is able to make a reasonable recovery. Describes AHP's personality. Thanks LP for referring his wife to the International Society For Research on Nutrition and Vital Substances. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 336, Folder# 336.2]
- Letter from LP to Dr. A. Hoffer, RE: LP writes to thank Hoffer for his letter and says he looks forward to hearing more about NAD. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 78, Folder# 78.3 and LP Correspondence: Box# 160, Folder# 160.4]
- Letter from LP to Mr. Ronald M. Speer, RE: Writes that Mr. Speer has not made any novel statements and that he will have to develop his ideas on research before a granting agency will consider making a grant. [Letter from Ronald M. Speer to LP 0, 1968] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box 385, Folder 385.1]
- Letter from Mark Zetin to LP, RE: Writes that he is looking for a position as a student-researcher for the summer of 1968. Asks if LP is involved in any experimental work at U.C.S.D., and if they could discuss the possibility of his working in LP's lab. [Letter from LP to Mr. Mark Zetin 5, 1968] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box 468, Folder 468.24]
- Letter from Paul J. Peckar to LP, RE: Sends a draft of a story he wrote which contains an indirect quote attributed to LP. Asks for LP to verify the accuracy of the context. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 70, Folder# 70.3]
- Note from Jana Junkermann to LP, RE: H. Hill will be in to see LP today at 11 AM. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 78, Folder# 78.3]
- Note to Self: "Bernd Matthias File", RE: Ferroelectric Substances. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 244, Folder# 244.4]
Bernd Matthias File
Date: January 16, 1968
Subject: Ferroelectric Substances
I talked today with Bernd Matthias about my memorandum of 2 January to him.
He said that he had investigated HCrC2, hydrogen chromium (III) dioxide, and had found it not to be ferroelectric. I told him that neutron diffraction work by Walter Hamilton and Jim Ibers has shown that in the deuterium compound the hydrogen bonds are nearly or completely symmetrical, very short, about 2.49 Å , I think, but that in the hydrogen compound the bonds are unsymmetrical I said that his negative result might be the result of electrostatic repulsion of the protons. He and I developed the idea that a solid solution of the deuterium compound and the hydrogen compound might show ferroelectricity. He suggested the fifty: fifty compound, and I suggested the one third/two thirds compound as the more likely to be ferroelectric, on the basis of the idea that you can get a regular structure more easily in a triangular plane network with the latter ratio than with the former. I think that with the one: two ratio the deuterium atoms would move to one side, and the hydrogen atoms to the opposite side of the basal plane, giving a net moment.
He asked if I would be willing for the Bell Lab people to make some of the hydrogen hexacyanide compounds that I had mentioned in my note, and I gave my permission.
I pointed out that not only hexacyano cobaltic acid, but also salts of ferro-cyanic acid in which one of the four hydrogen atoms is replaced by a univalent cation and certain other compounds that might be predicted to be ferroelectric. He mentioned that these compounds that I had suggested for investigation in my 2 January letter represent a completely new class of substances, or would represent a new class of ferroelectric substances if they are found to be ferroelectric.
Linus Pauling