"The Nature of the Chemical Bond: The Application of Results Obtained from the Quantum Mechanics and from a New Theory of Paramagnetic Susceptibility to the Structure of Molecules." 1931

"The Nature of the Chemical Bond: The Application of Results Obtained from the Quantum Mechanics and from a New Theory of Paramagnetic Susceptibility to the Structure of Molecules." Page 40. 1931
Page 40

Associated: Walter Heitler, Fritz London, G.N. Lewis, Øoyvind Burrau, Victor Guillemin, Clarence Zener, Edward Teller, N.V. Sidgwick, Yoshikatsu Sugiura, S.C. Wang, John C. Slater, Giovanni Gentile, Jr., Max Delbrück, Arnold Sommerfeld, Samuel Hirzel, Carl Eckart, Max Born, Eugene P. Wigner, John von Neumann, Maurice Huggins, Wendell M. Latimer, Worth H. Rodebush, N.A. Alston, Joseph West, W.L. Bragg, W.H. Taylor, István Náray-Szabó, Erich Hückel, Ralph W.G. Wyckoff, William H. Zachariasen, Clemens Schaefer, Frank Matossi, Florenz Dane, John E. Lennard-Jones, Manfred Dunkel, Richard M. Badger, G.B. Rumer, Irving Langmuir, Sterling B. Hendricks, Roscoe Dickinson, Friedrich Hund, John H. Van Vleck, Amelia Frank, Simon Freed, Edmund C. Stoner, S.N. Bose, Wolfgang Pauli, Lars Welo, Oskar Baudisch

ID: 1931a.1

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