
“Extension Agent and Family Forester”
November 10, 2015
Location: Shibley residence, Estacada, Oregon. Watch Video | Download Transcript (PDF)
In the interview, Shibley details his family's deep Oregon roots, commenting on their homesteading in the Estacada area and his own upbringing on the family property. From there, he describes his family's early connections to Oregon State University, and then outlines his personal academic progression beginning with high school and running through his undergraduate studies in Biology at Lewis and Clark College, and his graduate work at the University of Oregon.
Next, Shibley describes his move to Wisconsin and his ten years on faculty at Lawrence University. He then recalls his move back to Oregon and his involvement with 4-H Extension.
A major theme of the interview is Shibley's involvement in family forestry and the outcomes of his study in the Extension Service's Master Woodland Manager program. In this, he describes the nature of the program, the evolution of family forestry during his lifetime, and his involvement in political activities with the Oregon Small Woodlands Association and the Clackamas County Farm Forestry Association. He likewise discusses his work on taxation of family forestry operations, his own management of the family property, and his collaborations with professional foresters in developing forest management plans.
The interview concludes with notes on family and thoughts on the continuing value of Extension in Oregon.