Letter from Linus Pauling to Alexander L. Dounce. Page 1. March 23, 1953
Letter from Linus Pauling to Alexander L. Dounce. March 23, 1953. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 2 pp.  View Transcript

Activity Listings

  • Letter from Henry Woodburn to LP, RE: Woodburn is submitting a tentative itinerary for the Foster Lectures and hopes that LP will find it a pleasure rather than a burden. The topic for the lectures will be hemoglobin. [Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by Linus Pauling, 1953), Box 1953s, Folder 1953s.6]
  • Letter from LP to Henry Thomas, RE: LP confirms that the 4pm lecture on the 17th is satisfactory. [Thomas’ telegram March 23, 1953] [Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by Linus Pauling, 1953), Box 1953s, Folder 1953s.5]
  • Letter from LP to R.W. Asmussen, RE: LP is glad to accept the invitation to attend the symposium on complexes during the week of August 9th through the 14th. LP asks for Asmussen’s advice on a possible topic for him to speak on since he has not done very much in the field of inorganic complexes recently. [Asmussen’s letter March 13, 1953] [Asmussen’s reply May 4, 1953] [Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by Linus Pauling, 1953), Box 1953s, Folder 1953s.13]
  • Letter from LP to Stanley Schaefer, W.H. Freeman and Company, RE: Writes to confirm that he will be at The Players restaurant in New York on April 2, 1953 at 11:30 AM. Also mentions trying to see McClintock on that day. [Filed under LP Books: Box 1953b, Folder 1953b.1].
  • Letter from Margaret Cooper, Secretary to W.H. Freeman, to LP RE: Cooper is sending by express the Steiner-Campbell manuscript "General Chemistry," sand says that Freeman plans to write LP about it as soon as he returns to the office. Cooper adds that she has been reading the manuscript and enjoys it immensely. [Filed under LP Books, 1950b1.4]
  • Letter from Theodore McClintock, W.H. Freeman and Company, to LP RE: Will have all editing material for the second edition of General Chemistry prepared so they can quickly review it on April 2, 1953. [Filed under LP Books: Box 1953b, Folder 1953b.1].