Activity Listings
- LP writes cheque to: O. G. Dressler amount $1.25 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.015, Folder #2]
- Letter from A. L. Loomis to LP RE: Thanks LP for his hospitality when showing him around the lab. Looks forward to seeing him in the Spring. [Filed under: LP Correspondence: Box #230, Folder #230.5]
- Letter from Alfred Loomis, Loomis Laboratory to LP RE: Thanks LP for his hospitality when he came to visit Gates and Crellin Laboratories. He plans on returning in the spring. [LP's reply December 20, 1939] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #230, Folder #230.5]
- Letter from Chauncey D. Leake, UC Medical School (San Francisco) to LP RE: Congratulates LP on his book and mentions how it is influencing people at the Medical School. [LP's reply December 20, 1939] [Filed under LP Books: Box 1939b, Folder 1939b.2]
- Letter from Joseph O. Hirschfelder, University of Wisconsin to LP RE: Hirschfelder is applying for a Lalor Foundation Fellowship and, if granted one, would like to work at CIT with LP. [LP's reply December 19, 1939] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #159, Folder #159.8]
- Letter from LP to David M. Dennison RE: LP invites Dennison and family to stay with him in Pasadena while they look for a place to stay. He also states he would be glad to have Koehler at CIT as a National Research Fellow. [Dennison's letter December 10, 1939] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #98, Folder #98.4]
- Letter from LP to Executive Council, C. I. T. RE: LP recommends that the appointment of Cecil Z. Wawra as Assistant in Chemistry at $80 per month be continued from January 1, 1940 to February 29, 1940. [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #1.029, Folder #29.1]
- Letter from LP to H. S. Taylor, Princeton University RE: Because of the limited number of fellowships LP can make for the following year, he can only advise Taylor to have his students apply and provide recommendations for them. [Taylor's letter to LP December 9, 1939; LP's next letter to Taylor December 15, 1939] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #405, Folder #405.6]
- Letter from LP to J. G. Kirkwood, Cornell University RE: LP probably will not attend the 1940 symposium as he does not like to be away from home during the holidays. He suggests several names of people who might contribute to the program, however. [Kirkwood's letter to LP November 25, 1939] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #198, Folder #198.12]
- Letter from LP to John F. Sheehan, Atlas Lime Company RE: In response to Sheehan's letter of December 11, 1939, CIT does not make the tests he requires but LP suggests one of the commercial firms in L.A. for the job. [Sheehan's letter to LP December 11, 1939] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #200, Folder #200.4]
- Letter from LP to M. S. Newman, Ohio State University RE: LP thanks him for the crystals of Coronene he sent Dr. Buchman, which he feels are very fine. [Newman's letter to LP December 7, 1939] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #287, Folder #287.6]
- Letter from LP to Vernon Krieble, Trinity College RE: LP will be glad to lecture on the suggested dates and will send titles to him later. [Krieble's letter to LP December 14, 1939] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #200, Folder #200.4]
- Letter from LP to William S. Klein RE: LP cannot set up an appointment to see Klein, but if he sends him a written discussion of his derivation of Balmer's equation, LP could comment on it. [Klein's next letter to LP December 15, 1939] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #200, Folder #200.4]