Activity Listings
- Letter from Henry Allen Moe, Guggenheim Foundation, to LP. RE: Informs him of suggested dates of the September meeting. [Filed under LP Science: John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1925-1945: Box #14.013 Folder #13.19]
- Letter from LP to Dr. Thomas Addis RE: Asks Dr. Addis if he would change his plans in order to stay with LP and AHP during his next trip to Pasadena rather than with Dr. and Mrs. Campbell so that LP and Dr. Addis may discuss LP's upcoming trip to Russia. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #2.1, file:(Addis, Thomas 1940-1945)]
- Letter from W. H. Kenerson, Executive Secretary, National Academy of Sciences, to LP RE: States that Dr. Bronk will be in Europe and has therefore been appointed representation of the Academy, and says that Dr. Field and one other are also intending to go. Says it is too difficult to make all the arrangements at short notice for a large group of Americans to go. Handwritten at the bottom: “See Russian Embassy.” [Telegram from W. H. Kenerson to LP May 28, 1945, letter from LP to Dr. W. H. Kenerson May 30, 1945] [Filed under LP Correspondence: #340.10]
- Memo from Alice H Walter, to B. B. Bender. RE: Informs her that CIT has received a letter of intent to become Supp. no. 4 to contract OEMcmr-153. [Filed under LP Science: Scientific War Work Materials re: Oxypolygelatin, 1941-1945, 1951-1952, 1972-1974: Box #13.004 Folder #4.2]
- Memo from Edwin Buchman to LP RE: Forwards him a letter from Charles Coryell regarding his post-war plans. [Letter from Coryell to Buchman May 27, 1945] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #68.2, file:(Coryell, Charles D., 1928, 1936-1941, 1945, 1948-1950, 1954, 1956-1958, 1960-1963, 1968-1970)]
- Telegram from W. H. Kenerson, Executive Secretary, National Academy of Sciences, to LP RE: Says the academy is sending one delegate to Russia, and only two or three can secure transportation through the State Department. States that a letter will follow. [Letters from LP to Dr. Frank B. Jewett May 26, 1945, from W. H. Kenerson to LP May 28, 1945] [Filed under LP Correspondence: #340.10]