Activity Listings
- Article: “Albumin Naskapi: A New Variant of Serum Albumin,” Science, Vol. 153, “September 30, 1966. RE: LP has marked the page with “Hb” indicating that the article needed to be inserted into the hemoglobin section of his vertical file. [Filed under LP Science: (Non-Pauling Reprints re: Hemoglobin research, 1960s-1980s), Box #6.011, Folder #11.1]
- Bank Book Entry: Cash (Center). $100.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.030, Folder #30.2]
- Bank Book Entry: Passport. $11.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.030, Folder #30.2]
- Bank Statement from First Western Bank to LP and AHP RE: “Personal Statement Savings.” Total of $5,303.33. [Receipt from First Western Bank to LP and AHP September 1, 1961, Personal Statement Savings Book 1968, Receipt from First Western Bank to LP and AHP May 8, 1968] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.030, Folder #30.2]
- Check from AHP to John W. Turmel, RE: $38.32. [Filed under LP Biographical: Financial, Box 4.029, Folder 29.1]
- Check from LP to Cash, RE: $100.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: Financial, Box 4.029, Folder 29.1]
- Check from LP to Kendrick A. Price, RE: $357.33. [Filed under LP Biographical: Financial, Box 4.029, Folder 29.1]
- Check from LP to Passport Office, RE: $9.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: Financial, Box 4.029, Folder 29.1]
- Letter form AHP to Jean Colon, RE: AHP is sorry she won't see Colon before she and LP leave for Europe. [Filed under Ava Helen Pauling General Correspondence, Box 1.001, Folder 1.1]
- Letter from AHP to Barbara Bick, RE: Having spent the summer at the ranch, AHP only just received Bick's letter. She supposes it is too late to send a statement to include in Bick's project, but encloses a check for Women Strike for Peace. [Filed under Ava Helen Pauling: General Correspondence, Peace and Political, Box 1.004, Folder 4.1]
- Letter from AHP to Crellin Pauling. [Filed under LP Biographical: Personal and Family: Box #5.048, Folder #48.9]
Ava Helen Pauling
794 Hot Springs Road, Santa Barbara, California 93103
Dr. Crellin Pauling
3125 Maricopa
Riverside, California
Dear Crellie, Dear
We hope that you are well settled now and that you and the children are going along in your rigorous routine. I hope that the University is agreeable and that your quarters are what you like.
We are getting ready to leave for Europe and shall go around the 12th of October.
We are here at the ranch now but are going down to Santa Barbara on Thursday and shan't come back here until we get back from Europe.
I have several plants of Sasanqua camellias which I shall probably have to dispose of. Also, all of my orchids and a number of other plants. Sasanquas stand heat better than most other camellias and if you have some space on the left side of your house, perhaps you would like to have these. You remember how beautiful they are there in Pasadena.
I took out some of the bamboo but I have a good bit left. I do not know whether or not there is time for you to come to Santa Barbara before we leave, but it might be useful for you to do so and you could see if there are other things that you might want.
I forgot to ask you about the coffee table which you made for me and which you took to Palo Alto. I hope that you didn't dispose of it.
I enjoyed having little Cherry Blossom here and the time went very quickly. Even she said that it didn't seem as if the time had gone by.
We shall keep in touch with you and we are looking forward to seeing Peter again. We send you much love.
- Letter from AHP to Dr. and Mrs. Hans Kaunitz. [Filed under Ava Helen Pauling General Correspondence, Box 1.001, Folder 1.3]
September 30, 1966
Dr. and Mrs. Hans Kaunitz
654 Madison Avenue
New York, New York 10021
Dear Dr. and Mrs. Kaunitz:
We have thought of you many times the past months and remember with much pleasure your kindness to us when we were in New York. We have had a very busy summer and are now getting ready to go to Europe.
My husband broke his leg at the beginning of the summer so we have had to be relatively quiet.
Even though we have had a rather damp summer, I have managed to get rid of my cough and have felt very well.
You have probably read that Linus decided to appeal the decision of Judge Silverman. I do not know whether anything can be gained by doing this and certainly it is a great waste of time and money, but the principles involved are important.
The firm of Louis Nizer will manage the appeal for us.
We remember with great pleasure our times with you and I hope that we can see you again when we come to New York.
We continue to be grateful to you for all that you did for us.
Cordially yours,
Ava Helen Pauling
- Letter from AHP to Felix Greene, RE: Thanks Greene for his book on Vietnam, which she found excellent and enlightening. [Filed under Ava Helen Pauling: General Correspondence, Peace and Political, Box 1.004, Folder 4.2]
- Letter from AHP to John Gilman, Allied Linoleum, RE: AHP says how much she enjoys the hangers, and how quickly they were used. [Filed under Ava Helen Pauling General Correspondence, Box 1.001, Folder 1.2]
- Letter from AHP to Pauline Scott, RE: Thanks Scott for sending the book by Felix Greene. Discusses her time at the ranch and LP's broken leg. [Filed under Ava Helen Pauling: Individual Correspondence, Peace and Political, Box 1.006, Folder 6.14]
- Letter from AHP to Richard Morgan, RE: AHP wants to plant trees when she and LP return from Europe, and asks Morgan to look into buying the specific kinds she wants. [Filed under Ava Helen Pauling General Correspondence, Box 1.001, Folder 1.3]
- Letter from Arthur J. Imm to LP RE: Asks for references on his position in regards to the effects on the genetic bank of mankind through the reproductive age of those who carry genetic defects. [Letter from LP October 14, 1966][Filed under LP Correspondence: I: Correspondence, 1966: Box #185, Folder #85.27]
- Letter from H.L. Welsh, University of Toronto, to LP . RE: Invites LP to the University to visit and give a seminar. [Filed under LP Speeches, 1966s2.5]
- Letter from John Raeburn Green to LP, RE: Encloses a receipt for LP's payment and discusses a new petition for certiorari. [Filed under LP Biographical: Legal, Box 3.003, Folder 3.9]
- Letter from LP to Dr. F. Heisler RE: Returns the Hoffer books to him. Informs of his travel plans. [Filed under LP Correspondence: H: Correspondence, 1966: Box #169, Folder #169.4]
- Letter from LP to Governor Edmond G. Brown RE: Apologizes for not responding to the invite to the barbecue, in honor of Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson, in time. [Filed under LP Correspondence: B: Individual Correspondence: (Brown, Edmund G. ), Box #32, Folder #32.2]
- Letter from LP to Professor Kenneth Hedberg, Oregon State University, RE: Suggest that some of his relatives in Oregon be invited to the meeting in Portland. [Filed under LP Correspondence: H: Individual Correspondence (Hedberg, Kenneth): Box #153, Folder #153.1][Filed under LP Correspondence: The Linus Pauling Medal, (American Chemical Society, Puget Sound and Oregon Sections): Box #228, Folder #228.1]
- Letter from LP to Rabbi L. Feinberg RE: Encloses his correspondence with Dr. Spock, co-chairman of SANE. [Filed under LP Correspondence: F: Individual Correspondence (Feinberg, Abraham): Box #119, Folder #119.1]
- Letter from Peter Pauling to Linus Pauling, Jr. [Filed under LP Biographical: Box 5.044, Folder 44.8]
30 September 1966
Dear Linus,
It was good to be with you on that boat though I did not get to talk to you as much as I would like.
I am writing the chapter for the LP festschrift though it is harder than I thought. More and more data is becoming available and I am
learning more about the problem which makes my simple theory less certain. I am doing more structures but they will certainly not be
available by the time I have this done, which will be tomorrow I hope.
My trip after Athens was reasonably successful. I spent a week in Geneva didling around, three days in Zurich trying to get some
artificial substituted muscarines from Peter Waser (with whom I stayed twice in the summer of 1950), a week in Vienna at this
Biophysics meeting, which was not a terrible success, and several days in Copenhagen giving a lecture and seeing movies and walking
Julia had the upper house completely redecorated and cleaned by the time I got back. She must have worked hard. You seem to have a fan
in Julia. She seems to think you were marvelous on that boat.
If you got me a half frame in Hong Kong, please send it to the parents who will be over on the 20th. They can bring it to me. They will
be here four days according to the plan. It will be good to see then. I have not for two years. They have never seen our house done
Why do you not plan to spend a year in London. It is too cold and wet for you but rather fun. There is quite a lot of exciting stuff
going on. I expect I shall be here. This cholinergic structure stuff is quite exciting and I want to get on with the large amount of
work to be done. I do net yet know whether I shall get the grant to make my computer data collector. If I do it will take a year. If I
do not, I shall have to get some money somewhere else to get a less powerful commercial instrument.
Can you please get me a copy of the instruction book of a Sherwood S-3000 II FM tuner? You sent me the tuner but the instruction book
would help.
Much love,
- Letter from W. M. Miller, Assoc. Professor of Chemistry, Fresno State College, to LP RE: Invites him to be principle visiting scientist during the 20th Anniversary celebration of their chemistry Department. [Letter from LP to Miller October 14, 1966][Filed under LP Correspondence: M: Correspondence, 1966: Box #260, Folder #260.2]
- Letter from W.E. Sackston, Macdonald College, to Florence Givens, Secretary to LP . RE: Asks for detailed information on LP's arrival in Montreal, and for some indication of his travel expenses, so that the college might reimburse him. [Filed under LP Speeches, 1966s2.6]
- Letter from W.E. Sackston, Macdonald University, to LP . RE: To suit LP's itinerary, his lectures have both been scheduled for NaN, 17 O Sackston asks if LP will need a projector or any other equipment for his lectures. [Filed under LP Speeches, 1966s2.6]
- Memorandum from Florence K. Givens, Secretary to LP, to LP . RE: Answers LP's questions about his health insurance. [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia, Box 1.036, Folder 36.5]
- Receipt from Channel Disposal Co., RE: $4.20. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.061, Folder 61.2]
- Research Notebook of LP RE: Particles and Resonances. p. 119. [Filed under LP Research Notebooks: 32R]
- Statement from The Fund for the Republic to LP RE: Net pay of $843.17. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.030, Folder #30.2]