Letter from Linus Pauling to C.V. Raman. Page 1. January 18, 1949
Letter from Linus Pauling to C.V. Raman. January 18, 1949. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 1 p.  View Transcript

Activity Listings

  • Letter from Alden H. Emery, Executive Secretary, to LP. RE: Attaches a copy a letter distributed to him late last year. Request that it be answered promptly. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society, Materials re: Committees and Awards, 1944-1949: Box #14.009 Folder #9.2]
  • Letter from Alden H. Emery, Executive Secretary, to LP. RE: Attaches a copy of a letter fro William Cruse. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society: Materials re: Committees and Awards, 1944-1949: Box #14.010 Folder #10.4]
  • Letter from C. F. Rassweiler, New York Section, to Alden H. Emery, Executive Secretary. RE: Extends a personal invitation to him for the Nichols dinner. Informs him that he has invited LP and Volwiler. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society, 1943-1949: Box #14.004 Folder #4.2]
  • Letter from Kurt G. Stern, Adjunct Professor of Biochemistry, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, to LP. RE: Inquires if he would be available on March 18th for a symposium on biocatalysts. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society, 1943-1949: Box #14.004 Folder #4.2]
  • Letter from LP to Dean Watson, Caltech RE: recommends Dr. Ahmed Mustafa Ahmed for position as a research fellow in chemistry for spring term without stipend. He will not carry on any research but will attend some of the courses and seminars as auditor. [Letters from Ahmed to LP January 16, 1949, March 7, 1949] [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia: Box 1.017, Folder 17.3]
  • List of Councilors and Alternate Councilors. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society: Materials re: Committees and Awards, 1944-1949: Box #14.009 Folder #9.1]
  • Note from George L. Schuler to LP RE: States that 700,000 pounds of crude oil is processed in Southern California daily, which translates to 1,400 tons of sulfur dioxide being dissipated daily. Note is written on a letter from George L. Schuler to the Los Angeles County Grand Jury on November 22, 1948 regarding the amount and the effects of air pollution from the oil industry. [Letter from LP to Mr. George L. Schuler March 2, 1949] [Filed under LP Correspondence: #376.7]
  • Telegram from A. Hanok, Chairman, Publicity Committee, to LP. RE: Requests a synopsis of his talk to be sent soon. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society, 1943-1949: Box #14.004 Folder #4.2]
  • Writes cheque to “AAAS” $6.50 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.074, folder 74.1, item 2]
  • Writes cheque to “ACS” $20.00 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.074, folder 74.1, item 2]
  • Writes cheque to “Am Soc X R & ED CC Murdock” $5.00 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.074, folder 74.1, item 2]
  • Writes cheque to “Am. Phys. Soc” $14.00 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.074, folder 74.1, item 2]
  • Writes cheque to “Bell At Sci” $3.50 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.074, folder 74.1, item 2]
  • Writes cheque to “Friends of Hunt Lib” $10.00 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.074, folder 74.1, item 2]
  • Writes cheque to “Nat. Ac. Sci” $10.00 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.074, folder 74.1, item 2]
  • Writes cheque to “So. Calif. Sec ACS” $2.00 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.074, folder 74.1, item 2]