Linus Pauling note to self summarizing research publications on the spectrum of DBr and the electron distribution in argon. March 8, 1954. Page 1
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Activity Listings
- LP Note to Self RE: "Spectrum of Dbr in the 1-mm. wave region"; Electron distribution in argon [Filed under LP Science: (LP Notes to Self: Scientific, 1941, 1945-1992), Box #10.003, Folder 3.7]
- Letter from Claire G. Black, Secretary for Dr. Johnston RE: As Johnston is overseas at present, she has turn LP's letter of February 22, 1954 over to Dr. Michael Hoch. [LP's letter February 22, 1954; Hoch's reply March 9, 1954] [Filed under J: Individual Correspondence 1954, Box #190.2]
- Letter from LP to Burton W. Jones RE: Declining invitation to speak at the annual Sigma Xi lecture at the University of Colorado. [Jones' letter March 3, 1954] [Filed under S: Organizational Correspondence, Box #375.3]
- Letter from LP to Dr. I. MacArthur RE: LP gives thanks for book, "Tartans of the Clans and Families of Scotland" and requests updates on MacArthur's work [Filed under M: Correspondence 1954, Box #256.5]
- Letter from LP to Dr. Martin Karplus, Oxford University. RE: Telling Karplus of the possible revisions, and how they will work together. Then tells him what he is working on at the moment, and that he would like to know what the young doctor is working on. [Filed under: LP Manuscripts of Books, Unpb.7]
- Letter from LP to Members of the Editorial Board of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences RE: LP encloses ballot concerning whether the Proceedings should be copyrighted in the future. [Letter from the National Academy of Sciences February 19, 1954] [Filed under LP Science: (National Academy of Sciences, 1952-1954), Box #14.020, Folder 20.3]
- Letter from T. Duckett Jones, Helen Hay Whitney Foundation to LP RE: Requests recommendation for Alfred Deustch, Daniel H. Deustch and Robert E. Phillips who have submitted a research proposal to the Foundation. [LP's reply to Jones March 16, 1954] [Filed under LP Science: (Helen Hay Whitney Foundation–Scientific Advisory Committee: Correspondence, 1954-1959), Box #15.002, Folder 2.1]
- Letter from W.H. Freeman, W.H. Freeman and Co., to LP . RE: Freeman says he plans to be at Cal Tech March 15, 1954 and would like to have a leisurely discussion with LP about the revision of Collge Chemistry. He would like to know if there will be some day that LP is free to do so. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Books, 1955b.1]