Thomas Addis. 1920s.
 Linus Pauling in Germany. 1926.
 Harold Urey, 1930s.
 Portrait of Arnold O. Beckman, 1930s.
 Portrait of Harris M. Chadwell. 1939.
 Members of the Tufts University Chemistry Department: Crosby F. Baker, Harris M. Chadwell
and David E. Worrell. December 7, 1939.
 Linus Pauling in the laboratory. 1940.
 The Pauling family on an outing to the beach. 1940.
 Linus Pauling, Jr. 1940s.
 Linus Pauling, 1940s.
 Ava Helen Pauling, 1940s.
 Technical drawings of the Pauling Oxygen Meter. approx. 1940.
 Diagrams of the Pauling Oxygen Meter torsion balance. approx. 1940.
 The Pauling Oxygen Meter. approx. 1940.
 Leslie R. Groves and J. Robert Oppenheimer, 1940s.
 Vannevar Bush, 1940s.
 Thorfin Hogness in the laboratory. 1940s.
 Group photograph of the National Defense Research Committee membership. approx. 1940.
 Portrait of James Bryant Conant. approx. 1940.
 Portrait of Frank B. Jewett. approx. 1940.
 Portrait of Arthur B. Lamb, approx. 1940.
 Informal portrait of the Pauling family. 1941.
 Members of the Caltech Chemistry staff seated at the department picnic. 1941.
 Linus Pauling holding two laboratory rabbits. 1942.
 Linus Pauling, Jr. 1942.
 Series of diagrams of the Pauling Oxygen Meter. June 8, 1942.
 Linus Pauling and Dan Campbell in the laboratory, California Institute of Technology. 1943.
 Diagram of the Precipitation Apparatus, Smoke Particle-Size Project. approx. 1943.
 Diagram of the Filament Charging Device, Smoke Particle-Size Project. approx. 1943.
 Graph of particle radii and quantities, Smoke Particle-Size Project. approx. 1943.
 Pauling's NDRC authorization papers permitting work on explosives in warfare. May 1, 1944.
 Charcoal portrait of Linus Pauling. 1945.
 "Blowing Bubbles" diagram. approx. 1945.
 "Sizing Bubbles" diagram. approx. 1945.
 Torsion balance used in the Pauling oxygen meter. approx. 1945.
 Conceptual sketch of a Wasserfall Missile. approx. 1945.
 Conceptual sketch of a German Remote-Controlled Glide Bomb, HS 293 A-1. approx. 1945.
 Conceptual sketch of a Rheinbote RHF 261/2 Long Range Multi-Stage Rocket. approx. 1945.
 Conceptual sketches of German Radio-Controlled Rocket-Driven Flak, "Rheintochter"
R1 and R3. approx. 1945.
 Conceptual sketch of German "Die Walze" rocket. approx. 1945.
 Harry S. Truman, 1945.
 Cover of "The Split Atom," by B. Belove. 1945.
 Portrait of Irvin Stewart, approx. 1945.
 "Jap Flag Painted on Garage Door." March 7, 1945.
 Cover of the Boston Herald newspaper announcing the atomic bombing of Nagasaki by
U.S. forces. August 9, 1945.
 Linus Pauling with his sons - Peter, Crellin and Linus, Jr. 1946.
 Vannevar Bush at the inauguration of Lee A. DuBridge as president of Caltech. 1946.
 Thorfin Hogness. November 1946.
 The Pauling Oxygen Meter, Model K, Serial No. 3. 1947.
 George B. Kistiakowsky. approx. 1947.
 Linus Pauling, Jr. September 1947.
 David Shoemaker, September 1947.
 Portrait of Lee A. DuBridge. 1948.
 Portrait of Reuben E. Wood. March 1948.
 Reuben E. Wood and Richard Wallis working in a George Washington University chemistry
laboratory. March 1948.
 Members of the Caltech Chemistry faculty. 1950.
 Dan Campbell. 1950.
 Robert Corey. 1950.
 Joseph B. Koepfli. 1950.
 Stanley Swingle. 1950.
 J. Holmes Sturdivant. 1950.
 Clarence K. Streit. 1950s.
 Sidney Weinbaum. June 16, 1950.
 Portrait of Verner Schomaker. 1953.
 J. Norton Wilson. December 1954.
 John T. Edsall. 1958.
 Leo Szilard. 1958.
 William H. Eberhardt. 1966.
 George B. Kistiakowsky. approx. 1970.
 Linus Pauling. 1990s.
 Linus Pauling. 1990s.
 Thomas Hager and Linus Pauling. February 27, 1991.
 William Lipscomb. March 1994.