Activity Listings
- Letter from Dr. A. L. Patterson, Department of Physics, Bryn Mawr College to LP RE: Mentions that he is very interested in any news of a punch card method for Fourier Synthesis for which LP has just received a grant. Informs that he is planning to write an article on some methods of Fourier analysis and synthesis. Requests reprints on proteins and asks to be added to the mailing list. (Note in pencil below: crystal structure, Protein, E.D.) [Letter from LP to Patterson January 12, 1940] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #304.8, file: (Patterson, A. L.)]
- Letter from Dr. Kenneth J. Palmer, Department of Zoology, Washington University to LP RE: Informs that he has heard about possible openings at the Department of Agriculture laboratories in New Orleans and Albany, California. Asks for information on possible contact at lab in Albany. [Letter from LP to Palmer January 4, 1940] [Filed under LP Correspondence Box: #304.3, file:(Palmer, Kenneth J.)]
- Letter from LP to Dr. Paul A. Giguere. [Note from Giguere to LP December 29, 1939] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #136.9, file:(Giguere, Paul A.)]
January 2, 1940
Dr. Paul A. Giguere
34 St. Louis Road
Quebec, P.Q.
Dear Dr. Giguere:
I am very glad to learn that the Government of the Province of Quebec has granted your scholarship to you, and we are looking forward to your arrival with Mrs. Giguere in Pasadena. There is a great deal of activity in the laboratory now, and I am sure that you will enjoy working here for another period.
With best regards for the New Year, I am
Sincerely yours,
Linus Pauling
- Letter from LP to Mr. W. S. Schaefer, Cornell University Press. RE: LP sending him a copy of the rest of his book, and thanks Schaefer for the changes in an illustration in his book. [Filed under: LP Manuscripts of Books, 1939b.2]
- Letter from LP to Professor Arthur B. Lamb, Editor, Journal of the American Chemical Society. RE: Is willing that Dr. Carpenter's manuscript be published without change in the diagram. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society: Correspondence, 1925-1942: Box #14.002 Folder #2.5]
- Letter from LP to Professor E. C. Watson RE: Describes topics LP will cover during his talk on “The Chemistry of the Blood” [Filed under California Institute of Technology: Materials re: Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 1933-1963, No Date: Box #1.024, Folder 24.8]
- Letter from LP to Professor Vernon K. Krieble RE: LP is pleased to accept Krieble's invitation for both he and AHP to be quests at his home during their visit to Trinity and Wesleyan. [Filed under: LP Speeches, 1940s.3]
- Letter from Prof. R.H. Fowler, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, to LP RE: Requests information on LP's progress with the book for Oxford Press, and inquires if the war has affected his decision. Notes that many from the lab have left for war research, but that they are seeing an increase in students evacuated from London colleges. [Letters from LP to Fowler August 14, 1939, June 26, 1942] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #120.8, file:(Fowler, R.H.)]