Letter from Linus Pauling to W.A. Noyes, Jr. Page 1. February 26, 1945
Letter from Linus Pauling to W.A. Noyes, Jr. February 26, 1945. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 1 p.  View Transcript

Activity Listings

  • Letter from Homer W. Smith, Office of Scientific Research and Development, to LP. RE: Is sorry he couldn't make it to the Chicago meeting. Informs him of the next scheduled meeting. Will be sending a draft of a memorandum, asks for LP to wire suggestions back. Two copies. [Filed under LP Science: Assorted LP War Work, 1940-1946: Box #13.006 Folder #6.4]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. Kenneth J. Palmer, Western Regional Research Laboratory RE: Expresses interest in Palmer's recent work and requests that Palmer come visit for a few days to discuss his work and spend time in the lab with them. Suggests early April. Expresses condolences for Dr. Stitt's operation. [Letter from Palmer to LP March 8, 1945] [Filed under LP Correspondence Box: #304.3, file:(Palmer, Kenneth J.)]
  • Letter from LP to President Karl T. Compton, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Apologizes that he has to give up his trip to Washington and so will not be able to attend the meeting of the Research Board for National Security on March 10th. [Letter from Compton to LP, February 15, 1945] LP Safe: Drawer 3, Folder 3.022
  • Writes cheque to “First Fed. Jan 1, Feb 1, Mar 1 payment” $630.72 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.073, folder 73.3]