Activity Listings
- AHP writes cheque to: A. H. Shaw amount $1.30 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.013, Folder #1]
- AHP writes cheque to: C. E. Powers amount $1.60 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.013, Folder #1]
- Letter from F.J.M. Stratton and P.G.H. Boswell, General Secretaries of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, to LP, RE: Invites LP to attend the nest Annual Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science in September 1935. Asks LP to reply as soon as possible. Handwritten note by LP: "I regret that I am not able to accept kind inv. Highly pleased etc." Attached is a list of the Presidents of the Sections of the Association. [Letter from LP to Stratton and Boswell, 3-4-1935] [Filed under LP Personal Safe: Drawer 3, Folder 3.018.39]