Letter from Linus Pauling to Roger Hayward. Page 1. June 26, 1952
Letter from Linus Pauling to Roger Hayward. June 26, 1952. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 2 pp.  View Transcript

Activity Listings

  • AHP writes cheque to: Manor Market amount: $50.00 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.021, Folder #3]
  • LP Newspaper Clippings 1952n. Article in Pasadena Star-News titled "Acheson Backs Rejection of Pauling Passport Plea" about Secretary of State Dean Acheson's support of the decision not to issue LP a passport.
  • Letter from Jerry Donohue to LP RE: Evaluates a new report issued by S.C. Abrahams and E. Grison on the crystal structure of cesium hexasulfide. [Reply from LP to Donohue October 3, 1952]. [Filed under LP Science: Box 9.001, Folder 1.6].
  • Pauling Scrapbook: University of Missouri News article entitled "Noted Speakers Brought to University Campus for Lectures on Varied Topics" RE: mentions that LP spoke about the nature of proteins as a visiting lecturer at the U. of Missouri. Goes on to discuss the other lecturer's speeches. [Filed under LP Biographical: Box 6.006, Folder 6.26]