November 1, 1944
Dr. S. S. Prentiss
National Defense Research Committee
1703 - 32nd Street NW.
Washington 25, D.C.
Dear Dr. Prentiss:
Our final formal report for Contract OEMsr-584 has been completed. This report, entiteld "The Pauling Oxygen Meter", was prepared by Dr. Reuben E. Wood and Mr. David P. Shoemaker. It contains a brief history of the development of the oxygen meter, descriptions of the models of the meter which have been developed by this project, an analysis of the operation of the meter, and descriptions of the operations which are involved in the construction of the oxygen-sensitive element, the quartz fiber suspension. Seventy copies of this report have been lithoprinted by the facilities of this Institute. Forty-five of these copies will be sent to you immediately unless you telegraph other instructions to us.
Could we obtain immediate permission, prior to formal authorization, to make the following distribution of the remaining twenty-five copies:
One copy to be sent immediately to Dr. Reuben B. Wood, the senior author of the report.
Six copies to be sent immediately to Dr. A. O. Beckman. Dr. Beckman's group, which produces the oxygen meter commercially, is in a position to make good use of this report.
Ten copies to remain in the files of the Division of Chemistry of the California Institute of technology for our own use.
The remaining eight copies to remain here pending instructions for their disposal.
The lithographic plates from which this report has been printed have not yet been destroyed. The report contains many photographs and line drawings and for that reason was lithoprinted instead of mimeographed. By far the major cost of preparing this report has been the preparation of the plates from which it was printed. Consequently as many copies of this report as are likely to be desired should be prepared before the plates are destroyed. We are able to have the plates either destroyed at once or stored indefinitely, and we would appreciate instructions as to their disposal.
Sincerely yours,
Linus Pauling