"Transitions for Tetrahedral Molecules" Page 1. April 21, 1939
"Transitions for Tetrahedral Molecules" April 21, 1939. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 6 p.

Activity Listings

  • Letter from Dr. T. R. Hogness to LP RE: Asks LP of his opinion of his manuscript on "The Hemoglobin-Oxygen Equilibrium" but reports since he sent this to LP changes have been made to get it to the press. Hogness will send the edited version as soon as possible. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #162, Folder #162.5]
  • Letter from LP to Edward C. Barrett, C. I. T. RE: LP recommends that Burnie M. Craig be appointed draftsman for the period April 19, 1939 to June 18, 1939 to assist in the design of a Fourier synthesizer for molecular structure work. His salary should come from a grant from the Committee on Scientific Aids in Learning of the Carnegie Institution, but if that grant is not made the sum should be taken from the Rockefeller Fund, Molecular Structure. [Filed under LP Science: Box #14.038, Folder #38.4]
  • Letter from LP to Robert T. Ross RE: LP thinks that Stanford has a good chemistry dept. and he feels that CIT would have no trouble admitting a person with a degree from there for graduate work. [Ross' letter to LP April 14, 1939] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #340, Folder #340.4]
  • Letter from LP to W. S. Schaefer, Cornell University Press RE: LP sends copy for subject index. [LP's last letter April 13, 1939; LP's next letter April 19, 1939] [Filed under LP Books: Box 1939b, Folder 1939b.2]
  • Letter from LP to Warren Weaver, Director, The Natural Sciences-Rockefeller Foundation RE: LP is glad the Rockefeller budget has been increased. He hopes to use the funds to construct a Fourier Synthesizer for x-ray work. [Weaver's letter to LP April 10, 1939] [Filed under LP Science: Box #14.038, Folder #38.7]
  • Letter from Thorfin Hogness, University of Chicago to LP RE: Hogness explains that he has to send in his MS "The Hemoglobin-Oxygen Equilibrium" for publication without LP's comments since LP has not returned to him yet. [Hogness' last letter March 31, 1939; LP's reply April 26, 1939] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #162, Folder #162.5]