David came to Oregon State in 1970 as chairman of the Chemistry Department, a position he held until 1981. During this time he had primary responsibility for the department's building program, which included the construction of a new building designed for chemistry laobratory teaching and a complete renovation of the old building (Gilbert Hall) aimed at improvement of office and research facilities. Several outstanding new faculty were appointed during his chairmanship.
David's administrative duties necessarily slowed, but by no means stopped, his research and other professional activity. With Clara he remained active in his alloy and zeolite work, and he continued to carry out important assignments on behalf of national and world crystallography. After leaving the chairmanship in 1981 he taught undergraduate laboratory chemistry until his retirement in 1984.
Among David's professional services were 15 years on the USA National Committee for Crystallography, including three years as Secretary-Treasurer and three as Chairman (1967-69); Organizing Chairman of the Eighth International Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography (1969); three times delegate to the General Assemblies of the International Union of Crystallography; President of the American Crystallographic Association (1970); member of the Executive Committee of the International Union of Crystallography (1972-78); regional Co-editor of Acta Crystallographica; and member of several commissions and panels.
In addition to the American Crystallographic Association, David was a member of the American Chemical Society, the Federation of American Scientists, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Fellow) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (Fellow).

Group photograph of the OSU College of Science department chairs. David Shoemaker stands in the back row, far left.