Activity Listings
- LP writes cheque to: Biltmore Theater amount $6.60 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.015, Folder #2]
- Letter from Curtis G. Benjamin, Manager College Department, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., to LP RE: Benjamin reports that he has heard from Mr. Demaree that Professor Wilson has made much progress in regards to a new printing of his book. However, he is concerned because in a previous discussion with LP they have not made plans for another printing for quite sometime. [Filed under LP Books: Box 1935b, Folder 1935b.1]
- Letter from LP to Emma P. Carr, Mt. Holyoke College RE: LP is glad that Dr. Stcklen may work at CIT's laboratory and will let her know if he hears of any part-time job openings in any nearby schools. The Paulings are looking forward to their Eastern visit as well. [Carr's letter to LP November 13, 1939] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #377, Folder #377.9]
- Letter from LP to J. G. Kirkwood, Cornell University RE: LP is sending a couple representative reprints in compliance with Kirkwood's request. [Kirkwood's letter to LP November 15, 1939] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #198, Folder #198.12]