Letter from Linus Pauling to Albert Szent-Györgyi. Page 1. November 21, 1952
Letter from Linus Pauling to Albert Szent-Györgyi. November 21, 1952. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 2 pp.  View Transcript

Activity Listings

  • LP Biographical: Political: Article: "Rosenbergs' Last Chance: Clemency from President", National Guardian, November 20, 1952. [Filed under LP Biographical: Box 2.044, Folder 40.10]
  • Letter from Donald Mare, Lt. Colonel, USAF, Industrial Employment Review Board, to A.L. Wirin, Attorney to LP, CC LP: Says that the request for a continuance on LP's appeal has been received and approved. February 1953 is a likely date for the hearing. [Filed under LP Safe: Box 2.021, Folder 21.11]
  • Letter from Verne-Marie Freeman, attorney for W.H. Freeman and Company to LP RE: Enclosed are statements to be used for the 1952 income tax returns. Also included are two copies of a statement detailing the exchange of W.H. Freeman stock for $3500.00.