Lecture Notes: Introduction to Atomic Structure, Ch 175a Page 1. September 21, 1932
Lecture Notes: Introduction to Atomic Structure, Ch 175a September 21, 1932. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 1 p.

Activity Listings

  • Letter from P.P. Ewald, Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie / Abteilung A, to LP, RE: Thanks LP for his letter and the paper by Dr. Hoard and Dickinson. Notes that they have a Lehrauftrag in chemical physics for Dr. Huckel which has worked well for two years. Lets LP know that he is satisfied that the structure papers are going to be handed over to the Z.Krist. Replies that he hopes to finish his manuscript for the 2nd edition of the Handbuch article in a few weeks and then after getting that and the Rektorat finished, he will work on his book. [Filed under LP Personal Safe: Drawer 3, Folder 3.018.68]