Activity Listings
- Brochure: “Your Retirement Annuity.” Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.043 Folder #43.1]
- Card from Malvina Neurath to LP RE: Congratulates LP on having been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 1962. [Filed under LP Awards & Honors: (Nobel Peace Prize, Congratulation Letters and Telegrams, 1963), Box #1963h4, Folder #1963h4.7]
- Copyright Assignment: LP’s Nobel Peace Prize Lecture. [Filed under LP Awards & Honors: (Materials re: Nobel Peace Prize, 1963), Box #1963h2, Folder #1963h2.7]
- Envelope from First Western Bank: Pasadena, California. [Envelope from First Western Bank November 22, 1963 and December 26, 1963] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.030, Folder #30.2]
- Form: “Change of Address Form.” Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America College Retirement Equities Fund. [Letter from Mrs. Ann Caniano, Premium Department, Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America, to LP December 19, 1963] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.043 Folder #43.1]
- Itinerary: In Stockholm. [Filed under LP Awards & Honors: (Materials re: Nobel Peace Prize, 1963), Box #1963h2, Folder #1963h2.2]
- Letter from Bo Lundberg, Director General, The Aeronautical Research Institute of Sweden, to LP RE: Congratulates him on the Nobel Peace Price. Suggests having a conversation with him about civil supersonic aviation. Encloses information on his view point. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (L:Correspondence, 1961-1963), #232.3]
- Letter from Charles T. Hackler to LP RE: Congratulates LP on having been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 1962. [Filed under LP Awards & Honors: (Nobel Peace Prize, Congratulation Letters and Telegrams, 1963), Box #1963h4, Folder #1963h4.1]
- Letter from Charles W. Livingston to LP RE: Inquires into whether or not he can answer a question about hemoglobin after it has finished its usefulness as an oxygen carrier in the blood stream. Asks if hemoglobin, after it has been converted to bile pigments, is still capable of carrying oxygen. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (L: Correspondence, 1961-1963), #232.3]
- Letter from Karl Boyer to LP RE: Says he intends to use the 5-halogenated uracils in biological research as soon as he gets a job. Explains that he came up with a hypothesis that he intends to send to Nature, if LP approves of it. Includes his paper and asks several questions about his opinion on the paper. Inquires whether there were any positions available at Caltech. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (B: Correspondence), #40.2]
- Letter from Mrs. Ann Caniano, Premium Department, Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America, to LP RE: Informs LP about his annuity premiums in relation to his leave of absence. Rights and Privileges are included. [Form: “Change of Address Form.” December 19, 1963, Brochure: “Your Retirement Annuity” December 19, 1963] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.043 Folder #43.1]
- Letter from Nils K. Ståhle to LP RE: Is skeptical of Mr. Ferrand’s proposal because the Norwegian Nobel Committee only accepts proposals by individuals. [Filed under LP Awards & Honors: (Materials re: Nobel Peace Prize, 1963), Box #1963h2, Folder #1963h2.2]
- Letter from Robert M. Hutchins, Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, to LP RE: Says he would like to talk with LP about his suggestion of Dr. Butler. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Hutchins, Robert M.) #163.9]
- Letter from Sidney J. Gluck to LP, RE: Gluck is writing to inform LP of the latest developments in the work of the Emergency Committee for Disaster Relief to Cuba. Gluck hopes that LP will make a “Christmas” contribution to the relief effort. [Filed under LP Peace: (Issues of International Diplomacy and Human Rights, Cu-Ir), Box #6.014, Folder #14.1]
- Newspaper Clipping: “Atom-Pauling: Civilförsvar inger fold falsk säkerhet,” Stockholm Expresser, December 19, 1963. [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings: Newspaper Clippings, Magazine and Journal Articles related to LP, 1963: Box #1963n5: Folder #1963n5.56]
- Newspaper Clipping: “Dr. Pauling’s shared honor,” New York National Guardian, December 19, 1963. [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings: Newspaper Clippings, Magazine and Journal Articles related to LP, 1963: Box #1963n5: Folder #1963n5.59]
- Newspaper Clipping: “Fredliga kärnenergiexplosioner kan godtas, anser Linus Pauling,” Svenska Dagbladet (Stockholm), December 19, 1963. [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings: Newspaper Clippings, Magazine and Journal Articles related to LP, 1963: Box #1963n5: Folder #1963n5.57]
- Newspaper Clipping: “Krigsrisken kan snart elimineras,” Stockholmns Tidinigen, December 19, 1963. [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings: Newspaper Clippings, Magazine and Journal Articles related to LP, 1963: Box #1963n5: Folder #1963n5.55]
- Newspaper Clipping: “Kärv Pauling varnar för biologiska vapen,” Dagens Nyheter (Stockholm), December 19, 1963. [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings: Newspaper Clippings, Magazine and Journal Articles related to LP, 1963: Box #1963n5: Folder #1963n5.58]
- Newspaper Clipping: “Linus Pauling Tribute,” New York National Guardian, December 19, 1963. [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings: Newspaper Clippings, Magazine and Journal Articles related to LP, 1963: Box #1963n5: Folder #1963n5.59]
- Note from LP to Aronson Editor, National Guardian Newspaper, RE: Cable from LP clarifying that in publishing the Nobel lecture the words “Copyright the Nobel Foundation 1963" must be added. [Typescript of the Nobel Lecture December 11, 1963] [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Articles: (Manuscripts and Typescripts of Articles by LP, 1963), Box #1963a2, Folder #1963a2.8]
- Notes: No Title re: nations and morality; armament for peace, Stockholm. [Filed under LP Speeches: Speeches by LP, 1963: Box # 1963s, Folder #1963s.24]
- Pamphlet: "Program Vid Fredshogtid," storkyrkan den 19 december 1963. [Filed under LP Safe Contents, Drawer 2, Folder 2.039, Item 39.17]
- Receipt from First Western Bank to LP RE: Deposit receipt. $337.76. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.030, Folder #30.2]
- Receipt from First Western Bank to LP RE: “Receipt Portion.” For a deposit. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.030, Folder #30.2]
- Schedule: 10:15 AM scientific lecture at the University; 7:30 PM talk in Stockholm Cathedral [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.003, Folder 3.3]