massachusetts institute of technology
department of physics
cambridge, mass.
Friday night at 10.
Dearest darling little wife:
I love you very much. I hope you are sound asleep now. Please be careful of yourself. Remember that I love you. I had a hard time getting off the platform when your train left, for I couldn't keep a couple of tears from coming to my eyes and running over, and I didn't want the railroad men to see me, but finally I managed to get them wiped away surreptitiously. Then I went to the American Academy. Lamb gave a very good talk about Dr Noyes. Everything was very nice about the presentation. Mrs Richards and Patty sat in the front row. Dr Noyes told several jokes. He said that he felt towards Lamb the way the very drunken man lying in the gutter felt, who said to the gentleman who asked him the way to the post office "Flatterer." I told Dr Noyes that you sent him congratulations. Mrs Conant is going to the hospital on Monday for repairs, Conant said. I spoke to Mrs. Conant. John brought me back home. He was surprised that we caught the train — we didn't have much time left, either. Remember that I love you, darling. I think I'll mail this now and read Time until I feel sleepy. I hope you are comfortable and not too lonely.
Your own