Activity Listings
- Anonymous letter to LP [Postmarked this date]: “What a thrill to parents whose sons have been tortured to death by the beastly Japs, when they see the face of that grinning monkey, whom you have employed, while on the next page of the same paper we see the mute bodies of our sons who have died that you with your pro-Jap ideas, may live in luxury off of the salary paid to you out of the pockets of those parents whose sons you are willing to betray. Ask yourself ‘who is the vandal?'. God protect us from you and your Japs. [Signed]: Anti-Jap mother.” [Filed under LP Biographical: Materials re: “Japanese Gardener Incident”, 1945: Box #2.001, Folder 1.1]
- Letter from Frank B. Jewett, President of the National Academy of Sciences, to Honorable Henry L. Stimson, Secretary of War, cc: General Borden and General Williams. Notifies him that copies of his November 9th letter were sent to the members of the Academy Council and discusses the establishment of a Research Board for National Security. Suggests that Section 3 should be modified. Handwritten note at top: "Attachment #2." [Letter from Forrestal to Jewett, November 30, 1944] LP Safe: Drawer 3, Folder 3.020
- Letter from LP to J.R. Van Fleet, United States Vanadium Corporation RE: Regrets that his answer was delayed by Prof. Zechmeister's absence, finds after discussing the matter with Zechmeister that there is no time presently for Wilkinson to work an extended period with Zechmeister, as all available space in the laboratory has been turned over to war work. Mentions that Zechmeister would take Wilkinson into his private lab for a brief period if someone else teaches him chromatographic analysis, and recommends this course. [Letter from Van Fleet to LP February 20, 1945] [Filed under LP Correspondence: 443.13]
- Letter from LP to Miss Gertrude Bloomer, William S. Merrell Company. RE: Informs her that the information on gelatine and oxypolygelatin is in the form of reports to the CMR. Suggests she write to Dr. Joseph T. Wearn for information. [Filed under LP Science: Scientific War Work Materials re: Oxypolygelatin, 1941-1945, 1951-1952, 1972-1974: Box #13.004 Folder #4.2]
- Letter from LP to T. Addis, Stanford University School of Medicine. RE: Please to receive his letter. Informs him that they no longer have any preparations of Oxypolygelatin. [Filed under LP Science: Scientific War Work Materials re: Oxypolygelatin, 1941-1945, 1951-1952, 1972-1974: Box #13.004 Folder #4.2]
- Letter from Villiers W. Meloche, Professor of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, to LP RE: Discusses the work for Guffy according to present plans. He will arrange to come to Pasadena after the preliminary work is completed so that LP and he can discuss the details involved. [Filed under LP Biographical: (CIT: Materials re: Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 1915-1944), Box #1.019, Folder #19.7]
- Letter to LP from Mrs. W.H. Nancy Chown RE: Supports LP in his statement. Says that people are condoning prejudice by their silence. She views the first step in working towards peace is to cease pressure against minority groups. Encouraged by LP's stand. [Filed under LP Biographical: Materials re: “Japanese Gardener Incident”, 1945: Box #2.001, Folder 1.1]
- Memo from LP to Dr. Dan Campbell. RE: Suggests a new coupling agent. [Filed under LP Science: Scientific War Work Materials re: Oxypolygelatin, 1941-1945, 1951-1952, 1972-1974: Box #13.004 Folder #4.2]
- Minutes of the meeting of the Research Board for National Security on Match 10, 1945 by Louis Jordan, Executive Office, RBNS. Notice to Board Members attached asked them to note the date of the next meeting in Item 14 of these minutes. Handwritten note at top: "Dr Linus Pauling." LP Safe: Drawer 3, Folder 3.020
- Newspaper Clipping: “Scientist Who Engaged Jap Gardener Gets Threat Note”, Los Angeles Times, March 10, 1945. [Filed under LP Scrapbooks, 1941-1945: Box #6.004, Folder 4.9]
- Postcard from Mrs. Jameson to LP: “Let me compliment you on your reply I read in the LA Times Mar 10th. There are as many people in Calif. who believe we should not have “2nd class citizens” as there are on the other side. Only we don't make the protest we should. There is no more reason to prosecute these Amer. born Japanese than Amer. born Germans and I am glad we have citizens like you.” [Filed under LP Biographical: Materials re: “Japanese Gardener Incident”, 1945: Box #2.001, Folder 1.1]
- Questionnaire signed by H. Banhau, regarding the Chemical Abstracts. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society: Materials re: Committees and Awards 1938-1950: Box #14.008 Folder #8.14]
- Writes cheque to “Stewart & Quigley. CP 320 $10. 20000limit. HF-935695168 16000 limit” $178.00 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.073, folder 73.3]