"The Arrangement of the Hemes in Catalase." Page 1. August 20, 1947
"The Arrangement of the Hemes in Catalase." August 20, 1947. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 8 pp.

Activity Listings

  • Note from Dan [Campbell, Cal Tech] to LP RE: Gives results for a test with preparation number four, a “human r golb.” [Memo from Waser to LP August 12, 1947, notes by LP September 29, 1947] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #217.6, file:(Lipscomb, William)]
  • Note from Dr. Thomas Addis to LP RE: Reports that he should be up and around by the middle of September despite the doctor's pessimistic prognosis; mentions that he is looking forward to their visit. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #2.2, file:(Addis, Thomas 1946-1947)]