Letter from Linus Pauling to Robert J. McPherson. Page 1. December 9, 1947
Letter from Linus Pauling to Robert J. McPherson. December 9, 1947. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 2 pp.  View Transcript

Activity Listings

  • Letter from George C. Griffith to LP RE: Griffith is very pleased to learn that LP will address the Annual Regional Dinner of the American College of Physicians. [Filed under: LP Speeches, 1947s.1]
  • Letter from Joan W. Lyon, Secretary, Attitude Research Laboratory, to Dr. Albert Einstein, Chairman, Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists. Requests 100 copies of the article "Atomic War or Peace" to be sent to Dr. Theo F. Lentz, Department of Education, Washington University for distribution, and to bill them for the usual charge made for this. Also expresses her personal interest and support of the article. [Letter from Ray to Lyon, December 17, 1947] LP Peace: Box 3.005, Folder 5.3
  • Typescript, Correspondence, Photostat Figures: The Interpretation of Some Chemical Properties of Hemoglobin in Terms of Its Molecular Structure [LP Manuscripts, 1947a.6]
  • Writes cheque to “Franchise Tax Comm. State Tax, Both Linus & Me” $47.59 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.073, folder 73.5, item 2]