1 PM Thursday.
Dearest little darling wife:
This morning I took the two little children to town. They walked along beside me very nicely. Little Linda was very excited about the Christmas trees and decorations in Kresse's, and commented in a very loud voice and lively manner. They talked to Santa Clause there, who was a fine looking old fellow with real
whiskers. He looked very much like Mother Miller (except for secondary sexual characteristics) - he had a fine smooth face, except for pleasant wrinkles, a naturally rosy complexion, and an expression of great kindness and resignation. Linda said "My mother is with Grandma, but she will come home to us for Christmas." I'm afraid that it is necessary that you come. I was greatly moved to see the children with Santa Clause; they almost burst with happiness and excitement.
Linus went to school this morning, but is staying in bed this afternoon in order to be in good shape for his play tomorrow. He looks all right now.
I went to the Coryell's (his mother's house) for dinner last night, and told Coryell & his wife that they should have a little house of their own near the institute.
Please come home to us soon, sweetheart. We all miss you greatly. Give our love to Grandma.
Your own
PS Shappell came this morning to see me. He has saved a lot of money and is going for a voyage about the entire Pacific and perhaps around the world, lasting several months.
PPS. I have thought of a good dramatization for a chemistry broadcast - on sex hormones. An old doddering man comes in, not lifting his eyes towards some frivolous chorus girls who tempt him in the ways used on St. Anthony. Then Rucizka & a nurse come and give him some androsterone. The last scene I leave to your imagination ...
Your loving Paddy