Portrait of Erwin Chargaff. 1930.
Portrait of Oswald T. Avery. 1940s.
Linus and Peter Pauling at Warwick Castle, England. 1948.
Linus Pauling and Lord Alexander R. Todd. Cambridge, England. 1948.
Portrait of Lord Alexander R. Todd. 1948.
Professor H. James of the University of London, Linus and Peter Pauling. Aboard the
Queen Mary. August 1948.
Max Delbrück. 1949.
Portrait of Linus Pauling. 1950.
Portrait of Linus Pauling. 1950.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling, among others, in Montpellier, France. 1950.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling, preparing to board an Air France flight. 1950.
Robert Corey. 1950.
Formal portrait of Ava Helen and Linus Pauling. 1950s.
Portrait of George Beadle. 1950s.
Portrait of William T. Astbury. 1950s.
Space-filling model of the alpha-helix. 1951.
Oil portrait of Linus Pauling, featuring a model of the alpha-helix in the foreground. 1951.
Jerry Donohue. 1951.
Portrait of R. D. B. "Bruce" Fraser. 1951.
Members of the Medical Research Council Biophysics Research Unit. 1951.
Linus Pauling and Robert Corey examining models of protein structure molecules. approx. 1951.
James Watson with his sister Betty, Copenhagen, Denmark. 1951.
Diagram of the Ronwin structure for the nucleic acids. November 1951.
Choh Hao Li and Linus Pauling at the Gilbert Newton Lewis Medal ceremony. University
of California, Berkeley. November 27, 1951.
Linus Pauling receiving the Gilbert Newton Lewis Medal from Melvin Calvin. University
of California, Berkeley. November 27, 1951.
Representation of the Hershey-Chase blender experiment. 1952.
George Beadle and Linus Pauling examining a skeletal model of a polypeptide chain,
California Institute of Technology. 1952.
Linus Pauling holding a molecular model depicting the atomic arrangement of metallic
alloys. April 1952.
Linus Pauling manipulating a molecular model used to illustrate the process of chemical
bonding. April 1952.
Crystallographic photo of Sodium Thymonucleate, Type B. "Photo 51." May 1952.
Ruth B. Shipley, June 13, 1952.
Commemorative dinner menu. International Congress of Biochemistry, Paris, France. July 26, 1952.
Linus Pauling at the Procter & Gamble Miami Valley Laboratories Dedication. September 12, 1952.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling's passport photo. 1953.
Linus Pauling. 1953.
Segment of the original Watson and Crick DNA model. 1953.
The original DNA demonstration model, designed by James Watson and Francis Crick. approx. 1953.
Portrait of Martha Chase. 1953.
Martha Chase and Alfred Hershey. 1953.
Portrait of Verner Schomaker. 1953.
Francis Crick and James Watson, walking along the the Backs, Cambridge, England. 1953.
Group photo of participants at the ninth Solvay Conference. Brussels, Belgium. April 1953.
Linus Pauling on a crowded boat off the coast of Sweden. August 1953.
Linus Pauling lecturing in Copenhagen, Denmark. August 1953.
Group photo of participants in the Pasadena Conference on the Structure of Proteins. September 1953.
Linus Pauling signing the cornerstone scroll at the dedication ceremony for the Isaac
Wolfson Building and the cornerstone laying for the Institute of Physics at the Weizmann
Institute of Science. Rehovot, Israel. October 29, 1953.
Linus Pauling signing the guest registry at the Weizmann Institute of Science library. November 1953.
David Ben-Gurion, Niels Bohr and Linus Pauling at the King David Hotel, Jerusalem,
Israel. November 5, 1953.
David Ben-Gurion and Linus Pauling at the King David Hotel, Jerusalem, Israel. November 5, 1953.
Linus Pauling, seated in his office at the Norman W. Church Laboratory for Chemical
Biology, California Institute of Technology. 1954.
Linus Pauling holding a model of the sulfanilamide molecule. 1954.
Linus Pauling holding a model of the sulfanilamide molecule. 1954.
Linus Pauling gesturing toward a model of the alpha-helix. August 1954.
Linus Pauling examining a molecular model a few days prior to being awarded the Nobel
Prize for Chemistry. October 29, 1954.
Hans Bethe and Linus Pauling at the home of Cornell University professor Frank Long.
Ithaca, New York. November 1954.
Heinz Henisch, Gabriel Stein, Linus Pauling and Ava Helen Pauling sitting outside
the King David Hotel. Jerusalem, Israel. December 1954.
Birger Ekeberg, Peter Pauling, and an unidentified woman at the 1954 Nobel Prize gathering.
Stockholm, Sweden. December 1954.
Linus Pauling sitting with Frederick C. Robbins at the 1954 Nobel Prize gathering.
Stockholm, Sweden. December 1954.
Linus Pauling, in lecture at The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel. Ava Helen
Pauling is seated in the front row, second from left. December 1954.
The Pauling children at a gathering in celebration of the 1954 Nobel Prizes. Stockholm,
Sweden. Seated from left: Linus Pauling, Jr., Peter Pauling and Linda Pauling. Standing
from left: An unidentified individual and Crellin Pauling. December 1954.
The Pauling children at a gathering in celebration of the 1954 Nobel Prizes. Stockholm,
Sweden. Seated from left: Linus Pauling, Jr., Peter Pauling, Anita Oser Pauling and
Linda Pauling. Standing from left: An unidentified individual and Crellin Pauling. December 1954.
Portrait of Peter Pauling. December 10, 1954.
Portrait of Francis Crick. 1955.
The "RNA Tie Club," Portugal Place, Cambridge, England. 1955.
Portrait of James Watson. 1955.
Rosalind Franklin. March 1956.
Portrait of Sir William Lawrence Bragg, approx. 1960.
Portrait of Alfred D. Hershey. 1960.
Maurice Wilkins. 1960s.
Pastel depiction of the DNA base pairs. October 1, 1963.
Diagram of the double-helix structure of DNA. August 1968.
Oil painting of Linus Pauling. 1970s.
Portrait of John Turton Randall. May 5, 1970.
Francis Crick and James Watson exchanging a toast in a British pub. 1973.
Linus Pauling, Max Delbrück and Max Perutz at the American Chemical Society centennial
meeting, New York. April 6, 1976.
Portrait of Max Perutz. April 6, 1976.