Lucile and Pauline Pauling, Linus, Peter, Linus Jr., and Ava Helen Pauling. Picture. 1932
Lucile and Pauline Pauling, Linus, Peter, Linus Jr., and Ava Helen Pauling. 1932. Picture  Larger Images / More Information.

Activity Listings

  • Letter from Albert Sprague Coolidge to LP, RE: Informs LP that he and Mr. James, who worked together to compute the molecular energies of water and bichloride using the Heitler and London method applied to hydrogenic atomic wave-functions, have decided that these computations aren't going to get them far until they find better wave functions. Explains that they would like to work with the method used by Hylleraas to allow the mutual electronic repulsion in helium. Asks if LP is already doing work along these lines. Notes that they would be glad to receive reprints of LP's papers. Handwritten note by LP: "Ansd." [Filed under LP Personal Safe: Drawer 3, Folder 3.018.34]