Activity Listings
- Handwritten note from LP to E. Bright Wilson, Jr., RE: Tells him that he has written the V.D. Waals and statistics sections 16 pages of the last chapter, but that they haven't been typed by Mrs. M. yet. Says that he will write a section of Eyring's stuff and then sent the 14th chapter to him. Asks Bright to look carefully at problem 11-1, because he thinks it might be too hard of a problem. Mentions that his research grant has been extended for 3 years. [Filed under LP Personal Safe: Drawer 3, Folder 3.005.45]
- Letter from A. N. Winchell to LP RE: Explains that his letter and manuscript on Swedenborgite arrived yesterday and it will be sent promptly to Professor Walter F. Hunt. [LP Manuscript of Articles, 1935a.7]
- Letter from Francis W. Spears, MIT to LP RE: Encloses analysis of LP's CCl4 record. [LP's reply to Sears January 29, 1935] [Filed under S: Individual Correspondence, Box #361.3]
- Notes and Review RE: "The Theory of Biological Oxidation" [LP Science Materials RE: The Structure and Properties of Hemoglobin and the Nature of Sickle Cell Anemia, Box 6.007, Folder 1]