Letter from Linus Pauling to J. Lewin. Page 1. August 1, 1956
Letter from Linus Pauling to J. Lewin. August 1, 1956. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 1 p.  View Transcript

Activity Listings

  • Letter from A. M. Wood, Claredon Press, to LP RE: Thanks LP for his 24 July letter. Confirms his forthcoming visit to California. [Letter from LP to Wood July 24, 1956] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (W: Correspondence, 1956), #444.4]
  • Letter from Alan G. Ward, British Gelatine and Glue Research Association, to LP RE: Invites LP to give the Conference Lecture at the University of Cambridge on July 1, 1957. Also encloses a leaflet outlining the general scope of the conference. [Letter from LP to Ward August 17, 1956] [Filed under LP Speeches: 1957s.25]
  • Letter from Dan H. Campbell, California Institute of Technology, to Leo H. Criep, cc: LP, RE: Comments and gives suggestions on a panel discussion proposed by Criep. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Campbell, Dan H.), #57.6]
  • Letter from Dr. George Tarjan, Pacific State Hospital to Walter Rapaport, Department of Mental Hygiene, cc: LP, RE: Discusses a news release for the information that LP has received a $450,000 grant for five years from the Ford Foundation to study the biochemical factors in relation to mental deficiency. [Filed under LP Science: Orthomolecular Medicine and Mental Health: Materials re: Ford Foundation grants for the study of mental disorders, 1955-1966: Box #11.089, Folder #89.2]
  • Letter from F. Bohnenblust to Arthur Kallet, Consumers Union, cc: LP, RE: Thanks Kellet for sending funds for the Consumers Union Fellowship for Robert Bixler. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Consumers Union of U.S., Committee on Grants and Fellowships), #72.4]
  • Letter from George A. Feigen, Stanford University, to LP RE: Encloses Burt Vaughan's curriculum vitae. Recommends Vaughan as capable and intelligent. [Letter from Vaughan to LP July 21, 1956, Letter from LP to Vaughan July 30, 1956] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (V: Correspondence, 1956), #427.16]
  • Letter from Herschel W. Nisonger, American Association on Mental Deficiency, to LP RE: Invites LP to serve as a member of the American Association on Mental Deficiency Research Subcommittee. Describes the Subcommittee functions and responsibilities. [Letter from LP to Nisonger August 17, 1956] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (A: Organizational Correspondence (Am - Am)), #9.4]
  • Letter from LP to Burton E. Vaughan, White Mountain Research Station, RE: Invites Vaughan to Pasadena to discuss the possibility of his appointment as Research Fellow at Caltech. [Letter from Feigen to LP July 30, 1956] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (V: Correspondence, 1956), #427.16]
  • Letter from LP to Editorial Office, Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, RE: Corey and LP would like to make some small changes to their manuscript "Specific Hydrogen-Bond Formation Between Pyrimidines and Purines in Deoxyribosenucleic Acids." Encloses pages to be inserted into the manuscript. [Memo from Corey to LP June 7, 1956] [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Articles: 1956a.7]
  • Letter from LP to Gerald Oster, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, RE: Says Oster may visit Caltech but will not be able to give a lecture in December because the dates coincide with final examination week. [Letter from Oster to LP June 21, 1956] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (O: Correspondence, 1956), #300.18]
  • Letter from LP to Walter A. Schmidt, Western Precipitation Corporation, RE: Invites Schmidt to come to Caltech to discuss the possibility of working with Professor Schomaker. [Letters from Schmidt to LP July 19, 1956, July 31, 1956] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (S: Correspondence, 1956), #379.4]
  • Letter from Ole Lilleland to LP RE: Invites LP to speak before the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Club on Sept. 19 at 8 PM at the Casita del Arroyo on a topic of LP's choice. Telephoned LP's secretary earlier to verify if Priscilla Beattie had contacted LP. [Letter from LP to Lilleland August 17, 1956] [Filed under LP Speeches: 1956s.29]