
“DAMchic and the Culture of Fashion at OSU”
May 20, 2014
Location: Valley Library, Oregon State University. Watch Video | Download Transcript (PDF)
In the interview, Nishida discusses his upbringing in Los Angeles, his college experience at the University of Hawaii-Manoa, and the genesis of his love of fashion, beginning with an influential trip to Italy. From there he details his experiences in the fashion industry, his decision to pursue doctoral candidacy at OSU and the difficult transition that he encountered upon arriving in Corvallis during the winter of 2010.
Much of the interview is devoted to Nishida's recounting of the history of DAMchic magazine, including its conception as a class project during the summer of 2012, its growth into a student-run organization, details of the magazine's production from issue to issue, and Nishida's hopes for the future of the magazine and the organization. Other topics discussed include the fashion community at OSU, the development of Nishida's own sense of style and Nishida's aspirations upon departing from OSU.