January 23, 1939
Professor R. H. Fowler
Cavendish Laboratory
Cambridge, England
Dear Fowler:
I am working on the manuscript which Wheland and I have been preparing for the Oxford University Press, but the work has became somewhat desultory, partially because I feel that the question of the color of dyes is one which should by all means be discussed in "The Quantum Mechanics of Organic Molecules," and at present there is really very little which can be said on this point. I have been and I am accordingly attesting to devote time and effort to developing a general theory of color. I am hoping that this effort will be attended with enough success to justify our including the theory in the book, and that it will permit our manuscript to be completed before a great deal of time has passed.
My wife and I are very glad indeed to learn that there is some chance of your coming to California this Spring. Please let me know about your plans when they have been made definitely. We ourselves have been planning to come to Europe for the summer, staying from July until the middle of September. I am not sure yet that this trip will be made. We have been kept very busy this year with planning and supervising the construction of a new house, five miles from the campus, at the foot of Mt. Wilson. We shall move in about the first of March.
With best regards, I am
Sincerely yours,