This account would not be complete without mention of David's personal attributes.
He was, first of all, devoted to his family and took great pleasure in Robert and his accomplishments, and later the birth of his grandson. He never forgot his Danish experience, and together with the rest of us took delight in the celebration of Midsummer's Eve, which we did as a group on more than one occasion on a local mountain top after his and Clara's arrival in Oregon.
But perhaps most of all we will remember his courage, for despite his obviously declining health he always projected an air of good cheer and unfailing optimism. His interest in everything was unflagging and he continued to discuss scientific problems with spirit and his customary insight until the very end. As a fitting tribute to his memory, Clara has established the "D. P. Shoemaker Memorial Graduate Fellowship", which will be used to honor outstanding graduate students in the Chemistry Department of Oregon State University.