Activity Listings
- Letter from Ralph Beebe to LP RE: Informs him that the difficulties with Dr. Grahame have been overcome, and that he will be reappointed to his position in the Amherst Chemistry Department next year. [Letter from LP to Beebe December 14, 1940] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #27.4, file:(Beebe, Ralph A., 1939-1940)]
- Letter from William Boyd to LP RE: Requests permission to quote from p.411 of “The Nature of the Chemical Bond.” [Letter from LP to Boyd December 14, 1940] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #29.3, file:(Boyd, William C., 1939-1945, 1956-1960)]
- Telegram from LP to Dr. Emil Burcik RE: Informs him that Northwestern is offering an appointment. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #37.7, file:(B: Correspondence, 1940)]