09. Photographs and Images. 1873-1995, undated.
This section -- the most frequently used of all the Pauling Papers -- is comprised
of over 5,500 photographs, drawings and other images of Linus Pauling, his family
and his colleagues. Historic images of both Linus and Ava Helen's extended family
are available in this section, as are both professional and candid portraits of the
Pauling family throughout the twentieth century. Special Collections holds both hard
copy and high-resolution digital versions of the bulk of the photograph collection.
113 boxes
Photographs and Images related to the Pauling Family, 1873.
Portrait of Alsea Delilah Neal. "Alsea Delilah Neal. 1859 born; about 14 years old.
Married Linus Wilson Darling; grandmother of P.M. Stephenson.". 1873.
Photographs and Images related to the Pauling Family, 1880.
The Sierra Madre Villa Hotel. Pasadena, California. "Sierra Madre Villa Hotel, given
me by Mr. Nelson who says it was taken in the 1880's. He made these prints from a
picture given to him. February 25, 1959. Pasadena." Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1880.
Photographs and Images related to the Pauling Family, 1886.
Nora Gard and George Richard Miller posing for a wedding photograph. "Wedding picture
of Nora Gard and George Richard Miller, 8 April 1886 Nora born 19th 1868, Richard 7 September 1856, died" Copyright Thwaites Photographer, 167 and 169 First St., Portland, Or. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. April 8, 1886.
Photographs and Images related to the Pauling Family, 1887.
A print of Louis Pasteur holding two rabbits from Vanity Fair. Artist unknown. Black and white print. 1887.
Photographs and Images related to the Pauling Family, 1891.
Calvin B. Neal. "Great Grandfather, Calvin Neal; B. 1824 Greene Co. Tenn.; M. Missouri;
D.1891 Oregon." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1891.
Photographs and Images related to the Pauling Family, 1892.
A Livery Stable. Gilliam, Colorado. "Across the street from what is now Murray's Drug
Store. 1892. [Arrow drawn from drug store name] "Father's". From book, "A Pictorial
History of Gilliam County", Gilliam CO. Historical Society, 1983. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1892.
Photographs and Images related to the Pauling Family, 1899.
Linus Pauling's father Herman Pauling. Condon, Oregon. "Moughy Pauling Condon, Oregon,
November 1899. Herman Pauling LP's father PJP 21 September '82" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1899.
Photographs and Images related to the Pauling Family, 1800's.
Ava Helen Miller's maternal great-grandmother, probably Mahala McDannald Linn. "My
great-grandmother Linn." Year estimated to be mid-1800's. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1800s.
Linus Pauling's maternal great-aunt, Mary Jane Darling Robison. "Mary Jane Darling
Robison; Born Jan. 20, 1857; Died Jan. 28, 1938." Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1800s.
Linus Pauling's maternal great-great grandfather William Darling, great-grandfather
William Darling Jr and grandfather Linus Wilson Darling. "William Darling (my great
grandfather)? Died Tacoma July 1900[?]. Linus Wilson Darling, my grand father, died
1902, William Darling Jr." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1800s.
Linus Wilson Darling [?] and an unidentified man sitting on a porch with Alcy Delilah
Neal Darling [?] standing directly behind them. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. No Date.
Portrait of two unidentified adults and an unidentified child. "Adelheit's [Blanken?]
sister + husband" Copyright: J. Otten, Photograph, ACHIM. Black and white print. No Date.
Hand-tinted formal portrait of Alcy Delilah Darling. Annotated "Alcy Delilah Darling,
Born Oct 16 1859, Died Aug 11, 1888." Photo perhaps taken at Lipman's Photography
Studio. No Date.
Hand-tinted formal portrait of Linus Wilson Darling. Annotated "Linus Wilson Darling,
Born Jan 24 1855, Died April 15, 1910." Photo perhaps taken at Lipman's Photography
Studio. No Date.
Photographs and Images related to the Pauling Family, 1900.
Linus Pauling's paternal grandparents Charles and Adelheit Blanken Pauling. "Charles
Pauling and Adelheit (Blanken) Pauling, my grandparents. Linus Pauling. Probably about
1900" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1900.
Unidentified individual [Belle's sister?], Herman Pauling, Lucy Isabelle (Belle) Darling
Pauling and Linus Wilson Darling. Standing together at the wedding of Herman Pauling
and Lucy Isabelle Darling Pauling. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1900.
Unidentified individual [Belle's sister?] and Linus Wilson Darling. The unidentified
individual is reaching for an object on a plate being held by Linus Wilson Darling.
At the wedding of Herman Pauling and Lucy Isabelle Darling Pauling. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1900.
Lucy Isabelle (Belle) Darling Pauling and Herman Pauling. Standing arm-in-arm in front
of an alter at their wedding. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1900.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1901.
Linus Pauling's mother Lucy Isabelle Darling Pauling and Linus Pauling as a baby.
Photograph mounted in a folio. "Isabella Darling Pauling/ Linus Carl Pauling / her
first child / Born 28th February 1901 / about 9 months old in this picture." Copyright Churchly, 45 1/2 Third St., Portland, ORE. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1901.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1902.
Linus Pauling as a baby, wearing a dress and a necklace. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1902.
Linus Pauling as a baby, wearing a dress and a necklace. "LPK Linus. 1 year 1902"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1902.
Linus Pauling's father, Herman Pauling. Condon, Oregon. "Herman Pauling about 1902
from Miss S. G. Potter. Condon, Oregon." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1902.
Oval portrait of Ava Helen Miller's mother, Nora Miller, and Ava Helen's sister Blanche
Miller. "Nora / Blanche". Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1902.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1903.
The Miller family. Front row, left to right: Pearl, Clay, Milton, John, Blanche, and
Nettie Miller. Second row: Richard, Elnora, LuGorgo, Mary, and George Miller. "Front-
Pearl Miller, Clay, Milton, John, Blanche, Nettie, / Back Row - Richard, Elnora, Lulu
Gorgo, Mary, George/ Picture taken the fall of 1903." Photographer unknown. Black
and white photo. 1903.
Miller family portrait. "The old farm house. Richard and Nora Miller and their five
older children / OR, Nora / George, Blanche, Nettie, Pearl, Johnnie, Milton, Clay,
George, Mary." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1903.
Linus, Lucile, and Pauline Pauling as toddlers, sitting outside. "Linus Lucile Pauline
1905 or 1906" [Pauline born 1902] Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1903.
Belle Pauling and Linus Pauling as a toddler, standing outside and holding hands.
[1903?] Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1903.
Infant Pauline Pauling and toddler Linus Pauling resting on Herman Pauling's lap.
Herman is seated indoors in a rocking chair. [1903?] Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1903.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1904.
Condon, Oregon. "In foreground is the William's Hotel in Lonerock. The building to
the right is the Lonerock School, built in 1904. (GC 165)" "Still Here in 1983 - empty."
Another photo below shows a collapsed building. "The Farmer's Grain Elevator containing
100,000 bushels of wheat collapsed in September of 1921. Picture donated by Mrs. R.E.
Carnine. (GC 128)." "Condon Ore." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1904.
Oswego train depot. "Linus this is a picture of your fathers drug store in the olden
days. I carried the Oregonian paper for him. This now is the corner drug store. This
burned down in 1907. Picture of trains are the ones that went to Portland in those
days. Property here is from $1500 + up if you can find a lot. Very few to be had.
Well Linus this is all for now. I wanted you to see these pictures, I look at them
every so often. Then I think of all the old times I knew. Not many of them left. Herman
Blanken is still living here. Good Bye for now / B[?] B[?] Didzren[?] / Oswego Ore
/ Box 501." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1904.
Toddlers Pauline Pauling and Linus Pauling standing next to Belle Pauling, who is
holding an infant Lucile Pauling. "Mother holding Lucile / Linus, Pauline / Oswego
- Aug. 1904". Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1904.
Toddler Linus Pauling, infant Lucile Pauling, toddler Pauline Pauling and Herman Pauling.
All are seated outside, Linus is holding his forehead, Herman is facing to the left
and pointing. "Salem / Herman Pauling and children / Linus, Lucile and Pauline". [1904?]
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1904.
Infant Lucile Pauling and toddler Linus Pauling, standing outside. Linus is wearing
a cap and long coat. [1904?] Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1904.
Toddler Pauline Pauling standing outside in a fenced yard, holding a hem of her dress
in her hands. "Pauline Pauling / 1904". Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1904.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1905.
Linus Pauling, age four. Courtesy of Oregon Historical Society. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1905.
An unidentified town [Possibly Lonerock, Oregon]. On back, "44960 101 Page#GC 277
Pic #" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1905.
The town of Lonerock, Oregon. "Panoramic view of Lonerock in 1905. Rock for which
the town was named is pictured at the extreme right. Large white building is the Lonerock
School - smaller building to the right is the Baptist Church. Spired building beside
the Lonerock is the Methodist Episcopal Church. Picture donated by Palmer. (GC 277)."
"My mother was born here. LP" Photo below of mule-drawn harvesting machine. "This
harvesting outfit of Lester Schaefer's on the Frank Lewis Ranch is unusual as only
twenty mules are used - usually 27 or 33 were used. In the distance is an eight-mule
team pulling two wagons loaded with wheat. (GC 336)." Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1905.
Linus Pauling, approximately 5 years old. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1905.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1906.
Linus Pauling's first school. Condon, Oregon."My first school 1906-7. LP." From book,
"A Pictorial History of Gilliam County." Gilliam Co. Historical Society, 1983. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1906.
Five year-old Linus Pauling wearing cowboy chaps. Condon, Oregon. "Linus Pauling /
Eastern Oregon Cowboy / Condon, Oregon / age 5 / 1906 / Return to Ava Helen Pauling.
In Condon, Oregon LP age 4" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1906.
Five year-old Linus Pauling wearing cowboy chaps. Condon, Oregon. "Linus Pauling /
Eastern Oregon Cowboy / Condon, Oregon / age 5 / 1906 / Return to Ava Helen Pauling."
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1906.
Five year-old Linus Pauling wearing a cowboy outfit. "LP, 5 yrs old 1906" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1906.
Group photo of six children including Linus Pauling [top right], Pauline Pauling [front
left] and Lucile Pauling [front right]. [1906?] Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1906.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1907.
The Oregon Hotel. Condon, Oregon. "The Oregon Hotel taken in 1907. I lived here, summer
of 1911, I slept on this porch. My uncle and aunt owned the hotel. LP. No- [?] p.
104." Photo from book, "A Pictorial History of Gilliam County", Gilliam Co. Historical
Society, 1983. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1907.
The Oregon Hotel. Condon, Oregon. "Oregon Hotel, burned in 1909 or 1910, two lives
lost. To replace picture on pg. 99." Photographer unknown. Color print. 1907.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1908.
Pauline, Lucile, and Linus Pauling as children. Condon, Oregon. "Condon / Dec. 1908
/ Lucile age 4 yr. 11 mo / Pauline 6 yr 4 mo / Linus 7 yr 10 mo." Copyright Robins Studio, Condon, OR. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1908.
Ava Helen Miller in a group photograph during a picnic. "Group at Highlander / a picnic
~1908." Copyright Lipman's. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1908.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1909.
Linus Pauling's maternal grandfather, Linus Wilson Darling, about 1909. "My grandfather,
Linus Wilson Darling, about 1909. Linus Pauling L.W. Darling." Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1909.
Linus Pauling (Front row, far right), posing with fellow school children for a Christmas
photograph in front of the schoolhouse. Condon, Oregon. [Photograph printed like a
Christmas from Miss Henkle. Linus Pauling right, front about 1909 Condon, Oregon."
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1909.
Linus Pauling and Lucile Pauling, standing outside. Linus wears pants with suspenders,
a tie and a wide-brim hat. [1909?] Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1909.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1900's.
An unidentified group of men, five rows deep, sitting and standing. [A long note on
the back of the photo - written out in manifest, ~1907 or 1908.] Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1900s.
A family photograph. Four men, four women, and five children. [An unidentified language
written on the back] Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1900s.
A group of unidentified children. Four children standing together, three boys and
one girl. [An unidentified language written on the back] Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1900s.
An unidentified elderly man walking along-side an unidentified young boy. [An unidentified
language written on the back] Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1900s.
Group portrait of Ava Helen Miller's aunts and uncles. "Gard family? Aunt Essie, I
think Lower Rt. Linn family / Back Row 1. Uncle Harry / 2. Aunt Vine Melvina / 3.
Uncle John / 4. Grandmama / 5. 'Bob' Roscoe / Front Row 1. Aunt Bessie / 2. Mary Linn
Gard (Mom's Grandparents) / 4. Aunt Edna" "Harry 1875-1941 / Melvina 1880-1955 / John
1873- / Nora 1868-1943 / 'Bob' Roscoe 1870-1949 /Esse (Estella) 1884-? / Mary Linn
Gard 1844-1915 / John Jay Gard 1838-1913 / Edna (unwed) 1886-?" Photographer unknown.
Black and white photo. 1900s.
An unknown woman posing with Vine, Melvina Larkin, and Mary Gard. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1900s.
Linus Pauling's paternal grandfather Charles Pauling (middle row, third from right),
posing with fellow pipe foundry workers. Oswego, Oregon, 1900?. "Workers in the iron
pipe foundry, Oswego, Ore. About 1900? or earlier / Charles Pauling, my grandfather,
is third from the right in the middle row." Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1900s.
Linus Pauling's cousins Lilah, Rowena, Goldie Jr., and Mervyn. The children of Linus
Pauling's maternal aunt Goldie Alexdrina."Goldie's family." Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1900s.
Linus Pauling's cousins Lilah, Rowena, Goldie Jr., and Mervyn. "Goldie's family."
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1900s.
Ava Helen Miller's brothers Clay and Milton Miller standing outside. "Gladys Miller
Clay, Milton Miller. Two of AHP's brother." Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1900s.
Milton and Clay Miller standing outside. "My brothers Milton, Clay" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1900s.
Ava Helen Miller's sister Mary Miller. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1900s.
Ava Helen Miller's sister, Pearl Miller, and mother, Nora Miller. "Pearl / Nora".
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1900s.
Ava Helen Miller's brother Milton Miller. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1900s.
Aerial view of Condon, OR. Originally taken in the early 1900s. Print courtesy of
the Gilliam County Historical Society. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1900s.
Aerial view of Condon, OR. Originally taken in the early 1900s. Print courtesy of
the Gilliam County Historical Society. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1900s.
The Oregon Hotel. Condon, OR, originally taken in the early 1900s. Print courtesy
of the Gilliam County Historical Society. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1900s.
The Summit Hotel. Condon, OR, originally taken in the early 1900s. Print courtesy
of the Gilliam County Historical Society. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1900s.
A parade marching band. Condon, OR, originally taken in the early 1900s. Print courtesy
of the Gilliam County Historical Society. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1900s.
A group of men gathered in front of a drug store. Condon, OR, originally taken in
the early 1900s. Print courtesy of the Gilliam County Historical Society. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1900s.
Linus Wilson Darling (LP's mother's dad) and his daughter, Estella Martha, sitting
next to a window. "Linus Wilson Darling and his 3rd daughter, Stella" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1900s.
Unidentified toddler, playing outside with a toy wagon. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1900s.
Lucile Pauling, Herman Pauling and Pauline Pauling. Herman sits in a rocking chair
with Lucile in his lap, Pauline stands to Herman's left. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1900s.
Pauline Pauling, Herman Pauling and Lucile Pauling. Herman, wearing a suit and full-brim
hat, sits with Lucile in his lap; Pauline sits to Herman's right. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1900s.
Pauline Pauling [?] and Lucile Pauling [?] climbing outdoors on playground apparatus
while Belle Pauling looks on. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1900s.
Panoramic photo of Linus Wilson Darling, sitting on the deck of his house and reading
a newspaper. "L.W. Darling - Sellwood / Front View". Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1900s.
An unidentified toddler standing outdoors in a field. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1900s.
Studio portrait of Lucy Isabelle "Belle" Pauling. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1900s.
Oval portrait of Herman Pauling in his drugstore, Condon, Oregon. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1900s.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1910.
The Summit Hotel. Condon, Oregon."This is where I lived, summer of 1910." [LP's handwritten
note]. From the book, "A Pictorial History of Gilliam County", Gilliam Co. Historical
Society, 1983. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910.
Print of previous photo. Courtesy of Gilliam Historical Society. Photographer unknown.
Color print. 1910.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1911.
Miller family portrait. [A person has been cropped out of the photo]. "Some __ys?!!?!
/ 1911. Miller family / Ava Helen / cut out." Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1911.
Ava Helen Miller's sister, Nettie Miller, and Nettie's husband Walter Spaulding. "Nettie
& Walter" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1911.
Ava Helen Miller and her sister Gladys (Patricia) Miller (both third from right),
as school children. Albert, Oregon. "Albert, Oregon Patricia Miller Ava Helen Miller
(Pauling) 3rd from right / ca 8 yrs. old." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1911.
Ava Helen Miller's sister LuGorgo (Lulu) Miller with Ava's nephew Creston Earl Miller
and niece Evelyn Miller. Copyright Wilson Studios. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1911.
Ava Helen Miller's nephew Creston Miller and niece Evelyn Miller. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1911.
HERE PLACE STAMP HERE AZO" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1911.
Ava Helen Miller's Sunday School class. "Cavalier books Smoking Jacket Must Jesus
bear the cross alone 4 1049 Ava" "Alva Stevens / AHP / Mrs. Rutherford / Henrieta
Hanson / Nettie Stevens / Gorgo / Sunday School Class." Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1911.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1912.
The third section of a panoramic shot. Condon, Oregon. "Our house ~ 1904." From the
book, "A Pictorial History of Gilliam County", Gilliam CO. Historical Society, 1983.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1912.
Final section of a panoramic shot. Condon, Oregon. "Building to left with bell tower
was early grade school." [LP noted] "My first." From the book, "A Pictorial History
of Gilliam County", Gilliam Co. Historical Society, 1983. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1912.
Ava Helen Miller and her sisters. "1912? The 8 girls in the Miller family." "Mary,
Blanche, Pearl, Nettie, Gorgo [in back row] AHP, Dickie, and Pat [in front row.]"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1912.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1913.
Linus Pauling (first row, left) graduating from elementary school. Condon, Oregon.
"LP elementary school grad 1913" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1913.
George Miller's daughter Evelyn Miller sitting with her ankles crossed. "George's
daughter Evelyn?" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1913.
Ava Helen Miller's cousin Bill Miller, wearing a suit and hat. Ava Helen and Evelyn
Miller. "Cousin Bill Miller, Ava Helen & George's [George Miller's daughter] Evaline."
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1913.
Ava Helen Miller's youngest sister, Lilian (Dickie) Miller. "Dickie Miller, (Lillian)
the youngest. Pat, Mike, Dickie". Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1913.
Pauline Pauling, Mary Campbell and Lucile Pauling, standing together outside. "Pauline
10 yrs / Cousin Mary Campbell / Lucile 9 (# yrs)". Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1913.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1914.
Miller family photo. "1914; Clay Miller; Blanche Miller; Elnora Miller; Ava Helen
Miller." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1914.
The Miller women with the family car. "August 1914; Ava Helen, Pearl, L'Gorgo, Lillian,
Nora Gard, Blanche, Pat, Mary. Nora Gard M. & 7 of her 8 daughters (plus Blanche Rogers
at right). Clay Blanche Rogers." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. August 1914.
Ava Helen Miller's sister Gladys (Patricia) Miller. "AHP [Crossed out] Not AHP/ NO/<--Pat".
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1914.
Ava Helen Miller. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1914.
Ava Helen Miller, approximately 10 years old. "My sweetheart AHP Ava Helen Miller,
about 1914." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1914.
Ava Helen Miller, approximately 10 years old. Photo cut from larger picture. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1914.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1915.
Charles "Carl" Henry Pauling, [LP's grandfather] sitting outside, smoking a pipe.
"Grandpa". Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1915.
Adelheit Blanken Pauling, [LP's grandmother] sitting outside. "Grandma/1915". Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1915.
Adelheit Blanken Pauling [back left], Lucile Pauling [front right] and three unidentified
individuals, seated on the front steps of a house. [1915?] Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1915.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1916.
Lucile Pauling, Linus Pauling, Belle Pauling and Pauline Pauling, standing outside.
"Lucile, Linus, Mother and Pauline / 1916". Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1916.
Lucile Pauling, standing outside and holding a cat. "1916". Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1916.
Lucile Pauling, standing outside with her arms folded across her chest. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1916.
Pauline Pauling and Lucile Pauling, standing outside in front of a porch. "On left:
Pauline Pauling / On right: Lucile Pauling / 12 yrs." Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1916.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1917.
Jimmie Moberg. "Jimmie Moberg 1917." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1917.
Errol Murhard, Henry Heisenborn, "Chauncey," H.W. Thoms, and "Merv" [Mervyn Stephenson?].
"Errol Murhard - Henry Weisenborn - Chauncy - H.W. Thoms- Merv." Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1917.
Linus Pauling in military uniform. "At Strong's boarding house, Fall 1917." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1917.
Ava Helen Miller's brother-in-law, Walter Spaulding, in military uniform, with Ava
Helen's sister Nettie Spaulding. "Walter Spaulding / Nettie - 1917." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1917.
Ava Helen Miller's sister Nettie Spaulding in nurse uniform. "Nettie." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1917.
Strand Agricultural Hall at Oregon Agricultural College. Corvallis, Oregon. "OAC 1117
114" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1917.
Ava Helen Miller's sister, Nettie Spaulding. "Nettie." Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1917.
Ava Helen Miller's brother, Milton Miller, and their mother, Nora Miller. "In the
summer of 1917 / Milt was just recovering from a terrible train accident at Mosier
[?], while... [?]; Milton, Nora" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1917.
Gladys (Pat), Nora, Milton (in uniform), Dickie, Ava Helen, and Pearl Miller. "Seven
are absent / This was the first year of the war and laughter and tears were freely
inter-mingled. / Pat, Nora, Milton, Dickie, AHP, Pearl" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1917.
Ava Helen Miller's brother Clay Miller (in overalls), Oscar Glass (in suit) and Milton
Miller (in uniform). "Clay, Oscar Glass, Milton / Our Clay, Os and Milt" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1917.
Milton Miller's wife, Dorcas, and Nora Miller. "Dorcas, Nora ; Dorcas. / Mama; We
all loved Milt's red headed girl." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1917.
Pearl and Ava Helen Miller hugging. "Pearl, AHP / Dearest Pearl and Me" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1917.
Milton Miller standing at attention. "'The battle rageth.' But still Milt gets fatter
and more handsome in the service of Uncle Sam / April, 1917 Oregon City" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. April, 1917.
Linus Pauling in military uniform. "[Written on front:] Poor focus LP 1917" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1917.
Linus Pauling seated on the front porch of a house with four other boys during his
first year at Oregon Agricultural College. Corvallis, Oregon. Left to right: LP,
Errol Murhard, Henry Heisenborn, "Chauncey" and H.W. Thoms. [Possible address where
boys are sitting: Claudia McCue / 445 NW 11th / Corvallis OR 97333] Photographer unknown [likely Mervyn Stephenson]. Black and
white print. 1917.
Linus Pauling (second from right) sprinting for Oregon Agricultural College. Corvallis,
Oregon. "LP as a sprinter Corvallis Oregon 1917" "0167" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1917.
Benton Hall, Oregon Agricultural College. Corvallis, Oregon. "OAC, 1917 1124 4" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1917.
Oregon Agricultural College. Corvallis, Oregon. "OAC 1125 136" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1917.
Oregon Agricultural College. Corvallis, Oregon. "OAC 1123 101" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1917.
Oregon Agricultural College. Corvallis, Oregon. "OAC 1917 1122 118" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1917.
Education hall (left) and Benton Hall (right), Oregon Agricultural College. Corvallis,
Oregon. "OAC 1121 108" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1917.
Waldo Hall, Oregon Agricultural College. Corvallis, Oregon. "OAC 1917 1119 6" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1917.
Oregon Agricultural College. Corvallis, Oregon. "OAC 1120 111" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1917.
Linus Pauling and Fred [?] Larsen walking. Corvallis, Oregon. "LP and Fr. Larsen
Corvallis ca 1920" "0183" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1917.
Linus Pauling in a suit, approximately age 16. "0181" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1917.
A student [Dahlgren?] at Oregon Agricultural College. Corvallis, Oregon. "Student
of Ore. State Dahlgren" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1917.
Linus Pauling (right), and two friends at Oregon Agricultural College. Corvallis,
Oregon. "0282" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1917.
Linus Pauling clearing a hurdle at track and field practice. Corvallis, Oregon. "641
/ Pauling 0170" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1917.
Linus Pauling (second from left) sprinting in a track and field competition. Corvallis,
Oregon. "0169" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1917.
McAlexander field house at Oregon Agricultural College. Corvallis, Oregon. "OAC 1118
5" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1917.
Milton and Clay Miller working. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1917.
Outdoor photo of seven unidentified men. "Hebb, Morgan, Fenner [?]." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1917.
Linus Pauling (fourth from right) posing with seven other unidentified men. "LP".
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1917.
Linus Pauling and Pauline Pauling standing outside. Linus is wearing a suit and tie,
Pauline is standing with her arms folded. [1917?] Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1917.
A. A. Noyes driving a group of people in his Cadillac. Depicted left to right: David
F. Smith, A. A. Noyes, G. N. Lewis (on running board), unidentified man, Mrs. G. N.
Lewis, James E. Bell, Mrs. James E. Bell. Image courtesy of the Archives, California
Institute of Technology. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1917.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1918.
Ava Helen Miller and her sisters. Left to right: Lillian, Patricia, Ava Helen, LuGorgo,
Mary, Pearl, Nettie, and Blanche Miller. "8 sisters all Millers 1918. Left to Right:
Lillian; Pat; Ava Helen; L'Gorgo; Mary; Pearl; Nettie and Blanche." Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1918.
Group photo on a beach. Includes Linus Pauling's cousins Mervyn and Rowena. "1918
Merv Rowena." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
Group photo on a beach. Linus Pauling's cousin Rowena. "Rowena." Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1918.
Group photo on a beach. Includes Linus Pauling and his cousin Mervyn. "Mervyn, LP."
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
Group photo on a beach. Includes Linus Pauling and his cousins Mervyn and Rowena.
"Merv, Rowena, LP." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
Linus Pauling's former workplace, the Pacific Scale and Supply Co. "Pacific Scale
and Supply Co. Where I worked." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
The paving plant where Linus Pauling worked. "Paving plant where I worked, 1918."
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
An unidentified man wearing overalls. [Pacific Scale and Supply Co.?] Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
Group photo of several unidentified laborers. [Pacific Scale and Supply Co.?] Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
Linus Pauling [?] at a Rook [Freshman] picnic at Oregon Agricultural College. Corvallis,
Oregon. "Little Nemo at Rook Picnic." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
Linus Pauling and an unidentified man in front of a sign -- "This Block 12 Lots House
and Barn $1800." "Spring 1918." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
Two unidentified men standing in a field, in front of sign -- "This Block 12 Lots
House and Barn $1800." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
An unidentified young man wearing a gym suit. "'Buts' Spring 1918." Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1918.
An unidentified young man wearing a gym suit. "Vilas Plue." Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1918.
Several unidentified men and the US Flag. "On the 'Olive' / Tillamook 1918." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
An unidentified group at the beach. Includes Linus Pauling's cousin Mervyn. "Mervyn
/ Beach at Bay Ocean 1918." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
Linus Pauling at a group picnic. Tillamook, Oregon. "Picnic - 1918 Tillamook." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
The Willamette river on George Rogers Park. Lake Oswego, Oregon. "This is a old landmark
over on the river at what we call ; [?] creek in [?] ; city has a park there now,
part of the old Iron smelter. First Industry on the Pacific Coast. I have a complete
picture of it ; [?] ; May 1918" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
Milton Miller in France. "February, 1918 / 'Somewhere in France' / Milton is surely
lovely" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
Ava Helen Miller's eighth grade commencement. Ava Helen as a featured essayist and
vocal soloist. Canby, Oregon. "The Eight Grade Class / of / Canby Public School /
requests your presence / at the / Commencement Exercises / Tuesday, May 28, 1918 /
at eight-thirty o' clock / Band Auditorium" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. May 28, 1918.
Linus Pauling presenting arms. San Francisco, California. "LP, Presidio, SF, 1918
/ [Written on the back:] .0164 Linus at the Presidio in San Francisco 1917" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
Linus Pauling posing with a bayonet in front of the Reserves Officers Training Corps
(ROTC) barracks. San Francisco, California. "LP. Presidio, San Francisco June-July
1918 / 32 [circled] / LP in Reserve Officers Training Corps S.F. Calif. 1918" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. June-July, 1918.
The Tillamook Shipyard, where Linus Pauling worked during the summer of 1918. Tillamook,
Oregon. "Shipyard, Tillamook. I worked here summer 1918 / Shipyard - LP worked here
Summer 1918 Near Tillamook" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
A long fishing-type boat tied up near the bank of a river. Tillamook, Oregon. "Boat
that took workers to shipyard. Boat that I rode in to shipyard - Summer 1918 LP 1131"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
Linus Pauling's cousin Mervyn Stephenson posing with a bayonet in training. San Francisco,
California. "Mervyn 1918 Presidio SF. Mervyn Aunt Goldie's son Mervyn Lila Rowena
Babe" [A list of Aunt Goldie's other children, not present] Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1918.
Linus Pauling and Mervyn Stephenson, as college students. Kiger's Island, Oregon.
"On Kiger's Island - 1918. Names are given at the top of the photograph. This is from
my camera, dear. 276 0186" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
Twelve seventh and eighth grade girls wading in a creek. Near the Knight's bridge.
Canby, Oregon. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
Bob Kimsey. "Bob Kimsey." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
Linus Pauling, age 17. Tillamook, Oregon. "Return to Ava Helen Pauling....Linus Pauling
Age 17 (1918, in Tillamook, Oregon)" Photographer unknown. Black and white photo. 1918.
Group photo, including Linus Pauling, of an ROTC class at Oregon Agricultural College.
Corvallis, Oregon. "1918 LP 1918 OAC 1246 Neg made 5-93" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1918.
Ava Helen Miller (Front row, far right) posing with the Canby High School class of
1918. Canby, Oregon. "Ava Miller, President 1918 Class of Canby Aren't we a good looking
bunch?" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
Mervyn Stephenson standing at attention. "Mervyn Stephenson. 5" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1918.
Linus Pauling in uniform for ROTC. "Linus Pauling in Reserve Officers Training Corps
1918" "Return to LP Jr." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
Ava Helen Miller's brother-in-law George Wilson, and Ava's mother, Nora Miller. George
holding his son, George Jr. "George, Mama and little red headed Junior" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
Lucy Isabelle (Belle) Pauling and her children Linus, Pauline, Frances Pauling. Tillamook,
Oregon. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
Ava Helen Miller's maternal aunt Bessie (Essie) Gard, and Essie's new husband, James
(Jim) Taylor. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
Ava Helen Miller's maternal aunt, Bessie (Essie) Gard, and Essie's husband, James
(Jim) Taylor. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
The wedding party for Bessie (Essie) Gard and James (Jim) Taylor. "Sylva, John Gard,
Kenneth Lee, Jim Taylor, Essie, George, Vine, Billie, Nora w baby, (George Jr?), ?,
?, ?, Taylors??" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
Alva Gard, Clyde Ringo, Ruby Gard, and Beruier Gard attending a wedding. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
Ruby Gard wearing a wedding dress. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
Linus Pauling and his cousin Rowena Darling Stephenson on the beach. "LP / Rowena."
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
A double-exposed photograph. One exposure of Linus Pauling, the other of three unidentified
women on a beach. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
Ava Helen Miller (First row, second from right), with 10 other unidentified girls.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
Scaffolding on the side of a river. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
A bridge. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
"Coast Shipbuilding Co." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
An unidentified man in a factory. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
A Northwestern Shipbuilding Company factory. "Northwestern S. Co." Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1918.
The Northwestern Shipbuilding Company machine shop where Linus Pauling worked. "I
worked in this machine shop." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
Exterior of the Northwestern Shipbuilding Company. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1918.
Northwestern Shipbuilding Company. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
Northwestern Shipbuilding Company. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
Bay Ocean, Oregon. "No. 45 Seal and Bird Rocks near Bay Ocean Ore." Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1918.
Linus Pauling (right) and his cousin Mervyn Stephenson (left) outdoors. "Merv and
me [Linus Pauling]." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
A dance hall. Bay Ocean, Oregon. "No. 293 Natatorium and Dance Hall Bay Ocean Ore."
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
A hospital. The Dalles, Oregon. "No. 16 Hospital The Dalles ORE / Hosp". Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
Ava Helen Miller, her mother Nora Miller, and her sisters. "8 girls and Nora." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
Ava Helen Miller and her sisters. "8 girls." Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1918.
Two men fencing at a Rook [Freshman] picnic. Corvallis, Oregon. "Rook picnic." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
Marion C. Tadlock. "Tad." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
Marin C. Tadlock. "Marion C. Tadlock." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
Marion C. Tadlock. "'Tad' again." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
Pauline Pauling, wearing a white dress, seated outdoors and smiling. "1918". Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
Pauline Pauling, wearing a white dress and long coat, seated outside with a newspaper
in her hands. "1918". Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
Pauline Pauling, wearing a swimming suit and cap, standing outdoors near a body of
water and looking to her right. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
Pauline Pauling, wearing a swimming suit and cap, diving into a body of water. "1918".
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1918.
Belle Pauling, standing outside near a house. "Mother 1918?" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1918.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1919.
Wolf Creek, Oregon. "Wolf Creek." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1919.
Nettie Spaulding wearing a fur wrap. "Nettie / Christmas 1919." Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1919.
Walter Spaulding in uniform. "Walter / Christmas 1919" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1919.
Milton Miller in Germany. "March 1919 / In the Rhine / Germany" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1919.
Milton Miller and an unidentified woman standing outside. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1919.
Pearl Miller's wedding. Seventeen unidentified people standing in a group. "The party
at mass." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1919.
Pearl Miller's wedding. Pearl and Forrest standing on the porch, wearing wedding clothes.
"Here comes the bride and." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1919.
Pearl Miller and Forrest Gist standing outside. "August 24th, '19 The day on which Pearl took unto herself Forrest Gist I played Wagner's 'Lohengrin
and Humoresgul' during the ceremony. Played as best I could for eyes and heart were
too full for expression on the piano." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. August 24, 1919.
Pearl Gist standing in front of a house. "Here she goes" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1919.
Pearl and Forrest Gist standing outside in front of a car. "Mill + Diddie when they
was the lucky ones" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1919.
A recital program featuring Ava Helen Miller. "[Text:] Piano Recital / by Ava Miller
/ Assisted by / Naomi Lee Armstrong, vocalist / and / Anna Isnogle, violinist / at
Methodist church / Saturday, May 17, 1919 / Program / ..." [No copyright information]. 1919.
Newspaper clipping of Ava Helen. "[Title:] Teacher presents Miss. Ava Miller" [Author
unknown]. 1919.
M.S. Jones on a mountain road. "[Date written on front, to right corner:] 1918 / [Inscription
written on front:] M.S. Jones, Res. Eng. Wolf Creek-Grave Creek / [Date written below
inscription:] 1919" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1919.
Wolf Creek, Oregon. "[Written on front:] Wolf Creek 1919" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1919.
The paving plant where Linus Pauling worked. "[Written on front:] Grave Creek Plant
1919 / [Written on back:] Road paving plant where I worked in 1919 LP" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1919.
The Grave Creek paving plant. Oregon. "1919. Gravel pile Grave Creek Paving Plant
LP as paving engineer 1130" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1919.
A pairing plant. Wooden structures with stairs and ramps. An old car underneath the
taller structure. Oregon. "Southern Oregon Pairing Plant 1919 / LP there" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1919.
A pairing plant. Wooden structures with smoke billowing from the top. Oregon. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1919.
Portrait of Pearl Gist in her wedding gown. "Ava's sister - Pearl Miller Gist." Photographer
unknown. Black and white photo. 1919.
Portrait of Forrest Gist. Photographer unknown. Black and white photo. 1919.
Blanche, Waldo, and Betty Leone Brown. "Blanche/Waldo/Betty Leone" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1919.
Ava Helen Miller's maternal aunt Bessie (Essie) Miller, holding baby Jean Taylor.
"Aunt Essie/Jean Taylor" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1919.
Ava Helen Miller's maternal aunt Vine Melvina Miller, holding baby Jean Taylor. "Vine
/ Jean" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1919.
Baby Jean Taylor sitting. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1919.
Sylva holding baby Jean Taylor. "Jean/Sylva" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1919.
Ava Helen Miller's sister Nettie Spaulding. "Nettie / all" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1919.
Ava Helen Miller's sister Nettie Spaulding. "Nettie / all" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1919.
Ava Helen Miller's sister Nettie Spaulding. "Blanche Miller" [Mislabeled?] Copyright
The Jenks Studio, Hubbard Bldg., Salem, Oregon. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1919.
Pearl Gist and Betty Leone Brown sitting outside. "Pearl and Betty." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1919.
Betty Leone Brown reading on the porch. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1919.
Betty Leone Brown standing outside. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1919.
Betty Leone Brown walking away from the camera. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1919.
Blanche Brown holding Betty Leone Brown in her lap. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1919.
Betty Brown outside with family pets. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1919.
Blanche Brown giving Betty Leone Brown a 'piggie-back' ride. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1919.
Linus Pauling, unidentified individual, Lucile Pauling, unidentified individual, Paul
Emmett and Pauline Pauling, standing together outside on a porch. [1919?] Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1919.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1910's.
Waldo Brown and Blanche Miller holding hands. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1910s.
Milton Miller in a group photo of athletes. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1910s.
Portrait of Mary Miller. "Mary" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Portrait of Mary Miller. Portland, Oregon. "Mary Miller" Stamp: The VanDyck Studio,
404 Washington St. Portland. ORE." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Portrait of Blanche Miller. "Blanche." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Mary Miller. "Mary K. Brownie" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Mary Miller knitting outdoors. "Mary." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Mary Miller standing outdoors. "Mary." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Mary Miller inspecting a plant. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Mary Miller standing outside. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Ava Helen Miller standing outside. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Ava Helen Miller, Gladys (Patricia) Miller, and Lillian (Dickie) Miller. "AHP / Pat
/ Dickie AHP" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Ava Helen, Gladys (Patricia), and Lillian (Dickie) Miller, with their mother, Nora
Miller. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Ava Helen, Gladys (Patricia), and Lillian (Dickie) Miller, with their mother, Nora
Miller. "Mama and her darlings in the distant past" "Nora / Pat / AHP / Dickie" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Ava Helen, Gladys (Patricia), and Lillian (Dickie) Miller. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1910s.
Gladys (Patricia) Miller and Ava Helen Miller in overalls and white shirts. "Pat and
Mike. Blessings on these little men (?) With eyes of blue and toes [?]" "Pat/AHP"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Group portrait of Clay, Milton, Blanche and Mary Miller. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1910s.
The new house at the Miller farm. "New house at Miller farm". Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1910s.
Ava Helen, Gladys (Patricia), and Lillian (Dickie) Miller, with their mother, Nora
Miller. "AHP / No! AHP <-- on top left /AHP / Nora / Pat / Dickie". Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1910s.
Mary and LuGorgo (Lulu) Miller with their mother, Nora Miller. "Mary / Nora / Gorgo."
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Ava Helen Miller's maternal aunt, Edna Gard. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1910s.
Ava Helen Miller's maternal aunt, Bessie (Essie) Gard. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1910s.
Ava Helen Miller's maternal aunts Bessie (Essie) Gard and Edna Gard. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Nora Miller knitting in a rocking chair. "Nora." Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1910s.
Lilian (Dickie) Miller and two friends posing outside. "Dickie & friends" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Gladys (Patricia) Miller. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Frances Welch. "Frances Welch" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Max Born sitting at a desk, writing. "BORN, Max 1882 - 1970" Copyright American Institute
of Physics - Niels Bohr Library. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Frances Welch. "Frances Welch" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Frances Welch sitting on a wood fence. "Frances Welch" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1910s.
Frances Welch. "Frances Welch" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Frances Welch outside. "Frances Welch" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Frances Welch in the woods. "Frances Welch" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1910s.
Ava Helen Miller's sister Nettie Miller, knitting. "Nettie." Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1910s.
Ava Helen Miller's sister Blanche Miller and Blanche's husband Waldo Brown. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Blanche and LuGorgo (Lulu) Miller hugging. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
LuGorgo (Lulu) Miller at her high school graduation. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1910s.
LuGorgo (Lulu) Miller wearing her graduation gown, holding her diploma. "Gorgo / graduation
from high school" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Nora and Nettie Miller. "Blanche, Nettie / Not Blanche but Nora / Nora, Nettie Elnora
Miller / Nettie Miller." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Gladys (Patricia) Miller. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Gladys (Patricia) Miller. "Nora Pat" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Gladys (Patricia) Miller and her mother, Nora Miller. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1910s.
LuGorgo (Lulu) Miller. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Portrait of LuGorgo (Lulu) Miller. "Ava L. Gorgo Miller" Photographer unknown [Stamp
illegible]. Black and white print. 1910s.
Claire Haines. "Claire Haines my heart's first flutter." Photographer unknown. Black
and white oval print. 1910s.
Waldo Brown outside. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Ava Helen and Milton Miller. Copyright Calverts Studio, Next to S.P. Depot, Oregon City, Ore. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Martha [?] standing outdoors. "Martha, but she had to be 'true' to Twilly so poor
Hand [?]" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Ava Helen Miller and Georgelela. "Georgelela and me." Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1910s.
Georgelela and Mabel standing outside together. "Geo and Mabel." Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1910s.
Patricia Miller doing a back bend. "Nora Pat" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1910s.
Patricia Miller sitting outside, wearing a hat. "Nora Pat" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1910s.
Patricia Miller doing a back bend. "Nora Pat" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1910s.
A man walking in a field. [Ralph?] "Not saying what he thinks." Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1910s.
Ruth Barnes. "We turned our backs when Ralph dug out an old pair of BVD's." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Ralph [?] holding an old pair of BVD's. "We turned our backs when Ralph dug out an
old pair of BVD's." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Portrait of Frank Launer, Ava Helen Miller's second music teacher. "Dear old Franky
/ He taught me music" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Lucy Isabelle (Belle) Darling Pauling and her daughters Pauline and Lucile Pauling.
"Mother, Pauline, Lucile." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Beryl Bond sitting in the snow. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
A street lined with trees and houses. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Ruth Ross sitting on a snowbank. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Frances Welch. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Milton Miller's wife Dorcas Miller and her friends looking through hoops. "?" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Milton Miller's wife Dorcas Miller. "Dorcas." Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1910s.
Vine Melvina, John, Bessie (Essie), and Edna Gard on porch steps. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1910s.
An unidentified man and woman standing next to a car on a city street. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Nettie Miller-Spaulding and her in-laws. Mother Spaulding, Grandmother, [?] Nettie
Miller-Spaulding, and Ila Spaulding camping. Written on the back of the photo, "Mother
Spaulding/ grandmother/ Nettie/ Ida Spaulding." Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1910s.
An unidentified man standing by a lake. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
An unidentified man [M.S. Jones?] standing at a lookout point in the forest. Wolf
Creek, Oregon. Written in the upper right hand corner, "M.S. [?] Jones Wolf Creek".
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Linus Pauling's cousin Rowena Stephenson dressed as a flapper. "Rowena Daddy's Aunt
Goldie's daughter 0174" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Linus Pauling's cousin Rowena dressed as a flapper. "Rowena" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1910s.
Linus Pauling's cousin Rowena Stephenson. Portland, Oregon. "? Rowena? I think this
is in front of my mother's house on Yukan Ave., Portland. Dick" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1910s.
Linus Pauling's cousin Rowena Stephenson. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Linus Pauling's sister Pauline Pauling. "Pauline" "0176 B67" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1910s.
Linus Pauling's sister Pauline Pauling. "Pauline" "0175 A66" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1910s.
Linus Pauling's sister Pauline Pauling. "Pauline" "0177 A66" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1910s.
Ava Helen Miller's second music teacher, Franklin Launer, in naval uniform. "Dolores
George was the 1st / Lillian Petrie / 3rd / Portland." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Linus Pauling's sister Pauline Pauling. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Linus Pauling's sister Pauline Pauling in a bathing suit. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1910s.
Linus Pauling's sister, Lucile Pauling, standing with a game warden. "Game warden
/ Lucile." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Group photo including Linus Pauling. Written above photo: "LP." Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1910s.
Linus Pauling's relatives. Lucile Pauling, Paul Emmett, and Rowena Darling Stephenson
stand in the first row. Pauline Pauling and two unidentified women stand in the back
row. "Lucile Paul Emmett Rowena" "0162 B5" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1910s.
Linus Pauling with relatives. "Right to Left Rowena, Lucy Isabelle (Belle), Pauline,
Aunt Stella, Richard Morgan, LP 1st row Lucille Babe - Baby Goldie 0187 B5" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Blanche Miller and two unidentified girls. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Clay, Blanche, John, LuGorgo and Milton Miller playfully aiming shotguns at Mary and
Melvin Shanklin. Melvin blindfolded. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Mary Miller holding a shotgun over her shoulder. Photo cut out of a larger picture.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Blanche Miller holding a shotgun. Photo cut out of a larger picture. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
LuGorgo Miller holding a shotgun. Photo cut out of larger picture. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1910s.
Mary, Milton, Blanche, Clay, and LuGorgo Miller standing in a group holding hands.
Photo cut out of larger picture. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Ethel and Gilman Gard. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
The Miller family at an outdoor gathering. Nora Miller, Ada Stevens, Laura Gard, Clay
Miller, Bessie (Essie) Miller Taylor, Jim Taylor, Sylva, Vine Melvina Gard, and Ava
Helen Miller by tents. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Lillian (Dickie) Miller and Mrs. Launer on the front steps of a house. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Linus Pauling's cousin Rowena Darling Stephenson wearing a grass skirt. "Rowena (cousin)."
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Linus Pauling's sister Lucile Pauling. "Lucile" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1910s.
Linus Pauling's cousin, Lilah Darling Stephenson. "Lila" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1910s.
Patricia Miller's unidentified friend, standing in front of a field. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Linus Pauling's cousins, Babe, Lilah, and Rowena Stephenson. "Babe, [?], Lila, Rowena."
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Portrait of "Herbert". Boston, Massachusetts. "Herbert" Gold lettering: "Wide Bargate
Ernest Gray Boston" "2 2 1 2 4 5" [a mathematical symbol follows each] Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
An unidentified young woman. Copyright: D. Perry Evans, 270 1/2, Washington St., Portland, ORE. Photograph by D. Perry Evans. Black and white print. 1910s.
Portrait of Linus Pauling's sister Pauline Pauling. Copyright: D. Perry Evans, 270 1/2, Washington St., Portland, ORE. Photograph by D. Perry Evans. Black and white print with color touch-ups. 1910s.
An unidentified man wearing glasses and a high collar. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print with color touch-ups. 1910s.
An unidentified woman wearing a lacy shirt with black stripes. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1910s.
Portrait of Judge Morse. "AHP's friend Judge Morse?" Copyright: Gunnell and Robb Studio, Oregon Bldg., Salem, Oregon. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Group portrait of several unidentified men and women wearing winter coats. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print with color touch-ups. 1910s.
Clay, Ava Helen, Gladys (Patricia), and Mary Miller. "Clay / Mom [AHP] / Pat / (Mary)?
Mary always did the necessary posing" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Clay Miller in uniform, saluting. "Clay." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Clay Miller hugging his sister Blanche Miller."Clay + Blanche." Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1910s.
Waldo Brown in uniform, holding a trumpet. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
LuGorgo and Clay Miller outdoors. "Lu / Clay" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print with corners cut off. 1910s.
Three of Ava Helen Miller's siblings. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Clay and Nettie Miller. "Clay and Nett all ready for Business." Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1910s.
Walter Spaulding in uniform. "Walter Able Peter" Photographer unknown. Black and white
irregular print. 1910s.
Milton Miller. Camp Mill, New York. "November. 16 Camp Mill, N.Y." Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1910s.
Walter Spaulding (right) taking a military oath with fellow soldiers. "Walter Spaulding".
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Eight members of Walter Spaulding's unit in uniform. "Pack up your troubles in your
old kit-bag and smile, smile, smile." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Milton and Nettie Miller outdoors. "Milt / Nettie" Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1910s.
Four uniformed men [including LP?] standing outside a building holding bayonets. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Clay Miller standing at attention. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
A double exposure. One of Walter Spaulding and a horse, Buster; the other of an unidentified
woman standing in front of a house. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Milton Miller (lower left) posing with fellow soldiers. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1910s.
Milton Miller. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Milton Miller at campground. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Milton Miller (lower left) posing with fellow soldiers. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1910s.
Milton Miller, Nora Miller, and Walter Spaulding outside. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1910s.
Milton Miller in uniform. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Milton Miller in uniform. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Nettie Miller driving a car. "Nettie." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Clay Miller saluting. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Two unidentified men in uniform [one of them LP?] practicing with lances. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Clay Miller. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Army barracks. "Clay" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Nora and Clay Miller. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
The Miller family standing outside. "Gorgo / Clay [in uniform] / Dickie / Nora / Mary
/ AHP / Pat / Nettie / Blanche" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Clay Miller in uniform. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Clay, Ava Helen, and Mary Miller. "Clay [in uniform] / AHP / Mary." Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1910s.
Portrait of Clay Miller wearing a suit. Corvallis, Oregon. "Ball Studio Corvallis,
ORE." "Clay L. Miller" "Clay" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Portrait of Clay Miller. "Clay Carl Miller" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1910s.
Lt. Walter Spaulding in uniform, standing next to his mother. "Luit. Miller i[f] you
please! and his mother dear." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Clay and Nora Miller. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Milton Miller. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Clay, Mary, Milton, and Nora Miller with an unidentified woman, Milton's wife Dorcas
Miller, and Ozy. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Milton Miller in his graduation gown. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Mary and Milton Miller in their graduation gowns. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1910s.
Nettie Miller. "Nettie / all" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Clay, LuGorgo (Lulu), Pearl, Blanche, Mary, and Milton Miller. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1910s.
Milton, LuGorgo, Pearl, Blanche, Mary, and Clay Miller. "Milton Miller on the left.
Mary, Blanche, Pearl, L. Gorgo (girls named right to left) Clay Carl on right." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Linus Pauling and Henry [?] standing by a statue. "LP/Henry." Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1910s.
Steve [?] standing outside. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Three men standing outside with a young girl and a dog. Errol, Fusser, and Steve.
"Errol / Rook Fusser / Steve." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Linus Pauling standing outside. "Me [Linus Pauling]" Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1910s.
Composite of individual portraits of Gamma Tau Beta fraternity brothers, including
Linus Pauling (second from the right on the third row ). Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1910s.
Gamma Tau Beta fraternity photograph. "Lorenzo Hamilton - Harold Bumbaugh - ? [Linus
Pauling] - Theodore Bryant - Stephen Nye - William Wightman / George Wait - Harold
Granrod - Guy Butler - Leonard Freeman - James Terrence Gaither - Lloyd Raab - Newtown
Strehl - Elmer Ramsey / William Eilertsen - Irving Mather - Ralph Coleman - Herald
M. Tennent - Chas Beatie - Robert Kyle - Robert Watt." Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1910s.
Gamma Tau Beta fraternity photograph. "'Shorty' 'Hal' 'Peany' 'Canuck' 'Steve' 'Wighty'
/ 'George Napoleon' 'Grany' 'Buts' 'J' 'Shrimp' 'Raab' 'Fat' 'Ram-tah' / 'Bill' 'Dimmie'
'Coley' 'Tennant' 'Chazz' 'Bob' 'Bob.' Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
A composite of 29 portraits of Gamma Tau Beta fraternity brothers. Paul Emmett 3rd from left on the bottom row. "Gamma Tau Beta." Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1910s.
Linus Pauling and his cousin Lilah Stephenson. "Cousin Lila [&] LP." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Linus and Pauline Pauling. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Pauling family dinner. "LP" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Linus Pauling, as a teenager, sitting in an automobile. "Neg made 5-93" "2076" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Linus Pauling, as a young man. "Rook sans lid LP." "1092" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1910s.
Linus Pauling, wearing his "freshman beanie". "0188 G" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1910s.
Ava Helen Miller, seated on the grass. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Ava Helen Miller, standing in a "ballerina pose". Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1910s.
Ava Helen Miller, standing in a "ballerina pose". Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1910s.
Ava Helen Miller. "All the worlds a stage including [?]" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1910s.
Ava Helen Miller curtsying. "AHP". Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Ava Helen and Milton Miller posing. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Ava Helen Miller and her cousin Bill Miller. "AHP & Bill Miller (cousin) (Father's
brother's son)." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Milton Miller. "Milton" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Milton Miller standing, wearing dark shorts and a white tank top. "I always hated
the track and wept profusely when Milt participated. Also cursed Mr. Ralston with
all of the profane words of a 9 year old vocabulary. / Miller" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1910s.
Milton Miller standing, wearing dark shorts and a white tank top. "Marian" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Milton Miller in a baseball uniform. "Milton" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1910s.
Milton Miller [?] standing by a cow named Buttercup. "I think this cow's name is Buttercup."
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Milton Miller and two horses, Buster and Cute. "Buster, Milt, Cute." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Portrait of Goldie Darling Stephenson. "Sulky Goldie / My mother's comment! / Dick."
Copyright: Boston Photo, A. Leaman Davis, 324 1/2 Washington St,, Portland, ORE. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Linus Pauling's mother and her sisters. Abigail Elizabeth, Estella Martha, Goldie
Victoria Alexandrina, and Lucy Isabelle Darling (front). "Beth, Lucile / Goldie, Belle."
Copyright: Moure, 7th & Stark Sts., Portland, OR. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Four unidentified girls riding a horse. A ranger holding the horse's head. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Linus Pauling's maternal Aunt Goldie with her children Rowena, Lilah, Goldie Jr. (Babe),
and Mervyn Stephenson. "Golda and her four" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1910s.
Blanche Miller and Mary Campbell sitting outside. Mary sitting in Blanche's lap. "Blanche
Miller + Little Mary Campbell her student--date uncertain possibly 1912 (?) or 1914
Mary is Linus' first cousin on his fathers side" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1910s.
Ava Helen Miller (third row, third from left) with four rows of middle school students
in front of a building. Canby, Oregon. "Ava Helen (Miller) Pauling. 7th, 8th grader Canby. 3rd Row up-3rd from left." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Nettie and Blanche Miller sitting in a horse carriage. George Miller petting one of
the horse's [Flora's] face. "? perhaps at farm where AHP was born" "In buggy left
Nettie[?] Blanche horse Flora[?] George at farm." Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1910s.
Two unidentified women, and two unidentified men standing in front of a train. "Goldie
Isabelle" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Three unidentified women and two unidentified men standing in front of a train. "Aunt
Goldie, Mamma Lucile" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Lucy Isabelle (Belle) Pauling walking along a path. Two unidentified men following
behind her. "Isabelle" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Lucy Isabelle (Belle) Pauling and an unidentified man sitting on a strange bicycle
customized for riding on railroad tracks [?]. "Mamma-Isabelle" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1910s.
Group photo of Linus Pauling's relatives. "Stella / Lucile / Isabelle / Richard Morgan
[?]" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Milton Miller in uniform. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Milton Miller standing next to a tree. "Milton" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1910s.
Laura [?] sitting on a bench. "Laura" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Nettie Spaulding with the Red Cross nurses. Salem, Oregon. "Red Cross Nurses -- In
Salem, OR. Nettie at right with ?" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Milton Miller throwing a baseball towards the camera. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1910s.
Chemistry Building at Oregon Agricultural College. Corvallis, Oregon. "Chem. Bldg
OAC". Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Belle Pauling and Rhoda Darling, [Belle's cousin] standing outside on a porch and
wearing large, black, wide-brimmed and plumed hats. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1910s.
Belle Pauling, Rhoda Darling, [Belle's cousin] and two unidentified girls, seated
outside on the railing of a porch. Belle and Rhoda are wearing large, black, wide-brimmed
and plumed hats. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Belle Pauling standing outside and wearing a large, black, wide-brimmed and plumed
hat. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Studio portrait of Abigail Elizabeth Darling. "Aunt Beth / (Abby Elizabeth Darling)".
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Donald and Richard - sons of Abigail Elizabeth Darling - standing together outside,
wearing matching caps, sweaters, pants and rain boots. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1910s.
Donald, Isaac and Richard - sons and husband of Abigail Elizabeth Darling - posing
together outside. Donald and Richard stand and are wearing matching caps, sweaters,
pants and rain boots. Isaac crouches between the two boys. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1910s.
Donald and Richard - sons of Abigail Elizabeth Darling - standing together outside,
wearing matching shirts, ties, short pants and knee socks. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1910s.
Donald and Richard - sons of Abigail Elizabeth Darling - sitting together on the beach.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Richard, Donald and Isaac - sons and husband of Abigail Elizabeth Darling - playing
football together in the street. Isaac stands behind Donald who is prepared to snap
the ball. Richard crouches next to Donald. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Belle Pauling, seated in a rocking chair reading A Far Country, by Winston Churchill. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
An unidentified boy, Lucile Pauling [?], Belle Pauling and Linus Pauling [?]. Belle
sits in a rocking chair with Lucile [?] on her lap. The two boys stand on either side
of the rocking chair. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Belle Pauling, seated indoors near a table displaying a flower arrangement. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Belle Pauling, standing outdoors holding a tennis racket. [?] Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1910s.
Belle Pauling, standing outdoors and examining a tree branch. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1910s.
Belle Pauling, wearing a black dress with a white lacy collar, standing outdoors near
a house. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Belle Pauling, wearing a black embroidered dress with a white collar and holding a
black sun hat, standing outdoors near a house. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1910s.
Belle Pauling standing outdoors with an unidentified woman. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1910s.
Belle Pauling standing outdoors in a flower garden. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1910s.
Belle Pauling standing outdoors in a flower garden with an unidentified elderly man.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Belle Pauling standing outdoors and using a camera. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1910s.
Belle Pauling standing outdoors near a large bush. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1910s.
Belle Pauling standing, with her hands folded, outdoors and in front of a house. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Cropped photo of Belle Pauling standing outdoors near a large bush. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1910s.
An unidentified girl [Pauline Pauling?] wearing a decorative dress and holding a parasol,
standing next to Belle Pauling in front of a large sign advertising Hessian's Grocery.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Lucile Pauling [?], Linus Pauling [?] and Pauline Pauling [?] standing in front of
a large sign advertising Hessian's Grocery. Lucile [?] wears a white dress and a sash
and wreath made of flowers; Linus [?] wears a sash made of flowers and props up a
bicycle decorated with flowers; Pauling [?] wears a white decorative dress and holds
a parasol. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Lucile Pauling [?] and Pauline Pauling [?] standing outdoors near the deck of a house.
Lucile [?] wears a white blouse, pantaloons and knee socks; Pauline [?] wears a striped
blouse with a tie, a shawl, pantaloons and knee socks. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1910s.
Lucile Pauling [?] and an unidentified girl, playing together in the sand at a beach
near a boardwalk. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Pauline Pauling posing with a bicycle near the front porch of a house. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Pauline Pauling and Lucile Pauling posing with a bicycle near the front porch of a
house. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Rowena Darling Stevenson, sitting outdoors in the grass near a house. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1910s.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1920.
Portrait of a young Linus Pauling wearing a suit and tie. Oregon Agricultural College.
Corvallis, Oregon. Photographer unknown. Color print. 1920.
Oregon Agricultural College, Electrical Engineering Laboratory. Corvallis, Oregon.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920.
Oregon Agricultural College, Armory [McAlexander Field house]. Corvallis, Oregon.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920.
Oregon Agricultural College, Campus Walk. Corvallis, Oregon. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1920.
Oregon Agricultural College, Campus View. Corvallis, Oregon. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1920.
Oregon Agricultural College, Mines Building [Dearborn]. Corvallis, Oregon. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1920.
Oregon Agricultural College, Dairy Building [Social Science]. Corvallis, Oregon. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1920.
Oregon Agricultural College, Forestry Building. Corvallis, Oregon. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1920.
Oregon Agricultural College, Apperson Hall. Corvallis, Oregon. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1920.
Oregon Agricultural College, Domestic Science Building. Corvallis, Oregon. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1920.
Oregon Agricultural College, Gymnasium. Corvallis, Oregon. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1920.
Oregon Agricultural College, interior of Armory [McAlexander Field house]. Corvallis,
Oregon. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920.
Oregon Agricultural College, Agriculture Building [Strand Agricultural Hall]. Corvallis,
Oregon. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920.
Oregon Agricultural College, Waldo Hall. Corvallis, Oregon. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1920.
Oregon Agricultural College, Shepard Hall. Corvallis, Oregon. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1920.
Oregon Agricultural College, entrance to Strand Agricultural Building. Corvallis,
Oregon. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920.
Oregon Agricultural College, campus view. Corvallis, Oregon. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1920.
Oregon Agricultural College, Cauthorn Hall. Corvallis, Oregon. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1920.
Oregon Agricultural College, Administration Building. Corvallis, Oregon. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1920.
Oregon Agricultural College. Administration, Gymnasium, and Armory [McAlexander Field
house] buildings. Corvallis, Oregon. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920.
Oregon Agricultural College, men's gymnasium [Langton Hall]. Corvallis, Oregon. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1920.
Oregon Agricultural College, campus views, looking towards Benton Hall. Corvallis,
Oregon. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920.
Panoramic view of Oregon Agricultural College. Library quad area. Corvallis, Oregon.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. [Image is located on the shelving next
to the audio/visual materials]. 1920.
Betty Leone Brown standing on the porch with a hand on a pillar. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1920.
Lucile and Pauline Pauling. "May 9, 1920 / Pauline + Lucile - LP's sisters 1920."
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. May 9, 1920.
Group photograph of Linus Pauling's fraternity brothers, of Gamma Tau Beta fraternity.
"1919-20 Intramural Indoor Champs. Gamma Tau Beta / Bill, Wayne, Greny, Ed, Tiffy,
Hap, George, Lyman, Shrimp." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920.
Group photo of men in drag. Linus Pauling in lower right corner. "Feminine Section
Interfraternity Smoker - 1919-20 sometime." Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1920.
Ava Helen and Clay Miller standing arm in arm. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1920.
Ava Helen Miller (back) and her sister-in-law Dorcas Miller (front) standing outside.
"Age before beauty? / AHP and Dorcas/ My first taste of college. February 6, 7, 8th
1920, Corvallis Oregon." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. February 6-8, 1920.
Ava Helen Miller's friend Doddie [?] standing beside a bicycle in front of a house.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920.
An unidentified young man [One of AHP's brothers?] wearing a coat and gloves, standing
in front of a house. "And he's my brother!!" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1920.
Ava Helen Miller and her friend Dot [?] standing outside, arm in arm. "Acting college
with Dot!/ AHP" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920.
Boyd and Betty Leone Brown sitting outside at a children's table. A dog and cat sitting
near by. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920.
Ava Helen Miller's friend Ellis [?] standing in the Jason Lee Cemetery. Salem, Oregon.
"Ellis" "Jason Lee Cemetery April 1920". Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920.
An unidentified woman [Dot/AHP?] leaning over and holding the grave stone of John
Meal. The Jason Lee Cemetery. Salem, Oregon. "With the absent ones. Jason Lee Cemetery
April 1920." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. April, 1920.
Ava Helen Miller sitting on a bench and leaning forward. The Jason Lee Cemetery. Salem,
Oregon. "Ava Helen. Jason Lee Cemetery April 1920." Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. April, 1920.
An unidentified man sitting with his left leg braced against a wall or pillar. Jason
Lee Cemetery. Salem, Oregon. "Jason Lee Cemetery, April 1920." Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. April, 1920.
Ava Helen Miller sitting on a rail of a fence, holding her hat. The Jason Lee Cemetery.
Salem, Oregon. "As you enter Jason Lee Cemetery, April 1920." Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. April, 1920.
Ava Helen Miller's friend Ditto [?] sitting on the edge of a tombstone statue for
Erastus Haven. The Jason Lee Cemetery. Salem, Oregon. "Ditto, Jason Lee Cemetery,
April 1920." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. April, 1920.
Ava Helen Miller standing at the entrance to a mausoleum. The Jason Lee Cemetery.
Salem, Oregon. "Wanting admittance. Jason Lee Cemetery, April 1920." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. April, 1920.
Ava Helen standing on a bridge over Doughnut Lake. Jason Lee Cemetery. Salem, Oregon.
"At Doughnut Lake, Jason Lee Cemetery, April 1920." Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. April, 1920.
An unidentified man looking with a survey telescope on a tripod. "Ham / We tried to
measure the river but missed it about 200ft. We weren't interested in the width of
the river." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920.
Miss Holt looking with a survey telescope on a tripod. Dizzy Watson looking at Miss
Holt. "Miss Holt / Dizzy Watson; 1920" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920.
Ava Helen Miller looking with a survey telescope on a tripod. "H. A. M. / I couldn't
see a thing" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920.
Ava Helen Miller's niece Betty Leone (adopted by Blanche and Waldo Brown) napping
on her blanket. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920.
Ava Helen Miller's niece Betty Leone sitting naked. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1920.
Ava Helen Miller's niece Betty Leone standing naked on the porch. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1920.
Ava Helen Miller's niece Betty Leone in hat and coat standing outside, "This is a-a-a...
Betty Leone." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920.
Ava Helen Miller's niece Betty Leone walking in the grass wearing a coat. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1920.
Ava Helen Miller's nephews Boyd Eldon and Wallace Millard Brown (adopted by Blanche
and Waldo Brown) in winter coats and hats. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920.
Ava Helen Miller's niece Betty Leone standing on a box, waving to the camera; "High
Daddy High". Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920.
Linus Pauling and his friend Paul Emmet. "LP + Paul Emmett / 1920." Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1920.
Linus Pauling and his friend Paul Emmett. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920.
Pauline Pauling, standing outside in a frilly white dress. "Pauline 1920". Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1920.
Lucile Pauling, wearing a long white formal dress, standing outside near a house.
"Lucile - (16) in Mother's wedding dress". Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920.
Lucile Pauling, wearing a short-sleeved dress and matching shoes, standing outside
near a house. "Lucile (16 yrs)". Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920.
Belle Pauling, standing outside and wearing a dress and a hat adorned with flowers.
"Mother 1920?" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1921.
Several unidentified individuals standing outside Linus Pauling's grandmothers house.
"Steffen Müllers Hoff (June 1921)" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
A band passing the "White Corner Building." Condon, Oregon. "Uncle Herbert's store.
We lived above the store for a while ~ 1906." From the book, "A Pictorial History
of Gilliam County." Photograph courtesy of the Gilliam County Historical Society,
1983. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
Linus Pauling and two unidentified men with dark suits standing outdoors. "1" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
An aerial view of Oregon Agricultural College. Corvallis, Oregon. "No. 1 Birds Eye
View of O.A.C., Corvallis Oregon." Correspondence included. Series from Delphine Hall
Jacobson. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon. "No. 6 Scene at O.A.C. Corvallis,
Oregon." Series from Delphine Hall Jacobson. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1921.
Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon. "No. 7 Entrance to O.A.C. Campus Corvallis,
ORE." Series from Delphine Hall Jacobson. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon. "[?] Entrance, O.A.C., Corvallis,
ORE" Series from Delphine Hall Jacobson. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon. "No. 59 Walk in O.A.C. Campus, Corvallis,
ORE." Written in blue ink on the edge of the photo, "1921". Series from Delphine Hall
Jacobson. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
Strand Agricultural Hall, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon. "No. 63
Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, ORE." Photo of gazebo and Strand Agricultural
Hall. Series from Delphine Hall Jacobson. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon. "No. 86 O.A.C. Campus, Corvallis,
Oregon." Series from Delphine Hall Jacobson. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1921.
Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon. "No. 101 Scene on Campus, O.A.C.,
Corvallis, Oregon; Agricultural Bldg. [Strand], Dairy Bldg. [Social Science]" Series
from Delphine Hall Jacobson. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon. "No. 219 [?] Armory, O.A.C. Corvallis,
Oregon." Series from Delphine Hall Jacobson. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1921.
Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon. "No. 2[?] Interior of O.A.C. Armory,
Corvallis, Oregon." Series from Delphine Hall Jacobson. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1921.
Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon. "No. 84 Military Maneuvers, O.A.C.
Corvallis, Oregon." Series from Delphine Hall Jacobson. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1921.
Benton Hall, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon. "No. 47 Drive, [in front
of Benton Hall], OAC, Corvallis, ORE." Series from Delphine Hall Jacobson. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon. "Mechanical Hall, OAC, Corvallis,
ORE." Series from Delphine Hall Jacobson. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
Dearborn Hall, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon. "No. 73 Mines Building
[Dearborn?], OAC, Corvallis, Oregon." Series from Delphine Hall Jacobson. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon. "No.56. Machine Shops, OAC, Corvallis,
ORE." Series from Delphine Hall Jacobson. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon. "No. 6[?] Science Hall [Education
Building?], OAC, Corvallis, ORE." Series from Delphine Hall Jacobson. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon. "No. 34 Cauthorn Hall, OAC, Corvallis,
ORE." Series from Delphine Hall Jacobson. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon. "No. 43 Waldo Hall, OAC, Corvallis,
ORE." Series from Delphine Hall Jacobson. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon. "[?] Gymnasium, OAC, Corvallis, ORE."
[Langton Hall] Series from Delphine Hall Jacobson. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1921.
Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon. "No.5 Domestic Science Bldg, OAC,
Corvallis, ORE." Series from Delphine Hall Jacobson. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1921.
Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon. "No. 46 [train] Depot, Corvallis,
ORE." Series from Delphine Hall Jacobson. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
Receding street with one car parked to the side. Corvallis, Oregon. "No. 9 Residence
street, Corvallis, Ore." Series from Delphine Hall Jacobson. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1921.
Paul Emmet and Linus Pauling standing outside wearing suits and hats. Corvallis, Oregon
[?]. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
Alfred Robertson, and Paul Emmett standing outside, wearing suits and hats. Corvallis,
Oregon [?]. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
Ava Helen Miller standing outside with diploma in hand. Ava Helen wearing a white
dress. Corvallis, Oregon [?]. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
Ava Helen Miller in a group with one other woman and four men, dressed for a play.
"The K.O. play, April 8, 1921/ I got their costumes. Miss Hagel Browne was coach.
'Charlie's Aunt' 'from Brazil where the nuts come from/ Wally was a scream/ Wally,
M.B. me, A.B. Art, Ralph." Photographer unknown. Black and print. April 8, 1921.
Ava Helen Miller on left, with one woman and four men, dressed for a play. "Me, Miss
Browne, Wally, Albert, Art." Photographer unknown. Black and white photograph. 1921.
Three men, one in drag, performing outside. "Ralph Bailey 'jining Wally + Ralph" Photographer
unknown. Black and white photograph. 1921.
Ava Helen Miller's friend Ralph [?] in drag. "Charly's Aunt / Ralph Ham." Photographer
unknown. Black and white photograph. 1921.
Ralph in drag, sitting on the knee of a man in a tuxedo. Photographer unknown. Black
and white photograph. 1921.
Ava Helen Miller's friend Albert [?] wearing a top hat and tux. "Albert Bayne / Amy
Spittigud" Photographer unknown. Black and white photograph. 1921.
Ava Helen Miller and Miss Browne. "Ava Helen, Miss Browne". Photographer unknown.
Black and white photograph. 1921.
Ralph [?] in drag. "Ralph looked like a real old woman." Photographer unknown. Black
and white photograph. 1921.
The Salem High School senior class picnic. Silver Creek falls, Oregon. "The Senior
Class Picnic--June 9, 1921 / Silver Creek / Upper North Falls / We climbed all around
the falls" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. June 9, 1921.
The Salem High School senior class picnic. Ava Helen Miller standing in front of a
fence. Silver Creek falls, Oregon."I had the best time and laughed myself sick / I
tried to look 'tough'" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
The Salem High School senior class picnic. Ava Helen Miller climbing a bridge. Silver
Creek falls, Oregon."Me going up a high bridge. / Just [?] shocking!" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
The Salem High School senior class picnic. Ava Helen Miller's high school principal,
and class advisor, standing outside. Silver Creek falls, Oregon. "Jimmy Nelson, our
Principle, and Mrs. Beryellvey [?], the class advisor. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1921.
The Salem High School senior class picnic. Ava Helen Miller's friend Wally [?] jumping
over a rope. Silver Creek falls, Oregon. "Wally taking a high jump" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1921.
The Salem High School senior class picnic. Ava Helen Miller leaning on a fence. Silver
Creek falls, Oregon. "Don't I succeed here? [referring to looking 'tough' in Ship
#1169] Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
The Salem High School senior class picnic. Silver Creek falls, Oregon. "North Falls
/ We had a most delightful time. I went with Wally and Ralph. Had to manage the eats
which was some job for 125 hungry seniors" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
The Salem High School senior class picnic. Silver Creek falls, Oregon. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
The Salem High School senior class picnic. Ava Helen Miller standing with a young
man, either Wally or Ralph [?]. Silver Creek falls, Oregon. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1921.
The Salem High School senior class picnic. Ava Helen Miller standing with a young
man, either Wally or Ralph [?]. Silver Creek falls, Oregon. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1921.
The Salem High School senior class picnic. Ava Helen Miller sitting with a young man,
either Wally or Ralph [?]. Silver Creek falls, Oregon. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1921.
The Salem High School senior class picnic. Ava Helen Miller sitting with a young man.
Silver Creek falls, Oregon. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
The Salem High School senior class picnic. Ava Helen Miller holding rope, an arm around
her shoulder. Silver Creek falls, Oregon. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
The Salem High School senior class picnic. Young man kissing Ava Helen Miller. Silver
Creek falls, Oregon. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
The Salem High School senior class picnic. Silver Creek falls. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1921.
Card with hand-drawn lamp and handwritten text on the cover. Menu and Toast List,
inside. "Banquet / Public Speaking Class / Honor of Edna L. Sterling / The Spa / Tue
Jan. 18 / 1921" [No copyright information]. January 18, 1921.
Salem Senior High School Commencement envelope. "Salem / June / 21" [No copyright
information]. June 21, 1921.
A Salem Senior High School commencement invitation. List of Commencement exercises
and Graduating Class, inside. "Fifteen Annual / Commencement / Salem Senior High School
/ Salem, Oregon / Friday, June 17, 1921 / ...." [No copyright information]. June 17, 1921.
Ralph standing outside dressed in a suit and hat with his arms crossed. "Ralph / He
had a most dreadful case on [Martha in 1926i.77]" Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1921.
Ava Helen Miller standing outside Salem High School with a large group of women students.
"AHP in Salem High School 1921 28" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
Linus Pauling and Paul Emmett wearing suits and hats standing in front of a hedge.
"Paul Emmett" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
Mr. Von and Ava Helen Miller walking beside a building. "The pride and joy of Salem
High" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
Mr. Von standing wearing a black suit and hat. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1921.
Earl Schalk standing by an outdoor shelter. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1921.
Wally [?] and Mr. Von standing outside of a house, both dressed in suits. "Wally"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
Wally [?] and Ava Helen Miller walking outside, Ava sticking her tongue out. "Wally
and Ava" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
Wally [?] and Mr. Von with their backs toward the camera. "Wally / Mr. 'Von'" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
Ava Helen Miller's nephew Boyd Brown, on a ladder. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1921.
Ava Helen Miller's nephew Boyd Brown, in front of a wagon. "Blanche + kids." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
A flower raft. Two men on a boat nearby. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
A decorated canoe with two people paddling. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1921.
A decorated canoe with one person paddling. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1921.
A flower raft, three women standing on a bridge. One man paddling [?]. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
Decorated canoes on a river. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
A peacock-shaped float on the river, followed by three men in a canoe. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
Canoe decorated with flowers, followed by two men in another canoe. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1921.
A floating bridge carrying four women. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
A covered canoe with canopy of Asian design. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1921.
Pauline Pauling, standing in a forested area and wearing hiking clothes. "Pauline
1921". Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
Pauline Pauling, seated in a forested area and wearing hiking clothes. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
Studio portrait of Pauline Pauling. "1921 at Oregon State College". Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1921.
An unknown individual and Pauline Pauling, wearing long black coats and gloves, standing
outside near a stone wall. "1921". Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
Pauline Pauling, wearing a swimming suit and holding a towel slung over her shoulder,
standing outside on a rocky beach. "1921?" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1921.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1922.
Ava Helen Miller, age 18. Corvallis, Oregon."Ava Helen Miller/ 18 years old. Ball
Studios Corvallis, Ore." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1922.
Ava Helen Miller, age 18. Corvallis, Oregon. "Ava Helen Miller/ 18 years old." "Ball
Studios Corvallis, Ore." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1922.
Ava Helen Miller outside, arms behind her back Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1922.
Ava Helen Miller's sister Nettie Spaulding holding twins Leone and Rodney Spaulding.
"Nettie / the twins Leone and Rodney" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1922.
Twins Rodney and Leone Spaulding sitting on a chair. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1922.
Ava Helen and Pat Miller. "AHP and Pat Miller" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1922.
Ava Helen Miller and her family posing outside with baskets of flowers. "Lucile? /
Pauline? / AHP / ? / Mr. Spaulding / Nora? / ? / Lucile / Dickie" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1922.
Ava Helen Miller standing between an unidentified man and Red Shelton. "? / AHP /
Red Shelton" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1922.
Ava Helen Miller sitting on steps in front of a house. "AHP ca. 1922" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1922.
An unidentified man balancing himself on a rock with one foot. "1922" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1922.
Ava Helen Miller, Linus Pauling, and Mary Miller. "AHP and Mary Miller" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1922.
Ava Helen Miller and Linus Pauling (left) sitting on the ground with Osy [?] and Ms.
Canklin [?] (right). "Please return this. It was taken at Union. Osy took it with a string attached to the camera. This girl-a Miss Canklin is lovely a OAC Whitman
girl. Do return this Mary. Isn't it bad of me? AP." Photograph by Osy [?]. Black and
white print. 1922.
A house covered with snow. A long picket fence in front of the house. "Haar Gonsvoy
fersty. 15 [?] / 1922" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1922.
Linus Pauling sitting on the back of a car with his legs over the spare wheel. Pasadena,
California. "LP 1922 / Pasadena A student's car" "California Institute of Technology
RKM.' "LP 1922 Trip to San Diego" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1922.
Shiny orange ribbon with black letters. "March 31 / April 1 / 1922 / Engineering Show". March 31-April 1, 1922.
Linus Pauling and his mother Lucy Isabelle (Belle) Pauling at the foot of the front
porch. "LP and mother" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1922.
Lucile, Linus, Isabelle (Belle), and Pauline Pauling standing at the foot of the front
porch steps. Linus has his arm around his sister Lucile. "Lucile LP Mother Pauline
1922" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1922.
Linus Pauling, wearing a suit. "LP ~1922" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1922.
Linus Pauling standing on a street, talking to a boy. Another boy wearing a safari
hat standing in the background. Linus holding an open book in his left hand and gesturing
upward with his right hand. " LP / LP 1922" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1922.
Linus Pauling and Ava Helen Miller standing in front of a house. Corvallis, Oregon.
"1922" "This is I and my sweetheart. I am very anxious to have you meet him. He is
such a lovely sweet man and Oh-I love him so. He looks rather happy, doesn't he? I
don't look very well I had been crying. I'm really most happy and proud to be near
him. I love you, Linus. Your Ava Helen." "This is rather sweet of Mr. Legs & arm."
"1922 Engaged" "OAC Graduation June 1922" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. June, 1922.
Linus Pauling graduating from Oregon Agricultural College. Linus wearing a flower
on his lapel. Corvallis "LP graduation OAC 1922" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1922.
Ava Helen Miller (left) and Mary Miller (right) standing outside. "AHP and her sister
Mary 1922" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1922.
Ava Helen Miller outside a house in front of some stairs, smiling at the camera. "AHP
~1922" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1922.
Ava Helen Miller holding a flower basket, age 18. "AHP. 18 yrs. old." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1922.
Ava Helen Miller sitting outside with a flower in her hair. "Ava Helen about when
I met her" "Ava Helen Age 18" "You can't guess who this demure maid is with braids
around her head and a bit of flower at her ear. Does she not look funny? Red took
this too. I send you these to prove that I am not beautiful but on the contrary am
very plain." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1922.
Linus Pauling and his family standing outside a Portland house. Pauline and Lucile
Pauling sitting down on some steps, Linus and his mother Isabelle (Belle) standing.
Portland, Oregon. "ca. 1920 Portland Pauline, Lucile, Belle, Linus. 1339 27"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1922.
Linus Pauling and family standing outside a house. Portland, Oregon. "Lucile, Linus,
Belle, Pauline ca. 1920." "1133" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1922.
Linus Pauling and family sitting on the front steps of a house. Portland, Oregon.
"LP, mother, sisters Portland 1922" "1394" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1922.
Chemistry Building [Education Hall], Oregon Agricultural College. Corvallis, Oregon.
"Chem Bldg OAC where I met Ava Helen. "Chemistry Bldg. Oregon Agricultural College
1922 37 1126 122" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1922.
Mining Building [Dearborn Hall?] at Oregon Agricultural College. Corvallis, Oregon.
"Mining Engineering Building Ore. Ag. Col. 1922." "30 1371" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1922.
Linus Pauling and Ava Helen Miller standing on the sidewalk in front of a house. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1922.
Linus Pauling as a young man, wearing a suit. "Spring 1922" "return to LP Jr" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1922.
Linus standing between Lucile and Pauline Pauling. "Lucile, Linus, Pauling Pauling.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1922.
Linus Pauling and Ava Helen Miller standing outside. AHP holding flowers in her hands.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1922.
Linus Pauling and Ava Helen Miller standing outside, Ava Helen with flowers in her
hands. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1922.
Linus Pauling sitting on a bridge. Copyright: Everybody, Sutherlin, Ore. Photographer unknown. Black and white print with color touch-ups. 1922.
Linus Pauling and Ava Helen Miller on the left, standing next to Pauline and Wallace
Stockton. "Pauline Pauling 1st husband Wallace Stockton." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1922.
Ava Helen Miller, Linus Pauling, and two unidentified men sitting on rocks near a
stream. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1922.
Ava Helen Miller's sister, Mary Brown, standing in front of ladder. "Mary / Mary K.
Brownie" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1922.
Ava Helen Miller's sister, Mary Brown, petting a dog. "Mary / Mary K. Brownie" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1922.
Rodney and Leone Spaulding in a carriage. "Twins" Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1922.
Wallace Millard, Betty Leone, and Boyd Eldon Brown sitting on a log. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1922.
Unidentified individual straddling the spare tire of an automobile. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1922.
Ava Helen Miller, age 18. "Dear Brother Milton We did so many things: Rode horseback
bicycled [sans] danced fun. Were baptised at same time sang 'Because' at my wedding."
"Ball Studios Corvallis, Ore." Sepia tone print. 1922.
Linus Pauling (second from right), in a group photo of laborers. "EveryBody, Sutherlin,
ORE" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1922.
Linus Pauling and Alfred Robertson, 1922. "Alfred Robertson. High School + Oregon
State then totastua[?] Kodak." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1922.
Alfred Robertson, and Paul Emmett. "Alfred Robertson (t.) / Paul Emmett (r.) / June
1922 / OAC." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. June 1922.
Linus Pauling standing outside, wearing glasses and holding a book. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1922.
Pauline Pauling, Lucile Pauling and Belle Pauling, sitting together on a blanket in
a grassy park. "1922". Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1922.
Lucile Pauling and Pauline Pauling, standing outside and sharing an apple. [?] "Lucile
18 yrs. / Pauline 20". Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1922.
Pauline Pauling and Lucile Pauling, standing together outside. "Pauline and Lucile
18 yrs". Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1922.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1923.
Group Photo of Chemistry Staff, California Institute of Technology. Back Row: Charles
Prescott, Richard Badger, James Bell, Howard Lucas, Arthur A. Noyes, Richard Tolman,
William Lacey, Stuart Bates, Ernest Swift, Roscoe Dickinson. Front Row: Linus Pauling,
Ernest White, Reinhardt Schuhmann, William Holton, Joseph Mayer, Paul Emmett, Vincent
Manchee, Oliver Wolf, L. Merle Kirkpatrick. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1923.
Ava Helen Pauling in an old Ford. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1923.
Ava Helen Pauling in her wedding dress holding Clay Miller's arm. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1923.
Ava Helen Pauling in wedding dress standing outdoors with Linus Pauling. "AHP & LP
/ 17 June 1923" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. June 17, 1923.
Ava Helen Pauling in wedding dress (left) with her mother Nora Miller. "Ava as a bride
and [her] mother, 17 June 1923, AHP + mother" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. June 17, 1923.
Ava Helen Pauling, in wedding dress (left), with her mother Nora Miller. "AHP & Nora"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1923.
Ava Helen Pauling and Linus Pauling on their wedding day, with family. "AHP + LP /
17 June 1923" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. June 17, 1923.
Laboratory equipment. A sign reads, "Danger high voltage." "X-ray powder diffraction
apparatus built by Linus Pauling in 1923 (the cassettes were purchased)." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1923.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling's wedding day. Ava Helen and Linus standing in front of
a house with a large group of people. Salem, Oregon. "17 June 1923 Wedding AHP + LP,
Salem." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. June 17, 1923.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling's wedding. Ava Helen and Linus standing in front of a
house with a large group of people. Salem, Oregon. "Wedding AHP + LP. 17 June 1923,
Salem. Paul Emmett at far back." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. June 17, 1923.
Linus Pauling with his mother Lucy Isabelle (Belle) Pauling. "LP and his mother Belle
(Isabelle) 17 June '23". Photographer unknown. Black and white print. June 17, 1923.
Nettie and Walter Spaulding with twins Rodney and Leone, outdoors. "Nettie & Walter
Spaulding w/ the twins" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1923.
Twins Rodney and Leone Spaulding sitting outdoors. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1923.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling on their wedding day. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1923.
Linus Pauling and Ava Helen Pauling (middle), picnicking with a group of people. A
few men stand behind the group. Busick Ranch, Oregon. "Picnic of Catherine Creek Union,
Oregon 1923 at Busick Ranch, OR." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1923.
Waldo and Blanche Brown, with their three adopted children Betty Leone, Wallace Millard,
and Boyd Eldon Brown. "Waldo, Blanche (Miller) Brown, their 3 adopted children, Betty
Brown Park girl." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1923.
A group of four young children. Three girls, and a boy. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1923.
Adelheit Pauling standing outside a house. Lake Oswego, Oregon. "Adelheit Blanken
Pauling LP's grandmother" "1095" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1923.
Adelheit Pauling sitting in a chair outside a house. Lake Oswego, Oregon. "Mrs. Ada
Pauling taken June 26, 1923 at her place in Oswego, Ore. LP's grandmother Adelheit
Pauling" "0214" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. June 26, 1923.
Betty Leone, Wallace Millard, and Boyd Eldon Brown in winter coats and hats. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1923.
Spaulding family outdoors. Nettie hugging the twins. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1923.
Spaulding family outdoors. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1923.
Nettie Spaulding[?] (left), Ava Helen Pauling (right), and children in yard. "Blanche
/ Nettie on left / AHP on right" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1923.
Nettie Spaulding, Nora Miller, and several children in a yard. Little girl pushing
a carriage with twins in it. "Nettie / Nora" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1923.
Rodney Spaulding standing on a carpet. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1923.
Leone Spaulding standing on a carpet. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1923.
Pearl Gist holding her baby daughter Gloria Pearl Gist. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1923.
Pearl Gist holding her baby daughter Gloria Pearl Gist. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1923.
Forrest Gist holding baby Gloria Pearl Gist. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1923.
Baby Gloria Pearl Gist resting on a blanket outside. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1923.
Pearl, Forest and baby Gloria Gist. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1923.
Roscoe G. Dickinson, seated with arms folded, smoking a pipe. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1923.
An unidentified lady [?] in a black dress and a child [?] in a white dress, outdoors.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1923.
Linus and Lucile Pauling standing in front of a house. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1923.
Blanche Brown and her adopted children Wallace Millard, Betty Leone, and Boyd Eldon
Brown, in swimsuits. "Blanche + kids." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1923.
Ava Helen Pauling's cousin, Elizabeth Jean Taylor, in a white robe in the yard. "Jean."
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1923.
Waldo Brown and his three adopted children Betty Leone, Wallace Millard, and Boyd
Eldon Brown. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1923.
Betty Leone Brown standing outside wearing a white coat, hat, and pair of mittens.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1923.
Boyd Eldon, Betty Leone, and Wallace Millard Brown sitting in a tree. "Blanche + kids".
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1923.
Linus and Lucile Pauling standing in front of a house. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1923.
Lucile Pauling standing outside and holding a cat. "1923". Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1923.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1924.
Nora Miller standing in front Ava Helen and Linus Pauling's Corvallis home. "Mrs.
Linus Pauling / Jan 16, 1924. / Momma and our Corvallis home. / S. 15th St." Photographer unknown. Black and white print mounted on a piece of cardboard. Jan 16, 1924.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling in bathing suits, camping. "1924 / AHP / LP." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1924.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling on the Pacific Ocean beach at Corona del Mar, California.
"AHP / LP / 1924." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1924.
Palm trees. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1924.
Palm trees. Palm Springs, California. "Palm Springs" Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1924.
Palm trees. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1924.
Palm trees. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1924.
Palm Canyon (scenery). "Palm Canyon 1924" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1924.
Scenery at Corona del Mar, California. "Corona del Mar 1924" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1924.
Scenery at Corona del Mar, California. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1924.
Blanche Brown standing outside with adopted children Boyd Eldon, Wallace Millard,
and Betty Leone Brown. "Blanche + kids" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1924.
Blanche Brown with adopted children Betty Leone, Wallace Millard, and Boyd Eldon Brown;
the youngest on her lap, reading. "Blanche + kids". Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1924.
Nora Miller sitting on a rock with Boyd Eldon, Betty Leone, and Wallace Millard Brown
beside her. "Nora + Blanche kids" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1924.
Wallace Millard, Betty Leone, and Boyd Eldon Brown looking over a bridge. "Blanche
+ kids". Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1924.
Blanche Brown sitting on a bridge, with Wallace Millard, Betty Leone, and Boyd Eldon.
"Blanche + kids". Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1924.
Wallace Millard, Betty Leone, and Boyd Eldon Brown, dressed formally. "Blanche +kids".
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1924.
Nora Miller holding Betty Leone Brown. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1924.
Nettie Spaulding standing outside with her adopted daughter Leone Spaulding. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1924.
Leone Spaulding wearing a hat, standing in the grass. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1924.
Leone Spaulding in the nude standing outside. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1924.
Leone Spaulding sitting on a chair next to a tricycle in the yard. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1924.
Leone Spaulding wearing a poncho and hat in the yard. "Leone" written on back of the
photo. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1924.
Leone Spaulding on tricycle in yard. "Leone" written on the back of the photo. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1924.
Leone Spaulding with crossed arms sitting on a chair in the yard. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1924.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling sitting on the ground under a tree. Nettie Spaulding [?]
and gentleman sitting on a log in the background. Written on the photo, "AHP / LP".
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1924.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling camping in front of mountains with a group of people.
"Our camp near Palm Springs 1922." "1922?? Not married until June 1923 / AHP came
to Pas September 23." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. September, 1924.
Back row, left to right: Linus and Ava Helen Pauling, Nora Miller, and Nettie Spaulding.
Leone Spaulding standing in front. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1924.
Leone Spaulding holding Nettie Spaulding's hand. Comments on photo, "Nettie / Leone".
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1924.
Leone Spaulding with arms crossed. Comment on back of photo, "Leone". Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1924.
Ava Helen Pauling's cousin Elizabeth Jean Taylor with butterfly dress, outdoors. "Jean"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1924.
Scenery in Wolf Creek, Oregon. Possibly taken during LP's summer work on road construction
crew. "Wolf Creek, Ore. 424" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1924.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1925.
Linus Pauling Jr. on four-wheel go-cart. "32" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1925.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling in front of a house."Oakdale St. Pasadena" "1925 I had
been working on our model T Ford, putting in a new bearing." "LP + AHP, Pasadena"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Lucile Pauling holding her nephew Linus Pauling, Jr. "42 Lucile Pauling w. LP Jr.
1926" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Ava Helen Pauling and LuGorgo (Lulu) Miller holding Linus Pauling, Jr. "41 Ava, LP
Jr, L Gorgo" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Ava Helen Pauling holding Linus Pauling Jr. "1925." Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1925.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting and holding two-month-old Linus Pauling Jr. "2 months; Ava
Helen and Linus Jr., May 1925." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. May, 1925.
Ava Helen Pauling standing outside, holding Linus Pauling Jr. "1925" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting outside on a rocking chair, nursing Linus Pauling Jr. "1925."
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Linus Pauling holding Linus Pauling Jr. in front of a house. "1925." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Linus Pauling standing outside in cap and gown, facing away from the camera, towards
a house. "54 LP in gown & hood after CIT grad 1925" Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1925.
Linus Pauling, his mother Isabelle (Belle) Pauling, and his sister Lucile Pauling,
standing around Gussie Block, who holds Linus Pauling, Jr. "44 LP, ? Holding LP Jr,
Belle, Lucile" "Gussie block LP's 2nd cousin" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
The first Gard family reunion. "First Gard Reunion. Gladstone Park, 1925.". 1925.
Linus Pauling with sunglasses, holding beach umbrella. Two women and two men [?] in
the background. Dated 1925. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Nora Miller holding five-month-old Linus Pauling Jr. "Nora Gard Miller / Linus Jr.
5 months / Grand mother / 1925" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Linus Pauling and Isabelle Pauling sitting and holding Linus Jr. "Isabella Pauling
/ Linus' mother / Linus Jr. 1925" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
LuGorgo (Lulu) Miller holding Linus Jr. "40 L. Gorgo holding LP Jr." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Nora Miller holding Linus Jr., standing outside with Ava Helen Pauling in front of
house. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Nora Miller, Ava Helen Pauling and Linus Jr., standing outside. Ava Helen holding
the baby. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Linus Pauling standing touching his grandmother, Adelheit Blanken Pauling, on the
shoulder as she sits and holds Linus Pauling Jr. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1925.
Adelheit Pauling holding Linus Jr. while he looks away from the camera. "Adelheit
Pauling holding Linus Jr." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Adelheit Pauling holding Linus Pauling Jr. with Ava Helen Pauling leaning over her
shoulder. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Adelheit Pauling and Linus Pauling Jr. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Adelheit Pauling and Linus Pauling Jr. "Oswego Oregon / Grandmother, Adelheit Blanken
Pauling / 1925 / Linus, Linus Jr. 5 months" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1925.
Lucile Pauling holding Linus Pauling, Jr. "43 Lucile holding LP Jr." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Linus Pauling, wearing a suit, standing outside between two women [LP's sisters?].
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Linus Pauling Jr. lying in a crib with his feet in the air. A toy ring lying beside
him. "9" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Ava Helen Pauling holding Linus Jr. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Ava Helen Pauling nursing Linus Jr. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Ava Helen Pauling holding Linus Pauling Jr. Photograph cut in half. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1925.
Linus Pauling holding Linus Pauling Jr. "3 mo." Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1925.
Linus Pauling reading, sitting in a rocking chair with Linus Pauling Jr. in his lap.
"23" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting, breast feeding Linus Pauling Jr. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1925.
Linus Pauling Jr. on a four wheel go-cart. "31" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1925.
Ava Helen Pauling's brother George Miller and his two daughters, June Elnora Miller
and Peggy Patricia Miller, by some bushes."George Miller and two daughters." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Ava Helen Pauling holding a naked Linus Pauling Jr. Photo has a black smudge in the
center. "6 weeks / Linus Jr. / 1925" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
George Miller and his daughter Peggy Miller. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1925.
Ava Helen Pauling wearing an embroidered blouse, holding two-month-old Linus Pauling
Jr. "8 weeks" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Linus Pauling Jr. lying in a crib and touching his feet. Photo has a small hole at
the top of the picture. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Ava Helen Pauling standing outside holding four-month-old Linus Pauling Jr. high in
the air. "July 9, 4 mo." "Ava Helen and Linus Jr., 4 months" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1925.
Woman [?] holding a naked Linus Pauling Jr. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1925.
Linus Pauling Jr. resting on a blanket outside. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1925.
A naked Linus Pauling Jr. lying on his back, wearing a bonnet. "End of July, 4 mo."
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Linus Pauling Jr. lying on a blanket. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Linus Pauling Jr. lying on a blanket, wearing a cap, mittens, and booties. "End of
July 4 mo." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
June and Peggy Miller sitting outside in small rocking chairs, each holding a kitten.
"44" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
June and Peggy Miller outside. "June / Peggy (George's children)." Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1925.
Nora Miller hugging Glenna Elnora Gist. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Ava Helen Pauling standing outside a house holding Linus Pauling Jr. "Five weeks"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Ava Helen Pauling standing outside a house holding Linus Pauling Jr. "Five weeks Linus,
Jr. 1925" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Linus Pauling standing outside, holding Linus Pauling Jr. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1925.
Nora Miller sitting in between Pearl's daughters. "Nora and Pearl's daughters, Gloria
and Glenna " Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Linus Pauling standing outside a house, holding baby Linus, Jr. "5 weeks" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Nora Miller sitting outside with Glenna Gist, one of Pearl's daughters. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Linus Pauling standing outside a house, holding six-week-old Linus Pauling Jr. "6
weeks" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting in a chair, holding baby Linus, Jr. "Ava Helen and Linus,
Jr. 3 mos." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Linus Pauling Jr. sitting on a four wheel go-cart, wearing a large straw hat. "7 months"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Graduation ceremony at Caltech. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Students attending the graduation ceremony at Caltech. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1925.
Pearl Gist sitting between Glenna and Gloria Gist. "Pearl and her daughters" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Leone Spaulding standing outside a house. "Leone. Whatever happened to Rodney?" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Mary Miller's wedding, June 21. A group of people (seven women, three men) standing
outside together. One woman and a young girl each hold a wreath of flowers. "? Nora,
Ruth's sister, Ruth F., Ruth M., Ruth, Clay, Walter, Nettie?" ["From left the ; ministers
wife ; your mother; Ruth's grandmother ; Mother Ruth Nettie ; back [row] Mr. Mclain
; Stepfather ; Clay & Walter; Ruth's sister who was & is very ill ; & Lynne"] Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. June 21, 1925.
Ava Helen Pauling holding Linus Pauling Jr., in front of a door. "AHP + Crellie" [sic?]
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Linus Pauling's desk at the Gates Lab. "x-ray apparatus / LP's desk / Basement of
Gates Lab / 1925" [Copy in LP's scientific photo collection under 1925i.2] Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling with their first car, a Ford. Ava Helen sitting inside
the car, nursing Linus Jr. "1916 Ford / AHP nursing LP Jr. in 1925 / Our first car
- a 1916 Ford. / 1923 [?] in profile" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Clay and Ruth Miller, with Walter, Nettie, and Leone Spaulding, standing outside near
a vase of flowers. "Walter, Nettie, Ruth, Clay" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1925.
Clay Miller's first wife, Ruth Miller, standing outside wearing a hat. A very light
photograph. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Clay and Ruth Miller standing outside. "Clay, Ruth" Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1925.
Front row, left to right: Robert (Bobby), Nora, Nettie, and Dorcas Miller. In front:
Barbara Miller. Nora holding Robert. "(Clay's) Bobby, Nora, Nettie, Dorcas, Barbara
(Clay's)." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Linus Pauling Jr. lying on a table, with Ava Helen Pauling's arms around him. "6 weeks
Linus Jr. 1925" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Nora, Milton, and Nettie Miller, with Clay Miller's children Robert (held by Nora
) and Barbara Miller (front). "Nora [holding Bobbie] / Milton / Nettie / Bobbie [being
held by Nora] /Clay's Barbara [girl in front]" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1925.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling, Walter and Nettie Spaulding, and Dorcas and Milton Miller
standing outside. Ava Helen and Linus Pauling linking arms on the left. "Ava Helen
Pauling" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Back row: Walter Spaulding, Milton and Dorcas Miller, and Linus Pauling, standing.
Front row: Nettie Spaulding, and Ava Helen Pauling sitting. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1925.
Linus Pauling standing outside in graduation cap and gown. "55 LP after CIT grad.
1925" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Little girl [?] wearing a white dress and standing in front of a bush. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Linus Pauling Jr. bathing outside. "7 months" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1925.
Linus Pauling sitting, holding Linus Pauling Jr. in his lap. "24" "LP + LP Jr @ March
1925" "return to LP Jr" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Isabelle (Belle) Pauling, in overcoat and hat, holding Linus Pauling Jr. "14 Lola
(?) Belle holding LP Jr" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Isabelle (Belle) Pauling standing outdoors, holding Linus Pauling Jr. "45 Belle with
LP Jr." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Ava Helen Pauling, sitting on the front steps of a house, holding Linus Pauling Jr.
[On the back of the photo] "photo, 899 E. Broadway Portland, OREGON Linus Pauling
Jr Gorgo Miller Duck Toy 899E Brody Linus Jr." Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1925.
Linus Pauling Jr. lying in his crib. "July 12 4 mo" Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. July 12, 1925.
Linus, Isabelle (Belle), and Linus Pauling Jr. "37 LP & Belle Pauling holding LP Jr.
Oregon" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Adelheit Pauling sitting and holding Linus Pauling Jr., Linus Pauling standing beside
them. "LP + his father's mother Grandmother Pauling and LCP Jr. 1925" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Ava Helen Pauling bathing Linus Pauling Jr. in a large enamel basin. "15" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Ava Helen Pauling helping Linus Pauling Jr. stand. Palm trees in the background. "36"
"9 1/2 months" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Linus Pauling Jr.'s first Christmas. "35" "1st Christmas" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Mary Miller in wedding dress with Edwin Fuller (Brownie) Brown. "Mary K. Brownie"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Mary Miller's wedding. Four adults in the center, including Mary and Edwin Fuller
(Brownie) Brown, with eleven children forming a half circle in front of them. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Mary Miller's wedding. A girl holding a flowered wreath standing in front of the church.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Mary Miller's wedding. Mary and Edwin Fuller (Brownie) Brown outside, hugging. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Mary Miller's wedding. Nine flower girls standing in line, holding flower wreaths.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Mary Miller holding her wedding bouquet, standing next to the church. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Mary Miller's wedding. Mary and Edwin Fuller (Brownie) Brown standing in front of
the church. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Mary Miller's wedding. Mary supervising nine flower girls. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1925.
Mary Miller's wedding. Back row: LuGorgo (Lulu) Miller, Edwin Fuller (Brownie) Brown,
and Blanche Brown. Front row: Milton and Mary Miller. "Mary's wedding / George, Milton,
Brownie, Blanche, Mary." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Mary Miller's wedding. Nine flower girls outside, holding wreaths by the corner of
the church. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Mary Miller's wedding. Mary standing beside an unidentified woman wearing a dark hat
with an unidentified man in a car behind them. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1925.
Pauline Pauling standing outside in front of an open doorway. "1925" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Pauline Pauline standing on the steps of a large arched entryway. "Los Angeles / Pauline
/ 1925? / Mrs. Wally Stockton". Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1925.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1926.
Portrait of Linus and Ava Helen Pauling. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling Jr. on a sidewalk, both sitting on a tricycle. "1926"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Uncle Jack [John Linn?] with a large group of people outside in front of an open building.
"Uncle Jack with nieces and nephews 1926." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
A close-up of Ava Helen Pauling on a boat. Switzerland. "Switzerland 1926" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Frau Rosenfeld [?], the Paulings' landlady in Munich, dressed in German ethnic clothes,
standing. "F. Grainer, Bad reichenhall / Our landlady in Munich 1926-7, Frau Rosenfeld,
Adalbert & Barenstrasse" / [German text difficult to read] / Photographer unknown.
Black and white print, mounted on paper. 1926.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling Jr. standing on the sidewalk. "11 months" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Linus Pauling Jr. sitting in an enamel washbasin. "11 months. Linus, Jr. 1926" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Linus Pauling Jr. sitting in an enamel washbasin looking to the left. "11 months"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Linus Pauling Jr. pushing a four-wheel go-cart along the sidewalk. "11 months" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Linus Pauling Jr. standing next to his four-wheel go-cart. "11 months" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Linus Pauling Jr. sitting on a four-wheel go-cart with a ball in his mouth. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Ava Helen Pauling holding a camera, standing on the deck of a ship. 1926-27 European
Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting with Peter Debye. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1926.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting with Peter Debye. Another man standing next to her on her
right side. "Peter Debye / Fall of 1926 / Zuricher See" 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Wolfgang Pauli and Paul Langevin. Ava Helen Pauling in the background. "Pauli & Langevin
/ 1927" 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting with three people. Two men next to her wearing suits. 1926-27
European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
The S.S. Duilio. "S S Duilio 1926 / S.S. Duilio / from the tender at Madeira / European
Trip 1926 - 1927" [on a pink slip] 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1926.
Ava Helen Pauling wearing a black coat, standing on a ship. [Two sides of the picture
are torn off] "AHP / 1926 / European Trip 1926 - 1927" [on a pink slip] 1926-27 European
Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
A child wearing a wide round hat. Madeira, Portugal. "Native child at Funchal, Madeira"
1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
A child wearing a wide round hat. A boy in a black coat standing close to her. Madeira,
Portugal. "1926 / Madeira". 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1926.
Natives diving for coins from two row boats. Madeira, Portugal. "Diving for coins
/ Madeira / 1926 / Boys diving for coins at Funchal, Madeira" 1926-27 European Trip.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Ava Helen Pauling in hat and black coat standing outdoors. Madeira, Portugal. "April
1926 / Madeira / Funchal, Madiera" 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1926.
The Temple of Neptune. Paestum, Italy. "Temple of Neptune / [?] / 1926" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1926-27 European Trip. 1926.
Ava Helen Pauling standing in the ruins of the Temple of Neptune. Paestum, Italy.
"AHP / [?] / 1926" 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
A Roman arch. Italy. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1926.
A Roman arch. Italy. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1926.
Roman ruins. Italy. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Ava Helen Pauling feeding pigeons in Rome square. "AHP / Rome Ap. 1926" ] 1926-27
European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting amongst Roman ruins. Italy. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting amongst Roman ruins. Italy. "AHP / Rome / 1926". 1926-27
European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
The Roman Colosseum. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1926.
A Cathedral. [Location?]. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1926.
A European city. [Location?]. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1926.
Ava Helen Pauling feeding pigeons. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1926.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting on a bench, holding a cane. Florence, Italy. "AHP / Florence
/ 1926" 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting with a hat and walking cane. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
The Rock of Gibraltar. "Gibraltar / Ap 1926" 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1926.
European coastline. [Location?]. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1926.
European coastline. [Location?]. [blurry dark image in the upper right hand corner]
1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Ancient ruins. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting amongst ruins. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1926.
Scenery of a barren land with a small hut. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1926.
Ava Helen Pauling standing in front of a garden, holding a bouquet. "Italy 1926" 1926-27
European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Two ships. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Four people [?] standing in the snow. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1926.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling [?] on top of a mountain. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Mountains. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Mountains. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Mountains. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
A mountain peak. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Mountains. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Three mountain peaks. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1926.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting in the snow. Linus Pauling [?] standing behind her with
a walking cane. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling standing on a mountaintop. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling (standing behind her), and two other men standing on the
snow. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
A street in Munich, lined with pedestrians and vendor's carts. Two large towers connected
by a stone arch in the background. "Munich 1926 / Sendlinger Tor" 1926-27 European
Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Aerial view of the Alps. Switzerland. "Bayrischzell, Sedelfeld" "Graf enherbergalmen
mit Kalsergebirge" "Augnahme und Verlag G. [Saader, Bayrischzep?] 1926-27 European
Trip." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Aerial view of the Alps. "Sudelfeld, Bevarion Alps, 1926." 1926-27 European Trip.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting on a grassy hillside. "AHP 1926/27, [Switzerland?]" 1926-27
European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Linus Pauling standing in front of an iron gate. Linus smiling with his hands behind
his back. "LP in Germany, 1926. Neg. made '96." 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Linus Pauling, Werner Kuhn, and Wolfgang Pauli standing on the deck of a boat. "L.
Pauling Kuhn Pauli Zuricher See 1926" 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1926.
Linus Pauling leaning against one of the columns in the Temple of Neptune. Paestum,
Italy. "In the Temple of Neptune Paestumn 9 Italy / Linus Pauling Age 25 / April 1926"
1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
The Miller family at the beach. "Linus Jr. in Nora's arms." "We all went to Blanches
the 4th. Melvin and Cera Shankland stopped in on the way home so they had a swimming party
+ J had the baby out in it teaching him to wade. I had just put on his shoes (Aunt
Sus) My hair is terrible but for my life the rest of the baby is sweet. He is a little
thinner it has been so hot: It is cooler now. I'm home, had a rain." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Linus Pauling holding eleven-month old Linus Pauling Jr. in the air. "1926 11 Months"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Linus Pauling with Linus Pauling Jr. strapped to his back in a baby carrier, outside.
"11 Months on trip to Mt. Wilson 1926." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Linus Pauling with Linus Pauling Jr. strapped to his back. Ava Helen Pauling standing
next to Linus holding a hat. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Ava Helen (far right) and Linus Pauling (second from right) hiking, accompanied by
an unknown couple (left). Linus carrying Linus Pauling Jr. in a backpack. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Linus Pauling hiking, carrying Linus Pauling Jr. in a backpack. "Pauling, Linus C.,
Sr." "Star-Bulletin Chemist Linus C. Pauling as he looked in 1925 with his 3-month
old son, Linus, Jr. Tue December 10 1963" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Linus Pauling holding Linus Jr. Linus wearing a sweater, sitting cross-legged on a
blanket in the grass. "29" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Linus Pauling Jr. bathing in a large pot. "11 months", [stamped upside down] "104R233"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Nora Gard Miller standing outside her home, holding Linus Pauling Jr. Linus Jr. wearing
a hat. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Linus Pauling Jr. standing in the Pauling's front yard. "This is another "Show me
your hands. [B]ut really mamma[,] the sun was in face and I wanted to go bye bye [,]
so it is not the best I can do either.["] [Written in blue ink on the back of photo]
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Linus Pauling Jr. reaching with his right arm while standing on his left foot. "LP
Jr." "Grandma is saying[,] [W]here are your hands? One is full so I extend one but
I usually stretch out both hands and twist them about[,] grandma really adores me
for this act. [written in blue ink on the back of the photo] Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1926.
Linus Pauling Jr. standing in the Pauling's front yard. "LP Jr." "Dear Mama and Daddie
-This is my 1st suit with pants which are blue with white waist and blue cuff and collar and has
a tab buttoned to shoulder collar with a design in front in red. Is it not cute? All
my love." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Linus Pauling Jr. leaning over a bucket, his back to the camera. [a very faded stamp
on the velox photo paper] "2215" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Linus Pauling Jr. bending down to pick up something in the driveway. "LP Jr." "Grandma
asked 'Where are your shoes? I equated to place my hands on my 'su su' but saw something
on the ground and dived for it and got it to but it is not perfect." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Linus Pauling Jr. wearing a diaper, standing in the Pauling's front yard. Lillian
(Dickie) Miller crouching down beside Linus Jr. "I am taking my usual morning sunbath.
I could not keep still so Auntie is coaxing me and I'll do my very best to (spoil
it)." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Lillian (Dickie) Miller holding Linus Pauling Jr. "LP Jr, Aunt George 1926" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Pauling family portrait. Linus Pauling standing, Ava Helen Pauling sitting, holding
baby Linus Pauling Jr. Stamp: "Hartsook" "This is the print that was in the small
frame on the breakfast table in the kitchen shown in the video inventory. I'm positive
Linda has original duplicates. Note food droppings from LP before I got it behind
glass." Black and white print. 1926.
Linus Pauling Jr., smiling and looking to the right. "Hartsook / Hartsook, California" Photographer unknown. Black and white print, with cardboard frame. 1926.
Linus Pauling Jr. "Hartsook / Hartsook, California" Photographer unknown. Black and white print, with cardboard frame. 1926.
Linus Pauling Jr., standing on the sidewalk. "At the same time and place only facing
toward the house here. You can get an idea of how I look standing alone. Grandma wants
some of me walking but I'm going to have lots of fun be4 she gets it. Don't I look
well Mama dear?" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
The second Gard family reunion, with Uncle Jack [?]. "2nd Gard Reunion with Uncle Jack, 82 years old." Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1926.
Nora Gard Miller (front row, left), with Uncle Rick [?], and his nieces and nephews.
"Uncle Rick with nieces and nephews, 1926". Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1926.
A large group of people outside in front of an open building. A few adults and children
crouching in the front row. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Four men sitting outside, holding hats in their laps. "Four remaining Linns that crossed
the plains 26." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Outdoor group photo. Three children sitting on the left, four adults crouching on
the right. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Group photo of many people around a long table outside. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1926.
Groups photo, several people sitting outside at a table. Three adults (left) sitting
at the head of the table. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. "Nora Gard
with ? & kids" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Group photo, many people sitting outside at a table. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1926.
Group photo, many standing around a table outside. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1926.
Linus Pauling Jr. sitting on four-wheel go-cart, eating an apple. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1926.
Linus Pauling on a covered boat. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1926.
Two men sitting on a boat. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1926.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting on a bench, surrounded by four men. 1926-27 European Trip.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
An unidentified couple sitting on a boat deck. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
An unidentified couple sitting on a boat deck. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Linus Pauling sitting on the steps of a columned building. 1926-27 European Trip.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Linus Pauling in front of a building with a Grecian facade. "Königsplatz München".
1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
A large water fountain in France. "Gardin des Sulleries [?]" 1926-27 European Trip.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
A Romanesque building. "Königsplatz München". 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling, and another man, on top of a mountain. "Mamma, Right
beyond us there is a drop of over 3000 feet. I have on skiing mitts and regular mountain
shoes with nails in them." 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1926.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling Pauling, and another man, standing by a statue. "Hey!"
1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Linus Pauling wearing a suit, posing on a rocky hill. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
An unknown man wearing a suit, standing next to a series of steps. "The Duke himself!
Pay no attention to the illusion of fallen arches--anyone then had to climb (?) Steps
would (?) Them! I shaved off my mustache since this was taken--no one missed it for
two days or more! Good thing I (?) It, I guess..." 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Ava Helen Pauling in a garden, sitting on a chair. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
The Eiffel Tower from a distance. "View from the steps of the Srocadero [?]" 1926-27
European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Ava Helen Pauling standing in front of a large building. "May (?) 1927 (?) / Alte
Pinakothek München" 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
The Notre Dame Cathedral. Paris, France. "Notre Dame - Paris, not Hollywood." 1926-27
European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting on the deck of a ship, reading a book. 1926-27 European
Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Ava Helen Pauling standing outside, with her hands in her coat pockets, and a scarf
tied around her neck. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1926.
Ava Helen Pauling. "4" 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1926.
Ava Helen Pauling standing alone, wearing a hat and overcoat. "5" 1926-27 European
Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Ava Helen Pauling standing, wearing a hat and overcoat. "3" 1926-27 European Trip.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Ava Helen Pauling standing outside, wearing a long coat and hat. 1926-27 European
Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Walter Heitler, Ava Helen Pauling, and Fritz London. standing outside. "Walter Heitler
/ AHP / Fritz London" 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1926.
Walter Heitler, Fritz London, and Ava Helen Pauling standing outside. "Walter Heitler
/ Fritz London + AHP" 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1926.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling (with binoculars), and an unknown woman, looking to the
sky. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Rear view of Linus and Ava Helen Pauling, an unidentified man, and two unidentified
women observing the forest ground. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1926.
Two unknown women standing outside, wearing caps. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
A street in Copenhagen. "Eneret No. 23" "10 FOTOGRAFIER / FRA / 1 KR. LOBENHAVEN 1
KR. / Til Deres Snap-Shot Album. / 10 COPENHAGEN VIEWS / Real Photographs / 10 PHOTOGRAPHEN
VON KOPENHAGEN / Serie Nr. 3 / Nordisk Kort = & Foto-Forlag / Eneret" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Blanche and Waldo Brown, in swimsuits, holding hands. "Blanche/Waldo" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Miller family members in swimsuits standing in the middle of a lake. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
An unknown man leaning on a balcony in the Notre Dame Cathedral. "on Notre Dame" 1926-27
European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Mountains. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Planes in formation. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1926.
European gardens. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
European gardens. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Mountains. "Ava Helen Pauling" 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1926.
Rocky mountain terrain. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1926.
Scenery from a European stream. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1926.
Mountains. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Snow-capped mountains. "Re" 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1926.
Mountains. "Re"1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Snow-capped mountains. "Re" 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1926.
An old church. [Copenhagen?] 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1926.
A European mansion sitting on a riverbank. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1926.
Aerial view of a city. Eneret, Denmark. "Eneret No. 21" 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Village in a high mountain valley. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1926.
A large church with three tiers. "56?" 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1926.
A street in Eneret, Denmark. "Eneret No. 30" 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1926.
Aerial view of several buildings surrounded by snow-covered mountains. 1926-27 European
Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Aerial view of a very large building [Parliament?]. Eneret, Denmark. "Eneret No. 22"
1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Frontal view of a large mansion. Eneret, Denmark. "Eneret No. 24" 1926-27 European
Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
A large building, with an iron fence in the front of it. Eneret, Denmark. "Eneret
No. 25" 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
The Leaning Tower of Piza, Italy. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1926.
A large round building [?]. Paris, France. "Trocadero / Paris" 1926-27 European Trip.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
A canal running through a European city. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1926.
A plaza fountain. Munich, Germany. "Lehnback brunnen München" 1926-27 European Trip.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1926.
Ava Helen Pauling standing in a field. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1926.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1927.
Silhouette of Ava Helen Pauling wearing a hat. "Muler, Munchen / Postkarte / Silhouette
of me made in Germany in 1927 in a restaurant / Ava Helen Pauling" Cut-out black paper
mounted on white background. 1926-27 European Trip. 1927.
Four men sitting around a table, outdoors. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1927.
An unknown man sitting at a table by a house. Two other men working on snow skies
. "13. II. 27 [comment in German] 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1927.
Ava Helen Pauling standing by a chain link fence. "20. 4. 27. / AHP" 1926-27 European
Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
An unknown man mountain climbing the Alps. "1927 0/ Dreitorspitze [German?] / Bavarian
/ Alps" 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling standing on a dock. "20. IV. 27 / Kiel [?], Revenllou-Brucke"
1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
Linus Pauling and an unidentified man seated together on a bench. "20. 4. 27. Rudefahrt
von Multenort." 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling standing on a beach. "20. 4. 27. / Kurstrand Laboe" 1926-27
European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling standing outdoors near a beach, both wearing long coats
and hats. "20. 4. 27 ; Windslarke 8 [power of the wind: ds/dt = 8m/sec] / Batterie
- Ecke ; bei Laboe, Kieler Forde." 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1927.
Linus Pauling chopping wood in the Alps. "Hutte-Bavarian Alps / LP 1927" 1926-27 European
Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
Copenhagen Customs House. Copenhagen, Denmark. "Copenhagen Börse May 22, 27" 1926-27
European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
Ava Helen Pauling standing in front of a lawn. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
Ava Helen Pauling standing in front of a lawn. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
A covered bridge. "Nürnberg June 7, 27" [Same date and city as Ship #1608, 1617 -
1620, 1622 and 1631] 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1927.
A large building with streetcars in front of it. "Bremen Rathaus / April 16, 1927"
1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. April 16, 1927.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling's room in Munich, Germany. "Our room Adeffert + Barer
str. Munich 1927 / Destroyed in WW II" [Same date and place as Ship #1621 and 1633]
1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
A bridge over a tree-lined canal. "Holland 1927" 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
The Gefion Fountain. Copenhagen, Denmark. "Copenhagen May, '27 / 1927 [Written in
different ink beside the original inscription]" [Same date and place as Ship #1606,
1607, 1616 and 1630] 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. May, 1927.
City Hall. Copenhagen, Denmark. "Radhuuse [lines drawn through the word] / Radhuus
from Tivoli / Copenhagen May 22, 27" [Same date and city as Ship #1606, 1607, 1615
and 1630] 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
A city street. Nürnberg, Germany. "Nürnberg June 7, 1927" [Same date and city as Ship
#1608, 1610, 1618 - 1620, 1622 and 1631] 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. June 7, 1927.
A house bridging a canal. "Heiligengeist - Nürnberg June 7 '27" [Same date and city
as Ship #1608, 1610, 1617 - 1620, 1622 and 1631] 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
Ava Helen Pauling posing by standing stones. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1927.
Ava Helen Pauling standing in the street, holding a book. "Dürer's House June 7, '27
/ AHP light look in camera [Written in different color ink in LP's handwriting]" [Same
date and city as Ship #1608, 1610, 1617 - 1619, 1622 and 1631] 1926-27 European Trip.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. June 7, 1927.
Ava Helen Pauling standing outdoors, holding a walking stick. "Photo-Haus Lucian Reiser, Monchen [Two lines of print below are illegible]" 1926-27 European Trip. Black and white
print. 1927.
The Nuremberg street market. "Nuremberg market June 7, 27" [Same date and city as
Ship #1608, 1610, 1617 - 1620 and 1631] 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. June 7, 1927.
An unknown woman standing at the front gate of a small castle. Copenhagen, Denmark.
"Castle-Copenhagen May 27" [Same date and city as Ship #1606, 1607, 1615 and 1616]
1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. May, 1927.
An unknown woman in a dress standing by a low wall. "Nürnberg Berg June 7, 1927" [Same
date and city as Ship #1608, 1610, 1617 - 1620 and 1622] 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. June 7, 1927.
Two unknown people sitting at the base of an obelisk. Munich [?], Germany. "Munich
1927" [Same date and city as Ship #1613 and 1621] 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
An open-air market in Berlin. "Berlin, May 31, 1927" 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. May 31, 1927.
Three men standing on skis. Mountains in the background. "Ludelfeld [?] 1927 [?] (in
the middle) / Atkinson" 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1927.
Ava Helen Pauling standing outside, between an unidentified man and woman. 1926-27
European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling standing together on a dirt pathway. "LP, AHP. Copenhagen,
May, 8, 1927." 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. May 8, 1927.
Two log cabins in front of a mountain. "O il neul Hutle / I'l alte Hutel / grafen
her berg [German]" 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
A town waterfront. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
Ava Helen Pauling at the Plaçe de la Concorde. Paris, France. "Plaçe de la Concorde
Paris" 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
Linus Pauling standing in front of a fountain. "LP 1927" 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
Linus Pauling sitting on the roof of Notre Dame, looking at the Seine River. Paris,
France. "Looking up the Seine from the roof of Notre Dame. (The out-of-focus part
is me.) 1926-27 European Trip." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling standing together. Linus with a mustache. "LP and AHP
1927, Kiel" "20. IV. 27. [Uraudweg?] Kiel-Bellevue" 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling standing together, wearing skis. Both smiling, heads turned
towards the camera. "Sudelfeld. March 26:27. 1927" "Mamma - I have white salve on
my lips. We were so dreadfully burned. Entirely black. Don't I look funny?" 1926-27
European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
Ava Helen Pauling and Fran [Selmeyr?], both wearing skis. "Sudelfeld, AHP & Fran [Selmeyr?],
1927." 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
Ava Helen Pauling [very blurred] skiing down a slope. "AHP 1927" 1926-27 European
Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
Profile of Ava Helen Pauling cross-country skiing. "Sudelfeld, March 1927" 1926-27
European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
Linus Pauling (front) and Francis Slack (rear) posing with three unidentified women.
Linus wearing skis. "LP in Germany. 1926/27 with skis & mustache. (Francis Slack just
behind)" 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
Ava Helen Pauling picnicking with the Selmeyrs [?], at a table overlooking the mountains.
"AHP & [Selmeyrs?]" 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting in snow, whipping cream. An unidentified woman watching
Ava Helen. "Whipping cream in the snow. This is the hut where we stayed. These are
my skis. Mamma" "March 1927, Sudelfeld Germany. 1926-27 European Trip." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. March, 1927.
Four unidentified people in front of a cabin. One man bent over, petting a dog, another
man at work. 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
Ava Helen Pauling posing in front of a tree. Munich, Germany. "Ava Helen Pauling 1927
- in my Paris dress, but picture taken I think in English [garden] in Munich Germany"
1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
An academic procession at the University of Munich. An arrow is drawn on the print
identifying Arnold Sommerfeld. "Academic procession. University of Munich, about 1927.
Arnold Sommerfeld." 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
Arnold Sommerfeld and Ava Helen Pauling standing outside. Munich, Germany. "Sommerfeld
& AHP, 1927. Munich" 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1927.
Ava Helen Pauling standing on the shore of the North Sea in Holland. "AP, North Sea
foam on beach. Holland, 1927. [Schevenurgen?]" 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
Ava Helen Pauling and Walter Heitler drinking at an outdoor café. "AHP + Walter Heitler
on Uciberg[?] Zurich 1927" 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1927.
The cathedral of St. Peter. Bremen, Germany. "Church in Bremen 1927" 1926-27 European
Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
The city of Eneret, Denmark. "Eneret No. 27" 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1927.
Linus Pauling standing outside, holding Linus Pauling Jr. [Stamped upside down in
the upper left hand corner] "82" 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1927.
Linus Pauling Jr. standing naked on a beach. Photograph taken from behind. 1927.
Linus Pauling Jr. standing next to a car, naked. [Stamped on the back of the photo]
"8259" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
Portrait of Nora Gard Miller looking down at Linus Pauling Jr. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print, mounted in a cardboard frame. 1927.
Portrait of Nora Gard Miller and Linus Pauling, Jr. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print, mounted in a cardboard frame. 1927.
An unidentified girl and Linus Pauling Jr. riding together on a large tricycle. Linus
Jr. standing on the back, hanging on to the girl. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1927.
Linus Pauling Jr. standing in front of a house, wearing a lambskin [?] costume and
a large straw sun hat. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
Linus Pauling Jr. sitting on a tricycle, in a lambskin [?] costume, smiling at the
camera. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
Two unidentified little girls and Linus Pauling Jr. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1927.
Portrait of Ava Helen Pauling taken in Zurich. "Photog. Atelier Schwabe Zurich - 1
Ramist, 5", print courtesy of the American Institute of Physics, Goudsmit Collection,
No. 33. Black and white print. 1927.
Portrait of a young Ava Helen Pauling facing the camera and smiling. "2135 Photog.
Atelier Schwabe Zurich - 1 Ramist, 5", 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1927.
Portrait of Ava Helen Pauling as a young woman. "Photog. Atelier Schwabe Zurich -
1 Ramist, 5". 1926-27 European Trip. Black and white print. 1927.
Portrait of Linus Pauling as a young man. "Photog. Atelier Schwabe Zurich - 1 Ramist,
5" 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
Linus Pauling Jr. in close profile. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
Linus Pauling Jr. sitting on a tricycle, smiling at the camera. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1927.
A public fountain in Eneret, Denmark. "Eneret No. 29" 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
Ruth and Clay Miller. Clay holding his daughter Barbara Miller. "Clay, Ruth and Barbara
(child)." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
A busy street in Eneret, Denmark. "Eneret No.28." 1926-27 European Trip. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1927.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1928.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting on the running board of an Oldsmobile, holding Linus Pauling
Jr. "AHP + Linus, Jr. Our Oldsmobile with rumble seat. Near San Diego." "LP Jr." "San
Diego; The new car; Eucalyptus trees" "Olive branch of trees in upper left corner.
A beautiful spot in the mountains where we stayed overnight.; Really an old oldsmobile."
"1928" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1928.
Linus, Ava Helen, and Linus Pauling Jr. posing in their driveway. Linus and Ava standing,
Linus Jr. sitting on a tricycle. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1928.
Linus Pauling Jr, age 3. "Linus Pauling Jr.; December. 1928. Age 3 3/4 yrs." "Look
at your little dirty face! You were sitting in a little wagon drawn by a goat. The
man happened to go by." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. December, 1928.
Linus Pauling Jr. sitting outside, smiling and holding a bowl. "LP Jr." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1928.
Linus Pauling Jr. sitting backwards on a tricycle. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1928.
Photonegative of a camp site near San Diego, California. "On San Diego Trip with Paulings,
to see air maneuvers by navy. 8/17/28 View from camping place near highway to Valley,
east of San Diego 25 miles." Photographer unknown. 1928.
Photonegative of Balboa Park. San Diego, California. "Bridge in Balboa Park, San Diego,
over San Joaquin bed." Photographer unknown. 1928.
Photonegative of Balboa Park. San Diego, California. "Art Gallery in Balboa Park."
Photographer unknown. 1928.
Photonegative of Balboa Park. San Diego, California. "Zinnia[?] garden in park (Filter)"
Photographer unknown. 1928.
Photonegative of the San Diego Harbor. "San Diego harbor, near Lindbergh Field" Photographer
unknown. 1928.
Photonegative of spectators observing U.S. Navy planes in formation. "A detachment
of planes passing." Photographer unknown. 1928.
Linus Pauling standing on top of a small ocean cliff. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1928.
Ava Helen Pauling standing on the beach, holding a ball. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1928.
Ava Helen Pauling standing on the beach holding a ball. "Ballou Plaisades [Palisades?].
Do you recognize this beach?" "1928 AHP playing ball with young Linus." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1928.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling Jr. sitting in the desert, near an ocotillo cactus. Arnold
Sommerfeld standing behind Ava Helen. "Arnold Sommerfeld from Munich 1928 in Coachella
Valley near Indio" A small sheet of yellow paper accompanies the photo, (?? LP's handwriting)
it reads: "These would appear to be copies made by Linda." Photo by Linus Pauling,
[per The Chemical Bond by Ahmed Zewail] black and white print. 1928.
An unidentified man and Linus Pauling Jr. sitting on rocks. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1928.
Linus Pauling Jr. (center) standing in the street with four other little boys. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1928.
Linus Pauling Jr. (left) standing in the street with four other little boys Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1928.
Pauline Pauling instructing a women's physical education class on the proper use of
a rowing machine. Pauline kneels to the left while the class of sixteen women looks
on. All are wearing shorts and v-neck shirts with the number "99" on them. "Personal
Property Pauline D. Stockton / 1928 / L.A. Elks Club - Women's Athletic Instructor".
Photo by Art Streib, 120 South Broadway, Los Angeles. Black and white print. 1928.
Pauline Pauling balancing on her stomach with her legs extended backward in demonstration
of a gymnastics pommel horse. "Nov. 20, 1926 [sic?] / Pauline Stockton 1927 (age 25)
[sic?]". Photographer unknown. [Art Streib?] Black and white print. 1928.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1929.
Ava Helen Pauling, Linus Pauling Jr., and Nora Miller sitting on the steps of a house.
"AHP, LP Jr, NGM 1929" "2215" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1929.
Ava Helen Pauling standing outside, hanging Linus Pauling Jr. over her shoulder. Ava
Helen in a plaid dress. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1929.
The beach at Corona del Mar. "Corona del Mar / 1929" Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1929.
Ava Helen Pauling walking down a beach, carrying a picnic lunch, followed by Linus
Pauling Jr. "Linus & AP at Corona del Mar, 1929" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1929.
Mary Brown's daughter, eight-month old Phyllis Brown. "Mary's Daughters, Phyllis,
8 months." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1929.
Linus Pauling Jr. on a tricycle. [Stamped sideways and upside down on the back of
the photo] "2208" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1929.
Linus Pauling Jr. outside, sitting on a large toy truck. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1929.
Linus Pauling Jr. on a tricycle. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1929.
Linus Pauling Jr. outside, playing with his toy trucks. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1929.
A. A. Noyes with group including 1930 Travel Prize winners, October 1929. Photo was
taken at Noyes' Corona del Mar home. Front Row: Raymond Peterson, Lucas Alden; middle
row: William Houston, Carter Gregory, A. A. Noyes, Linus Pauling; back row: Earnest
Watson, Robert Jacobs, Lawrence Kinsler. California Institute of Technology photo,
black and white print. 1929.
Outdoor close-up of Linus Pauling Jr. smiling. "LPJr? 4 yrs/ 188" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1929.
Formal portrait of Robert Daugherty. "Robert L. Daugherty CIT-1919-1956" "Pasa 29673-1
Daugherty Robert L Daugherty Jan. 1929." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1929.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1920's.
Studio portrait of Linus Pauling wearing a jacket and tie. Photographer unknown. Color
print. 1920s.
Ava Helen Pauling. "AHP" "1932? No!" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Ava Helen Pauling standing outside, wearing a white dress. Ava Helen with her hair
pulled back. "2 AHP" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Close-up of an unidentified elderly man with a beard. He is wearing a cap, with his
hands behind his back. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Ava Helen Pauling wearing a coat and scarf, clasping her hands in front of her. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Ava Helen wearing a coat and scarf. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
A group of people standing amongst cars, Ava Helen Pauling (center) clapping. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting in the family Ford. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1920s.
An unidentified man and Ava Helen Pauling standing outside. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1920s.
Ava Helen Pauling standing outdoors, wearing a coat and scarf. Picture cut from a
larger photograph. "Dearest,... / can cut... / you're a... / which on... / professor
J... / you can... / you need... / fear. He... / yenteel [?] h... / Darling... / you
lan... / you think... / A tiny sinc [?]... / AHP" Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1920s.
Ava Helen Pauling and an unidentified man standing outdoors. Ava Helen wearing a coat
and scarf. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Close up of Lucile Pauling. "Lucile." An oval print mounted on cardboard. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Boyd Eldon Brown leaning against a tree. "Blanche + kids". Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1920s.
Walter Spaulding. "Walter Spalding / Nettie's husband / AHP's brother-in-law." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Blanche and Waldo Brown [Possibly Mary and Edwin Brown?]. "Mary Miller ? + husband
/ Vancouver, Wash. Both school teachers." Copyright: The Van Dyck Studio, 404 Washington St,. Portland, OR. Black and white print. 1920s.
LuGorgo (Lulu) Miller, Nettie Spaulding, and Lilian (Dickie) Miller wearing swimsuits.
"Lu/Nettie/Dickie" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
George Miller sitting on the running board of a Model-T. George accompanied by two
dogs, one sitting next to him, the other on the ground. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1920s.
Two unidentified men, one in drag [Mervyn Stephenson?], the other one helping him
with his garter. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
An unidentified man in drag [Mervyn Stephenson?], standing in front of a house. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Linus Pauling's cousin Mervyn Stephenson wearing a suit. "Merv." Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1920s.
Close-up of Pauline Pauling. "Pauline Pauling." Copyright: Davies, B'Way & Stark, Portland, ORE. Black and white print. 1920s.
Two unidentified men standing in a field. "Outskirts of Corvallis." Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1920s.
Clay Miller. Picture cut from larger photograph. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1920s.
Nora Miller, Aunt Minerva Larkin, and Ada Stevens standing outside. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1920s.
Clay Miller wearing suit, an unidentified hand hanging on his arm. Picture cut from
a larger photograph. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Nettie Spaulding wearing pajamas, standing next to a bed, and looking out the window.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Nettie Spaulding sitting in a wheelchair in front of a large building, accompanied
by a nurse. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Nettie Spaulding rowing a boat. Picture cut from larger photograph. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1920s.
An unidentified man wearing a suit, standing in front of a fence. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1920s.
An unidentified man standing next to a sign yelling. Sign reads 'Please [be] silent
during [the] music.' Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Ava Helen Pauling, two unidentified children, two unidentified women, an unidentified
man, and a dog standing together on a driveway. "7" Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1920s.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling, and an unidentified woman, walking in the desert. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
An unidentified woman standing outdoors. "8" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1920s.
Lilah, Rowena, and Aunt Goldie Stephenson with Pauline and Lucile Pauling. "Lila,
Rowena, Aunt Goldie, Pauline, Lucile" "0179" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1920s.
Linus Pauling and his family sitting on a porch swing together. "1395" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Linus Pauling and his family sitting on a porch swing together. "Pauline Linus Mother
Lucile" "1396" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Milton Miller in a hospital bed. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
A mountain lake. Comment on photo, "Looks like Crater Lake." Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1920s.
Forest and stream, "Looks like Crater Lake". Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1920s.
A large cabin. "Looks like Crater Lake." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
An island, possibly in the middle of a lake. "Looks like Crater Lake." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Trees at Crater Lake. "Looks like Crater Lake." Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1920s.
Forest surrounding Crater Lake. "Looks like Crater Lake." Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1920s.
Large cliffs. "Looks like Crater Lake." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Lake and cliffs. "Looks like Crater Lake." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Lake and mountains. "Looks like Crater Lake." Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1920s.
Rowena Stephenson (left), Goldie Jr. (Babe) Stephenson (middle), and Pauline Pauling
(right), sitting on the beach with two unidentified men. "Rowena, Babe, Pauline".
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Rowena Stephenson standing on the sidewalk. "Rowny". Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1920s.
Rowena Stephenson in a small boat. "same as above [Rowny]". Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1920s.
Pauline and Lucile Pauling (front) standing on the bow of a small boat, Rowena Stephenson
(rear) standing astern. Written on the bottom of the photo, "Pauline, Lucile." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Lilah and Rowena Stephenson sitting on Waikiki beach. "Lila, Rowena/ The beach at
Waikiki". Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
An unidentified soldier and two unidentified young girls standing in a driveway. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Left to right: Goldie Jr. (Baby) Stephenson, Mervyn Stephenson, Linus Pauling, Lilah
Stephenson, an unidentified man, and Goldie Victoria Stephenson. "Baby Goldie, Merv,
LP, Lila, Goldie" outside in the snow. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Two unidentified women sitting on a cliff. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Two unidentified women walking on the beach. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1920s.
Mervyn Stephenson standing on a sidewalk. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Milton and Dorcas Miller on the beach. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
An unidentified man and Milton Miller on a wagon. "?/Milton" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1920s.
Franklin Launer's mother and sisters reading on a porch. "FL/ Mother + sisters" "FL
was AHP's piano teacher." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Franklin Launer's parents. Frank's mother in her wedding dress. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1920s.
Franklin Launer's sister and her husband standing on a porch. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1920s.
Franklin Launer squatting down to touch plants. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1920s.
Milton Miller trudging through the snow. A photo of Dorcas has been cut out and pasted
onto the photo. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Milton Miller standing on a snow-covered porch. "Milton" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1920s.
Dorcas Miller standing by a tree. "All Milton & Dorcas" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1920s.
Dorcas Miller in a swimsuit. "Dorcas" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Milton Miller and an unidentified man in the water. "Milton" written on photo. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Dorcas and Milton Miller, and an unidentified child standing outdoors. "all Milton
and Dorcas" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Three unidentified women sitting, and an unidentified man standing outdoors. The center
woman holding a baby. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Three men and two women, all unidentified, standing outside. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1920s.
Isabelle (Belle) Pauling and her second husband, William Bruce Brydon. "Belle + last
husband." Copyright: Oup[?] Studio, Tillamook, OR. Black and white print. 1920s.
Nora Miller, standing outside with Ruth and Clay Miller. "Clay M." "Nora Gard M."
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Blanche and Waldo Brown. Blanche holding Waldo's suit jacket, Waldo, with hands in
pockets, smiling back at her. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Nettie Spaulding [?] and LuGorgo (Lulu) Miller. Comment on the back of the photo,
"Blanche (Nettie?) / Gorgo." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
LuGorgo (Lulu) Miller wearing a suit, standing outdoors. "Gorgo" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1920s.
Lillian (Dickie) Miller playing the ukulele. "Dickie" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1920s.
The Gard family. Left to right: Sarah Edna Gard, Harry Grant Lee [Possibly Harry Wendell
Gard?], Nora Miller, John Linn Gard, Lynne Estelle (Essie) Taylor, and Roscoe (Bob)
Gard. "Edna, Harry, Nora, John, Essie, and Bob" standing outdoors. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1920s.
The Gard family. Left to right: Sarah Edna Gard, John Linn Gard, Mary Melvina (Vine)
Lee, Harry Grant Lee [Possibly Harry Wendell Gard?], Lynne Estelle (Essie) Taylor,
Roscoe (Bob) Gard, and Nora Miller. "Edna/John/Vine/Harry/ Essie/Bob/Nora" standing
outdoors. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Nora Miller wearing glasses and a decorated blouse. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1920s.
Two unidentified children outdoors. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Two unidentified children and an unidentified infant outside. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1920s.
Nora Miller standing with her grandchildren, Gloria and Glenna Gist. Gloria on a tricycle.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Gloria and Glenna Gist outside. Glenna standing on a chair. "Daughters" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Betty Leone and Boyd Eldon Brown sitting outside. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1920s.
Boyd Eldon Brown sitting on a rock. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Flower arrangements lying on the ground. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
An unidentified child standing behind a tricycle. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1920s.
An unidentified child holding a cat, standing in front of a house. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1920s.
Three unidentified children holding flowers, sitting on the steps. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1920s.
A two story house with a large front porch. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1920s.
Three unidentified adults and five unidentified children sitting on a porch. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Roses. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Two unidentified women, one holding a child, in front of a house. "?" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
A field with hay bales. "Blanche + kids." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Nora Miller and Betty Leone Brown outside. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Nora Miller and Betty Leone Brown standing under a tree. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1920s.
Nora Miller with Betty Leone Brown on her lap. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1920s.
Three unidentified women bearing wreaths and flowers. Photo cut off at the top. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Little Jean Marie [?] sitting in a wicker stroller. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1920s.
Nettie Spaulding standing outdoors, wearing a white dress. "Nettie / all" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Dorcas Miller standing outdoors, holding her gloves. "Mrs. Milton Marian" Photographer
unknown. Black and white oval print. 1920s.
Blanche Brown petting lambs. "Blanche + lambs." Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1920s.
The Gard Family. Left to right: Nora Miller, Harry Grant Lee [Possibly Harry Wendell
Gard?], Sarah Edna Gard, John Linn Gard, Lynn Estelle (Essie) Taylor, and Roscoe (Bob)
Gard. "Nora/Harry/Edna/John/Essie/Bob." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
The Gard Family. Left to right: Mary Melvina (Vine) Lee, Sarah Edna Gard, Lynn Estelle
(Essie) Taylor, and Nora Miller. "Vine/Edna/Essie/Nora" standing outdoors. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Clay Miller (left) driving a buggy for Olive (Billie) and George Miller. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
An unidentified man [Possibly Milton Miller?] sitting at the door of a log cabin.
"?Milton". Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Waldo Brown wearing a suit, standing under a tree. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1920s.
Ava Helen standing and smiling. "Hi, Come Down!" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1920s.
Linus Pauling (second from left), Mervyn Stephenson (right), and two unidentified
men standing in a forest clearing. "Observe side lighting, Mervyn." "0894" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
A rocky landscape. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Gilliam County High School. Condon Oregon. "NO. 358. Gilliam County High School, Condon
Oregon. B.C. Markham. The Dalles, Ore." [Back side reveals this photo to be a postcard
with a 1c stamp.] Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
The Summit Hotel. Condon, Oregon. "Summit Hotel in Condon (?)" "118 0178" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Red Rock Canyon. "Red Rock Canyon" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Isabelle (Belle) Pauling standing beside a flower garden. "Belle Pauling 1097" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
An unidentified woman standing outside, bending over with her arms around an unidentified
young girl. Both wearing a white dress. "Lie kommen alle zusammen in deu Himmel! P.
[Elueufest?] 5III[1g24?]" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
An unidentified small child standing on a deck. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1920s.
Two unidentified women, a young girl and an older woman, standing outside in front
VELOX" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Isabelle (Belle) Pauling standing in a backyard flower garden. "Belle Pauling 1129
4" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Ava Helen Pauling visiting her in-laws, the Spauldings. Salem, Oregon. "Ava Helen--at
Spauldings Salem Ore". "The snow had begun in the glooming". Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1920s.
Lillian (Dickie) Miller and Blanche, Betty Leone, Boyd Eldon, and Wallace Millard
Brown sitting on a porch. "This was taken on our front porch [sic] while I was at
your home. You may keep it if you like it. Lennie [?] is coming to Cal. You need not
write he up. She is a good girl but very Gossipy [sic.] Well dear heart -- I am tired.
I will write you all about Christmas. Tenderest [Yowl] [Keari Mamie E.]" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
An unidentified baby sitting in a chair, wearing a white dress. Photographer unknown.
Color print. 1920s.
A woman sitting on the grass with four children, one sitting on her lap. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Ava Helen Pauling standing outside. "This isn't good of my dress. My hairs comes down
below my waist and is getting awful thick. Don't I look funny? Billions and trillions
of love to the bestest man in the world from his little sister." "Ava Helen" "AHP"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
An unidentified woman sitting on the ground, holding up a little girl. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Two unidentified people in a swimming pool. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1920s.
Mervyn Stephenson standing outside. "My cousin Mervyn Stephenson." Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1920s.
Donald and Richard Sauthus standing next to the Pauling's Ford. "Donald + Richard
Sauthus [?] with the 1916 Ford of AHP + LP" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1920s.
An unidentified couple sitting on a bench. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Thomas Addis holding a pipe to his mouth. Correspondence included. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1920s.
A young man with a bow tie. "Meiud Licbeu [?] / Ava Helen and Linus / Walter Heitler
[?]" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
An unidentified woman dressed as a man, standing next to Ava Helen Pauling. Picture
badly faded. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
An unidentified woman dressed as a man, standing next to Ava Helen Pauling. "AHP"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print, oval cut out. 1920s.
Ava Helen Pauling wearing a white dress, standing in front of a fence. "AHP" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Ava Helen Pauling wearing a white dress, standing in a field. "AHP" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1920s.
Ava Helen Pauling wearing white dress, standing in a field. "AHP" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1920s.
Ava Helen Pauling wearing a round hat, sitting outdoors. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1920s.
Closeup of Ava Helen Pauling wearing a hat. "AHP" Photographer unknown. Black and
white print, circular, irregular cut out. 1920s.
Ava Helen Pauling wearing a white apron, standing outside. "Darling, do you know this
forlorn little orphan? She is rather shy and has gathered her apron to the back. Her
hair is 'à la Mona Lisa' The effect is not startling. Red took this." Photograph by Red [?]. Black and white print. 1920s.
Ava Helen Pauling wearing a wide-brimmed hat, standing next to building. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Ava Helen Pauling bending down, touching her ankle. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1920s.
Ava Helen Pauling standing outside, touching her nose. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1920s.
A group of five unidentified picnicking. Three men, two women, and one child [Linus
Pauling Jr.?]. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
An unidentified child [Linus Pauling Jr.?] playing with toy trucks in the sand, supervised
by four adults. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Ava Helen Pauling and three unidentified individuals standing on rocks. An unidentified
man standing on the tallest rock. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Ava Helen Pauling standing next to a cactus. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1920s.
An unidentified woman standing next to a fence. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1920s.
Formal portrait of Arthur Noyes. Extracted from an image of A. A. Noyes, George Ellery
Hale and Robert Millikan standing in front of Gates Laboratory. Image courtesy of
the Archives, California Institute of Technology. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1920s.
Profile image of Arthur Noyes seated at a counter with a coffee cup in hand. Photo
caption reads: "The professor at the breakfast table". Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1920s.
Belle Pauling holding an infant [Linus Pauling, Jr.?]. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1920s.
Lucile Pauling and Pauline Pauling sitting together outdoors near a house. Pauline
holds a dog on a leash. "Lucile Pauline at Linus' in Pasadena". Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1920s.
Lucile Pauling, an unidentified man, Pauline Pauling and another unidentified man,
standing together outdoors on the porch of a house. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1920s.
Belle Pauling, an unidentified woman, Lucile Pauling, Pauline Pauling and another
unidentified woman, standing together outdoors on the porch of a house. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Ava Helen Pauling [?], Lucile Pauling and Pauline Pauling sitting together on the
front bumper of a car parked near a field. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Pauline Pauling, standing outdoors near a house, wearing a dress and a long floral-print
apron. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Pauline Pauling, standing outdoors near a house, wearing a white dress with her hands
in its pockets. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
An unidentified man and Pauline Pauling, standing outdoors near a house. Pauline wears
a white dress and has her hands in its pockets. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1920s.
An unidentified man stands with Pauline Pauling, an unidentified man, an unidentified
woman and another unidentified man. The groups stands outdoors in a row with their
arms interlocked. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
An unidentified woman, Pauline Pauling, and unidentified elderly man, Lucile Pauling,
Ava Helen Pauling [?] and an unidentified woman stand together outdoors. The unidentified
elderly man, Lucile, Ava Helen and an unidentified woman join hands. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Pauline Pauling and three unidentified women stand together on a beach with four horses,
polo mallets and a large beach ball. Each of the women wears sleeveless dresses and
scarves on their heads. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Lucile Pauling and Rowena Darling Stevenson, standing together in a flower garden
near a house. "Lucile / Cousin Rowena". Photographer unknown. Black and white print.192?i.161
Kathy [?], Pauline Pauling, Sumpter [?] and Lucile Pauling, standing together outside,
outfitted to go camping. Each individual wears boots and hats, and carry camping supplies
including blankets, cooking pots and backpacks. "Lucile - Pauline - Kathy? / friend
Sumpter". Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Paul Emmett, seated on a fence outdoors. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Paul Emmett and his mother, standing together outdoors next to a fence. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Three unidentified women and Pauline Pauling, posing together outdoors. Each of the
women wears elaborate fringed dresses and large scarves on their heads. "Rode in Parade
/ Side-Saddle". Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Pauline Pauling, standing outdoors in shorts and a sleeveless shirt, standing next
to a phonograph player while being filmed by a motion picture cameraman. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Wally Stockton [Pauline Pauling's first husband] standing outdoors on the front porch
of a house. "Wally Stockton". Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Pauline Pauling, Wally Stockton, an unidentified older man wearing a fez, an unidentified
woman and another unidentified man, standing together outdoors in a park. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
Wally Stockton, Pauline Pauling and an unidentified older man wearing a fez, standing
together outdoors in a park. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1920s.
An unidentified woman, seated outdoors holding an infant. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1920s.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1930.
Ava Helen Pauling, Linus Pauling Jr. and Linus Pauling. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1930.
Family photograph outside Adelheit Blanken's house. Back row, left to right: Martha
Lindemann, Jan Blanken, Marie Muller, Steffen Muller, and Magdalene Muller. Front
row: Kinder, Otto, and Karl Heinrich "LP's grandmother's house" "1930 (then was the
farm w/ the longest roof)" "Picture taken about 1930" "Steffen Muller = right with
child, Marie Muller Enefrmi Geb. Geruem = his wife to his right (born German), Kinder
Otto Karl H. Heinrich = 3 boys in front (left to right), Auf Dem Drm Macdalene = Magdalene
(on father's arm), Magd Marth Lindemann = Maid (left), Umerft Jan Blanuen = Jan Blanuem
(2nd from left)" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1930.
Linus Pauling Jr sitting, holding a large mushroom shaped object. "13055" [stamped
tilted sideways] "Linus Pauling Jr Ammer Sue hei Muchen August 1930" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. August, 1930.
Linus Pauling Jr. standing on the deck of the S.S. Bleuen. "1930 on board S.S. Bleuen"[?]
[stamped sideways] "2278" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1930.
Linus Pauling Jr. standing in front of a house. "? Manchester 1930" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1930.
Linus Pauling Jr. riding a bicycle. Manchester, England. "Linus 1930-Manchester England"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1930.
Linus Pauling standing outside, next to Linus Pauling Jr., who is sitting on a bicycle.
Manchester, England."Manchester England 1930 LPJr" Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1930.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling Jr. standing outside, holding hands. "LP Jr + mo. at 320
Wilson St. home, 1929? 1930?" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1930.
Linus Pauling Jr. standing in front of a house. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1930.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling standing outside, holding Linus Pauling Jr. between them.
"320 So. Wilson Pasadena 1927" "Pasadena, AHP, Linus Jr. and LP." Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1930.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1931.
Ava Helen holding baby Peter Jeffress Pauling against her chest. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1931.
Ava Helen holding up baby Peter Pauling. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1931.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling Jr. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1931.
Linus holding up baby Peter Pauling. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1931.
Ava Helen, Peter, and Linus Pauling Jr. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1931.
Linus and baby Peter Pauling sitting outside on a blanket. " LP + Peter / 1931 / 1-copy
veg [?] / 1-5 x 7 matte / 1-8 x 10 matte / 0903." Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1931.
Ava Helen and baby Peter Pauling sitting outside, in front of a house. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1931.
Linus Pauling Jr. sitting outside, holding baby Peter Pauling. Peter with his right
index finger in his mouth. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1931.
Baby Peter and Linus Pauling Jr. sitting in a park. Linus Jr. wearing a horizontally
striped sweater. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1931.
Ava Helen Pauling standing outside, holding baby Peter up to her face. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1931.
Ava Helen Pauling standing outside, holding baby Peter Pauling. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1931.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting and holding baby Peter Pauling. "3 weeks old" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1931.
Baby Peter Pauling lying on a blanket, holding his head up. "Peter Jeffress Pauling,
2 mo." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1931.
Baby Peter Pauling lying on a blanket with his head down. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1931.
Baby Peter Pauling wrapped and propped up on blankets, lying on his back. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1931.
Baby Peter Pauling lying on a blanket, Linus Pauling Jr. sitting behind him. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1931.
Baby Peter Pauling wrapped and propped up on blankets, lying on his back. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1931.
Baby Peter Pauling lying on a blanket, holding his head up. "Peter Jeffress Pauling,
2 mo." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1931.
Baby Peter Pauling lying on a blanket, Linus Pauling Jr. sitting behind him. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1931.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting on a couch, holding baby Peter Pauling. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1931.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting on the front steps of a house, holding baby Peter Pauling.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1931.
Baby Peter Pauling, smiling. "Peter Pauling / 3 1/2 months" "A Portrait by G. Edwin Williams Co. / 668 East California St., Pasadena." Black and white print. 1931.
Baby Peter Pauling sleeping on a bed. "Peter Pauling / 3 1/2 months" "A Portrait by G. Edwin Williams Co. / 668 East California St., Pasadena." Black and white print. 1931.
Linus Pauling holding Baby Peter Pauling next to a life-size doll. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1931.
Linus Pauling Jr. standing at the base of a desert cliff. Painted Canyon, California.
"Painted Canyon, CA 1931 LP Jr" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1931.
Howard J. Lucas, Ava Helen Pauling, Otto Schmidt, and Linus Pauling sitting amid a
rocky landscape. Palm Canyon. "Palm Canyon [Howard J.] Lucas, AHP, Director Otto Schmidt
of IG Akteingeselfshaft, LP 1931" Photographer unknown [Mrs. Otto Schmidt?]. Black
and white print. 1931.
Faculty and Graduate students in the Department of Physics at the California Institute
of Technology. Front row, left to right: Dr. R. Oppenheimer, Dr. Bateman, Dr. Tolman,
Dr. Houston, Dr. Millikan, Dr. Einstein, Dr. Epstein, Dr. Zwickiy, Dr. Watson. Charles
Lauritsen (far left, second row), and Jesse Du Mond (fourth from left, second row)
also noted."Dr. Einstein as a guest of Dr. Millikan, chairman President ? Of the California
Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Cal., October 1931 Members of the Faculty and Graduate
Students of the Dep. Of Physics, Cal. Ins. Of Technology. Photo taken on October (?),
1931 / Names assigned from memory on November. 1983, as follows: (from left) Dr. R.
Oppenheimer, Dr. Bateman, a mathematician, Dr. Tolman, Dr. Houston, Dr. Millikan,
Dr. Einstein, Dr. Epstein, Dr. Zwicky, Dr. Watson. V.G. Gabriet [?] / Newark, N.J.
November 1983. 25 D Mt Vernon Place / Second row: far left, Charles Lauritsen 4th from left. Jesse Du Mond" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1931.
Linus Jr. and Peter Pauling sitting on a little wagon outdoors. "Christmas Greetings
from Helen and Linus Pauling / Linus Jr. and Peter / 1931 / [Written on the back:]
1409" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1931.
Linus Pauling sitting down with baby Peter Pauling. Academy of Achievement photo credit,
courtesy of AIP Niels Bohr Library. Photograph by S.A. Goudsmit. Black and white print. 1931.
Linus Pauling Jr. standing outside with Peter Pauling on his shoulders. "53 LP Jr.
holding Peter 1931" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1931.
Peter Pauling lying on his stomach. "G. Edwin Williams, Co., Pasadena / A Portrait by G. Edwin Williams Co. / 668 East California St., Pasadena." Mounted in a folio, black and white print. 1931.
Peter Pauling smiling. "A Portrait by G. Edwin Williams Co. / 668 East California St., Pasadena.", black and white print. 1931.
Peter Pauling in a white sweater. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1931.
Peter Pauling wearing a white sweater. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1931.
Mary Brown's baby daughter Phoebe Brown lying naked on a blanket. "Mary's Daughters,
For Grandma from Phoebe, 9 months." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1931.
Linus Pauling Jr. sitting and holding baby Peter Pauling on his shoulders. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1931.
Peter Pauling sitting on Linus Pauling Jr.'s lap outside. Peter smiling, Linus Jr.
looking confused. [Stamped, tilted sideways and upside down] "11672" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1931.
Peter Pauling smiling, lying outside on a white blanket. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1931.
Peter Pauling in a bassinet. Peter scowling and looking to the right. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1931.
Peter, Ava Helen, Linus Jr., and Linus Pauling standing in front of their home. Ava
Helen holding Peter. "1932, front door 1245 Arder Road PJP, AHP, LP Jr, LP (AP photo,
courtesy of PJP)" "Return to LP Jr." Photographer unknown. Color print. 1931.
Dark pencil sketch of Linus Pauling, in profile. Original from cartoon by Wêllêr in
Double Bond, Jr., of the 82nd Meeting of the American Chemical Society, 2 Sept. 1931. 1931.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1932.
One-year old Peter Pauling playing with blocks. "Peter, 1932, 1 year" "G. Edwin Williams / Pasadena", black and white print. 1932.
Eighteen month-old Peter Pauling playing with an toy train. "Peter 1 1/2 years 1932"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1932.
Peter Pauling holding a toy train. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1932.
Peter Pauling playing with toys. "Peter / 1 year / February 10, 1932 / G. Edwin Williams / Pasadena" Mounted in large folio, black and white print. February 10, 1932.
Peter Pauling smiling. "Peter / 1 1/2 years / August 10. 1932" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. August 10, 1932.
Peter, Linda, and Linus Pauling Jr. posing for a family Christmas card. Linus Jr.
holding his baby sister Linda. "Season's Greetings / Helen & Linus Pauling / Linus
Jr., Peter & Linda / [Written on the back:] To the dear McMillano" "Linus Jr. 7 years
9 months / Peter 1 year 10 months / Linda six months" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1932.
Close-up of Richard Morgan. "Richard Morgan; March 15, '32 / 1225" [Written in pencil].
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. March 15, 1932.
Peter, Linda, and Linus Pauling Jr. posing for a family Christmas card. Linus Jr.
holding his baby sister Linda. "Season's Greetings Helen & Linus Pauling, Linus Jr.,
Peter & Linda." "1932" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1932.
Peter, Linda, and Linus Pauling Jr. sitting on a wagon. "Coast to Coast Racer" printed
on the side. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1932.
Ava Helen Pauling holding Linda Pauling. Ava Helen wearing a striped blouse, the baby
wearing a white dress. Photographer unknown. Black and white print, mounted in large
folio. 1932.
An unidentified woman [Pauline Pauling?] sitting outside, holding Linda Pauling. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1932.
Peter, Linda, and Linus Pauling Jr. playing outside. Linus Jr. and Linda sitting in
a toy wagon, Peter standing by the wagon. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1932.
Linus Pauling's sisters [?], one holding baby Linda, standing outside next to Linus
Pauling. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1932.
Linus Pauling's sisters [?], standing outside with an unidentified man. The unidentified
man holding baby Linda. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1932.
The Pauling family. Linus Pauling's sisters [?] (Pauline [?] holding Linda), Linus,
Peter, Linus Jr., and Ava Helen Pauling standing outside. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1932.
Linus Pauling Jr. playing with Peter Pauling. Peter inside a playpen. "Bordphotograph,
Hanns Teshira, D. Bremen, N. D. L." "LP Jr?" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1932.
Peter and Linus Pauling Jr. playing outside. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1932.
Lucile Pauling, standing outdoors and smiling while holding an infant Linda Pauling.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1932.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1933.
Linus Pauling at OSU (Oregon Agricultural College) to receive an honorary doctorate
of science. Pictured from left are Dr. Marvin Gordon Neale, president of the University
of Idaho, David C. Henny, Linus Pauling, Chancellor W. J. Kerr, and Charles A. Howard,
state superintendent of public instruction in Oregon. June 5, 1933. "LP at OSU (OAC)
honorary doctorate 1933" Photographer unknown. Black and white print courtesy of the
Oregon State University Archives. 1933.
D.C. Henny, C.A. Howard and Linus Pauling. Linus Pauling receiving an honorary degree
from Oregon Agricultural College. Print courtesy of the Oregon State University Archives.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1933.
Linus Pauling receiving an honorary degree from Oregon Agricultural College. Print
courtesy of the Oregon State University Archives. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1933.
Linus Pauling standing next to Mrs. Crellin. "LP and Mrs. Crellin 1993" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1933.
Linus Jr., Peter and Linda Pauling sitting on a bench outside. "1933" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1933.
Charcoal drawing of Linus Pauling. "Gist". 1933.
Linus Jr., Peter, and Linda Helen Pauling. 1933.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling, and an unidentified couple standing in front of a house.
Linda, Linus Jr., and Peter Pauling, standing in front of the adults with two unidentified
girls. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1933.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling and an unidentified couple. Ava Helen holding Linda Pauling.
Linus Jr. and Peter Pauling standing in front with two unidentified girls. Vertical
format. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1933.
Linda Pauling wearing a white dress, standing outside. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1933.
Linda Pauling wearing a white dress, standing with Ava Helen Pauling [?] behind her.
"Linda Helen Pauling, 1 year, 1933" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1933.
Linda Pauling sitting on a porch with her doll. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1933.
Linda Pauling with Ava Helen Pauling [?] standing behind her. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1933.
Linda and Peter Pauling playing in the yard, naked. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1933.
Linus Jr., Linda, and Peter Pauling sitting on a bench outside. "Linus, Linda, Peter
Pauling, 1933." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1933.
Linda and Peter playing in the yard, naked. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1933.
Linus Pauling Jr. sitting on the porch, holding Linda Pauling on his lap. Linda holding
a doll in her lap. "Linus Jr. and Linda Pauling" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1933.
Peter, Linus Jr., and Linda Pauling sitting inside. Linda holding a stuffed animal.
From envelope labeled 1930's. "Pauling." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1933.
Linda Pauling putting her hand in a bowl. "Linda Helen Pauling, Age 13 months, July
1933" "G. Edwin Williams, Pasadena / A Portrait by G. Edwin Williams / 620 Sough Lake Ave., Pasadena", black and white print. 1933.
Linda Pauling holding a small stuffed dog. "Linda Helen Pauling, Age 13 months, July
1933" "G. Edwin Williams, Pasadena / A Portrait by G. Edwin Williams / 620 Sough Lake Ave., Pasadena", black and white print. 1933.
Linda Pauling. "Linda Helen Pauling, Age 13 months, July 1933" "G. Edwin Williams,
Pasadena / A Portrait by G. Edwin Williams / 620 Sough Lake Ave., Pasadena", black and white print. 1933.
Linda Pauling patting a stuffed dog, shoulder height. "Linda 1 1/2 years" Photographer: G. Edwin Williams, black and white print. 1933.
Linda Pauling holding a stuffed dog. "Linda 1 1/2 years" Photographer: G. Edwin Williams, black and white print. 1933.
Linda Pauling holding a stuffed dog. Photographer: G. Edwin Williams, black and white print. 1933.
Linda Pauling standing, smiling, and holding a stuffed dog. "Linda / 1 1/2 years /
Nov. 1933 / Portrait by G. Edwin Willliams" Mounted in large folio, black and white print. November, 1933.
Pauling family Christmas greeting card. Linus Jr., Peter and Linda Pauling sitting
and smiling. Linda holding a stuffed animal on her lap. [Written on the front:] "Christmas
Greetings from the Pauling Family / [Written on the back:] 1933 / 1408" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1933.
Linda Pauling sitting, holding a small stuffed animal. "G. Edwin Williams, Pasadena
/ A Portrait by G. Edwin Williams / 620 Sough Lake Ave., Pasadena" Mounted in a folio, black and white print. 1933.
Linus Jr., Linda and Peter Pauling sitting outdoors. From envelope labeled 1930's.
"Pvt. Carl Cichetti Co. b. 22nd Br.; S. C. U. #3911; Camp Santa Anita; Arcadia, Cal." Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1933.
Peter, Linda, and Linus Pauling Jr. sitting indoors, smiling. "Peter, Linda, and Linus
Jr. Pauling" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1933.
Peter, Linda, and Linus Pauling Jr., sitting on a bench outside. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1933.
Peter and Linda Pauling sitting. Linda holding a stuffed animal. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1933.
Peter and Linda Pauling sitting. Peter hugging Linda, Linda holding a stuffed animal.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1933.
Gladys (Patricia) Briggs with her twin sons Merton and Milton. "Pat Briggs, twins
Merton and Milton." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1933.
Milton and Merton Briggs outside, lying on a blanket. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1933.
Linus Pauling's students Jack and Albert Sherman standing outside, each holding one
of the Briggs twins. "Jack and Albert Sherman (LP's students) and the Briggs twins."
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1933.
Milton and Merton Briggs standing on a wicker chair. An adult holding one baby upright.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1933.
Lucile and Pauline Pauling, standing together and smiling outside. "Jan. 1, 1933 /
Lucile and Pauline". Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1933.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1934.
Linus Jr., Ava Helen, Linda, and Peter Pauling. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1934.
Linus Jr., Linda, Ava Helen and Peter Pauling. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1934.
Linus and Linda Pauling. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1934.
Linda and Linus Pauling with a dog. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1934.
Linus and Linda Pauling. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1934.
Linus Jr., Linus, Linda, and Peter Pauling. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1934.
Three unidentified little boys standing outdoors, holding fish. "Summer - 1934 / 0990
/ Greetings [greeting card]." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1934.
Three year-old Peter Pauling. "1934 Peter 3 years" Ray Huff Studios, black and white
print. 1934.
Peter Pauling sitting in a chair. "1934 Peter 3 years" Ray Huff Studios, black and
white print. 1934.
Linda Pauling. "Pauling" Ray Huff Studios, black and white print. 1934.
Linda Pauling. "Pauling" Ray Huff Studios, black and white print. 1934.
Peter and Linda Pauling standing and holding hands. Linda holding a stuffed dog. "Pauling"
Ray Huff Studios, black and white print. 1934.
Linda and Peter Pauling sitting with their stuffed animals. "Pauling" Ray Huff Studios,
black and white print. 1934.
Linus Pauling sitting outside, Linda Pauling standing on his lap. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1934.
Linda Pauling wearing a white dress, standing by a hedge. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1934.
Close up of Linda Pauling, naked. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1934.
Close-up of Linda Pauling, naked. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1934.
Mary Brown and her children Nora Nell (left), Phyllis (center) and Phoebe (right).
"Nora Nell Mary Phyllis Phoebe". Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1934.
Mary Brown and her children. Mary holding Nora Nell, Phyllis sitting in a wagon, Phoebe
pushing the wagon. "Mary + children". Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1934.
Edwin (Brownie) Brown holding his daughter Nora Nell, and sitting next to Mary Brown.
"Brownie Mary". Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1934.
Peter Pauling riding a tricycle, wearing a V-neck sweater. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1934.
Peter Pauling riding a tricycle, wearing a V-neck sweater. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1934.
Linus Jr., Peter, and Linda Pauling sitting in a row against a wall. "1935" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1934.
Peter, Linus Jr., and Linda Pauling standing next to a fence. Peter riding a tricycle.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1934.
Peter and Linda Pauling on a tricycle on the lawn. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1934.
on a tricycle on the lawn. "Peter and Linda Pauling" Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1934.
Milton and Merton Briggs and a dog outside sitting on the grass. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1934.
Gladys Patricia (Pat) Briggs with her twin sons Milton and Merton Briggs. "Nora Pat"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1934.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1935.
Linus Pauling. In lecture at California Institute of Technology (?). Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1935.
Linus Pauling. In lecture at California Institute of Technology (?). Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1935.
Linus Pauling. "L.P. ~1935" "Copy made by BURNDY LIBRARY Norwalk, Conn. 06852" Photographer unknown. Color print. 1935.
Peter Pauling standing on the beach, under an umbrella. " 1164 / 004 [printed on photo]
/ Genuine Krystal Gloss / guaranteed forever / July 16 1935 / [?]bar Photo Service."
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. July 16, 1935.
Linus Pauling. In lecture at California Institute of Technology (?). Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1935.
Milton and Merton Briggs riding a pony. One boy wearing a neckerchief, the other wearing
a cowboy hat. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1935.
Milton and Merton Briggs standing outside. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1935.
Paul and Lilian Petri, sitting in front of a large fireplace with their dog Lucy.
"Paul, Lilian & Lucy Petri." [written under the picture] "Christmas greetings / Corvallis,
Ore. 1935" "Music teachers of AHP at OAC" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1935.
Linus [with a beard] and Ava Helen Pauling sitting on rocky terrain. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1935.
An unidentified woman standing with Linus Pauling. Linus with a beard, standing in
profile. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1935.
A smoke cloud rising out of water. "Anderson Photo Service / August 5 1935 / El Monte, Calif." Copyright Anderson Photo Service. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. August 5, 1935.
Linus Pauling [with a beard] sitting on the ground, holding a hammer. Painted Canyon,
California. "LP ; Painted Canyon / CA ; ~1933 / 1043 [Written in pencil]" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1935.
Painted Canyon, California. "Painted Canyon" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1935.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling, and Mary Helen Milliken standing in front of a desert
cliff face. Mary Helen holding a stick. "December. 1935 Painted Canyon" "LP, Ava Helen
Pauling, Mary Helen Milliken" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1935.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling, standing next to large rock formations with Mary Helen
Milliken. Linus standing with his back to the camera. "Painted Canyon" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1935.
Rocky cliffs. Painted Canyon, California. "11669 [Printed on the back]" [Painted Canyon
~1933?] Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1935.
Ava Helen Pauling wearing a scarf, standing with an unidentified woman. "AHP Corona
del Mar ~1935" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1935.
Front row, left to right: Linda and Peter Pauling. Back row: Peter and Ava Helen Pauling,
Ava Helen holding Lucia Milliken. "Lucia Millikan in AHP's across [?]Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1935.
Linda, Peter, and Linus Pauling Jr. sitting on the ground, writing on a chalkboard.
"1935" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1935.
Linda, Peter and Linus Pauling Jr. sitting on the ground, writing on a chalkboard.
"Merry Christmas Linus Pauling." "Linda, Peter and LP Jr 1935" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1935.
Thurman Heey [?] standing next to Linus Pauling Jr. "LP Jr +? Thurman Heey? 1935"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1935.
Left to right: Linda Pauling, Linus Pauling Jr., Lucia Milliken, and Peter Pauling
sitting outside. "Peter cut off all of Linda's hair. This fourth child is a little
girl we kept for a week or so. She belongs to friends from Chicago. This is good of
young Linus, but not of Linda. Linus is still very happy with the chemical set. He
is a big boy now." "1935/1935 Arden Rd. Lucia Milliken in middle." Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1935.
Peter and Linda Pauling crouching in front of a fence. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1935.
Peter Pauling standing outside, next to a chalkboard on which is drawn his portrait.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1935.
Linda Pauling, Linus Pauling Jr., Lucia Milliken, and Peter Pauling sitting outside.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1935.
Desert cliffs. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1935.
Desert cliffs. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1935.
Desert cliffs. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1935.
Three unidentified people standing in a desert. [First picture of series labeled "Early
Caltech" Ship #944 - 960] Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1935.
Linus Pauling standing outdoors with his arms behind his back. Linus with a beard.
"The great Pauling". Photographer Robert Vold, black and white print. 1935.
Charles Coryell and Linus Pauling. Linus with a beard, his arms akimbo. Photographer
"RGD", [Roscoe G. Dickinson?] black and white print. 1935.
Charles Coryell and Linus Pauling. Linus with a beard. Photographer "RGD", [Roscoe
G. Dickinson?] black and white print. 1935.
Linus Pauling and Norman Elliott. Linus with a beard. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1935.
Jack Sherman and Linus Pauling, standing outdoors. Linus with a beard. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1935.
Pauline Pauling standing outside and holding her infant son Michael. "Michael - 3
months old". Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1935.
Pauline Pauling standing outside and holding her infant son Michael. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1935.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling [with a beard] seated outdoors among a group at a picnic.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1935.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1936.
Linda Pauling, Linus Pauling Jr., and Reba Mirsky at a birthday party. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1936.
Linus Pauling Jr. and Reba Mirsky at a birthday party. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1936.
Front row, left to right: Linda Pauling, Jonathan Mirsky, and Peter Pauling. Middle
row: Linus Pauling Jr. and Reba Mirsky, holding a birthday cake. Back row: Mrs. Mirsky
[?] and Ava Helen Pauling. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1936.
Front row, left to right: Linda Pauling, Jonathan Mirsky, and Peter Pauling. Middle
row: Linus Pauling Jr. and Reba Mirsky, holding a birthday cake. Back row: Mrs. Mirsky
[?] and Ava Helen Pauling. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1936.
Linus Pauling Jr., Reba Mirsky, Ava Helen Pauling, Mrs. Mirsky [?], Linda Pauling,
Jonathan Mirsky and Peter Pauling. Birthday party. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1936.
Front row, left to right: Linda and Peter Pauling standing with Reba Mirsky. Back
row: Ava Helen and Linus Pauling [with a beard] standing with Mrs. Mirsky [?] and
Linus Pauling Jr. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1936.
Front row, left to right: Linda and Peter Pauling standing with Jonathan Mirsky. Back
row: Ava Helen and Linus Pauling [with a beard] standing with Mrs. Mirsky[?] and Linus
Pauling Jr. Birthday party. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1936.
Ava Helen Pauling, Linus Pauling, [with a beard] Reba Mirsky, Linus Pauling Jr., Linda
Pauling, Peter Pauling and Jonathan Mirsky at a birthday party. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1936.
Group photo of a Physical Science Meeting. Linus Pauling and Ava Helen Pauling 3rd and 4th from the left, respectively. "LP AHP / Spring 1936 Physical Science Meeting George
Washington University Washington D.C." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1936.
Front row, left to right: Linda and Peter Pauling. Back row: Linus Pauling Jr., Lucia
Millikan, and Ava Helen Pauling. Ava Helen holding Lucia. "Pasadena; 1936 / AHP holding
Lucia Millikan / Young Linus 12 years old / Peter 5 ; Linda 4" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1936.
Linus Pauling standing with his arms crossed, smiling. Iowa City. "Iowa City, Iowa"
"1936" "Linus Pauling Age 35" "Return to AHP." "LP 1936"California Institute of Technology,
black and white print. 1936.
Alexander Todd sitting on a pile of rocks, wearing a cap. A black dog sitting on his
lap. "Alex Todd 1936 (Lord Todd)." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1936.
Linda, Peter, and Linus Pauling Jr. Ray Huff Studios, black and white print. 1936.
Linda, Peter, and Linus Jr. Ray Huff Studios, black and white print. 1936.
Linus Pauling Jr. on a bicycle. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1936.
Linda Pauling standing outside in a white coat and hat. "LPK, ca. 1936, Linda" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1936.
Front row, left to right: Linda and Peter Pauling standing with Jonathan Mirsky. Back
Row: Linus, [with a beard] Ava Helen, and Linus Pauling Jr. Reba Mirsky at the far
right, hiding behind the hedge. Birthday party. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1936.
Proof sheet of the Paulings and the Mirskys celebrating a birthday party. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1936.
Linus Pauling and H.D. Springall on the beach. "L.P. - H.D.S.; Corona del Mar; 1936;
with warm affection & esteem, 1961." Correspondence included. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1936.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1937.
Howard J. Lucas, Arnold O. Beckman, Bruce K. Sage, James E. Bell, Don M. Yost, Roscoe
G. Dickinson, Linus Pauling, William N. Lacey. Chemistry Department, California Institute
of Technology, 1937. Print courtesy of the Archives, California Institute of Technology.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1937.
Front row, left to right: Linda Pauling, Nora Miller, and Peter Pauling. Back row:
Linus Jr., Ava Helen, and Linus Pauling. "AHP / LP / Nora Gard Miller / Linus Jr.
/ Peter / Linda / about 1937." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1937.
Ava Helen Pauling holding baby Crellin Pauling. Peter Pauling walking out of picture.
"Crellin Pauling / 2 months / Peter / A.H.P. / 1937." Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1937.
Linus Pauling Jr., Linda Pauling, Nora Miller, and Peter Pauling outdoors. Linus Jr.
holding a small kitten. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1937.
Linus, Crellin, Peter and Linus Pauling Jr. sitting on a bench outside. Linus holding
baby Crellin. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1937.
Linus and Peter Pauling sitting on a bench outside. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1937.
Front row, left to right: Ava Helen, Crellin, Peter, and Linus Pauling. Back row:
Linda Pauling. Ava Helen holding baby Crellin. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1937.
Crellin, Linus Jr., Linda, and Peter Pauling posing in front of their house. Linus
Jr. holding baby Crellin. "December 1937 / Mamma" Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1937.
Crellin, Linus Jr., Linda, and Peter Pauling posing in front of their house. Linus
Jr. holding baby Crellin. "December 1937 / Mamma" Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1937.
Ava Helen, Crellin, and Peter Pauling. Ava Helen holding Crellin. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1937.
Peter, Linda, Linus Jr., and Crellin Pauling sitting on a slide. "Peter 6 Linda 5
Linus Jr. 12 Crellin 5 months" "1245 Arden Road Pasadena" Stamp: "December 8 - 1937"
"December 1937 / Mamma" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. December 8, 1937.
Peter, Linda, Linus Jr., and Crellin Pauling sitting on a slide. "December 1937 /
Mamma" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1937.
Peter, Linda, Linus Jr., and Crellin Pauling sitting on a slide. "December, 1937 /
Mamma." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1937.
Front row, left to right: Ava Helen, Crellin, Peter, and Linus Pauling sitting with
Tyl Eulenspiegel, the family dog. Back: Linda Pauling. "August. 1937 Mamma Crellin
Pauling, 2 mo., Peter Pauling, 61/2 years, Linda Pauling, 5 years 2 mo., Missing (at
camp), Linus Pauling Jr. 12 1/2 years, Dog -Tyl Eulenspiegel" "Return to Ava Helen
Pauling, Stanford University, Stanford, Ca. 94305 / Pasadena, California August 1937
Linus Pauling and family (eldest son, Linus Jr., not present); 29125 #7 LC Progeny
[on sticker]" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. August, 1937.
Linus Pauling and J. Ketelaar standing in front of a building. "September 14, 1937
/ L. Pauling J A A Ketelarr" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. September 14, 1937.
Jonathan and Reba Mirsky holding hands and standing atop a large rock. "April 1937
/ Reba and Jonathan Mirsky / 261 [Printed on the back, left bottom corner] / 1039"
[Written in pencil]. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. April, 1937.
Crellin, Linus, Peter, Linus Jr., and Linda Pauling sitting outdoors. Linus holding
baby Crellin. "Dr. Pauling (Linus) Sr. + family / 520" [Printed on the back of the
photo] Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1937.
Peter, Linus, Ava Helen, Crellin, Linda and Linus Pauling Jr. sitting on bench outside.
August, 1937. [Courtesy of Oregon Historical Society] Photographer unknown. 1937.
Fred Stitt wearing skies on a snowy slope. "Fred Stitt 8/18/37" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. August 18, 1937.
Linus Pauling Jr. standing outdoors, holding a cat. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1937.
Linda Pauling walking on the beach, wearing a big black sun hat. "Finished by Shultz
Studio 2122 Colorado Blvd. AL 5281 Eagle Rock Calif. December 7 1937 Subject__Date__
Taken by__" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. December 7, 1937.
Formal portrait of Lawrence Brockway. "L.O. Brockway August, 1937" Photographer unknown.
Color print. August, 1937.
Pauline Pauling standing outside and holding her young son Michael. "2 years - 3 mos."
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1937.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1938.
Linda Pauling kneeling outdoors, wearing a white dress. "Mamnora / Linda 6 / May 1938."
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. May 6, 1938.
Linda Pauling sitting in the desert, holding Crellin Pauling. "Linda 6 1/2, Crellin
1 1/2, Desert Thanksgiving, 1938" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1938.
Crellin, Linus Jr., Peter, and Linda Pauling sitting in the desert. Linus Jr. holding
Crellin. "Mamma, 1938. Desert Thanksgiving. Linus 13 3/4, Peter 7 3/4, Linda 6 1/2,
Crellin 1 1/2" [Christmas greeting card: Written on the front:]/ "Merry Christmas
from the Paulings / 1938 [Written on the back:] Linus, Peter, Linda, Crellin Pauling
/ 1407" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1938.
Peter, Ava Helen, Crellin, and Linda Pauling outside. Ava Helen holding Crellin. "June,
Summer, 1938. Crellin - 1 year, Linda - 6 years, Peter - 7 1/2" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. June, 1938.
Linda Pauling sitting in the desert. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1938.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling peaking through a train window. "Spring, 1938 'city of
Los Angeles' Union Pacific Stream Liner" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1938.
Mrs. Yvonne Handy visiting Niagara Falls with Linus and Ava Helen Pauling. "LP + AHP
+ Mrs. Yvonne Handy Jan 1938 Niagara Falls Hansly (?)" "Carhart's High Hat Panel
Art Prints Jan 11 1938" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. January 11, 1938.
Mrs. Yvonne Handy standing under a tree with Ava Helen and Linus Pauling. Niagara
Falls. "Carhart's High Hat Panel Art Prints Jan 11 1938" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. January 11, 1938.
Linda and Crellin Pauling sitting outside, naked. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1938.
Portrait of Charles Russell smiling. Given to LP as present. "To Linus Pauling, for
whom I have very great esteem Charles Russell" "June-1938 Charles D. Russell Jr."
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. June, 1938.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling standing outside with Mrs. Yvonne Handy. Niagara Falls
in the winter. "1931 Dear Mamma, This picture was taken at Niagara Falls. It was
so cold we wrapped scarfs around our heads and then put our hats on over the scarf.
Even so we froze. This is a friend of ours, Mrs. Handy. Her husband took the picture. The trees covered with ice. Ava Helen" "Carhart's High Hat Panel Art Prints Jan 11
1938" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. January 11, 1938.
Winter at Niagara Falls. "Pauling Carhart's High Hat Panel Art Prints Jan 11 1938"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. January 11, 1938.
Linus Pauling Jr. kayaking at Corona del Mar. "Linus Jr in a kayak he made at Poly.
/Corona del Mar/ He is 11 or twelve years old/ more likely 1939-1940 1938" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1938.
Linus Pauling Jr. kayaking at Corona del Mar. "Linus at Corona del Mar, September
1938. Taken by Dr van Overbeek [?]" Black and white print. September 1938.
Crellin, Linus Jr., Peter, and Linda Pauling sitting in the desert. "Desert Thanksgiving;
Linus, Peter, Linda, Crellin; To- Momma" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1938.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1939.
Dedication ceremony of the Chemistry Hall at Oregon State University. Left to right:
An unidentified representative of WPA, Chancellor Hunter, Governor Sprague, Mr. Hildebrand,
President Peavy, Mr. Sackett, Mrs. Sackett, Mr. Callister, Linus Pauling, former Chancellor
Kerr, and Mr. Gilfillan. "Dedication of Chemistry Hall Corvallis December 2, 1939"
"L to R. Repres of WPA, Chancellor Hunter, Gov. Sprague, Mr. Hildebrand, Pres Peavy,
Mr. Sackett, Mr. Callister, LP, Ex-Chanc. Kerr, Gilfillan" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. December 2, 1939.
Linus Pauling performing chemical research during WWII. Linus wearing a white lab
coat and holding a beaker. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1939.
Linda and Peter Pauling sitting on a lounge couch, topless. "Linda and Peter Pauling"
"August 1939" "(Jack Sherman)" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. August, 1939.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling standing outside with their hands behind their backs.
"Linus Pauling, age 38 and Ava Helen Pauling" "July, 1939, Madison, Wisconsin" "Taken by Mr. Link" Black and white print. July, 1939.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling standing outside. Linus with his arm around Ava Helen's
waist. "July, 1939" "Madison, Wisconsin" "AHP & LP, 1939" Taken by Mr. Link, black and white print. July, 1939.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting on a sofa, reading a newspaper. "Ava Helen Pauling, August
1939" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. August, 1939.
Governor Sprague speaking at the Oregon State University Chemistry Hall dedication
ceremony. "Governor Sprague of Oregon Dedication of Chemistry Hall, Corvallis December
2 1939" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. December 2, 1939.
Linus Pauling sitting at a picnic table with Edwin Buchanan. "LP and Edwin Buchanan
/ Chemistry Picnic Fall of 1939 San Dimas Park" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1939.
Baby Ludo Frevel lying on a blanket. "Ludo Frevel Age 3 months December, 1939 216
Jerome St. Midland, Mich" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. December, 1939.
Ava Helen Pauling holding young Crellin Pauling. Huntington Gardens, San Marino California.
"Crellin and AHP Huntington Gardens 2 1/2 years old" "207" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1939.
Linus Pauling crouching under a palm frond, holding Crellin Pauling with one hand.
Crellin holding something up in the air. At Huntington Gardens. "0771". 1939.
Linda Pauling wearing a ruffled dress, smiling. "Ray Huff" Black and white print,
mounted in large folio. 1939.
Crellin Pauling smiling. "Ray Huff" Black and white print, mounted in a large folio. 1939.
Peter Pauling wearing a white shirt. "Ray Huff" Black and white print, mounted on
large folio. 1939.
Linda Pauling working in a chicken coop, holding a chicken. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1939.
A black dog [Tyl Eulenspiegel, the Pauling family dog] in front of a house porch.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1939.
Donald Jenkins [son of Lucile Pauling Jenkins] at nine months old, playing outside
on a four wheel go-kart. "Don Jenkins / 9 mos. - 1939". Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1939.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1930's.
Linus Pauling Jr. and an unidentified woman on the beach. [AHP?] Corona del Mar, California.
"LP Jr. @ Corona Del March." "Red Rock Canyon" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1930s.
Linus Pauling Jr. standing on the beach. [Written in pencil] "2" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1930s.
Peter Pauling at a crowded beach. "D" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1930s.
Linus Pauling Jr. play-fighting on the beach with Ava Helen Pauling. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1930s.
Peter, Linda, Crellin, and Linus Pauling Jr. playing on the beach. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1930s.
Linda, Peter, Crellin, and Linus Pauling Jr. playing on the beach. Linda running towards
the camera. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1930s.
Linda Pauling standing on the beach, wearing a hat and pull-over shirt. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1930s.
Linda Pauling standing outside, wearing a white dress and big black sun hat. Chemistry
Picnic at Corona del Mar, California. "Linda / Corona del Mar / Chemistry Picnic /
1936?" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1930s.
Peter Pauling standing on a beach blanket, eating. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1930s.
Linda Pauling sprawled out on the grass. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1930s.
Profile of Linda Pauling standing outside, wearing overalls. "Linda" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1930s.
Frontal view of Gates Laboratory, California Institute of Technology. "Gates Laboratory"
Copyright California Institute of Technology Archives. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1930s.
Linus Pauling standing by a chalkboard, holding a beaker. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1930s.
Milton Miller standing outside, holding a briefcase. "all Milton & Dorcas" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1930s.
Milton Miller standing outside, holding a briefcase. "all Milton and Dorcas" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1930s.
Milton Miller standing outside, holding a briefcase. "all Milton and Dorcas" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1930s.
Betty Leone Brown wearing a pageant dress and holding a bouquet of flowers. A small
boy holding her train."Betty Leone" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1930s.
Nettie Spaulding wearing a flowered dress and eyeglasses. "?? (Nettie?)" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1930s.
Blanche Brown wearing a black floral print dress. "Blanche" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1930s.
Rowena Stephenson. "Rowena." Copyright: Fink Studio, Portland, ORE. Black and white print. 1930s.
Mary and LuGorgo Miller sitting on the ground, playing with pebbles. "Mary / Lu" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1930s.
Linus Pauling as a young man."Linus Pauling Calif. Inst. Tech. Pasadena, Calif. (Please
return)" Photographer unknown. Color print. 1930s.
Linus Pauling standing in his lab, working on an experiment with a glass apparatus.
"LP in his lab - early 50's at Caltech" "neg made 5-93 Linda Pauling Kamb 3500 Fairpoint
Pasadena, Ca 91107" Photographer unknown. Color print. 1930s.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling walking down a street. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1930s.
Linus Pauling outside with his arms on the shoulders of Linus Pauling Jr. on a bike.
Manchester, England. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1930s.
Linus Pauling smiling and standing with his arms crossed. Ray Huff studios. Black
and white print. 1930s.
Clay, Robert, and Barbara Miller. Clay sitting, holding baby Robert. Barbara Miller
shading her eyes. "Clay" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1930s.
Linus Pauling as a young man. "Mr. Linus Pauling" Ray Huff studios. Black and white
print. 1930s.
Linus Pauling wearing a suit and solid tie. "Please credit Ray Huff Studios - Los
Angeles" Color print. 1930s.
Ava Helen Pauling standing outside, wearing a dark colored dress with a sash at the
hip. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1930s.
Ava Helen Pauling wearing a dark colored dress with a sash on the hip. Shot from waist
up. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1930s.
Linus Pauling standing outside with Ava Helen Pauling and Dorcas Miller. Stamp reads:
"Veazey's OKLA City" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1930s.
Ava Helen Pauling standing outside with Milton and Dorcas Miller. "AHP; Milton Miller
/ Dorcas Miller" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1930s.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling standing outside with Milton Miller. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1930s.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling standing in front of a car. "Ava Helen and Linus with
our car" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1930s.
Wooded landscape. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1930s.
Wooded mountain landscape. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1930s.
A large two-wheeled wagon axle underneath a tree. Mountains in the background. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1930s.
The Pauling's house at Fairpoint St. [?] Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1930s.
The Pauling's house at Fairpoint St. [?] Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1930s.
The foundation of the Pauling's Fairpoint St. house. [?] "Foundations of house for
the Paulings" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1930s.
Linus Pauling wearing a suit, and grinning with his eyes closed. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1930s.
Linus Pauling [?] sleeping on the ground next to a puddle. A laboratory at the California
Institute of Technology visible in the background. "1930's" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1930s.
A group of seventeen boys posing outside. Peter Pauling second from left in the front
row. "Wanek-King 'Portraits that Speak' / Sy. 3-3412 / L.A. Ryan 1-6013 / 620 South
Lake Ave. / Pasadena, Calif." Wanek King, photographer. Black and white print. 1930s.
An unidentified woman standing outside, wearing a floral dress. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1930s.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling standing at the train station with colleagues. "IL" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1930s.
Linda Pauling (right) playing with her brothers on a swing set. "Linda." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1930s.
Linus Pauling Jr. (far right) on stage with seven other boys. Boys dressed for a Greek
or Roman setting. Photographer unknown. Color print. 1930s.
Linus Pauling Jr.'s summer camp [?]. A group of twenty boys, posing in three rows.
They appear to be of middle school age. Photographer unknown. Color print. 1930s.
Linus Pauling Jr.'s summer camp [?]. Twenty-three boys flanking a piano. One boy playing
the piano, the others playing harmonicas or accordions. Photographer unknown. Color
print. 1930s.
Linus Pauling Jr.'s summer camp [?]. Seventeen unidentified children, dressed in Middle
Eastern costume. Photographer unknown. Color print. 1930s.
Linus Pauling Jr.'s summer camp [?]. Linus Jr. (left) on stage with five other children,
all wearing ancient Mediterranean costume. "Seeley" Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1930s.
Linda Pauling (third from left) and nine other children standing outside. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1930s.
Linus Pauling Jr. sitting outside with Tyl Eulenspiegel, the family dog. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1930s.
Linus Pauling Jr. reading a book. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1930s.
Linus Pauling Jr. sitting with his knees to his chest. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1930s.
Peter Pauling on a tricycle. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1930s.
Peter Pauling naked, sitting cross-legged. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1930s.
The Pauling family [?] sitting in a Ford Model-T. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1930s.
Linda Pauling sitting outside, feeding chickens. "Linda" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1930s.
Linda Pauling and her chicks. Peter Pauling sitting in a wheelbarrow. "Linda Peter"
"Fairpoint" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1930s.
Flintridge School photograph. Peter Pauling (middle row, third from right), kneeling.
"Peter Pauling. Middle row 3rd from right" "Flintridge School" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1930s.
Linus Pauling Jr. in front of a tree. Photographer unknown. Color print. 1930s.
Linus Pauling Jr. wearing a tie and a dark jacket. "Ray Huff", black and white print,
mounted in large folio. 1930s.
Peter Pauling [?] riding a tricycle. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1930s.
Peter Pauling feeding chickens. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1930s.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Sutton standing together, outdoors. "Sutton + Mrs S" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1930s.
Portrait of Leslie Sutton. "[written on the photograph] Sincerely yours L. Sutton"
"Cyril Arapoff Oxford" Photograph by Cyril Arapoff. Black and white print. 1930s.
Linus Pauling in a graduation gown walking with several unidentified individuals.
Appears to be a Caltech academic procession. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1930s.
Milton Miller standing by a Chevrolet parked in front of a house. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1930s.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1940.
Linda Pauling standing outside, wearing a pioneer costume. "Linda in costume Poly."
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940.
Dorothy Niemann's first birthday party. Mrs. Pankhurst and Crellin Pauling standing
outside near a baby carriage. Linda Pauling holding baby Jimmie Poitras. Dorothy to
the right of Linda. "1st Birthday Party Dorothy Louise Niemann / May 13, 1940--Pasadena / Mrs. Pankhurst,
Crellin, Linda holding Jimmie Poitras, Dorothy" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. May 13, 1940.
Dorothy Niemann's first birthday party. Left to right: Crellin Pauling, Geddy [?],
Linda Pauling, Dorothy, Jimmie Poitras, Mrs. Poitras, Mrs. Niemann. "1st birthday party, Dorothy Louis Niemann / May 13, 1940--Pasadena / Crellin, Geddy,
Linda, Dorothy, Jimmie in carriage, Mrs. Poitras, Mrs. Niemann" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1940.
The Pauling children sitting outside, reading a book. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1940.
The Pauling children sitting outside, reading a book. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1940.
Crellin, Linda, Peter, and Linus Pauling Jr. sitting outside on a bench. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1940.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting outside on a bench with Peter, Crellin, Linus Jr., and Linda
Pauling. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940.
Linda, Peter, Linus Jr., and Crellin Pauling sitting outside on a bench. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1940.
Linus Jr., Peter, Crellin, and Linda Pauling sitting outside, reading a book. "Merry
Christmas / The Paulings" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940.
Linus Jr., Crellin, Peter, and Linda Pauling sitting outside, reading a book. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1940.
Peter Pauling sitting barefoot on the porch. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1940.
Peter and Linda Pauling. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940.
Linda Pauling standing outside, wearing a floral dress. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1940.
Peter, Linda, and Crellin Pauling standing outside. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1940.
Crellin Pauling standing outside, playing with a hammer. "Crellin - our Fairpoint
house ~1940" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940.
Peter, Linda, Linus Jr., and Crellin Pauling sitting outside on the steps to their
Pasadena home. Crellin sitting in Linus Jr.'s lap, Linda with her legs crossed. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1940.
Linda, Peter, Crellin, and Linus Pauling Jr. sitting outside on the steps to their
Pasadena home. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940.
Crellin, Linda, Peter, and Linus Pauling Jr. sitting outside on a bench. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1940.
Front row, left to right: Tyl Eulenspiegel, the family dog, and Crellin Pauling. Middle
row: Peter and Linda Pauling. Back: Professor Laslo Zechmeister standing next to Linus
Jr. and Ava Helen Pauling. "Ava Helen Pauling with Linus Jr. / Peter / Linda / Crellin
/ and / Prof. Laslo Zechmeister / Prof. Of Chemistry at Caltech" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1940.
Peter Pauling holding a puppy on his shoulder. "3-10-40" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1940.
Peter Pauling with two puppies in his shirt. "3-10-40" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1940.
Werner Heisenberg carrying Crellin Pauling on his shoulders. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1940.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting outside on a rock and playing with Tyl Eulenspiegel, the
family dog. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940.
A Mother's Day card with a picture of Nora Gard Miller, Ava Helen's mother. "Mother's
Day Greetings 1940" / "Nora Gard Miller / Ava Helen's mother 1940" / "Bruno" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1940.
Linus Pauling sitting on the beach, eating at a picnic. "Corona del Mar, 1940. Vl
8." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940.
Crellin Pauling riding a tricycle and pointing at the camera. "Crellin, 3 years old"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940.
Linda Pauling (front row, second from right) standing outside with eleven other young
girls. "[Jan.?] 13, 1940 / Left to right / Marien Hall Marion MacFarland [Eleanor?]
Kenny Cynthia Ann Platt (back) Anne Armfield Cynthia [Crenkhite?] (back) Linda Pauling
Jane Noble (back) Anne Willis Rosemary Milloe (back)[?] Strater Sarah Dakin Susy"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. January 13, 1940.
Reba Mirsky standing on the steps of a building. Reba wearing a plaid-coat, hat, and
braids. "954 [Printed on the back, right upper corner] / December. '40 / Reba Mirsky"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. December, 1940.
Jonathan Mirsky standing on the steps of a building. "954 [Printed on the back, right
upper corner] / December. '40 / 0806 / [Written in pencil] / Jonathan Mirsky" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. December, 1940.
Linus Pauling standing in front of a chalkboard, pointing at a chemical formula written
on the board. "LP lecturing" "About 1940" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. December, 1940.
Linus Pauling holding an Erlenmeyer flask in one hand and a piece of chalk in the
other. "LP in lab" "CIT" "1940" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940.
The spines of two books - the original manuscript and final copy of The Nature of the Chemical Bond by Linus Pauling. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940.
Crellin Pauling holding a black and white puppy under his chin. "3-10-40" "201-6"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. March 10, 1940.
Linus Jr., Crellin, Linda, and Peter Pauling standing outside, everyone but Crellin
holding a puppy. "3-10-40" "201-5" "5 at f16 on F3 201-5" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. March 10, 1940.
Crellin Pauling pushing a fertilizer cart. On photo: "Crellin 2 yrs, 11 mo 1940" "Crellin's
favorite activity at Dorothy's party - May 13, 1940" "72" In different handwriting:
"Name Address City State" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. May 13, 1940.
Professor Laslo Zechmeister standing in a field with Peter, Linda, Crellin, Ava Helen
and Linus Pauling Jr. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940.
Ava Helen Pauling standing in a field, carrying Crellin Pauling on her shoulders.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940.
Ava Helen, Crellin, Linus, Linus Jr., Linda, and Peter Pauling sitting outside on
a dirt ledge. Ava Helen Pauling holding Crellin, Peter holding a mug. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1940.
Crellin, Ava Helen, Linus Jr., Linda and Peter Pauling sitting on a dirt ledge. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1940.
Crellin, Ava Helen, Linus Jr., Linda and Peter Pauling sitting on a dirt ledge. Ava
Helen holding Crellin. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940.
Ava Helen, Crellin, Peter, Linus Jr., Linda, and Linus Pauling sitting on a dirt ledge.
Ava Helen holding Crellin, Peter standing next to Ava Helen with a sweater over his
head. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1941.
Linda, Crellin, and Peter standing outside their house, blowing noise makers and wearing
party hats. "Linda, Crellin, Peter January 1, 1941." Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. January 1, 1941.
Peter and Linda Pauling outside, walking away from the camera and towards their house.
Both blowing noise makers and wearing party hats. Photographed from the back. "Peter
and Linda, January 1, 1941." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. January 1, 1941.
Linda, Peter, and Crellin blowing noise makers, standing on a driveway in front of
the house. "Linda 8 1/2, Peter 10 e.g. 9 11/12, Crellin 3 1/2, January 1, 1941." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. January 1, 1941.
Crellin Pauling and Nicholas Edsael playing on a log. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1941.
Linda and Crellin Pauling sitting outside on a lawn. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1941.
Linda, Crellin, Linus Jr., Peter, Ava Helen, and Linus Pauling sitting on the front
porch of their Pasadena home. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1941.
Peter, Linus, Linda, Crellin, Ava Helen, and Linus Pauling Jr. sitting on the front
porch of their Pasadena home. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1941.
Peter, Linus, Linus Jr., Linda, Crellin, and Ava Helen Pauling sitting on the front
porch of their Pasadena home. "1941, Daddy very ill" Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1941.
Linda, Crellin, Linus Jr., Peter, Ava Helen, and Linus Pauling sitting on the front
porch of their Pasadena home. Linus reading a book. "LP AHP, 4 children, 1940, New
Anne Pasadena" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1941.
Peter, Ava Helen, Linus, Crellin, Linda, and Linus Pauling Jr. outside, playing with
rabbits. Linda and Peter holding rabbits. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1941.
Peter, Ava Helen, Linus, Crellin, Linda, and Linus Pauling Jr. outside, playing with
rabbits. Linus, Crellin, and Linda holding a rabbit. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1941.
Linus Pauling Jr. standing outside with his sleeves rolled up. "Fall 1941 Pauling
Linus Jr." [An envelope enclosed with the photo] "LP Jr." [Envelope: Photo by Maurice J. Schlatter 1620 Rose Villa Pasadena CO. 3055. "Mrs. Pauling"] Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1941.
Peter, Linus, Crellin, Ava Helen, Linus Jr., and Linda Pauling outside, playing with
four white rabbits. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1941.
Linda, Linus, Ava Helen, Crellin, Linus Jr., and Peter outside, playing with four
white rabbits. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1941.
Peter, Ava Helen, Linus, Crellin, Linda, and Linus Pauling Jr. outside, playing with
rabbits. Linus, Crellin, and Linda holding a rabbit. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1941.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling at a Caltech Chemistry Department picnic. San Dimas, California.
"Photo By / Maurice J. Schlatter / 1620 Rose Villa Street, Pasadena, California. / Chemistry picnic / San Dimas / Fall 1941" Black and white print. 1941.
The Caltech Chemistry Department. Linus Pauling (far right), sitting at the end of
the bench. [photographer:] "Photo by / Maurice J. Schlatter / 1620 Rose Vila Street, Pasadena, California./ [Otoo's?] Chem Picnic" Black and white print. 1941.
The Caltech Chemistry Department picnic. [photographer:] "Photo by / Maurice J. Schlatter / 1620 Rose Villa Street, Pasadena, California." Black and white print. 1941.
Pauling family Christmas card. Linda, Linus, Ava Helen, Crellin, Linus Jr., and Peter
Pauling outside. Linda, Crellin, Linus Jr., and Peter playing with white rabbits.
[Written on the front:] "Merry Christmas from the Paulings / 1941 / [Written on the
back:] Dear Ones: How are you? Do you still want the "Halt", Richie? We shall try
to see you when we next come to Berkeley. [signed] Ava Helen" Maurice J. Schlatter,
photographer. Black and white print. 1941.
Caltech Chemistry Department picnic. Three unidentified men and an unidentified woman
standing outside. " 'Photo by' Maurice J. Schlatter 1620 Rose Villa, Pasadena, California" Black and white print. 1941.
Caltech Chemistry Department picnic. Two unidentified men sitting next to a water
canister, one man dipping his cup in. " 'Photo by' Maurice J. Schlatter 1620 Rose Villa, Pasadena, California Black and white print. 1941.
Caltech Chemistry Department picnic. Ava Helen Pauling serving food. "'Photo by' Maurice J. Schlatter 1620 Rose Villa, Pasadena, California" Black and white print. 1941.
Caltech Chemistry Department picnic. Ava Helen Pauling holding a lid, an unidentified
man holding a water canister, and an unidentified woman looking on. " 'Photo by' Maurice J. Schlatter 1620 Rose Villa, Pasadena, California" Black and white print. 1941.
Caltech Chemistry Department picnic. Three unidentified men sitting on a park bench.
" 'Photo by' Maurice J. Schlatter 1620 Rose Villa, Pasadena, California" Black and white print. 1941.
Caltech Chemistry Department picnic. A group of people playing volleyball. " 'Photo by' Maurice J. Schlatter 1620 Rose Villa, Pasadena, California" Black and white print. 1941.
Caltech Chemistry Department picnic. Unidentified men playing baseball in the park.
" 'Photo by' Maurice J. Schlatter 1620 Rose Villa, Pasadena, California" Black and white print. 1941.
Caltech Chemistry Department picnic. Unidentified men playing baseball in the park.
" 'Photo by' Maurice J. Schlatter 1620 Rose Villa, Pasadena, California" Black and white print. 1941.
Caltech Chemistry Department picnic. Unidentified men playing baseball in the park.
" 'Photo by' Maurice J. Schlatter 1620 Rose Villa, Pasadena, California" Black and white print. 1941.
Caltech Chemistry Department picnic. Unidentified people playing volleyball in the
park. A woman running towards the camera in an attempt to reach the ball. " 'Photo by' Maurice J. Schlatter 1620 Rose Villa, Pasadena, California" Black and white print. 1941.
Caltech Chemistry Department picnic. Unidentified people observing a baseball game.
Linus Pauling is sitting on the right bench, second from the left. " 'Photo by' Maurice J. Schlatter 1620 Rose Villa, Pasadena, California" Black and white print. 1941.
Caltech Chemistry Department picnic. Several unidentified people playing volleyball
in the park. " 'Photo by' Maurice J. Schlatter 1620 Rose Villa, Pasadena, California" Black and white print. 1941.
Caltech Chemistry Department picnic. Several unidentified people sitting on the grass,
smoking. " 'Photo by' Maurice J. Schlatter 1620 Rose Villa, Pasadena, California"Black and white print. 1941.
Caltech Chemistry Department picnic. Linus Pauling (far right) sitting on a bench
with six unidentified men. " 'Photo by' Maurice J. Schlatter 1620 Rose Villa, Pasadena, California" Black and white print. 1941.
Caltech Chemistry Department picnic. An unidentified man standing, holding two baseball
bats on his shoulder, while six others look on. " 'Photo by' Maurice J. Schlatter 1620 Rose Villa, Pasadena, California" Black and white print. 1941.
Caltech Chemistry Department picnic. Linus Pauling (third from right) and Robert Corey
(fourth from right) sitting with five unidentified men. " 'Photo by' Maurice J. Schlatter 1620 Rose Villa, Pasadena, California" Black and white print. 1941.
Caltech Chemistry Department picnic. Linus and Ava Helen Pauling sitting, fourth and
fifth from the left respectively, at the far side of the picnic table. " 'Photo by' Maurice J. Schlatter 1620 Rose Villa, Pasadena, California" Black and white print. 1941.
Caltech Chemistry Department picnic. Ava Helen Pauling (far right) serving food. "
'Photo by' Maurice J. Schlatter 1620 Rose Villa, Pasadena, California" Black and white print. 1941.
Caltech Chemistry Department picnic. " 'Photo by' Maurice J. Schlatter 1620 Rose Villa, Pasadena, California" Black and white print. 1941.
Caltech Chemistry Department picnic. " 'Photo by' Maurice J. Schlatter 1620 Rose Villa, Pasadena, California" Black and white print. 1941.
Crellin Pauling celebrating New Year's Day by wearing a paper hat and blowing a noise-maker.
"Crellin Pauling celebrating New Years Day 1941 Age 3 1/2 years" "Neg made. 325 0821"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. January 1, 1941.
Linda and Ava Helen Pauling standing behind Nora Miller. "Linda / AHP / NGM" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1941.
Linda Pauling, Nora Miller, and Ava Helen Pauling sitting on a porch. "Linda Pauling
/ Nora Gard Miller / Ava Helen Miller Pauling." Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1941.
Caltech Chemistry Department picnic. "Photo by Maurice J. Schlatter, 1620 Rose Villa
Street, Pasadena, California", black and white print. 1941.
Crellin Pauling. [Found in a folio with Martel-Howlett Studios on it.] Black and white
print. 1941.
Crellin Pauling. [Possibly Martel-Howlett Studios], photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1941.
Linda Pauling, Nora Miller, and Ava Helen Pauling sitting on a porch. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1941.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1942.
Crellin and Linda Pauling celebrating a birthday party. Crellin (left) driving a toy
car, Linda (right) standing behind two younger children. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1942.
Linus Pauling wearing a white lab coat and holding two rabbits at the California Institute
of Technology. CIT, black and white print. 1942.
Crellin, Linda and Peter Pauling standing on the sidewalk with the family dog, Tyl
Eulenspiegel. "Linda / Peter / Crellin / Tyl Eulenspiegel / March 1942." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. March, 1942.
Crellin Pauling wearing a straw hat, buried up to his chin in sand at the beach. "August
23, 1942" "Crellin" "Neg made 0861" "7'47" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. August 23, 1942.
Linus Pauling Jr. lying on a couch, sleeping. Linus Jr. with several pictures scattered
around him, and a notebook open on his lap where he wrote "Dear Thornt [?] I hereby
relinquish ..." "Return to LP Jr." "42" "Fall 1942 @ Flintridge School for Boys" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1942.
Linus Pauling Jr. standing outdoors, holding an open book. "44" "Linus Pauling Jr."
"Fall - 1942" "Flintridge School for Boys" "Return to LP Jr" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1942.
Linus Pauling in laboratory, holding a rock specimen. "19[?]2, Ava Helen Pauling /
Linus Pauling CIT" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1942.
Linda Pauling, Ava Helen Pauling, and Nora Miller sitting on the back porch of the
Pauling's Pasadena home. "Linda / AHP / Nora" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1942.
Linda Pauling, Ava Helen Pauling, and Nora Miller sitting on the back porch of the
Pauling's Pasadena home. "AHP / Nora / Linda" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1942.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1943.
Linus Pauling and Dan Campbell in a California Institute of Technology lab. Courtesy
of Gates and Crellin Laboratories of Chemistry, CIT Pasadena, CA. Black and white
print. 1943.
Richard (Dick) and Ellen Morgan with their two sons Richard Jr. and Roger Morgan.
"12/25/43 / Dick, Ellen, Richard, Roger. / Richard Morgan and family" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. December 25, 1943.
Milton and Dorcas Miller standing in front of a brick house. "The photo finishing / Peoples Drug Stores / Jan 11-1943 / Milton and Dorcas" Black and white print. January 11, 1943.
Crellin Pauling (fourth from left, back row) posing with his kindergarten class at
George Ellery Hale School in Pasadena. "Crellin" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1943.
Linda, Linus, Ava Helen, Linus Jr., Crellin, and Peter Pauling dressed formally for
a family portrait. Ray Huff Studios. Black and white print. 1943.
Linda, Linus, Crellin, Ava Helen, Linus Jr., and Peter Pauling dressed formally for
a family portrait. Ray Huff Studios. Black and white print. 1943.
Linda Pauling wearing a ruffled collar and a striped dress. "Ray Huff" Ray Huff Studios.
Black and white print, mounted in folio. 1943.
Linus Pauling Jr. wearing a tie and dark jacket "Ray Huff" Ray Huff Studios. Black
and white print, mounted in folio. 1943.
Peter Pauling wearing a tie and jacket. Ray Huff Studios. Black and white print, mounted
in large folio. 1943.
Edward Crellin Pauling wearing a white shirt. "Ray Huff" Ray Huff Studios. Black and
white print. 1943.
Dan Campbell and Linus Pauling in a California Institute of Technology lab. Courtesy
of Gates and Crellin Laboratories of Chemistry, CIT Pasadena, CA. Black and white
print. 1943.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1944.
Linda Pauling and John Shirley sitting outside in front of a typewriter. "Linda &
John Shirley in back yd. Fair Point 1944" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1944.
Linda Pauling and Jean Shirley playing outside with Crellin Pauling. "Linda Shirley,
Crellin, Jean Shirley" "Ca. 1944". 1944.
The Miller family on Christmas day. "Xmas Day 1944." "Ava Helen Pauling" [signature?]
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. December 25, 1944.
Linda Pauling standing outside, wearing a white dress. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1944.
Linda Pauling standing under a tree, wearing a white dress and a large-brimmed hat.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1944.
Linda Pauling standing under a tree, wearing a white dress and a large-brimmed hat.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1944.
Linus, Ava Helen, Crellin, and Linda Pauling sitting outside on a covered swing. Linda
holding a rooster on her lap. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1944.
Linda, Ava Helen, and Peter Pauling standing on the Pauling's backyard patio. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1944.
Linda, Linus, Ava Helen, Crellin, and Peter Pauling sitting outside on a lawn chair.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1944.
Linda, Ava Helen, Crellin, and Peter Pauling sitting outside on a lawn chair. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1944.
Peter Pauling standing on the front steps of the Pauling's Pasadena home, holding
a small rocket. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1944.
Crellin Pauling standing outside the Pauling's Pasadena home, looking at his watch.
"Crellin 3 yrs old w/ watch from Mr. Crellin" "Neg made. 673" [Not 3 yrs old] Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1944.
Crellin Pauling feeding chickens. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1944.
E.D. Eastman, Professor of Chemistry University of California. Reprint of pencil/charcoal
portrait drawing. "Prof. Of Chemistry-U.C." "E.D Eastman [By] Peter Van Valkenburgh
1944." Black and white print. 1944.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1945.
Linda Pauling. "Property of Ray Huff-Richter Los Angeles" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1945.
Crellin Pauling sitting in the upper window of a train caboose. "Pacific Coast RY
/ Hack #3 / Aaron Ferer + Sons" "South + 101 / San Luis Obispo / July 29, 1945" "Crellin,
8 yrs old" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. July 29, 1945.
Charcoal portrait of Linus Pauling. "Linus Pauling by Frank H. Johnson Pasadena 1945". 1945.
An electric light-rail train. "Thurs July 26, 1945 / F-line / Key System Bancroft
Way?, Berkeley / Bound for Berkeley" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. July 26, 1945.
An electric light-rail train. "Thurs July 26, '45 / F line / Key System / Bancroft
Way, Berkeley / Bound for S.F." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1945.
Professor and Mrs. Arnold Sommerfeld. Munich, Germany. "Prof. & Mrs. Arnold Sommerfeld"
"Munich, Oct. 1945" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. October, 1945.
Large charcoal drawing of Linus Pauling by Frank H. Johnson of Pasadena. Signed by
LP. [Located in the Oversize Section]. 1945.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1946.
Linus Pauling. Photo of a portrait drawing. Drawing by Peter Van Walkenburgh (sp?).
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1946.
Linda Pauling. "Ray Huff" Ray Huff Studios. Black and white print, circular, mounted
in a folio. 1946.
Peter, Linda, and Crellin Pauling. "Pauling children / Ray Huff" Ray Huff Studios.
Black and white print. 1946.
The Pauling family dog Tyl Eulenspiegel "begging" from Linus's nephew Michael Ney.
"Michael, December. 1946 / Pauline's son, Michael [Ney]" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. December 1946.
The ceremonial dinner for the 1946 Gibbs Medal. Linus Pauling (second from left) and
Ava Helen Pauling (fourth from left). "Chicago 1946" "Gibbs Medal" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1946.
Amy Crellin sitting on a porch, wearing a garland of flowers around her neck. "Amy
Crellin. Taken June 14--1946" "Golden Wedding Anniversary." 1550 San Pasqual St. Pasadena."
"Ava Helen Pauling" [signature?] Photographer unknown. Black and white print. June 14, 1946.
The Miller family on the Fourth of July. "Fourth of July--1946--Cr Crellin, 'artist'"
"Ava Helen Pauling" [signature?] Photographer unknown. Black and white print. July 4, 1946.
The Princeton University Bicentennial Conference, featuring a lecture on the chemistry
and physiology of growth. Linus Pauling (first row, fourth from left) sitting. "Princeton
University Bicentennial Conference" "The Chemistry and Physiology of Growth". Stamp
in left corner reads "Orren Jack Turner" "Princeton New Jersey" [Original found in
Large Photos box] black and white print. 1946.
Linus Pauling. "Linus Pauling 1946" Ray Huff Studios. Color print. 1946.
Linus Pauling. "Ray Huff Studios" "Linus Pauling 1946" "Engrave 20 picas -" Ray Huff
Studios. Color print. 1946.
Linda Pauling. "Linda" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1946.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling reclining together on a veranda. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1946.
Peter, Ava Helen, Linus, Crellin, Linda, and Linus Pauling Jr. standing outside together,
smiling. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1946.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting outside, smiling and squinting. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1946.
Linus Pauling standing in profile, next to a brick house. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1946.
Linus and Crellin Pauling standing next to a brick house. Linus only partially visible.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1946.
Ava Helen Pauling outside, drying laundry. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1946.
Ava Helen Pauling outside, drying laundry. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1946.
Ava Helen Pauling outside, picking flowers. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1946.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling outside, sitting on a small couch. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1946.
Flowers. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1946.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling standing outdoors. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1946.
Linus, Peter, Crellin, and Linus Pauling Jr. standing outdoors. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1946.
Peter, Crellin, Linus, and Linus Pauling Jr. standing in front of the family garage.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1946.
Linus Pauling Jr. looking back from the driver's seat of a car. Linus parked in front
of a garage. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1946.
Linus Pauling Jr. crouching over Crellin and Peter Pauling. Crellin and Peter lying
in a flower bed. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1946.
Flowers. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1946.
Daffodils. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1946.
Portrait of Richard C. Tolman. "Richard C. Tolman" Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1946.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1947.
Linus Pauling Jr., Linus Pauling, Anita Oser, Ava Helen Pauling, Crellin Pauling,
and unidentified individuals. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1947.
A picnic with the Paulings. Left bench: Linus Pauling, Anita Oser, an unidentified
individual, and Crellin Pauling. Right bench: Linus Pauling Jr., Ava Helen Pauling,
and an unidentified individual. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1947.
Peter Pauling, Ava Helen Pauling, Linus Pauling, Crellin Pauling, Linus Pauling Jr.
and Linda Pauling. Outdoor family photo. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1947.
The 1947 Cytological Congress Dinner, Stockholm, Sweden, in the Golden Room of the
City Hall, July 12, 1947. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. July 12, 1947.
The Earl of Athlone, Linus Pauling, and several unidentified individuals. Linus receiving
the honorary DSC (London), July 16, 1947. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. July 16, 1947.
Linus Pauling Jr. and Anita Oser cutting their wedding cake together. "J4709-11g [in
pencil]/ LP Jr/Anita wedding 1947" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1947.
Anita Oser and Linus Pauling Jr. on their wedding day, standing with Ava Helen and
Linus Pauling. "1947" Attached paper: "Wedding LP Jr. and Anita over Sept. 1947, Pasadena."
Photographer unknown. Color print. September, 1947.
Linus Pauling and Arthur Hill standing in a laboratory. "Yale - Silliman Lecture"
"LP + Arthur Hill" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1947.
Conference on Current Problems of Physics, Group Portrait "Conference on Current Problems
of Physics Copenhagen Sept. '47 Rosenthal, Niels Bohr, Blaton (Poland), Rosenfeld,
Wolfgang Pauli, J. Korring (Neth.), Kronig (Neth), Plaezek, Ferretti, D. Pshoc[?],
Cecile Morette, John Wheeler, Lise Meitner, Weisskopf (MLT), Frisch" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. September, 1947.
Group of unidentified men and women posing together in front of an unfinished building.
"Photo taken in front of Hers lab, under cons fr. (Now finished) Copenhagen" "Staff
of the Inst. For Theor Phys. Copenhagen Fall 1947" "M. Horowitz (sp. 3) Paris, Jens
Lindhard and Torbeen Huus - grad students, Madsen (?), Aage Bohr, Dr. Rosenthal, Dr.
J Koch, Prof. C Miller, Prof Jacobsen, Prof Bohr, Selienez[?] Dewitt; now Mrs. Bryce,
Mlle. Cecile Morette-Paris, Frer Schultz (grey), Robt. Plotyman, D P Shoemaker" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1947.
Cartoon caricatures of Linus Pauling, J. Timmermans, A. Tiselius, L.H. Lampitt, M.
Bienaime, B.C.T. Jansen, V. Leverhulme, W. Akers, M. Bogert, R. Robinson, P. Karrer,
P. Vesely. Luncheon by The Society of Chemical Industry (XIth International Congress
of Pure and Applied Chemistry 18 July 1947. London England). Some impressions by Fred
May. Reproduction photographer unknown. Black and white print. July 18, 1947.
Linus, Peter, Crellin, Linda, and Ava Helen Pauling dressed formally for a family
portrait. "Fall 1947" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1947.
Linda and Crellin Pauling dressed formally for a studio portrait. "Fall 1947" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1947.
Peter Pauling sitting in the frame of a converted 1932 Model-B Ford. "Peter Pauling
/ 1947" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1947.
Linus Pauling (second from the left) at the Conference on the Foundations of Quantum
Mechanics. Long Island, New York. "Ram's Head Inn Conference on Foundations of Quantum
Mechanics, Long Island, June 1-4, 1947. Sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences.
From left to right, I.I. Rabi, LP, J. Van Vleck, W. E. Lamb, Gregory Breit, Duncan
MacInnes, Karl Darrow, G. E. Uhlenbeck, Julian Schwinger, Edward Teller, Bruno Rossi,
Arnold Nordsieck, John von Neumann, J. A. Wheeler, Hans Bethe, R. Serber, R.E. Marshak,
Abraham Pais, J. Robert Oppenheimer, David Bohm, Richard Feynman, Victor F. Weisskopf,
Herman Feshbach; The First Shelter Island Conference. (Second 25 Years later.)" Black
and white print. June 1-4, 1947.
Linus Pauling experimenting in his lab at Caltech. "LP preparing freshman lecture,
C.I.T., 1947, return to Ava Helen Pauling; Caltech". Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1947.
Linus Pauling working in his lab at Caltech, examining a crystal. "Linus Pauling,
December. 1947, by Jack Kaufman, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, return
to Ava Helen Pauling." Black and white print. December, 1947.
Crellin Pauling standing outside of a brick house, shirtless. Crellin arranging flowers
in a large vase. "Crel and my graduation flowers / 1947" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1947.
Linus Pauling (far left) receiving the Richards Medal. An unidentified man speaking
at a podium. "Richards Medal 1947" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1947.
Linus Pauling receiving the Richards Medal. "Richards Medal 1947" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1947.
Linus Pauling speaking at the 1947 Richards Medal ceremony. "Richards Medal 1947"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1947.
Linus Pauling standing at a blackboard, pointing at a diagram of a molecule. "Richards
Medal 1947" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1947.
A Pauling Oxygen Meter - Model K, serial No.3. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1947.
Anita Oser and Linus Pauling Jr. on their wedding day, standing with Ava Helen and
Linus Pauling. "1947" Attached paper: "Wedding LP Jr. and Anita over Sept. 1947, Pasadena."
Photographer unknown. Color print. September, 1947.
Linus Pauling and Arthur Hill standing in a laboratory. "Yale - Silliman Lecture"
"LP + Arthur Hill" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1947.
Conference on Current Problems of Physics, Group Portrait "Conference on Current Problems
of Physics Copenhagen Sept. '47 Rosenthal, Niels Bohr, Blaton (Poland), Rosenfeld,
Wolfgang Pauli, J. Korring (Neth.), Kronig (Neth), Plaezek, Ferretti, D. Pshoc[?],
Cecile Morette, John Wheeler, Lise Meitner, Weisskopf (MIT), Frisch" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. September 1947.
Group of unidentified men and women posing together in front of an unfinished building.
"Photo taken in front of Hers lab, under cons fr. (Now finished) Copenhagen" "Staff
of the Inst. For Theor Phys. Copenhagen Fall 1947" "M. Horowitz (sp. 3) Paris, Jens
Lindhard and Torbeen Huus - grad students, Madsen (?), Aage Bohr, Dr. Rosenthal, Dr.
J Koch, Prof. C Miller, Prof Jacobsen, Prof Bohr, Selienez[?] Dewitt; now Mrs. Bryce,
Mlle. Cecile Morette-Paris, Frer Schultz (grey), Robt. Plotyman, D P Shoemaker" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1947.
Linus Pauling wearing ceremonial dress and walking in a processional at Cambridge
University. Photographer unknown. Color print. June 12, 1947.
Ava Helen, Linus, and Linda Pauling dressed formally, outside. Taken at the wedding
of Linus Pauling, Jr. and Anita Oser. Photographer unknown. Color print, photo taken
from slide. 1947.
Linus Pauling standing outdoors, dressed in academic regalia, peering to the left
of the camera. Yale University honorary doctorate ceremony. Photographer unknown.
Color print, photo taken from slide. November 16, 1947.
Profile image of Linus Pauling walking outdoors, dressed in academic regalia. Yale
University honorary doctorate ceremony. Photographer unknown. Color print, photo taken
from slide. November 16, 1947.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1948.
Linda Pauling. At Deep Springs, CA. [?] Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1948.
Linda Pauling. At Deep Springs, CA. [?] Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1948.
Group photo including Linus Pauling (front row, fourth from right), in Paris. Photographer:
"Photo Lutetia 111 Rue de Reenes, 111, Paris Littre 59-41". Black and white print. 1948.
James Page sitting at a desk. Given to Caltech switchboard operators. "The Chairman
chairing, for the gals. James Page 7/12-48" Photograph by Yladser. Black and white
print. 1948.
Abraham Pais with a camera in the front row and Lise Meitner sitting in the front
row, center. Copenhagen, Denmark. "Abraham Pais with camera Copenhagen 1948 Lise
Meitner front row center" Photograph by David Shoemaker. Black and white print. 1948.
Lise Meitner standing between two unidentified individuals. Copenhagen, Denmark. "1948
Copenhagen C = Meitner D.S. photo ok" Photograph by David Shoemaker. Black and white
print. 1948.
From left to right, Linda Pauling, Linus Pauling, and Ava Helen Pauling sitting on
the couch with Samuel Jenkins and Lucile Jenkins sitting next to them. An Peter Pauling
sits on right arm of couch; Donald Jenkins and Crellin Pauling stand behind the couch.
The stamp of the studio reads "ROSE STUDIOS Photography by Estacada Oregon" Photographer:
Rose Studios. Black and white print. 1948.
From left to right: Ava Helen Pauling, Linus Pauling, Linda Pauling sitting on a couch
with Peter Pauling, Lucile Jenkins and Samuel Jenkins. Donald Jenkins and Crellin
Pauling sit in front of the couch. The stamp of the studio reads "ROSE STUDIOS Photography
by Estacada Oregon" Photographer: Rose Studios. Black and white print. 1948.
Linus Pauling and Lee DuBridge dressed in ceremonial robes and standing in front of
a building among a group of men at the awarding of the Presidential Medal for Merit,
California Institute of Technology. Photographer unknown. Color print. February 2, 1948.
Linus, Peter and Linda Pauling, [Mrs.?] Daudel and Ava Helen Pauling standing together
outdoors on a stairway. Photographer unknown. Color print. April 1948.
Crellin and Linus Pauling (in ceremonial dress), an unknown individual, Linda and
Peter Pauling standing outdoors at Oxford University. Photographer unknown. Color
print. June 23, 1948.
Crellin Pauling standing outdoors next to a large pile of sticks in an alpine setting.
Photographer unknown. Color print. 1948.
Portrait of Linus Pauling. Print courtesy of Oregon State University archives. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1948.
Crellin Pauling standing on the dock of the "Queen Mary". Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1948.
Linus Pauling receiving an honorary degree from University of Paris. Copyright Agence
Photographique, Keystone. Black and white print. 1948.
Linda, Ava Helen, Linus and Peter Pauling standing together next to a railing on a
large ocean liner. Photographer unknown. Color print. 1948.
Ava Helen Pauling at Stonehenge, England. Photographer unknown. Color print. 1948.
Linus Pauling seated in a courtyard in Sweden. Photographer unknown. Color print. 1948.
Linus Pauling standing outdoors in front of a house with an unidentified family in
the Swedish countryside. Photographer unknown. Color print. 1948.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling swimming in their private pool. Pasadena, California.
Photographer unknown. Color print, photo taken from slide. 1948.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling swimming in their private pool. Pasadena, California.
Photographer unknown. Color print, photo taken from slide. 1948.
Ava Helen Pauling inspecting a flowering plant. Pasadena, California. Photographer
unknown. Color print, photo taken from slide. 1948.
A group standing by two cars, gathered for a picnic. From left to right: Linda Pauling,
Linus Pauling, unidentified individual, Carl Nieman, Dorothy Nieman, Crellin Pauling,
unidentified individual, Mary Nieman and Linda Nieman. Charleton Flats, California.
Photographer unknown. Color print, photo taken from slide. 1948.
Formal portrait of H.A. Pickering, smiling. Given to Caltech switchboard operators.
"Pickering Best wishes, Peache H.A. Pickering Dec. 49" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1948.
L.A. DuBridge standing next to a desk with one hand in his pocket and the other hand
holding a piece of paper. "L.A. DuBridge May 1948" Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. May, 1948.
Linus Pauling, lying on his back with his eyes closed and his hands folded across
his chest, and Ava Helen Pauling, seated and wearing sunglasses, together outdoors
at Fontainebleau, France. Photographer unknown. Color print. 1948.
Geniffer Evans, Linus and Ava Helen Pauling standing outside. Photographer unknown.
Color print. 1948.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling at a train station. Pasadena, California. Photographer
unknown. Color print. 1948.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling standing outside, next to car. Pasadena, California. Photographer
unknown. Color print. 1948.
Linus Pauling wearing a suit, standing next to train tracks. Pasadena, California.
Photographer unknown. Color print. 1948.
Linus Pauling standing outside in suit, holding and examining a small lizard. Photographer
unknown. Color print. 1948.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting outside with an unidentified woman. Photographer unknown.
Color print. 1948.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling standing outside in Hawaii with an unidentified toddler
seated in a stroller. Photographer unknown. Color print. 1948.
Linus Pauling standing alongside a desert road, next to a blue car. Linus wearing
his black beret. Photographer unknown. Color print. 1948.
Linus and Peter Pauling at the model Bourton-on-the-water, England. Photographer unknown.
Color print. 1948.
Linus and Peter Pauling at Warwick Castle, England. Photographer unknown. Color print. 1948.
Linus Pauling at Stonehenge. Photographer unknown. Color print. 1948.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling standing outside with an unidentified woman. Cambridge,
England. Photographer unknown. 1948.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling standing on the sidewalk. England. Photographer unknown.
Color print. 1948.
Linus Pauling rowing a boat with Alexander R. Todd. Cambridge, England. Photographer
unknown. Color print. 1948.
Linus Pauling rowing a boat with Alexander R. Todd. Cambridge, England. Photographer
unknown. Color print. 1948.
Lord and Lady Leverhulme standing outside with Linus Pauling. England. Photographer
unknown. Color print. 1948.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling wearing leis and standing outside with Earl and Lenore
Bilger. Honolulu, Hawaii. "E and L Bilger" Photographer unknown. Color print. 1948.
Ava Helen Pauling standing next to palm tree, holding and wearing several leis. Photographer
unknown. Color print. 1948.
Linus Pauling standing next to a palm tree, wearing a lei and holding fruit. Photographer
unknown. Color print. 1948.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling wearing leis and standing at an airport with an unidentified
man and several children. Photographer unknown. Color print. 1948.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling standing outside an airport, both wearing several leis.
Photographer unknown. Color print. 1948.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling, standing outside an airport, both wearing several leis.
Photographer unknown. Color print. 1948.
Peter Pauling standing on the deck of the Queen Mary and looking through a pair of
binoculars. "Peter / Queen Mary / August 1948" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. August, 1948.
Linus, Ava Helen, and Peter Pauling standing outdoors. Manchester, England. "Manchester
/ April 1948" "Neg, 18 x 10 / crop to people" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. April, 1948.
Linus Pauling photographing wildlife. Magdalen, England. "Dr. Pauling / Magdalen [?]
/ Summer, 48" "The stalker stalked." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1948.
Peter, Linda, Ava Helen, and Linus Pauling standing by the Magdalen Tower. "Paulings
/ Magdalen Tower / Summer, 48" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1948.
Peter, Linda, Ava Helen, and Linus Pauling standing by the Magdalen Tower. "Paulings
/ Magdalen Tower / Summer 48" "neg. made 9/96" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1948.
Group photo including Linus Pauling (front row, second from left) at the 1948 Chemical
Congress. Paris, France. "Linus Pauling in Paris -","Chemical Congress 1948" [written
by LP]; "Copyright by; Photo; Paul L. Facchetti - Paris; 198.Rue Saint-Jacques; Pour la reproduction; mention obligatoire; Paris 1948" Black and white print. 1948.
Linus Pauling receiving the Medal of Merit Award from Stanford University. Left to
right: Major-General W. Robertson, Linus Pauling, Lee DuBridge, and James R. Page.
"Return to Ava Helen Pauling / Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. 94305" [From
left to right:] "Maj-Gen. W. Robertson, LP, Lee DuBridge, [sitting in the back], James
R. Page [in the right corner] Presidential Award of a Medal for Merit / October 4,
1948" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. October 4, 1948.
An unidentified man standing on boat, eating an ice-cream cone. Paris, France. "Paris
August 1948" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. August, 1948.
Linus Pauling standing outside, wearing his black beret. "Vous l'emportery [?] pas
avec vous! (La fanca[??]e) / Paris 1948 by Haissansky [?]" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1948.
Linus Pauling standing against a low wall with two unidentified men [Cook and J.M.
Robertson?] from the University of Glasgow Chemistry Department. "Chemistry Dept.
[?], University of Glasgow. 19th April[?] 1948." Cook JM Robertson" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1948.
Linus Pauling standing against a low wall with two unidentified men [Cook and J.M.
Robertson?] from the University of Glasgow Chemistry Department. "Chemistry Dept.
[?], University of Glasgow. 19th April[?] 1948." Cook JM Robertson" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. April, 1948.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting on the deck of the Queen Mary with Miriam Dunham. "August
1948" "Ava Helen Pauling, Miriam Dunham" "...on board...Queen Mary" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. August, 1948.
Professor H. James of the University of London sitting on board the Queen Mary with
Linus and Peter Pauling. "Aug. 1948" "Prof. H. James, University of London" "Linus
Pauling, Peter Pauling" "...on board...Queen Mary" Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. August, 1948.
The Pauling family crowded into a jeep with Professor Bauer Suis, his son, and Dr.
Robert Millikan. Paris, France. "Prof Bauer Suis son"; "driving, Peter Pauling,";
"Crellin"; "L.P."; "Linda AP,"; "Robert Millikan"; "Paris 1948" Photographer unknown.
Color print. 1948.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling standing at the foot of a marble staircase, with a group
of people standing behind them. Linus dressed in an elaborate Doctoral robe. "L. Pauling
wearing doctoral robes of Dr. Rabelaio [?], at Montpellier. / Professors behind /
J. Lasvinien-upper right / [photographer:] MIDI LIBRE / 12, Rue d'Alger-MONTEPELLIER / SERVICE PHOTOGRAPHIQUE" Black and white
print. 1948.
Jurg Waser standing outdoors, smiling. At Deep Springs, CA. [?] Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1948.
Jurg Waser lying on the ground and holding a camera, outdoors. At Deep Springs, CA.
[?] Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1948.
Bruno Rossi and Neils Bohr standing in a room. Bohr speaks while Rossi watches. Copenhagen,
Denmark. "Bruno Rossi 1948 Copenhagen David Shoemaker photo ok" David Shoemaker,
photographer. Black and white print. 1948.
Niels Bohr gesturing to the side of a building, outdoors. Copenhagen, Denmark. "Copenhagen
1948 Neels Bohr David Shoemaker, photographer ok to use" Black and white print. 1948.
Niels Bohr sitting at a table with Linus Pauling. LP's back is to the camera. "Bohr
LP with back to camera 1948 Copenhagen D.S. photo ok". David Shoemaker, photographer.
Black and white print. 1948.
Linus Pauling wearing a woven hat and kneeling in a pineapple field, likely in Hawaii.
Color print. 1948.
Group photo of a Caltech graduate students group assembled at a recreational gathering
near the Pacific Ocean. Individuals identified within the group include David Shoemaker,
Peter Pauling and D. Carleton Gajdusek. Color print. 1948.
David Shoemaker unloading supplies at a Caltech graduate students recreational gathering
near the Pacific Ocean. Color print. 1948.
D. Carleton Gajdusek at a Caltech graduate students recreational gathering near the
Pacific Ocean. Color print. 1948.
Jack Dunitz at a Caltech graduate students recreational gathering near the Pacific
Ocean. Color print. 1948.
Linus Pauling standing outdoors with his arm around his nephew, Donald Jenkins. Color
print. 1948.
Linus Pauling standing outdoors with his sister, Lucile Jenkins, as well as Samuel
and Donald Jenkins. Color print. 1948.
Linus Pauling standing outdoors in front of a long yellow building, Sweden. Color
print. 1948.
Linus Pauling posing in front of Stonehenge, England. Color print. 1948.
Ava Helen, Linus and Peter Pauling seated on a rock formation with two unidentified
individuals, Fontainebleau, France. Color print. 1948.
Lord Alexander Todd posing in a garden with his family, Lady Alison Todd, daughters
Helen and Hilary and son Alexander. Cambridge, England. Color print. 1948.
Linda Pauling standing on the sidewalk, Norham Road, Oxford, England. Color print. 1948.
Linda Pauling hiking near a waterfall in the European countryside. Color print. 1948.
Linda Pauling standing near a river in the European countryside. Color print. 1948.
Linda Pauling posing next to a large tree. Oxford, England. Color print. March 1948.
Claude F. Palmer, Linus Pauling, Lynn P. Sabin and Paul Emmett posing with a copy
of the Oregon Stater magazine. Corvallis, Oregon [?]. Black and white print. 1948.
Original image held in Harriet's Collection, Special Collections and Archives Research
Linus Pauling and Paul Emmett. Corvallis, Oregon [?]. Black and white print. 1948.
Original image held in Harriet's Collection, Special Collections and Archives Research
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1949.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling standing on the Atlantic City waterfront with Kitty Lus.
Atlantic City, New Jersey. Photograph taken by C.V. Zebielski, black and white print. 1949.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling standing on the Atlantic City waterfront with Kitty Lus.
Atlantic City, New Jersey. "Atlantic City, September 1949 With Kitty Lus Taken by
C.V Zabielski 25 Monroe St. Schenectady [Sp?]" Photograph taken by C.V. Zabielski,
black and white print. September, 1949.
Portrait of Linus Pauling. Portrait taken as publicity for the City College Bicentennial
Chemistry Lecture of December, 1949. Photographer Ray Huff Studios, black and white
print. December, 1949.
An old barn on the southeast side of the farm where LP's grandmother once lived. "Alte
Scheune (Old Barn)" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1949.
Crellin, Ava Helen, Linus, and Linda Pauling standing in a garden. "July 1949" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. July, 1949.
Linus, Ava Helen, and Peter Pauling standing outside, laughing. Peter looking at a
picture held by Ava Helen. "Taken by W. Mark / Nov. 1949. Printed at once in camera
at home" "Pasadena Calif." Black and white print. November, 1949.
A large audience. A sign in the back right reads "USA ESTADOS UNIDOS." "September
5, 1949 / A day to remember / Yours for Peace / The Beekers" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. September 5, 1949.
David Sigueiros, Pablo Neruda, and Diego Rivera standing behind a microphone. Mexico
City, Mexico. "Mexico City; September 8, 1949; [from l to r] David Sigueiros, Pablo
Neruda, Diego Pablo Rivera; [photographer] Graficas M. Sosa 12-28-35 Tacuba 12 Mex
OF." Photograph by Graficas M. Sosa. Black and white print. September 8, 1949.
Linus Pauling standing in a park, smiling. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1949.
Linus Pauling lecturing in a classroom. Chicago, Illinois. "Dr. Pauling in Chicago
6-17-49" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. June 17, 1949.
Linus Pauling standing outside, talking to an unidentified man. Chicago, Illinois.
"Dr Pauling in Chicago 6-17-49" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. June 17, 1949.
Snow-covered trees. "1/4/49 / Oak tree and grove of white birches in out back yard.
Snow over sack lawn." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. January 4, 1949.
A house covered with snow. "1/4/49 / Back of house, showing screen porch & kitchen
windows to left." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. January 4, 1949.
Linus Pauling and Robert Rundle standing outside. San Francisco, California. "Rundle
& LP / San Francisco / April 1949 / by H. Mask" Black and white print. April, 1949.
Group photo of participants in the Tenth Anniversary Dinner for the Industrial Relations
Section of the California Institute of Technology. Los Angeles, California. "Tenth
Anniversary Dinner" "Industrial Relations Section" "California Institute of Technology"
"Biltmore Hotel - Los Angeles - July 21, 1949" "17871 Weaver 49" Black and white print. July 21, 1949.
Portrait of Linda Pauling. A filter was used to soften the photograph. "Linda Pauling"
"December. 1949" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. December, 1949.
Linus Pauling sitting in a radio broadcast booth with Wilbur Miller and Gene McGuane.
"Compliments of the Western Conn. Section of the American Chemical Society and James
McDonald" "WSTC-AM & FM. March 10, 1949" "Wilbur Miller Public Relations & Education
Committee Chairman" "Gene McGuane Announcer" "Dr. Pauling" Photographer unknown. Color
print. March 10, 1949.
A portrait image of Linus Pauling super-imposed onto an image of a building. [Photo
clipped from a magazine] "Linus C. Pauling ACS President for 1949 (page 28)" Photographer
unknown. Color print. 1949.
Crellin Pauling feeding a small deer. Mt. Wilson, California. "Mt. Wilson July 1949
Crellin 12 years" "626" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. July, 1949.
Professor Hubert Alyea standing outside the Mt. Wilson observatory with Ava Helen
and Crellin Pauling. Mt. Wilson, California. "Prof Hubert Alyea from Princeton Ava
Helen Pauling Crellin Pauling at Mt. Wilson July 1949 626" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. July, 1949.
A.H. Sturtevant sitting with an open book in his lap. "A.H. Sturtevant Sturtevant
No.5" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1949.
Linus Pauling holding his grandson, Linus Fowler Pauling, and standing with Linus
Pauling Jr. Linus Jr. standing akimbo, shirtless. "June 1949 Linus Carl Pauling Linus
Carl Pauling, Jr. Linus Fowler Pauling - son of L.P. Jr." Stamp: Linus Pauling Jr
MD 3909 Round Top Drive Honolulu Hawaii 96822" Photographer unknown. Color print.
"1949 Wellesley Farms, Mass. LP, Linus Fowler, LP Jr.". June 1949.
Linus Fowler Pauling lying in his crib. "6-28-49 / LFP 2 wks" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. June 28, 1949.
Linus Fowler Pauling lying in his crib, turned away from the camera. "6-28-49 / LFP
2 wks" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. June 28, 1949.
Linus Fowler Pauling lying in his crib. "6-28-49 / LFP 2 wks" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. June 28, 1949.
Ava Helen and Anita Pauling. Anita holding Linus Fowler Pauling. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. June 28, 1949.
Linus Fowler Pauling in someone's hands. "6-28-49 / LFP 2 wks" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. June 28, 1949.
Linus Fowler Pauling in someone's hands. "6-28-49 / LFP 2 wks" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. June 28, 1949.
Crellin Pauling holding his nephew, Linus Fowler Pauling. "Crellin w/ Linus Fowler
P." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1949.
Ava Helen Pauling holding her grandson, Linus Fowler Pauling. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1949.
Anita Pauling, Linus Jr., Ava Helen, Linus Sr., and Linus Fowler Pauling. Linus Jr.
is shirtless, holding Linus Fowler. Pasadena, California. Photographer unknown. Color
print, photo taken from slide. 1949.
Linus, Linus Jr., and Linus Fowler Pauling. Linus Sr. holding Linus Fowler. Pasadena,
California. Photographer unknown. Color print, photo taken from slide. 1949.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling standing outside. Pasadena, California. Photographer unknown.
Color print, photo taken from slide. 1949.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling standing outside. Pasadena, California. Photographer unknown.
Color print, photo taken from slide. 1949.
Linus Pauling sitting by a window, holding Linus Fowler Pauling. "6-28-49" "LFP 2
wks & grandpa" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. June 28, 1949.
Anita Oser Pauling, Linus Pauling, Jr. and an infant Linus Fowler Pauling, seated
together outdoors. Color print. June 1949.
Crellin Pauling posing with an infant Linus Fowler Pauling, who is being held by Linus
Pauling, Jr. Color print. June 1949.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1940's.
Dorcas and Milton Miller standing outside in front of a large rock. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1940s.
Portrait of an unidentified woman. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940s.
Linus Pauling Jr. standing on the deck of a ship, wearing a long coat. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1940s.
Crellin and Ava Helen Pauling standing outside with Aunt Elizabeth [?], Peter Pauling,
and Linda Pauling. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940s.
Linus Pauling standing between Charlie Chaplin (left) and Dean Inge (right). Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1940s.
Linus Pauling and Paul Emmett. Black and white print, photographer unknown. 1940s.
Linus Pauling wearing a tuxedo. Imprint: "Complimentary proofs only Associated News
Photographic Service, Inc. 20 West 57th Street" Color print. 1940s.
Linus Pauling wearing a tuxedo. Imprint: "Complimentary proofs only Associated News
Photographic Service, Inc. 20 West 57th Street" "Return to Mrs. Wulf Crellin 162" Photographer unknown. Color print. 1940s.
Linus Pauling wearing a suit. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940s.
Portrait of Linus Pauling. "Shelborne Studios 47 West 63rd Street, NYC" Black and white print. 1940s.
Portrait of Linus Pauling. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940s.
Linus Pauling. "Dr. Linus Pauling 1 w. x 1 1/2 L. 343" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1940s.
Linus Pauling. "Rec of Chem Prog Fall '57 Vol 12, No 4 #40204 KB2A Dr. Linus Pauling
California Institute of Technology" " Please return to Press Relation Office, Wayne
University Detroit 1, Michigan" "15 x 19 9856 120 screen X19pfd. 7454 Reduce to 15
Picas FACE width. Cuts to be blocked FL___" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1940s.
Portrait of Linus Pauling. "A Portrait by Maryland Studio Pasadena" Black and white
print. 1940s.
Linus Pauling lecturing at a blackboard. "1720" Photographer unknown. Color print. 1940s.
Linus Pauling leaning on a podium. "1719" Photographer unknown. Color print. 1940s.
Linda and Crellin Pauling riding a bicycle, Crellin sitting on the handlebars. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1940s.
Linda, Crellin, and Peter Pauling riding their bicycles. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1940s.
Peter and Linus Pauling, Jr. wearing suits standing in front of a house. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1940s.
Two unidentified boys sitting on a seesaw. "1378" Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1940s.
Two unidentified girls wearing matching blouses. "A Merry, Merry Christmas from the
John Shirleys. / [back:] 1625 Ridgewood Drive, East Lansing, Michigan / Best wishes
of the holiday season to all of you from all of us. The Shirleys / The Shirleys lived
in a trailer on land off Fairpoint St. -during the war. / Late 40's" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1940s.
Linus Pauling standing outdoors. "In the Ozarks with the Doisys from St. Louis at
the farm given him by his Univ. / About 1950" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1940s.
Children posing outside for a group portrait. "Standing, left to right: Nicky [Brownria?],
Sally Summers, Bill Allen, Tad Williamson, Cynthia Platt / Sitting-Me [Linda Pauling],
Daphne Adams, Elenore Kenny, Sarah Strater, Michael Shlanderman, ?, Marion Hall, Russell
Chandler, Marion MacFarland, Susy Dakin." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940s.
Ava Helen Pauling. "Play Hulji[?]" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940s.
Linus Pauling (right), walking outside with an unidentified man. Both wearing academic
regalia. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940s.
Linus Pauling walking outside with several unidentified men, all wearing academic
regalia. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940s.
Linus Pauling walking outside with several unidentified men, all wearing academic
regalia. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940s.
Linus Pauling walking outside with several unidentified men, all wearing academic
regalia. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940s.
Portrait of Ava Helen and Linus Pauling. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940s.
Jimmie Bell, Linus Pauling, and Laslo Zechmeister picnicking on the beach. "Jimmie
Bell LP Zechmeister" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940s.
Two unidentified women walking across the lawn at a picnic. "BBM" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1940s.
Sigrid and Morgan Ward sitting on the floor. "Sigrid Ward Mrs. Morgan Ward" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1940s.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling sitting and playing a board game with Sigrid and Morgan
Ward. An unidentified woman (right) sitting and reading a book. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1940s.
Two unidentified people standing outside in front of a house. "Back of house" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1940s.
Ava Helen Pauling standing in her garden. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940s.
Linus Pauling, Ava Helen Pauling, and Aunt Abigail Elizabeth Darling standing by the
sea. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940s.
Portrait of Richard Badger. "Dick Badger" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940s.
Linus Pauling, Ava Helen Pauling and Aunt Abigail Elizabeth Darling standing by the
sea. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940s.
Aunt Abigail Elizabeth Darling and Peter Pauling standing outdoors. "[Aunt Elizabeth]"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940s.
Dougcoy (?), Crellin Pauling (?), Linda Pauling, and Aunt Abigail Elizabeth Darling
standing outside. "Dougcoy? / ? Crellin / Linda / Aunt Elizabeth" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1940s.
Ava Helen Pauling standing in her garden, holding a flower. "Ava Pauling / 3500 Fairpoint
/ in back garden. 1941?" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940s.
Ava Helen Pauling standing outside by a water pump. Ava Helen smiling. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1940s.
Richard Santure in uniform, standing with his wife. "Linus's cousin Richard Santure
and his wife. He is Aunt Beth's son. 1942-43. He made the Air Force his career." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1940s.
Richard Santure in uniform. "Richard Santure Aunt Beth's son Linus's cousin" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1940s.
Peter Pauling [?] looking at a paper held by Linus Pauling Jr. [?] Two unidentified
men sitting behind them. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940s.
Portrait of Peter Pauling wearing a collared shirt. [Irregular shape] Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1940s.
Laslo Zechmeister reclining on a couch, reading. "Zechmeister" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1940s.
Mrs. Zechmeister sitting on a couch with a table in front of her. "Mrs. Zechmeister"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940s.
Mr. Zechmeister sitting behind a desk with an open book in front of him. "Zechmeister"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940s.
Mrs. Zechmeister standing in front of a house with an unidentified man. "My wife with
an American student. Zechmeister" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940s.
Ronald Norrish sitting with a radio and bookcase behind him. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1940s.
Laslo Zechmeister's house with an overview of a city. "Zechmeister house Pics" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1940s.
Clark Millikan sitting behind a desk. Portrait given to switchboard operators at Caltech.
"To Miraculous Peachy with best regards Clark B. Millikan" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1940s.
Portrait of Edward C. Barrett. "Best Wishes Edward C Barrett Beaux Arts L.A." Photograph
by Beaux Arts L.A. Black and white print. 1940s.
Portrait of Richard Badger. "Dick Badger" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940s.
Linus Pauling holding a chemical model during a lecture. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1940s.
Classroom full of unidentified individuals sitting in desks and facing the right,
with an overhead projector set up. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940s.
Close-up of Albert Einstein. "Albert Einstein" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1940s.
Linus Pauling laughing. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940s.
Close-up of Albert Schweitzer, frontal view. "Lotte Meitner-Graf, London." Black and
white print. 1940s.
Pauline Pauling, seated at a desk and posing with several pairs of Paddies slippers,
including two sets which are framed and mounted on the wall behind her. Photograph
by Atkinson Studio, 2419 Lincoln Blvd., Venice, California. Black and white print. 1940s.
Formal portrait of Clara Alsie Robison Suddaby, frontal view. [LP handwriting:] "From
little Ruthie (Ruth [Jacobsen ?])" [feminine handwriting:] "(my mother) Clara Alsie
Robison Suddaby / Taken off a large picture / Born October. 12, 1880. Died June 29,
1954." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1940s.
Linus Pauling standing outdoors on a porch and looking to his right at a snowman that
is holding a broom and outfitted in a a beret. Photographer unknown. Color print. 1940s.
Linus Pauling standing along on a rock in the middle of a river. Photographer unknown.
Color print. 1940s.
Linus Pauling standing on a ledge overlooking the Grand Canyon, Arizona. Photographer
unknown. Color print. 1940s.
Linda Pauling seated in a tulip garden and looking to her left. Photographer unknown.
Color print. 1940s.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling smiling and conversing with one another in a lecutre hall.
Photographer unknown. Color print. 1940s.
An unidentified individual and Crellin Pauling peering out through the window of a
train. Photographer unknown. Color print. 1940s.
Group photo of several individuals at a desert recreational outing. Crellin Pauling
is seated near the front. Photographer unknown. Color print. 1940s.
Crellin Pauling assembling a snowman in his front yard, Pasadena, California. Photographer
unknown. Color print. 1940s.
Group photo of six individuals at the beach. Seated to the right is Linda Pauling.
Photographer unknown. Color print. 1940s.
Linda Pauling, wearing a long yellow dress and holding a flower bouquet, posing in
a garden near a wagon wheel. Photographer unknown. Color print. 1940s.
Linda Pauling, wearing a long yellow dress and holding a flower bouquet, seated in
a garden setting. Photographer unknown. Color print. 1940s.
Profile image of Linda Pauling, wearing a long yellow dress and holding a flower bouquet,
standing on a patio. Photographer unknown. Color print. 1940s.
Linda Pauling, wearing a long white dress and holding a yellow flower bouquet, posing
in near her parents' swimming pool. Photographer unknown. Color print. 1940s.
Profile image of Linda Pauling, wearing a long white dress and holding a yellow flower
bouquet, walking down an aisle, serving as a wedding attendant. Photographer unknown.
Color print. 1940s.
Close-up image of Linda Pauling, standing in front of the Pauling family home, Pasadena,
California. Photographer unknown. Color print. 1940s.
Linda Pauling, seated outdoors holding a puppy with a second dog at her feet. Photographer
unknown. Color print. 1940s.
Linda Pauling, standing outdoors with her hands clasped behind her back, peering to
the right of the camera. Photographer unknown. Color print. 1940s.
Ava Helen Pauling, posing from the compartment of a train engine. Photographer unknown.
Color print. 1940s.
Ava Helen Pauling, posing outdoors with two unidentified women. All three are wearing
formal dress. Photographer unknown. Color print. 1940s.
Ava Helen Pauling, posing outdoors with and unidentified boy and two unidentified
women. Photographer unknown. Color print. 1940s.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1950.
Portrait of Ava Helen Pauling. Photographer Maryland Studio, Pasadena, California.
Black and white print. 1950.
Portrait of Ava Helen Pauling. Photographer Maryland Studio, Pasadena, California.
Black and white print. 1950.
Portrait of Ava Helen Pauling. [signed by AHP] Photographer Maryland Studio, Santa
Barbara, California. Black and white print. 1950.
Portrait of Ava Helen Pauling. Photographer Maryland Studio, Pasadena, California.
Black and white print. 1950.
Ava Helen sitting in a green MG Roadster convertible. Photographer unknown. Color
print. 1950.
Ava Helen sitting in a green MG Roadster convertible. Photographer unknown. Color
print. 1950.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling standing in front of a house. Ava Helen with her arm over
Linus's shoulder. "August. 1950 / Taken by Dick Lippman" Black and white print. 1950.
Portrait of Ava Helen Pauling. "Ava Helen Pauling 3500 Fairpoint Pasadena California
/ if not used kindly return to L.P. Job 2695 Sac. ST. S.F. 15 / [stamped on bottom
of photo:] MARYLAND STUDIO 80 North Hill Avenue Pasadena, California" Black and white
print. 1950.
Portrait of Ava Helen Pauling. "Maryland Studio" [Original found in Large Photos box]
black and white print. 1950.
Linus Pauling sitting in his living room, holding a book in his lap. Linus wearing
a suit. Stamped on front: Maryland Studio. Black and white print. 1950.
Linus Pauling sitting in his living room, holding a book in his lap and holding his
chin as if in contemplation. Linus wearing a suit. "2030 1" Maryland Studios. Black
and white print. 1950.
Linus Pauling sitting in his living room, holding a book in his lap. Linus wearing
a suit. "2031 6" Maryland Studios. Black and white print. 1950.
Linus Pauling sitting in his living room, holding a book in his lap and holding his
chin as if in contemplation. Linus wearing a suit. "2025 8" Maryland Studios. Black
and white print. 1950.
Linus Pauling, sitting in his living room, holding a book in his lap. Linus wearing
a suit. "2026 5" Maryland Studios. Black and white print. 1950.
Linus Pauling standing in his living room, holding a book in his hand. Linus wearing
a suit. "2028 4" Maryland Studios. Black and white print. 1950.
Linus Pauling standing in his living room, holding an open book. Linus wearing a suit.
"2029 3" Maryland Studios. Black and white print. 1950.
Ava Helen Pauling driving her MG Roadster convertible with Linus Pauling sitting in
the passenger seat. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1950.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling walking along a wide sidewalk. "Midi Libre 12 Rue d'Alger
- Montpelier, France Service Photographique 1950's" "1743" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1950.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling standing on a runway, ready to board a flight to France.
Linus and Ava Helen smiling, Linus waving his hat. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1950.
Ava Helen Pauling wearing a hat and sunglasses, and leaning on her MG Roadster convertible.
Photographer unknown. Color print. 1950.
Group portrait of gentlemen with a diagram corresponding to individual identifications
which includes: "Derge, Wagner, Wallace, Carney, Alexander, Rosenqvist, Huntington,
Johnson, Beeman, Stumpf, Lazarus, Crawford, Ham, Lawless, Russell, Van Nordstrand,
Moore, Barth, Hay, Dunnington, Fitzwilliam, Rundle, Sheldon, Shoemaker, Swann, Blatz,
Speiser, Firkpatrick, Oriani, Fankuchen, Waber, Dunkerley, Brusie, Shull, Fajans,
Gibney, Cohen, Brewer, Coffinberry, Busk, Schonfeld, Shapiro, Hansen, Busk, Moeller,
Darken, Derge, Bever, Frederickson, Wannier, Gwathmey, Gulbransen, Jackel and Wise."
"AAAS July 3, 1950 New Hampton N.H." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. July 3, 1950.
Alfred Stern looking at the camera with hands clasped. "Alfred Stern" "To Mrs. Peache
Vickerson, the kindest and most charming telephone supervisor I ever met-on three
different continents (America, Europe, Africa) Cordially Alfred Stern June, 1950"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. June, 1950.
Portrait of Robert Millikan. "Robert A. Millikan" Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1950.
The Chemistry Department from The California Institute of Technology, including Verner
Schomaker, Stuart Bates, Laslo Zechmeister, Dan Campbell, Joe Koepfli, Earnest Swift,
Carl Nieman, Don Yost, Howard Lucas, J. Holmes Sturdivant, Stanley Swingle, Robert
Corey and Walt Schroeder. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1950.
Crellin Pauling posing in the front seat of his mother's green MG Roadster convertible.
Photographer unknown. Color print. 1950.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1951.
Linus Pauling, Naomi Cecille Epel, and Ava Helen Pauling sitting. Linus holding baby
Naomi. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1951.
Linus Pauling sitting next to baby Naomi Cecille Epel. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1951.
Portrait of Ava Helen and Linus Pauling. Portrait by Peter Pan Photo. Black and white
print. 1951.
The 1951 Gilbert Newton Lewis Medal ceremony. University of California Berkeley Professor
Li standing with Linus Pauling. Berkeley, California. "Professor Pauling at time of
award of G.N. Lewis Medal, Berkeley, 1951. With Prof. Li of UC" Print courtesy of
ASCU Photography. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1951.
Cover of the December 17th issue of Chemical Engineering and News, featuring Professors Choh Hao Li and Linus Pauling working in a lab. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. December 17, 1951.
Linus Pauling (front row, center) posing with eight chemistry teachers. Linus wearing
a long-sleeve Hawaiian shirt. Stillwater, Oklahoma. "2043 [written on the bottom left
corner] / 8451 [written in pencil on right top corner] / LP with chemistry teachers
/ ~1950 ; Sweetwater [sic Stillwater?] Oklahoma" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1951.
Linus (front row, third from right) and Ava Helen Pauling (second row, second from
right) standing with the chemistry teachers of Stillwater, Oklahoma. "1827 [written
in pencil on right top corner] / 8456 [written in pencil on left side] / Stillwater
Okla. ; Chem. Teachers / Ava Helen ; L. Pauling" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1951.
Linus (back row, ninth from right) and Ava Helen Pauling (second row, center) posing
with the chemistry teachers of Stillwater, Oklahoma and their families. Stillwater,
Oklahoma. "Stillwater, Okla. ; 1951 / 8452 [written in pencil left bottom corner]"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1951.
Linus Pauling sitting on a couch, holding baby Naomi Cecille Epel. "4/18/51 Dr Linus
Pauling holding Naomi Cecille Epel" [OSU Valley Library has the original] Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. April 18, 1951.
Linus Pauling (right) standing with Edward Mack, Jr. (left). Columbus, Ohio. "Edward
Mack Jr and Linus Pauling Columbus Ohio Feb. 8, 1951" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. February 8, 1951.
Baby Naomi Epel sitting next to Linus Pauling. Correspondence enclosed (A 1993 letter
from Naomi Epel requesting an interview with Linus Pauling, and Linus's reply). "1951"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1951.
Linus Pauling receiving a Gilbert Newton Medal from Professor Melvin Calvin. Linus
and Melvin wearing tuxedos. "Presentation of the first Gilbert Newton Lewis Medal
of the California Section of the American Chemical Society, to Linus Pauling, by Prof.
Melvin Calvin, November, 1951" "Refer to: E1-243F Number: ASUC Photography Room
4, Eshleman - AS. 3-4800, Ext. 8 Univ. of Calif. - Berkeley Please Credit 2-719"
"1951" Color print. 1951.
Linus Pauling sitting, holding his first Greek book. Pasadena, California. Copyright
Maryland Studios. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1951.
Space-filling model of the alpha-helix. Photo taken in the 1980s, but model built
in 1951. Photographer unknown. Oversized color print on cardboard stock. 1951.
Oil portrait of Linus Pauling, featuring a model of the alpha-helix in the foreground.
Original painting by Leon Tadrick. 1951.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1952.
Proctor & Gamble Miami Valley Laboratories Dedication, September 12, 1952. Linus Pauling
in a group attending a Soap and Synthetic Detergent Phases Seminar. (Other individual
participants identified in an enclosed list). Courtesy of Photographic Laboratory,
Proctor and Gamble Co. Black and white print. 1952.
Baird Hastings (in spectacles), Mrs. Hastings (in black dress), Ava Helen Pauling,
and Linus Pauling at the Paris Opera, after attending the Deuxieme Congres International
de Biochemie. Remaining individuals in photo are unidentified. Paris, France. July
21-27, 1952. Courtesy of Hallery Reproduction Publication Interdites. Black and white
print. July 21-27, 1952.
Linda Pauling. Portland, Oregon. Portrait by Arlen Quan of Reed College. Black and
white print. 1952.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling celebrating Thanksgiving outside. Chilao, Angeles National
Forest, California. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1952.
Crellin, Linda, and Peter Pauling standing outside. Photographer unknown. Color print. 1952.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1953.
Eric Temple Bell sitting in front of a house, smoking a cigar. "Prof. Eric Temple
Bell" "With all good wishes to the ladies in the telephone room E.T. Bell, June 1953"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1953.
Ava Helen Pauling and Linus Carl Pauling. Portrait by Peter Pan Photo. Black and white
print. 1953.
Profile of Linus Pauling. Linus looking very serious. Rehovot, Israel. "Linus Pauling,
November. 1953, Rehovot, Israel" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. November, 1953.
Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion standing [?] with Niels Bohr and Linus Pauling
at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1953.
Photo album, in separate box. "To Professor Linus C. Pauling, With the compliments
and best wishes of Meyer W. Weisgal, Scenes from the inauguration of Yad Chaim Weizmann
and other memorial observances held at Rehovot on the first anniversary of the passing
of Dr. Chaim Weizmann." Sequence of photos through _18. 1953.
Bertrand Russell. "Bertrand Russell" Photographer unknown. Color print. 1953.
Linus Pauling on a crowded boat. Sweden. "Near Stockholm - perhaps" "Near Yetterby
- August 1953" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1953.
Linus Pauling (front row, center) at a memorial ceremony for Israel's first president,
Dr. Chaim Weizmann. Rehovot, Israel. "Part of the gathering at the ceremony of inaugurating
Yad Chaim Weizmann at Rehovot on Thursday, October 29, 1953." Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. October 29, 1953.
Linus Pauling signing the scroll for the corner stone to Yad Chaim Weizmann. Rehovot,
Israel. "Signing the scroll for the cornerstone of Yad Chaim Weizmann at the ceremony
held on October 29, 1953." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. October 29, 1953.
Linus Pauling (second row, fourth from right) among the guests of honor at Dr. Chaim
Weizmann's memorial ceremony. Rehovot, Israel. "Guests of honor on the main platform
at the Memorial Assemble for Dr. Chaim Weizmann at Rehovot on Oct. 30." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. Pauling in second row looking at papers. October 30, 1953.
Linus Pauling (second row, third from left) among the guests of honor at Dr. Chaim
Weizmann's memorial ceremony. Rehovot, Israel. "Another view of the main platform
guests." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1953.
Linus Pauling (front row, second from left) at the dedication ceremony for the Isaac
Wolfson Building and the cornerstone laying for the Institute of Physics at the Weizmann
Institute of Science. Rehovot, Israel. "Platform guests at the ceremony of dedicating
the Isaac Wolfson Building for the department of Experimental Biology and Laying the
Cornerstone of the Institute of Physics at the Weizmann Institute of Science, November
3, 1953." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. November 3, 1953.
Linus Pauling (front row, second from left) watching Professor Aharon Katchalsky addressing
the audience at the memorial ceremony for Dr. Chaim Weizmann. Rehovot, Israel. "Professor
Aharon Katchalsky, Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Weizmann Institute
of Science for 1952-53, Addressing the audience at the ceremonies held on November
3, 1953." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. November 3, 1953.
Professor Niels Bohr signing the scroll for the cornerstone of the Institute of Physics
at the Weizmann Institute. Linus Pauling (far left) sitting and smiling. Rehovot,
Israel. "Professor Niels Bohr, of Copenhagen, signing the scroll for the cornerstone
of the Institute of Physics at the Weizmann Institute." Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1953.
Linus Pauling (left) listening to a lecture by Professor Herman F. Mark of the Brooklyn
Polytechnic Institute. Rehovot, Israel. "Professor Herman F. Mark, of Brooklyn Polytechnic
Institute, delivering scientific lecture at the Beth Ha'am in Rehovot during the memorial
period." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1953.
Professor Isaac Beremblum, Mrs. Vera Weizmann, and Linus Pauling standing. "With Mrs.
Vera Weizmann, widow of the first President of Israel, and Professor Isaac Beremblum,
head of the Department for Experimental Biology at the Weizmann Institute." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1953.
Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion talking to Linus Pauling. Jerusalem, Israel.
"With Mr. David Ben-Gurion, The Prime Minister of Israel, at the King of David Hotel,
Jerusalem, November 5, 1953." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. November 5, 1953.
Linus Pauling signing the guest register at the Weizmann Institute of Science. "Signing
the register of the Weizmann Institute of Science in the Institute Library." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1953.
Linus Pauling standing outside with Herman Mark, Katchalsky [?], and an unidentified
man. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1953.
Linus Pauling (front row, third from the left) in a group photograph at the Pasadena
Conference on the Structure of Proteins. Pasadena, California. "Wilson / Perutz /
Schomaker / Watson / Dunitz / Huxley / Crick / Marsh / Pasternak / Schroeder / Lindley
/ Trueblood / Bruchner / Huggins / Pepinsky / Palmer / Rollett / Riley / Luzzate /
Freeman / Beadle / Davies / Tyler / Wilkins / Kendrew / Rich / Magdoff / King / Pauling
/ Krimm / Corey / Harker / Sutherland / Astbury / Bear / Bragg / Patterson / Edsall
/ Schmitt / MacArthur / Furnas / Randall / Elliott / Low / Itano / Trotter / Hughes
/ Pasadena Conference on the structure of Proteins / California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, California / 21 - 25 September 1953" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. September 21-25, 1953.
Out-of-focus close-up of Linus Pauling. Copenhagen, Denmark. "Copenhagen August 1953"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. August, 1953.
A group picnic at the Pasadena Conference on the Structure of Proteins. Linus Pauling
standing behind a table. Pasadena, California. "September. 1953 Protein Conference"
"Event by Dr. Arthur Elliot, Moray Wharf Lane, Bourne End, Bucks." Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. September, 1953.
Arne Wilhelm Kaurin Tiselius, Ava Helen Pauling, and Arne Westgren sitting at a dinner
table. Stockholm, Sweden. "Left Tiselius [?], Middle Ava Helen Pauling, Right Westgren"
"Stockholm 1953" Photographer: Dagens Bild. Black and white print. 1953.
Bertrand Russell standing next to Linus Pauling. London, England. "Bertrand Russell
& Linus Pauling CR [?] 1953 London" Photographer unknown. Color print. 1953.
Portrait of Bertrand Russell. London, England. Photographer unknown. Color print. 1953.
Linus Pauling, smiling and wearing a black beret. "By Drikinini[?]" "1953" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1953.
Herbert Evans and Linus Pauling wearing academic robes for the installation ceremony
of Chancellor Kerr. Berkeley, California. "Linus Pauling" "Herbert Evans" "Installation
of Chancellor Kerr, Berkeley, 1953." "Taken by Dr. Emerson of Merck[?]" Color print. 1953.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1954.
Linus Pauling smiling widely and holding his Nobel Prize for Chemistry. Anita Oser
Pauling, Linda Pauling, and Ava Helen Pauling hugging Linus. Ava Helen kissing Linus.
Stockholm, Sweden. Copyright Reportagebild, KL. S. Kyrokogaia 18, Stockholm, Sweden.
Black and white print. 1954.
Linus Pauling smiling widely and holding his Nobel Prize for Chemistry. Anita Oser
Pauling, Linda Pauling, and Ava Helen Pauling standing next to Linus. Stockholm, Sweden.
"Stockholm backstage at the Concert Hall Afternoon of 10 December 1954 Just after
the Nobel Ceremony" "Linus Pauling, Ava Helen Pauling, Linda Pauling, Anita Pauling"
Copyright Reportagebild, KL. S. Kyrokogaia 18, Stockholm, Sweden. Black and white
print. December 10, 1954.
Linus Pauling Jr.'s son Peter Chadwick Pauling. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1954.
Linus Pauling Jr.'s son Christopher Carl Pauling. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1954.
Linus Fowler Pauling. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1954.
Nobel Prize laureates Thomas Huckle Weller (Physiology/Medicine), Max Born (Physics),
Frederick Chapman Robbins (Physiology/Medicine), John Franklin Enders (Physiology/Medicine),
and Linus Pauling (Chemistry) standing at the 1954 Nobel Prize ceremony. Stockholm,
Sweden. Copyright World Wide Photo. Black and white print. 1954.
Professor Hans Bethe of Cornell University standing with Linus Pauling inside Prof.
Frank Long's home. Ithaca, New York. Photographer Fred Mohn, black and white print. 1954.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling exiting the Nassau Tavern. Princeton, New Jersey. "November.
1954 / 9 / Princeton, N.J. / Ava Helen Pauling and Linus Pauling, just two days after
the award of the Nobel Prize in chemistry." "(first came when we were at Cornell,
Ithaca, N.Y.) Photographer unknown. Black and white print. November 9, 1954.
Portrait of Linus Pauling standing outside. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1954.
Linus Pauling shaking hands with Professor Frank A. Long of Cornell University. "(SU1)
ITHACA, N.Y., November 3 - CONGRATULATED - Dr. Linus Pauling (left) professor of chemistry
at California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif., is congratulated by Cornell
University's Prof. F.A. Long today on winning Nobel prize for chemistry. The California
professor was at Cornell here to deliver a lecture when he learned of award announced
in Stockholm. Long is head of Cornell's chemistry department." Copyright Wide World
Photos. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. November 3, 1954.
Linus Pauling standing in front of a house. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1954.
Kurt Godel and Albert Einstein standing outside. "Albert Einstein + Kurt Godel ca.
1954 Courtesy of Richard Arens Univ. of California Los Angeles" Black and white print. 1954.
Crellin Pauling sitting with an unidentified woman at the 1954 Nobel Prize ceremony.
Stockholm, Sweden. Copyright Reportagebild, KL.S Kyrkocaia 18, Stockholm-Sweden. Black
and white print. 1954.
Peter Pauling, Crellin Pauling, Anita Oser Pauling, Ava Helen Pauling, Linus Pauling
Jr., Linda Pauling, and Linus Pauling at the 1954 Nobel Prize ceremony. Copyright
Reportagebild, KL.S Kyrkocaia 18, Stockholm-Sweden. Black and white print. 1954.
Linda, Linus, Ava Helen, Crellin, Peter, Anita Oser, and Linus Pauling Jr. standing
on the sidewalks of Stockholm, Sweden. Copyright Svenskt Pressfoto, Stockholm-Sweden.
Black and white print. 1954.
Anita Oser and Linus Pauling Jr. standing next to their MG. Hawaii. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1954.
Crellin, Linus Fowler, Peter Chadwick, and Christopher Carl Pauling sitting indoors,
eating grapes. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1954.
Ken Hedberg, Verner Schomaker, Norton Wilson, Gunnar Bergman and seven unidentified
individuals standing on a stage, singing. December 1954. The stage presentation "The
Road to Stockholm: The Appalling Life of Linus Pauling" presented in commemoration
of the first Nobel Prize at Caltech. Photograph by Hank Hoag. Black and white print. December 1954.
Linus Pauling sitting on a file cabinet, talking. Behind him, a collage made of beach
stones glued on a board. "Church Lab, CIT 1954" "2021" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1954.
Dr. Heinz Henisch, Professor G. Stein, Linus Pauling, and Ava Helen Pauling sitting
outside the King David Hotel. Jerusalem, Israel. "Dr. Henisch (?), Prof. G. Stein,
LP, AHP Jerusalem - King David Hotel Dec. 1954" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. December, 1954.
Ava Helen Pauling, Linus Pauling and Arne Tiselius at the 1954 Nobel Prize gathering.
Stockholm, Sweden, 1954. Copyright Svenskt Pressfoto, Stockholm, Sweden. Black and
white print. 1954.
Birger Ekeberg and Max Born at the 1954 Nobel Prize gathering. Stockholm, Sweden.
Copyright Svenskt Pressfoto, Stockholm, Sweden. Black and white print. 1954.
Birger Ekeberg, Peter Pauling, and an unidentified woman at the 1954 Nobel Prize gathering.
Stockholm, Sweden. Copyright Svenskt Pressfoto, Stockholm, Sweden. Black and white
print. 1954.
Birger Ekeberg and Linus Pauling at the 1954 Nobel Prize gathering. Stockholm, Sweden.
Copyright Svenskt Pressfoto, Stockholm, Sweden. Black and white print. 1954.
Goran Liljestrand, Frederick Robbins, John F. Enders, and Thomas Weller at the 1954
Nobel Prize gathering. Stockholm, Sweden. Copyright Svenskt Pressfoto, Stockholm,
Sweden. Black and white print. 1954.
Mrs. John F. Enders, Mrs. Frederick Robbins, and Dagmar Hessel (Riksmarskalken's daughter)
at the 1954 Nobel Prize gathering. Stockholm, Sweden. Copyright Svenskt Pressfoto,
Stockholm, Sweden. Black and white print. 1954.
Thomas Weller and an unidentified woman at the 1954 Nobel Prize gathering. Stockholm,
Sweden. Copyright Svenskt Pressfoto, Stockholm, Sweden. Black and white print. 1954.
Thomas Weller, Sten Friberg, and John F. Enders at the 1954 Nobel Prize gathering.
Stockholm, Sweden. Copyright Svenskt Pressfoto, Stockholm, Sweden. Black and white
print. 1954.
Linus Pauling sitting with Frederick Robbins at the 1954 Nobel Prize gathering. Stockholm,
Sweden. Copyright Svenskt Pressfoto, Stockholm, Sweden. Black and white print. 1954.
Frederick Robbins, Birger Ekeberg, Hans Von Euler, and Max Born at the 1954 Nobel
Prize gathering. Stockholm, Sweden. Copyright Svenskt Pressfoto, Stockholm, Sweden.
Black and white print. 1954.
Frederick Robbins, Linus Pauling, Thomas Weller and others attending a conference
on polio. Stockholm, Sweden. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1954.
Linus Pauling, Thomas Weller, an unidentified man, and Dr. Gard (speaking) attending
a conference on polio. Stockholm, Sweden. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1954.
Linus Pauling lecturing at Hebrew University, Ava Helen Pauling (front row, second
left) listening. Photographer W. Braun. Black and white print. 1954.
Professor Manne Siegbahn and Max Born at the 1954 Nobel Prize gathering. Stockholm,
Sweden. Copyright Svenskt Pressfoto, Stockholm, Sweden. Black and white print. 1954.
The 1954 Nobel Prize gathering. Front row, left to right: Linus Jr., Peter, and Linda
Pauling, sitting. Back row: An unidentified man and Crellin Pauling standing. Stockholm,
Sweden. Copyright Svenskt Pressfoto, Stockholm, Sweden. Black and white print. 1954.
The 1954 Nobel Prize gathering. Front row, left to right: Linus Pauling Jr., Peter
Pauling, and Anita Oser Pauling sitting. Back row: An unidentified man, Crellin Pauling,
Linda Pauling standing. Stockholm, Sweden. Copyright Svenskt Pressfoto, Stockholm,
Sweden. Black and white print. 1954.
A photograph collage of two of unidentified cancan dancers and Linus Pauling Jr. dressed
in a dark overcoat and top hat. "LP Jr. with Cancan girls." Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1954.
Linus Pauling standing in front of a bookshelf and pointing at a chemical model. "Linus
Pauling August 1954 (CIT News Bureau)" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. August, 1954.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling lying in bed, receiving bed and breakfast from two girls
dressed as angels. Stockholm, Sweden. "Stockholm December 1954." Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1954.
Framed clipping of a newspaper cartoon. Cartoon featuring the audience of the Nobel
Prize ceremony with Linus Pauling in the middle of the front row. Dec. 12, 1954. "Prof.
Linus Pauling stole the show at the Nobel banquet with his cheerful laugh. THEFT:
Dignified we sit at the festive tables. Glumly we half listen to the words - the words
of boring speeches. Suddenly we become alert: somebody is laughing, laughing in this
formal hall. Long we hesitate, long we question: shall we refuse, shall we dare to
open our tightly closed shell? At first we felt he had done wrong to laugh. Then slowly
we realize that gladly we would have shared his crime, he who stole the show at the
banquet. Best wishes to the very charming 'thief' Ingrid Gumpel MT sondag [Sunday]
12 dec. 1954". December 12, 1954.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling at the 1954 Nobel Prize gathering. Linus and Ava Helen
standing wearing formal attire, posing for a portrait. Stockholm, Sweden. "December
1954" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. December, 1954.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling dancing at the 1954 Nobel Ball. Stockholm, Sweden. "Ava
Helen + Linus Pauling / Nobel Ball, Blue Room, City Hall, Stockholm, 10 December.
1954 / [Photographer:] EPU / Copyright by PRESSENS BILD, STOCKHOLM 1-SWEDEN Postbox 707 - Tel. 20 80 22,
20 88 22 Denna bild far ej utlanas, over latas eller anvandas for annan publicering an overenskommits"
Black and white print. December 10, 1954.
Linus Pauling shaking hands with King Gustav at the 1954 Nobel Prize Ceremony. Stockholm,
Sweden. "King Gustav + Linus Pauling at the Nobel Ceremony, Concert House, Stockholm,
10 December. 1954; [Photographer:] Foto 'Text & Bilder'" Black and white print. December 10, 1954.
Linus Pauling on stand during the 1954 Nobel Prize Ceremony. Stockholm, Sweden. "Nobel
Prize Ceremony 10 December 1954 Concert Hall, Sweden / Chemistry Laureate Linus Pauling
6th from left in second row / Return to Ava Helen Pauling / [Photographer:] Hans Malmberg / Tio Fotografer ; Tel 200975, 210962 ; Drottinggatan 88 C ; Stockholm C Sweden" Black and white print. December 10, 1954.
Linus Pauling escorting Princess Sibylla to dinner after receiving the Nobel Prize.
Stockholm, Sweden. "Professor Pauling escorted Princess Sibylla to the dinner at the
Town Hall on Friday evening after receiving the Nobel Prize. 12/54" Copyright Wide
World Photos. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1954.
Linus Pauling wearing a tuxedo for the 1954 Lucia Celebration at the University of
Stockholm. Stockholm, Sweden. "Lucia Celebration, National Science Association of
the University of Stockholm December 13, 1954 / Photo by Olle Bjönkman" Black and white print. December 13, 1954.
Linus Pauling receiving the Award of the Order of the Ever-Jumping Green Frog. An
unidentified man wearing a black robe and cowl standing and holding a sign decorated
by crude illustrations and runes. University of Stockholm, Sweden. "Award of the 'Order
of the Ever-Jumping Green Frog' to Linus Pauling. -Lucia Dag, University of Stockholm
Dec. 13, 1954 / Photo by Olle Bjönkman" Black and white print. December 13, 1954.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling dressed formally for the 1954 Nobel Chemistry Award. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1954.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling standing outside the Nassau Tavern, looking at each other.
Princeton, New Jersey. "1954, Princeton, NJ" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1954.
Linus Pauling standing outside the Nassau Tavern, rubbing his chin and smiling. Princeton,
New Jersey. "Princeton 1954 LP 1718" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1954.
Linus Pauling sitting at a table. "Dr. Linus Pauling 1954 1761" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1954.
Linus Pauling and King Gustav at the 1954 Nobel Prize Ceremonies. "LP King Gustov"
"Linus Pauling 1954 Nobelpristagare" Copyright Presens Bild Ab. Black and white print.
[Original filed as scrapbook, see box 6.006, entry 6.94]. 1954.
From left to right: Max Born, Linus Pauling, John Enders, Mrs. Enders, and Frau Born
at the Nobel Prize Ceremonies. "Frau Born Mrs. Enders John Enders Linus Pauling, Max
Born Stockholm 10 December 1954" Copyright Stockholms Tidiningen. Black and white
print. [Original filed as scrapbook, see box 6.006, entry 6.94]. December 10, 1954.
The 1954 Nobel Prize Ceremony. "Nobel Ceremony 1954" Copyright Reportagebild. Black
and white print. [Original filed as scrapbook, see box 6.006, entry 6.95]. 1954.
Anita Oser, Linda, and Ava Helen Pauling standing behind Linus Pauling. Linus holding
his Nobel Prize. The 1954 Nobel Prize Ceremony. Stockholm, Sweden. "10 December 1954"
Copyright Text & Bilder. Black and white print. [Original filed as scrapbook, see
box 6.006, entry 6.95]. December 10, 1954.
Left to right: Linus Pauling Jr., Linus Pauling, two unidentified women, and King
Gustav at the 1954 Nobel Prize ceremony. Stockholm, Sweden. "Linus Pauling 1954 Nobelpristagare"
"King Gustaf, LP, Linus Pauling Jr. Li" Copyright Pressens Bild. Black and white print.
[Original filed as scrapbook, see box 6.006, entry 6.95]. 1954.
Linus Jr., Crellin, and Peter Pauling standing behind Linus Pauling. Linus sitting
and holding his Nobel Prize. The 1954 Nobel Prize ceremony. Stockholm, Sweden. "Linus
Jr., Crellin, Peter, Linus Pauling 10 December 1954" Copyright Text & Bilder. Black
and white print. [Original filed as scrapbook, see box 6.006, entry 6.96]. December 10, 1954.
Thomas Weller, Max Born, Frederick Robbins, John Enders, and Linus Pauling standing
on stage, holding their Nobel prizes. Stockholm, Sweden. "Five of the six American
Nobel Laureates of 1954 (the sixth: Hemingway) Weller, Born, Robbins, Enders, Pauling"
Photograph by Hans Malmberg. Black and white print.[Original filed as scrapbook, see
box 6.006, entry 6.96]. 1954.
The 1954 Nobel Prize Ceremony. Linus Pauling seated, holding his Nobel Prize, while
John Enders, Frederick Robbins, and Thomas Weller stand to receive theirs. Stockholm,
Sweden. "1954" Photograph by Hans Malmberg. Black and white print. [Original filed
as scrapbook, see box 6.006, entry 6.97]. 1954.
Peter, Crellin, Linus Jr., Ava Helen, Linda [behind Ava Helen], and Linus Pauling
at the 1954 Nobel Prize ceremony. Stockholm, Sweden. "December 1954 Linus Pauling,
Ava Helen Pauling, Linda Pauling, Linus Pauling Jr. Crellin Pauling, Peter Pauling"
Copyright Stockholms-Tidningen. Black and white print. [Original filed as scrapbook,
see box 6.006, entry 6.97]. 1954.
The audience of the 1954 Nobel Prize ceremony. The Pauling family sitting in the front
row, on the right. Stockholm, Sweden. "Pauling Family 1954" Photograph by Hans Malmberg.
Black and white print. [Original filed as scrapbook, see box 6.006, entry 6.99]. 1954.
Linus Pauling bowing on stage while the 1954 Nobel Prize ceremony audience stands
and applauds. Stockholm, Sweden. "Linus Pauling acknowledging receipt of Nobel Prize,
10 December 1954 Concert House, Stockholm, King Gustaf, Princess Marg." Copyright
Reportagebild. Black and white print. [Original filed as scrapbook, see box 6.006,
entry 6.101]. December 10, 1954.
Linus Pauling standing with the American Ambassador to Sweden John M. Cabot and Professors
Frederick Robins, Thomas Weller, John Enders, and Max Born. "1954, Prof. Pauling,
the American Ambassador, Profs. Robins, Weller, Enders, and Born. (The latter of G.
Britain, the others of the U.S.A.)" Copyright Pressen Bild. Black and white print.[Original
filed as scrapbook, see box 6.006, entry 6.102]. 1954.
Linus Pauling using a model to illustrate molecular structure a few days prior to
being awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry. "Linus Pauling in 1954 with model demonstrating
molecular structure. A few days after this picture was taken, Pauling was awarded
the Nobel Prize for Chemistry." [Courtesy of Oregon Historical Society] "This photograph is issued for reference use only. It is not to be copied for resale
or digitally transferred. Permission for use in a publication, film or video production,
or for any commercial use, must be requested in writing from the Photographs Archivist.
Photographs Department / Oregon Historical Society / 1200 SW Park Avenue / Portland,
Oregon 97205-2441 / Negative Number Or Hi 81309 / Dr. Linus Pauling Oct. 29, 1954"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. October 29, 1954.
Linus Pauling holding a chemical model. "Professor Linus Pauling holding model of
sulfanilamide molecule 1954 1665" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1954.
Linus Pauling standing and holding a model of sulfanilamide. "Early 1950's Dr. Linus
Pauling 1760" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1954.
Sketch of Professors Linus Pauling, Thomas Weller, Max Born, Frederick Robbins, and
John Enders in seventeenth-century costume. [1954 Nobel laureates in Chemistry, Medicine
and Physics] An indecipherable signature in the lower right hand corner [L. Curan?]
[Located in the Oversize Section]. 1954.
Ken Hedberg and an unidentified man in white robes standing before a microphone with
Verner Schomaker seated in the background. December 1954. The stage presentation "The
Road to Stockholm: The Appalling Life of Linus Pauling" presented in commemoration
of the first Nobel Prize at Caltech. Photograph by Hank Hoag. Black and white print. 1954.
Verner Schomaker standing before a microphone. Ken Hedberg stands by his side. Norton
Wilson and Gunnar Bergman are in the background with two unidentified women. Everyone
wears white robes. December 1954. The stage presentation "The Road to Stockholm: The
Appalling Life of Linus Pauling" presented in commemoration of the first Nobel Prize
at Caltech. Photograph by Hank Hoag. Black and white print. December, 1954.
An unidentified man sitting in front of a microphone, wearing a white robe. An unidentified
woman sits on the far right of the image. December 1954. The stage presentation "The
Road to Stockholm: The Appalling Life of Linus Pauling" presented in commemoration
of the first Nobel Prize at Caltech. Photograph by Hank Hoag. Black and white print. December, 1954.
Ken Hedberg, Norton Wilson, Gunnar Bergman and seven unidentified individuals standing
on a stage, singing. December 1954. The stage presentation "The Road to Stockholm:
The Appalling Life of Linus Pauling" presented in commemoration of the first Nobel
Prize at Caltech. Photograph by Hank Hoag. Black and white print. December, 1954.
Ken Hedberg, Norton Wilson, Gunnar Bergman, Verner Schomaker and six unidentified
individuals wearing white robes and standing on a stage. December 1954. The stage
presentation "The Road to Stockholm: The Appalling Life of Linus Pauling" presented
in commemoration of the first Nobel Prize at Caltech. Photograph by Hank Hoag. Black
and white print. December, 1954.
An unidentified gentleman standing behind a microphone with a patch over his left
eye. Gunnar Bergman sits in the background while three unidentified individuals watch.
December 1954. The stage presentation "The Road to Stockholm: The Appalling Life of
Linus Pauling" presented in commemoration of the first Nobel Prize at Caltech. Photograph
by Hank Hoag. Black and white print. December, 1954.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1955.
Linus Pauling in office at the Crellin Lab. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1955.
Linus Pauling at the 1955 Indian Science Congress. Baroda, India. Photograph by R.N.
Prasad. Black and white print. 1955.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling standing next to a taxi cab. California. Photographer
unknown. Color print. 1955.
Albert Einstein standing in front of Field Hall, Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton,
New Jersey. Photographed from Linus Pauling's original by Zelek S. Herman. Original
photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1955.
Ava Helen Pauling feeding deer. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1955.
Six unidentified Indian women standing outside, dressed in traditional Indian costumes
with flower crowns. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1955.
Two unidentified Indian women dancing and holding hands. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1955.
An unidentified building. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1955.
An unidentified Indian woman dancing at the foot of a staircase. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1955.
Front row, left to right: P.B. Mathur, S.C. Srivastava (Secretary), Dr. T.N. Shivpuri,
Professor S. Ghosh, Linus Pauling, Ava Helen Pauling, Dr. A.K. Dey, R.S. Singh, and
K.L. Yadav, sitting. Middle row, left to right: V.K. Mathur, U.S. Tiwari, Kuman S.
Mukerji, K.K. Ganja, K. M. Sapne, K.I. Kapoor, K. S. Chawla, K. S. Chattreji, Khod
Kumar, and M. Akmal standing. Back row: S. Kumar, M.L. Kaul, S.C. Jain, B.B. Pandey,
and K.C. Muthur standing. The Chemical Society of the University of Allahabad. Allahabad,
India. February, 1955. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. February, 1955.
Ava Helen Pauling, Linus Pauling, M. Nagaoka, and an unidentified individual exchanging
gifts. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1955.
M. Nagaoka, Linus Pauling, and an unidentified individual conversing. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1955.
M. Nagaoka, Ava Helen Pauling, Linus Pauling, and an unidentified individual, laughing.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1955.
Linus Pauling and M. Nagaoka looking into a microscope. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1955.
Ava Helen Pauling, Linus Pauling, and an unidentified individual, viewing a medal.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1955.
Linus Pauling sitting. Uttar Pradesh, India. "Paddy With respects from Paramhans Tewari
Department of Chemistry Lucknow University [Illegible letter].P. India February 4,
1955." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. February 4, 1955.
Linus Pauling sitting. February 22, 1955. India. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. February 22, 1955.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling sitting next to a bust of Mahendra Lal Sircar. Calcutta,
India. "Calcutta, February 15, 1955 Presented to Prof. Linus Pauling Asit Ray." Photograph
by Asit Ray. Black and white print. February 15, 1955.
Linus Pauling and four unidentified individuals. May 10, 1955. Photograph by G. Glattenberg.
Black and white print. May 10, 1955.
Linus Pauling. Delivering a public lecture on health [sickle cell anemia], February
26, 1955. Asahi Press [?] photograph. Black and white print. February 26, 1955.
Linus Pauling standing and cutting a cake. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1955.
Linus Pauling, Ava Helen Pauling, and a group of unidentified people eating dinner
in a Japanese restaurant. "Dinner at a Japanese - style room / AHP / LP / 1955?" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1955.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling sitting at a table, eating with chop-sticks. "AHP, LP."
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1955.
Two unidentified women dancing, dressed in traditional Japanese costumes. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1955.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling with the Kyoto University Physics Department. "1954 Tsuyoshi [?] Ohmishi [?] / Linus Pauling ; Kyoto University / 1954 Physics Dept / Yukona LP AHP Mrs. Yukona
/ Dr. S.T. Ohmishi / Hahnemosun [?] Med. Sdr. [?] ; February. 1955" Photograph by
Tsuyoshi Ohmishi [Sp?]. Black and white print. 1955.
Dr. S. Chatterjee, Dr. P.C. Dutt, Father S.J. Beckers, Asit Ray, Linus Pauling, Ava
Helen Pauling, B. Banerjee, and S. Banerjee standing for a group portrait. Calcutta,
India. "February 15, 1955 Presented to Prof. Linus Pauling Asit Ray" Photograph by
Asit Ray. Black and white print. February, 1955.
Ava Helen Pauling, Linus Pauling, Prof. Ishibashi, Yukawa, Pres. Takikawa, Prof. Tanaka,
and Prof. Sakurada standing at the gate of Rakuyu Hall. University of Kyoto, Japan.
Photograph by Michihiro Ishibashi. Black and white print. 1955.
Ava Helen Pauling, Linus Pauling, T. Onishi, Yukawa, Mrs. Yukawa, and several other
unidentified individuals. University of Kyoto, Japan. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1955.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling eating with several unidentified individuals. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1955.
Ishibashi's son, Linus Pauling, Kitabawa, and Ava Helen Pauling at the gate of the
Katsura Detached Palace. Kyoto, Japan. Photograph by Masayoshi Ishibashi. Black and
white print. 1955.
Linus Pauling lecturing. Kyoto, Japan. "Sickle cell..." Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1955.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling standing outside with two unidentified men. Kyoto, Japan.
"The Garden of Katsura Detached Palace, Kyoto" "Fealprawry [?] 1955 J. Ankprawy[?]"
Photograph by Michihiro Ishibashi. Black and white print. 1955.
Linus Pauling at Osaka University. Osaka, Japan."March 2, 1955 At Osaka Univ." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. March 2, 1955.
Linus Pauling at Osaka University. "March 2, 1955 At Osaka Univ." Osaka, Japan. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. March 2, 1955.
Linus Pauling at Osaka University, March 2, 1955. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. March 2, 1955.
Linus Pauling and an unidentified individual. Kyoto, Japan. "On the way from Kasuga-Shinto-Shrine
to Jugetsudo (where you attend the tea ceremony) March 3, 1955." Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. March 3, 1955.
Ava Helen Pauling, Linus Pauling, and several unidentified individuals at Rakuyu Hall.
Kyoto, Japan. Photographer Michihiro Ishibashi, black and white print. 1955.
Ava Helen Pauling, Linus Pauling, and unidentified individual at the Gate of Miyako
Hotel. Kyoto, Japan. Photograph by Michihiro Ishibashi. Black and white print. 1955.
Ava Helen Pauling, Linus Pauling, and several unidentified individuals talking. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1955.
Ava Helen Pauling, Linus Pauling, and several unidentified individuals visiting a
ceramics factory. Japan. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1955.
Linus Pauling in the Crellin Lab at Caltech. "LP in his office. Crellin lab Caltech.
/ 15 September 1955." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. September 15, 1955.
Several unidentified people on stage, posing for a group photograph. Linus Pauling
(front row, fifth from right) sitting next to Ava Helen Pauling (front row, fourth
from right). Puerto Rico. "1955 / Puerto Rico" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1955.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling eating dinner with an unidentified group of people. Puerto
Rico. "1955 / Puerto Rico" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1955.
Ava Helen (third from left), and Linus Pauling (second from left) posing with an unidentified
group of people. Los Canos, Puerto Rico. "Dedicated to Mr. and Mrs-Pauling in occasion
to your visit to Canos [?] - [signature] / 1955 / Puerto Rico" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1955.
Four pictures on one print. Top left: Ava Helen and Linus Pauling sitting at a desk
in a classroom looking at each other. Bottom left: Ava Helen sitting at a desk, Linus
standing and cutting a cake. Top right picture: Linus teaching a class. Bottom right:
Linus teaching a class and laughing. "LP on [?] / Kyoto Univ. / 28 February. 1955
/ AHP LP cutting birthday cake / [photographer:] 1954 Tsuyoshi [?]" Photograph by Tsuyoshi [Sp?]. Black and white print. February 28, 1955.
Linus Pauling standing with a group of unidentified men, signing a book. "With Compliments,
L[?] Keimar [?], 9/2/55" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. September 2, 1955.
The Miyako Hotel. Kyoto, Japan. "Kyoto Miyako Hotel" Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1955.
Four unidentified men wearing sunglasses standing on a bridge. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1955.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling standing between two unidentified men at the Kyoto train
station. Kyoto, Japan. "1955. March 6 at Kyoto station" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. March 6, 1955.
Linus Pauling dancing the kadekaru dance with an unidentified Japanese woman wearing
a kimono. Tokyo, Japan. "LP dancing kasekaru dance with geisha girl March 1955 Made
by Prof. Yamagisawa Fac. of Eng. Keio Univ. Kaganei-machi, Tokyo" Photograph by Professor
Yamagisawa of Keio University. Black and white print. March, 1955.
An unidentified man, Linus Pauling, and Ava Helen Pauling, standing in front of the
Kasuga Grand Shrine. Nara, Japan. "3 March, 1955, Nara. Just in front of the main
building of Kasuga-shrine." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. March 3, 1955.
Linus Pauling holding a pointer, standing in front of a chalkboard. Japan. "Linus
Pauling Japan March 1955" Photograph by Tsuyoshi [Sp?]. Black and white print. March, 1955.
Linus Pauling and an unidentified man standing next to a table. "28 February 1955
Yukawa" Photograph by Tsuyoshi [Sp?]. Black and white print. February 28, 1955.
An unidentified man observing the washing and drying of dyed Yuzen-Zome (silk). Kyoto,
Japan. "The washing and Drying of Yuzen-Zome dyed, Kyoto Photo by Michihiro Ishibashi"
Photograph by Michihiro Ishibashi. Black and white print. 1955.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling sitting in the back of a car. Linus reading a book, Ava
Helen reading over his shoulder. Kyoto, Japan. "In the room of auto, Kyoto Photo by
Michihiro Ishibashi" Photograph by Michihiro Ishibashi. Black and white print. 1955.
Linus Pauling cutting a slice of cake for Ava Helen Pauling. Kyoto, Japan. Photograph
by Tsuyoshi [Sp?]. Black and white print. 1955.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting at a table with several unidentified women. Ava Helen wearing
a white bonnet. "Japan, 1955." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1955.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting at a table with two unidentified women. Ava Helen wearing
a white bonnet. "Japan, 1955." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1955.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting at a table with two unidentified women. Ava Helen wearing
a bonnet. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1955.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting at a table with two unidentified women. Ava Helen wearing
a bonnet. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1955.
Linus Pauling standing outside the Miyako Hotel with an unidentified male. Kyoto,
Japan. "1955-3-6 at Kyoto Miyako Hotel." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. March 6, 1955.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling clapping while sitting at a dinner table with three unidentified
people. Japan. "AHP, LP. Dinner at a Japanese-style room. 1955?" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1955.
Jaime Benitez, Linus Pauling, and Ava Helen Pauling talking. San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1955.
Linus Pauling sitting in the Crellin lab at the California Institute of Technology.
"LP in lab at CIT 1955" "1955 from Marv Osler" "Prof. Crellin Lab - ca 1950" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1955.
Linus Pauling standing and writing on a blackboard. "February 22 1955" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. February 22, 1955.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling sitting at a small table. Ten unidentified Japanese men
and two unidentified Japanese women surrounding them. Japan. "LP + AHP in Japan March
1955" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. March, 1955.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling standing outside in front of a large statue of the Buddha.
An elderly Japanese man stands with them to AHP's left. "San--Ichiro / LP AHP Prof
Mitushima / (Dr Shin Hayao) / Trip to Japan 1955" Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1955.
An autographed portrait of Albert Einstein. [Signed on the front:] "A. Einstein" [rubber
stamp on font:] "Alan W. Richards, P.O. Box 286, Princeton, N.J." [Letter] "Alan W.
Richards, P.O. Box 286, Princeton, N.J." [date] "July 5th 1955" [to] "Dr. Linus Pauling, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena. 4. Cal.
My dear Dr. Pauling: Under separate package, I am forwarding you my most recent photo
of the late Dr. Einstein, taken on his 75th birthday- Just a few days before he died, I had him autograph two or three and it
so happens that they were the last he ever signed. He borrowed my pen to do the job,
and next week, when I am in New York on my way to Europe, I am going to present that
last one with the pen to the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York-there
may be a short notice about it in the papers. I am sending you one of the three last
ones, and hope you will enjoy having it. I promised you when you were here with Mrs.
Pauling that I would try to get one for you. I read of your trip to Sweden last year
and Mrs. Richards and I were proud and happy to have you visit us the evening you
were here. I hope your photographs were found suitable. My wife is over in Italy,
she received the honor of obtaining a Fulbright scholarship to attend the American
Academy in Rome, and went over by sea ten days ago. I fly to London next week, the
15th, and after a couple of weeks with my own folks in England, I shall proceed on to
Italy and join her there. I am very happy that it was my privilege to capture so many
shots of Dr Einstein in the ten years I knew him- he was one of the most gracious
gentlemen I ever worked for, and I hope, that by offering the Yeshiva University his
last picture, it will have sentimental value for his people-my chief purpose, to keep
it from falling into the hands of collectors who would have bargained in cash for
its possession. Einstein would have hated that.--With kindest regards and to Mrs Pauling
[signed] Alan W Richards." Black and white print. July 5, 1955.
P. Ray and Linus Pauling. Holding test tubes at the Indian Association for the Cultivation
of Science, Calcutta, India. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1955.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling standing outside between two unidentified individuals.
India. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1955.
Unidentified individual, unidentified individual, Ava Helen Pauling, unidentified
individual and Linus Pauling. Outdoors, in India. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1955.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1956.
Ava Helen and Linda Pauling sitting on the cabin porch at Deer Flat Ranch. "Linda
and H.P. at cabin on Deer Flat Ranch 1956." Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1956.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling standing with Sir Cyril Norman Hinshelwood (third from
right) and others at the 1956 Avogadro meeting. Rome, Italy. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1956.
Linus Pauling delivering the Avogadro Address. Rome, Italy. June 6, 1956 Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. June 6, 1956.
President Gronchi congratulating Linus Pauling after his delivery of the Amedeo Avogadro
Commemoration Address. Rome, Italy. June 6, 1956. "1956. President Gronchi congratulating
Linus Pauling after his delivery of the Amedeo Avogadro Commemoration Address. Rome,
Italy. June 6, 1956." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. June 6, 1956.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling attending the Avogadro meeting. Rome, Italy. June 6, 1956.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. June 6, 1956.
Anita, Linus Fowler, Ramona, and Linus Pauling Jr. standing outside by their pool.
Pasadena, California. "Christmas 1956, Pasadena, Anita, Linus Fowler, Linus Jr. holding
Ramona." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. December 25, 1956.
Crellin and Lucy Pauling sitting together. Christmas 1956. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. December 25, 1956.
Peter and Julia Pauling sitting together. Christmas 1956. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. December 25, 1956.
Linus Pauling standing with Professor H.P. [?] of Taiwan University. January 1956.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. January, 1956.
The 1956 Pauling family Christmas. Back row, left to right: Crellin, Linda, and Linus
Pauling Jr. Front row: Lucy, Anita, Ava Helen, Peter, and Julia Pauling. "l. to r.
Crellin, Linda, LP Jr., Lucy, Anita, AHP, PJP, Julia / Fairpoint St. / Christmas 1956."
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. December 25, 1956.
Professor Giovanni Battista Bonino accepting the Avogadro Medal from Italian President
Giovanni Gronchi at the 1956 Avogadro Symposium. Rome, Italy. "Avogadro 1956" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1956.
Sir Cyril Norman Hinshelwood accepting the Avogadro Medal from Italian President Giovanni
Gronchi at the 1956 Avogadro Symposium. Rome, Italy. "Avogadro 1956" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1956.
The 1956 Avogadro Symposium. Rome, Italy. "Avogadro / Rome ; 1956" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1956.
An unidentified man (right), shaking hands with Italian President Giovanni Gronchi
at the 1956 Avogadro Symposium. Rome, Italy. "Avogadro / Rome 1956" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1956.
Linus Pauling being congratulated by Italian president Giovanni Gronchi at the Avogadro
Symposium. Rome, Italy. "Linus Pauling and the President of Italy, / Avogadro Symposium
/ Rome ; June 1956" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. June, 1956.
Linus Pauling giving his autograph to an unidentified woman. Prof. Giovanni Battista
Bonino stands in the background. Rome, Italy. "Avogadro 1956" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1956.
Linus Pauling sitting while Prof. Giovanni Battista Bonino lectures at the Avogadro
Symposium. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1956.
Linus Pauling speaking to an audience at the Avogadro Symposium. Rome, Italy. "Avogadro
/ Rome ; 1956" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1956.
Linus Pauling speaking to an audience at the Avogadro Symposium. Pauling lecturing
in a large room decorated with expansive Italian murals. Rome, Italy. "Avogadro /
Rome / 1956" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1956.
Linus Pauling speaking to an audience at the Avogadro Symposium. Pauling lecturing
in a large room decorated with expansive Italian murals. Rome, Italy. "LP giving Avogadro
Address in Rome. / President of Italy in front seat." Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1956.
Linus Pauling sitting in the background while an unidentified man gives a speech at
the Avogadro Symposium. Rome, Italy. "Avogadro Medal / 1956 / Rome ; Campodiglio [?]"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1956.
An audience at the Avogadro Symposium. Rome, Italy. "Avogadro / 1956" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1956.
Linda (front row, second from right) and Ava Helen Pauling (front row, first on right)
seated in the audience at the Avogadro Symposium. Rome, Italy. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1956.
Linda (front row, second from right) and Ava Helen Pauling (front row, first on right)
seated in the audience at the Avogadro Symposium. Rome, Italy. "Rome, June 1956 /
Presentation of Amedeo Avogadro Medal to LP, also Hinshelwood / Linda and AHP in front
row" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. June, 1956.
Linus Pauling speaking to an audience at the Avogadro Symposium. Pauling lecturing
in a large room decorated with expansive Italian murals. Rome, Italy. "Avogadro 1956"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1956.
Linus Pauling speaking to an audience at the Avogadro symposium. Pauling lecturing
in a large room decorated with expansive Italian murals. Rome, Italy. "Avogadro Medal
/ 1956 / Rome" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1956.
Linus Pauling speaking at the Avogadro Symposium. Rome, Italy. "Linus Pauling speaking
to attendees of the Avogadro symposium. LP giving Avogadro Address in Rome ; LP received
Amadeo Avogadro medal June 1956" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. June, 1956.
Linus Pauling speaking at the Avogadro Symposium. "Avogadro 1956" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1956.
Linus Pauling speaking in front of a blackboard with two unidentified men at the Texas
Company (Texaco) Beacon Lab. "Beacon Lab, The Texas Co / 24, April, 1956 ; With Dr.
Sawyer" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. April 24, 1956.
Frederic Bohnenblust leaning against a wall and holding a cigarette. "Dept. of Math
- and Dean of Grad. Oct '56" Photograph by Patterson. Black and white print. October, 1956.
Linus Pauling lecturing. "Harold F. Perkins / U of B.C. Vancouver March 1956" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. March, 1956.
Linda Pauling and Francesco Giordani sitting in a restaurant. "Linda + Prof. Francesco
Giordani / Naples June 1956" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. June, 1956.
A red brick house with white trim. Linus Pauling's house at Big Sur. [?] "This is
a Kodacolor Print made by Eastman Kodak Company / T.M. Regis. U.S. Pat. Off. / Week
Ending Aug. 4, 1956. / VII PA 1" Photographer unknown. Color print. August 4, 1956.
A red brick house with white trim. Linus Pauling's house at Big Sur. [?] "This is
a Kodacolor Print Made by Eastman Kodak Company / T.M. Regis. U.S. Pat. Off. / Week
Ending Aug. 4, 1956 / VII PA 1" Photographer unknown. Color print. August 4, 1956.
Landscape at Big Sur. [?] "This is a Kodacolor Print Made by Eastman Kodak Company
/ T.M. Regis. U.S. Pat Off. / Week Ending Aug. 4, 1956 / VII PA 1" Photographer
unknown. Color print. August 4, 1956.
A red brick house with white trim. [?] "This is a Kodacolor Print Made by Eastman
Kodak Company. / T.M. Regis. U.S. Pat. Off. / Week Ending Aug. 4, 1956 / VII PA
1" Photographer unknown. Color print. August 4, 1956.
Linus Pauling on The American Forum. "The American Forum. Youth wants to Know, Jan
1, 1956 The American Forum, 1927 K Street NW, Washington 6, D.C. NBC PHOTO by Elmer Holloway" Photograph by Elmer Holloway. Black and white print. January 1, 1956.
Linus Pauling on The American Forum. "The American Forum NBC PHOTO by Elmer Holloway" Photograph by Elmer Holloway. Black and white print. 1956.
Linus Pauling on The American Forum. "The American Forum, 1627 K Street NW, Washington
6, D.C. NBC PHOTO by Elmer Holloway Ava Helen Pauling" Black and white print. 1956.
Linus Pauling on The American Forum. "The American Forum, 1627 K Street NW, Washington
6, D.C. NBC PHOTO by Elmer Holloway" Photograph by Elmer Holloway. Black and white print. 1956.
Linus Pauling Jr., Anita Oser, Linus Fowler and Ramona. Fairport, Ohio. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1956.
Wedding photo of Crellin Pauling and Lucy Mills. Photographer unknown. Color print. 1956.
Elizabeth Darling. "Elizabeth Adaline (Sedgwick) Darling 2nd wife of Linus W. Darling
(at about 80 years) She died at 85" [On the back are brown marks from tape] Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1956.
Head and shoulders portrait of Linus and Ava Helen Pauling, both smiling. Photograph
used for 1956 passport. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1956.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1957.
Rear view of Linus and Ava Helen Pauling walking outside with others. Leningrad, USSR.
"Leningrad, 1957." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Linus Pauling standing outside the Institute for High Molecular Compounds. Leningrad,
USSR. "LP Leningrad 1957 Taken by B. Erusalimsky Inst. For High Molecular Compounds."
Photograph by B. Erusalimsky [sp?]. Black and white print. 1957.
Linus Pauling and Mikhail V. Volkenstein standing outside together. USSR. "LP + Volkenstein."Photographer
unknown. Color print. 1957.
Linus Pauling walking outside. Leningrad, USSR. "Linus Pauling Leningrad 1957." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Left to right: N. M. Chirkov, V.B. Miller, V.N. Kondratiev, Ava Helen Pauling, Linus
Pauling, A. F. Kapustinskii, S.G. Entelis, and S.M. Kogarko standing outside. Moscow,
USSR. Attached: "(From right to left): S.M. Kogarko, S.G. Entelis, A. F. Kapustinskii,
L. Pauling and his wife, V.N. Kondratiev, V.B. Miller, N. M. Chirkov." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Linus Pauling. Print courtesy of the News Bureau at California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, CA. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Linus Pauling and James A. Shannon at the Fourth Annual National Institutes of Health
Lecture. "May 1, 1957- 4th Annual NIH Lecture Dr. Linus Pauling + James A. Shannon." Courtesy of the National
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. May 1, 1957.
Linus Pauling speaking at the Fourth Annual National Institutes of Health Lecture,
May 1, 1957. Print courtesy of the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. May 1, 1957.
Linus Pauling holding a flat-bottomed flask. "Helen Bullock, science news reporter."
Print courtesy of the Dallas Morning News. Photograph by Clint Grant. Black and white
print. 1957.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling eating dinner with two unidentified men. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Linus Pauling sitting at a table with an unidentified man. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1957.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling standing outside their old cabin at Deer Flat Ranch. "LP
+ AHP Deer Flat Ranch - old cabin - 1957" Photograph by Arthur Dubinsky. Black and
white print. 1957.
Ava Helen Pauling, Linus Pauling, and an unidentified individual at a formal gathering.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Crellin and Lucy Pauling's first daughter Cheryl at four months. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1957.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling sitting at a dinner table. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1957.
Linus Pauling (far left) and several unidentified individuals standing outside. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Linus Pauling walking outside with several unidentified individuals. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Linus Pauling sitting at a dinner table with several unidentified men. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Linus Pauling standing outside, talking with several unidentified individuals. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Linus Pauling posing for sculptor Erna Weill. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1957.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting outside. Lubejana, Yugoslavia. "Lubejana, Yugoslavia July,
1957." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. July, 1957.
Linus Pauling, an unidentified individual, and Ava Helen Pauling walking outside.
Moscow, USSR. "Moscow, 1957." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
L. Don Goddard and Linus Pauling. In LP's Caltech office, preparing for the broadcast
of Medical Horizons. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
William Strauss and Linus Pauling. The men are outside; LP is sitting next to a truck
and speaking into a phone. Preparing for the broadcast of Medical Horizons. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Linus Pauling and L. Don Goddard. In LP's Caltech office, preparing for the broadcast
of Medical Horizons. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Linus Pauling, L. Don Goddard, and unidentified individuals. In LP's Caltech office,
adjusting microphones in preparation for the broadcast of Medical Horizons. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Linus Pauling, L. Don Goddard, and unidentified individuals. In LP's Caltech office,
adjusting microphones in preparation for the broadcast of Medical Horizons. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Linus Pauling drawing molecular structures on the blackboard. "LP on structure of
Proteins / Strassburg / 1957" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Linus Pauling walking with Charles Sadron. Strasbourg, France. "LP & Sadron in hall
of Inst. of Macromolecules / Strassburg / July 1957" Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1957.
Left to right: An unidentified man, Charles Sadron, and Linus Pauling talking. Strasbourg,
France. "L to R / [unidentified man], Sadron, LP / Strassburg 1957" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1957.
Linus Pauling sitting and listening to Charles Sadron. "L.P. listening to his introduction
by Sadron, Strassburg 1957" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling sorting index cards. Linus holding his glasses. " / 1957
/ LP & AHP working on the petition - signatures of scientists for a test ban treaty
and against the spread of nuclear weapons." Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1957.
An unidentified man, Kapustinskii [?], Linus Pauling, Ava Helen Pauling, and Wainstein
[?] sitting together. "Schubnikov Institute / Moscow / 1957 / Kapustinsky / Wainstein"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Left to right: N.M. Chirkov, V.B. Miller, V.N. Kondratiev, Ava Helen Pauling, Linus
Pauling, A.F. Kapustinskii, S.G. Entelis, and S.M. Kogarko standing outside. Moscow,
USSR. "[unidentified man], [unidentified woman], Kondratiev[?], AHP, LP, Kapustinsky,
[unidentified man], Kogarko / Inst. Of Chem Phys Ak. Nauk (Semenov) / Moscow / 8 Aug.
1957" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. August 8, 1957.
Left to right: N.M. Chirkov, V.B. Miller [obscured], V.N. Kondratiev, and Linus Pauling
standing outside. Linus laughing. Moscow, USSR. "4NPKOP KONAPATEB AYNHO [?] / Inst.
Of Chem. Phys. Ak. Nauk (Semenov) / Moscow / 8 Aug. 1957" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. August 8, 1957.
S.G. Entelis, N.M. Chirkov, Linus Pauling, S.M. Kogarko, V.N. Kondratiev, Wainstein
[?], Ava Helen Pauling, V. B. Miller, and A. F. Kapustinskii standing outside. Moscow,
USSR. "Inst. Of Ch. Phys. Akad. Nauk (Semenov) / Moscow / 8 Aug. 1957" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. August 8, 1957.
N.M. Chirkov, S.G. Entelis (obscured), Ava Helen Pauling, V.N. Kondratiev (obscured),
Wainstein [?], Kapustinskii, V. B. Miller (obscured), S. M. Kogarko (obscured), and
Linus Pauling walking outside together. Moscow, USSR. "Inst. Of Chem. Phys. Ak. Nauk
(Semenov) / Moscow / 8 Aug. 1957" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. August 8, 1957.
Linus Pauling and A. F. Kapustinskii standing outside wearing black berets. Moscow,
USSR. "To Prof. L. Pauling with best wishes / Cordially yours Kapustinsky. Moscow
/ 1957" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Linus Pauling sitting next to A. F. Kapustinsky. A.I. Oparin is standing between them.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling sitting at a dinner table. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1957.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting on a floral-motif chair next to A. F. Kapustinsky. "To dear
Mrs. Pauling. Pasadena 1935 - Moscow 1957. Yours respectfully Kapustinsky." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Dr. Kenneth Johnson, Dr. Robert H. Hill, Linus Pauling (holding an award), and Dr.
William Bergen. Pauling receiving honorary membership in the American Association
of Clinical Chemists. "Left to right: Dr. Kenneth Johnson (section chairman), Dr.
Robt. H. Hill, (National President), Dr. Linus Pauling, Dr. Wm. Bergren (section Program
Chair.) / March 5, 1957 / LA section of A.A.C.C. / Presentation of Honorary membership
in Amer. Assoc. Of Clinical Chemists to Prof. Linus Pauling" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. March 5, 1957.
Television journalists from Medical Horizons crowded into Linus Pauling's office. Linus Pauling (obscured by chemical models)
sitting at his desk. "Linus Pauling / Telecast of June 1957 / Medical Horizons / CIBA"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. June, 1957.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling (front row, second and third from right, respectively),
at the International Congress in Paris. July 18th to 24th, 1957. "AHP & LP in front / Paris 1957" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. July 18, 1957.
Linus Pauling (second from left) at the Academie des Sciences Inscriptions et Belles
Lettres de Toulouse. Toulouse, France. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Linus Pauling addressing the Academie des Sciences Inscriptions et Belles Lettres
de Toulouse. The president of the academy (center) and an unidentified man (right)
sitting. Toulouse, France. "Toulouse le Juin 1957" Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. June, 1957.
Linus Pauling at the Academie des Sciences Inscriptions et Belles Lettres de Toulouse.
Toulouse, France. "Toulouse le Juin 1957" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. June, 1957.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling reading correspondence together and smiling. Ava Helen
seated at a desk, Linus standing behind her. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1957.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling sitting and sorting index cards. Reference: "#8 Page 92
; Linus Pauling on Peace / Rising Star Press 650/966-8920" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1957.
Linda Pauling in a formal dress, walking down an outdoor aisle at her wedding. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
George Miller sitting on a rock, next to his dog. "June - 57 / 'Uncle George W. Jeffie
/ George Miller" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. June, 1957.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling attending an awards ceremony from the Academie des Sciences
Inscriptions et Belles Lettres de Toulouse. Toulouse, France. "Toulouse le 21 Juin
1957" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. June 21, 1957.
Linus Pauling receiving the Pierre Fermat medal from an unidentified man at an awards
ceremony from the Academie des Sciences Inscriptions et Belles Lettres de Toulouse.
Ava Helen Pauling (obscured) sitting. Toulouse, France. "Toulouse le 21 Juin 1957". June 21, 1957.
The president of the Academie des Sciences Inscriptions et Belles Lettres de Toulouse
pinning the Pierre Fermat medal on Linus Pauling. Toulouse, France. "Toulouse le 21
Juin 1957" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. June 21, 1957.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling standing next to an unidentified man. Toulouse, France.
"Toulouse le 21 Juin 1957" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. June 21, 1957.
An unidentified woman wearing lab coat, Ava Helen Pauling, and Linus Pauling standing
in a laboratory. Ava Helen holding a bouquet of flowers. Moscow, USSR. "Moscow 1957.
August" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Ava Helen Pauling receiving a gift from an unidentified little girl during a conference
from the Academie des Sciences Inscriptions et Belles Lettres de Toulouse. Linus Pauling
looking at the little girl. "Toulouse le 21 Juin 1957" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. June 21, 1957.
Ava Helen Pauling and an unidentified woman sitting outside on a bench. Postojna,
Yugoslavia. "Postojna, Yugoslavia / July 1957" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. July, 1957.
Ava Helen Pauling (first from right), and a group of unidentified women posing outdoors.
Lubejana, Yugoslavia. "Lubejana / Yugoslavia / Congress 1957 / Nature of Hydrogen
Bond / AP on far left of the picture" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling sitting with A.I. Oparin (front, right), N.M. Sissakian
(back, right) and a group of unidentified men. Moscow, USSR. "Moscow 1957 / Oparin
L.P. AP / Sissakian / ? / ? / ?" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling sitting on a couch, facing an unidentified group of people.
Moscow, USSR. "LP & AHP / 1957 Moscow / Inst. Crystallography" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1957.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling standing outside with an unidentified man. Leningrad,
USSR. "Leningrad 1957" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Linus Pauling standing on a pier. "Leningrad 1957" Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1957.
Linus Pauling standing outside between two unidentified men. Leningrad, USSR. "Leningrad
1957" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling standing outside with a group of unidentified people.
Leningrad, USSR. "Leningrad 1957" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Linus Pauling walking outside with an unidentified man behind him. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1957.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling standing outside with a group of unidentified people.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Linus Pauling and two unidentified men. Ljubljana, Yugoslavia. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1957.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling standing with members of the Schubnikov institute. "Schubnikov's
Institute 1957, Moscow / Wainstein Kep. AHP LP Byelow Pinsker" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1957.
Close-up profile of Linus and Ava Helen Pauling sitting next to each other on a couch.
"Ava Helen and Linus Pauling / Schubnikov's Institute, Moscow 1957 USSR" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Dr. Melvin Calven, Dr. A.I. Oparin, and Dr. N.M. Sissakian attending the Origin of
Life Congress. Moscow, USSR. "Origin of Life Congress Moscow 1957 / Sissakian Oparin
Melvin Calven [?] [two arrows are drawn, correcting the order of the names, reversing
the position of Sissakian and Melvin Calven]" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1957.
Linus Pauling sitting, Bawayn [?] and Wainstein [?] leaning over a table observing
him. Moscow, USSR. "Bawayn [?] 16/VIII 81 [?] / Wainstein (ED) / 1957. Moscow"] Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Dorothy Hodgkin and E.W. Hughes sitting in a laboratory. Hodgkin reading, Hughes looking
over her shoulder. "Dorothy Hodgkin + E W Hughes December 1957" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. December, 1957.
Linus Pauling and Dorothy Hodgkin sitting on a couch. "Dorothy Hodgkin + Linus Pauling
December 1957" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Linus Pauling and Dorothy Hodgkin sitting on a couch. "Dorothy Hodgkin + Linus Pauling
December 1957" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. December, 1957.
Linus Pauling and Dorothy Hodgkin standing in Linus's office. "Dorothy Hodgkin Linus
Pauling December 1957" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. December, 1957.
Linus Pauling and Dorothy Hodgkin standing in Linus's office. Dorothy taking a piece
of paper from Linus. "Dorothy Hodgkin + Linus Pauling December 1957" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. December, 1957.
Linda Pauling (left) and Dorothy Hodgkin (right) sitting at a table. "Linda + Dorothy
December 1957" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. December, 1957.
Linda Pauling (left) and Dorothy Hodgkin (right). Linda reading over Dorothy's shoulder.
"Linda + Dorothy Hodgkin December 1957" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. December, 1957.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling standing with a group of unidentified people. "Cowles
19 Juin 57." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. June 19, 1957.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling standing with a group of unidentified people. "Cowles
[?] 19 Juin 57." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. June 19, 1957.
Linus Pauling standing outside with members of the Centre de Chimie Théorique de France.
Paris, France. "Centre de Chimie Théorique de France (Paris) July of 1957" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. July, 1957.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling standing in front of a house, holding hands. An unidentified
brown dog lying in front of them. "Dr. Subha Rao" "July, 1957" Photographer unknown.
Color print. July, 1957.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting next to two women. A child standing behind her. Toulouse,
France. "Toulouse, 22 June 1957: dinner at '2 Rue de l'Aubisque[?]'." Photographer
unknown. Color print. June 22, 1957.
Linus Pauling sitting with an unidentified family. Toulouse, France. "Toulouse, 22
June 1957: dinner at '2 Rue de l'Aubisque[?]'." Photographer unknown. Color print. June 22, 1957.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling standing in a parking lot between two unidentified women.
Toulouse, France. "Toulouse, 22 June 1957: lunch at Blagnac Airport" Photographer
unknown. Color print. June 22, 1957.
Linus Pauling wearing glasses, lecturing from a podium. A glass beaker and cup are
on the podium with his notes. "Sadron's Institut des Macromolecules Strassbourght
1957" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Panorama of Linus Pauling in his lab. Pasadena, California. "1957 My Crellin Lab"
"LP CIT Church Crellin Lab About 1950" "Phil Stern 5232 Ventura Canyon Van Nuys, California"
Black and white print. 1957.
Panorama photo of Linus Pauling in his lab. Pasadena, California. "About July 1957?
My Crellin Lab" "Phil Stern 5232 Ventura Canyon Van Nuys, California" Black and white
print. July, 1957.
Panorama of Linus Pauling in his lab. Pasadena, California. "Office in Crellin Lab"
"Linus Pauling Office in Crellin Laboratory of California Institute of Technology
Return to Ava Helen Pauling" "Phil Stern 5232 Ventura Canyon Van Nuys, California"
Black and white print. 1957.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling sitting at a dining table with four unidentified individuals.
Taken during trip to the Soviet Union. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling sitting at a dining table. Taken during trip to the Soviet
Union. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Linus Pauling sitting with his arm around Ava Helen Pauling at a dinner table. Taken
during trip to the Soviet Union. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling sitting at a dining table with an unidentified man. Taken
during trip to the Soviet Union. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling sitting at a dining table with an unidentified man. Taken
during trip to the Soviet Union. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling sitting at a dining table with an unidentified woman.
Taken during trip to the Soviet Union. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling sitting at a dining table with an unidentified woman.
Taken during trip to the Soviet Union. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Bust sculpture of Linus Pauling by Erna Weill. "Erna Weill Sculpture Studio Prof.
Linus Pauling" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Bust sculpture of Linus Pauling, in profile, by Erna Weill. "Erna Weill Sculpture
Studio Prof. Linus Pauling" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
A formal party at the wedding of Erich Six and Gilda Vasconcelos. Standing at a table
and serving punch are, from left to right, Jose Blanco, unidentified individual [Caltech
Scientist], unidentified individual [Consul from Haiti], Vera Maria de Faro [a Brazillian
embassy attache], Linda Pauling, Barclay Kamb. June 2, 1957. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1957.
Erich Six and Gilda Vasconcelos being wed in the Pauling family backyard. Linus and
Ava Helen Pauling are serving as Matron of Honor and Best man at the wedding. Attendees
are standing in the background behind the swimming pool. June 2, 1957. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1957.
Linus Pauling, Erich Six, Gilda Vasconcelos and Ava Helen Pauling posing together
outdoors at Six and Vasconcelos' wedding. June 2, 1957 Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1957.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1958.
Linus Pauling debating Edward Teller on the topic of nuclear fallout: "The Nuclear
Bomb Tests...Is Fallout Overrated?" KQED-TV show. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. February 20, 1958.
Edward Teller and Linus Pauling (rear view) with members of media and television crew
during debate on fallout: "The Nuclear Bomb Tests...Is Fallout Overrated?" KQED-TV
show. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. February 20, 1958.
Linus Pauling standing with arms akimbo in his office at the California Institute
of Technology. Pasadena, California. Photograph by Wayne Miller. Black and white print. 1958.
Linus Pauling lying on a couch in his office at the California Institute of Technology.
Pasadena, California. Photograph by Wayne Miller. Black and white print. 1958.
Linus Pauling, in his office at the California Institute of Technology. Pasadena,
California. Photograph by Wayne Miller. Black and white print. 1958.
Linus Pauling, standing akimbo next to a cluttered desk in his office at the California
Institute of Technology. Pasadena, California. Photograph by Wayne Miller. Black and
white print. 1958.
Linus Pauling in his office at the California Institute of Technology. Pasadena, California.
Photograph by Wayne Miller. Black and white print. 1958.
Linus Pauling speaking on the phone in his office at the California Institute of Technology.
Pasadena, California. Photograph by Wayne Miller. Black and white print. 1958.
Linus Pauling, Prof. Renate Riemeck and an unidentified gentleman sit behind a table.
"Prof. Dr. Renate Riemeck [a message is written in German]" [Original found in Photo
Album Box] Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Martin Niemoller, Ava Helen Pauling, Renate Riemeck, Linus Pauling, an unidentified
man, and Alois Stoff sitting for a group picture. Essen, Germany. "Alois Stoff, Renate
Riemeck, Pastor Niemoller, Linus Pauling, Ava Helen Pauling. 1962[?] Foto Tripp, Dusseldorf,
CC Harlottenstr. 41, RUF 21343." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Linus Pauling at Florida State University. November 2, 1958. Tallahassee, Florida.
Photograph by Sidney Fox. Black and white print. November 2, 1958.
Ned Brooks, Lawrence Spivak, and Linus Pauling, on the set of Meet the Press. "Meet The Press with Dr. Linus Pauling, May 11th, 1958." Original found in Research Notebook 21. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. May 11, 1958.
Portrait photograph of Linus Pauling. Linus holding a pair of glasses and looking
the left. "Prof. Linus Pauling" Four copies of varying distance, one with signature.
Ava Helen Pauling has copyright according to a 1967 book by Rich and Davidson, Structural Chemistry. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Portrait photograph of Linus Pauling. Linus in profile, facing left. "Shelburne Studios, 47 West 63rd Street, N.Y.C." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Linus Pauling displaying a lapel pin. September 26, 1958. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. September 26, 1958.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling attending a conference on peace. September 26, 1958. Essen,
Germany. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. September 26, 1958.
Linus Pauling drinking beer with Martin Niemoller. September 26, 1958. Essen, Germany.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. September 26, 1958.
Linus Pauling standing outside, next to an airplane, shaking hands with Alois Stoff.
Linus arriving for a meeting against the atomic bomb. Essen-Dusseldorf, Germany. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Linus Pauling standing outside next to an airplane, conversing and shaking hands with
four unidentified individuals. Linus arriving for a meeting against the atomic bomb.
Essen-Dusseldorf, Germany. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling attending a conference on peace. September 26, 1958. Essen,
Germany. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. September 26, 1958.
Martin Niemoller, Dr. Renate Riemeck, and Linus Pauling standing during a conference
on peace. September 26, 1958. Essen, Germany. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. September 26, 1958.
Linus Pauling receiving a book from Alois Stoff during a meeting against nuclear testing.
October 7, 1958. Dusseldorf, Germany. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. October 7, 1958.
Alois Stoff presenting a book to Ava Helen and Linus Pauling during a conference on
peace. October 1, 1958. Dusseldorf, Germany. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. October 1, 1958.
Linus Pauling sitting and speaking. September, 1958. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1958.
Displays of molecular models, letter on back from Office of the United States Commissioner
General. Brussels Universal & International Exhibition, 1958. "Exhibits of Brussels
Fair, 1958 / Designed by L. Pauling. Made in CIT Chem Shop." Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1958.
Linus Pauling during a news conference at the Carnegie Endowment for International
Peace Building. New York, New York. Photograph courtesy of the Associated Press. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling standing outside a small Japanese building with two unidentified
men [Takeshi Kitagawa?]. Kyoto, Japan. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling standing next to a plane. [Original found in photo album
box] Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Photo album, separate box. "Bild - Dokumente Gegen Atomtod, Vom Kampf der Ruhrbevolkerung
(uberreicht von der IdK Essen) 1958." Germany. Photo sequence through 1958i.77.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling reading a photo album. [Original found in photo album
box] Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Photograph collage of Linus Pauling's head juxtaposed against gritty factory workers.
Sept. 26, 1958. [Original found in photo album box]. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. September 26, 1958.
Linus Pauling receiving an unidentified object [award?] from an unidentified man.
Ava Helen standing on the far right. [Original found in photo album box] Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Linus Pauling standing with two unidentified men. [Original found in photo album box].
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Front row, left to right: Ava Helen and Linus Pauling. Back row, left to right: Martin
Neimoller, Prof. Renate Riemeck, Peter Pauling [not LP and AHP's son], and Alois Stoff.
[Original found in photo album box]. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Left to right: Linus Pauling, Prof. Renate Riemeck, Alois Stoff, and Martin Neimoller.
[Original found in photo album box]. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
An unidentified individual, Linus Pauling, Prof. Renate Riemeck, Alois Stoff, Martin
Neimoller, and others sitting at a conference table during a talk on peace. [Original
found in photo album box]. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Linus Pauling sitting next to an unidentified man wearing a feather-plumed hat. [Original
found in photo album box]. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Linus Pauling speaking from behind a podium, Prof. Riemeck sitting and looking away.
[Original found in photo album box]. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Prof. Riemeck speaking from behind a podium, Martin Neimoller, Alois Stoff, and Linus
Pauling standing. [Original found in Photo Album box] Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1958.
Prof. Renate Riemeck, Linus Pauling, and an unidentified man sitting at a conference
on peace. [Original found in photo album box]. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1958.
Martin Niemoller, Prof. Renate Riemeck, and Linus Pauling standing and holding flowers
during a conference on peace. [Original found in photo album box]. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1958.
Cheryl Pauling at 10 months, playing with a mirror. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1958.
Ava Helen Pauling walking outside with several unidentified people. "Volodalen 1958."
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Ava Helen Pauling walking outside with several unidentified people. An unidentified
man [London?] standing next to Ava Helen. "Volodalen 1958 / Quantum Chemistry Group
/ AHP & London in front" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Linus Pauling standing outside, talking to H. Shull and Robert Millikan. "Volodalen
1958 / Matseu [?], H. Shull [?], Millikan, LP" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1958.
The kitchen at Deer Flat Ranch. "Deer Flat Ranch / Dear Milton and Dorcas / You can
see that I still do not have my new old stove, but I keep hoping. We are all going
to Hawaii for Christmas. All nineteen of us. We wish you the Merriest Christmas and
a New Year of joy and health. / Ava Helen. Linus Pauling / December 1958" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Linus Pauling posing for a group photograph with several unidentified individuals.
"Kitzhübel Sept. 1958 Taken by Martin Grodzuis" Photograph by Martin Grodzuis. Black and white print. 1958.
Linus (back row, center) and Ava Helen Pauling (first row, fifth from right) posing
for a group portrait with several unidentified individuals. "Volodalen 1958" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Linus Pauling standing in a lab, smiling and holding a beaker. Linus wearing a suit.
Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida. "L. Pauling Tallahassee Nov. 1958."
Photograph by Sidney Fox. Black and white print. 1958.
Linus Pauling standing beside a chemical model, smiling and facing the left. Linus
wearing a suit. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California. "LP by Rob't Cohen, 1958. 177 S. Sycamore Ave LA 36 1666" Photograph by Robert Cohen. Black and white
print. 1958.
Profile of Linus Pauling standing and looking to the right. Linus wearing a suit.
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California. "LP by Rob't Cohen, Pasadena, 1958 1-5 1574" Photograph by Robert Cohen. Black and white print. 1958.
Head and shoulders shot of Linus Pauling smiling. Several chemical models in the background.
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California. "LP 1958 CIT Pasadena
CA LP By Robt Cohen, 1958." Photograph by Robert Cohen. Black and white print. 1958.
Linus Pauling standing with the other participants of the Second Annual Pugwash Conference.
Lac Beauport, Canada. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Linus Pauling accepting an honorary degree from Humboldt-Universitat. Berlin, Germany.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Linus Pauling shaking hands with an unidentified individual from Humboldt University.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting with her back to the camera. Berlin, Germany. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling visiting Humboldt University. Linus holding an honorary
degree. Berlin, Germany. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Linus Pauling accepting an honorary degree from Humboldt University. Berlin, Germany.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Members of Humboldt University applauding Linus Pauling (off-camera). Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Linus Pauling speaking at Humboldt University. Linus wearing reading glasses. Berlin
Germany. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Linus Pauling speaking at Humboldt University. Berlin, Germany. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1958.
Members of Humboldt University listening to Linus Pauling. Berlin, Germany. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Linus Pauling speaking at Humboldt University. Linus standing at the podium with his
eyes closed. Berlin, Germany. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Linus Pauling speaking at Humboldt University. Berlin, Germany. Black and white print,
photographer unknown. 1958.
Members of Humboldt University during Linus Pauling's acceptance of an honorary degree.
Berlin, Germany. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling at Humboldt University. Berlin, Germany. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Linus Pauling standing outside Humboldt University with several unidentified individuals.
Linus holding his honorary degree. Berlin, Germany. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1958.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling at a Humboldt University dinner party. Linus standing.
Berlin, Germany. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling at a Humboldt University dinner party. Berlin, Germany.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling at a Humboldt University dinner party. An unidentified
man standing at the end of the table. Berlin, Germany. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1958.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling at a Humboldt University dinner party. An unidentified
woman standing at the end of the table. Berlin, Germany. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1958.
Several unidentified individuals drinking wine together during a Humboldt University
dinner party. Berlin, Germany. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Ava Helen (obscured) and Linus Pauling at a Humboldt University dinner party. An unidentified
man standing at the end of the table. Berlin, Germany. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1958.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling toasting with several unidentified individuals from Humboldt
University. Berlin, Germany. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling at a Humboldt University dinner party. Berlin, Germany.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Linus Pauling receiving carnations from Mdm. Breil [Sp?]. "Düsseldorf 29-6-59 Mdm.
Breil [Sp?]" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling sitting at a table with an unidentified man. Linus and
Ava Helen on a peace tour. Germany. "Germany [;] Peace Tour Krieg dienst [;] gegner.
1961?" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Linus Pauling and several unidentified men sitting at a German peace conference. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Linus Pauling and several unidentified men sitting at a German peace conference. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Linus Pauling speaking at a German peace conference. Prof. Renate Riemeck sitting
and looking away. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting in a recliner, next to a flowering plant. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1958.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting in a recliner, next to a flowering plant. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1958.
Linus Pauling standing in front of a Japanese building, next to a flowering plant.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
A flowering potted plant. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting in a recliner, next to a flowering plant. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1958.
Linus Pauling sitting in a recliner, next to a flowering plant. Linus with his hair
slicked back. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting at a dinner table with two unidentified men and one unidentified
woman. Japan [?]. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling walking in a Japanese garden. Japan. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1958.
Ava Helen Pauling [?] facing away from the camera, looking over a body of water. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Several windswept trees. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
A beach. Japan [?]. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
A boat setting out on large body of water. Japan [?]. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1958.
Several windswept trees standing on a beach. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1958.
A large standing stone inscribed with Japanese characters. Japan. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1958.
A wooded beach. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
A mountain covered with patches of snow and emanating smoke or steam. Japan [?]. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Ava Helen Pauling standing outside with three unidentified individuals. All wearing
long coats. Japan [?]. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Ava Helen Pauling's friend Kay Fujino and his grandson standing among several tall
flowers. "Bring peace from [;] the soil. / Grand PA & Grandson; Kay Fujino" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Kay Fujino and his grandson standing in front of Kay's garden. "This is my grandchild
[;] I got his sister baby [;] March 22. Now I have [;] Seven grand children / Kay
Fujino ; AHP's friend of late 40's" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. March 22, 1958.
Portrait of Hirom Fujino wearing a striped shirt with large black buttons. "For Grand
Mrs. Pauling. ; A Merry Christmas and [;] Happy New Year to you. ; From. Hirom / Junaita Studio [;] 92 N. los Robles Ave. [;] Pasadena, California [;] Sycamore 6-6760." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Linus Pauling, Ava Helen Pauling, two unidentified men and one unidentified woman
at the Conference Against A&H Bombs. Hiroshima, Japan. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1958.
Several trees standing near water. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1958.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting next to Kay Fujino. "AHP w/ Kay Fujino" Photographer unknown.
Color print. 1958.
Portraits of participants in the Second Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs,
March-April, 1958. Individual images compiled together to create a composite of: [Page
1] Linus Pauling, Vinogradov, Werzsacker, Kuzin, Edsall, unidentified individual [Wielie
?], Oliphant, CF Powell, Higinbotham and Jerome Wiesner. [Page 2] J. Rotblat, unidentified
individual, Leo Szilard, Darwin, Rabinowitch, Chou, Topchiev, unidentified individual,
Watson-Watt, Gregory, unidentified individual and unidentified individual. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. March-April, 1958.
Collage of various photographs of participants deliberating. From the Second Pugwash
Conference for Science and World Affairs. Linus Pauling sits at a conference table
third from the left, in the top left frame. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1958.
Linus Pauling stands behind a filing cabinet in his Caltech office and looks to his
right. He is surrounded by molecular models. Wayne Miller, photographer. Black and
white print. 1958.
Contact sheet of images of Linus Pauling in his Caltech office. From a photo session
with Wayne Miller, photographer. Black and white prints. 1958.
Ava Helen Pauling, unidentified individual and Linus Pauling; AHP waves while accepting
flowers. October, 1958. Dusseldorf, Germany. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. October 1958.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling in Essen, Germany, September 26, 1958. Both are seated
and looking to their left. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. September 26, 1958.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1959.
Linda Pauling Kamb's children Carl "Sasha" Kamb and Barclay "Barky" Kamb, at the beach.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1959.
Linus Pauling and an unidentified individual. "Found with fallout lecture in Lecture
Abstracts file." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1959.
Linus Pauling sitting outside, next to a Buddhist monk. August 6, 1959. Hiroshima,
Japan. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. August 6, 1959.
Linus Pauling sitting outside, wearing a straw conical hat. August 6, 1959. Hiroshima,
Japan. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. August 6, 1959.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling standing outside Dr. Albert Schweitzer's mission hospital.
Linus holding a pith helmet, Ava Helen wearing hers. Lambéréne, Gabon. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1959.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling standing outside Dr. Albert Schweitzer's mission hospital.
Both are holding pith helmets. Photographer unknown. Color print. 1959.
Ava Helen Pauling holding a beer and Linus Pauling clapping. Essen, Germany. "From
Lotte Albrecht, Essen. Taken June 1959" Photograph by Lotte Albrecht. Black and white
print. June 1959.
Portrait of Dr. Tom Lauritsen with hands clasped. "Tommy" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1959.
Linda Pauling Kamb with her children "Sasha" [Carl Alexander] and "Barky" [Barclay
James]. February 23, 1959. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. February 23, 1959.
Carl "Sasha" Kamb and Barclay "Barky" Kamb eating pork chops. "February 8, 1959. Eating
Porkchops" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. February 8, 1959.
An unidentified couple, Ava Helen and Linus Pauling, and Hienz Kraschutzki walking
through the Brandenburg Gate. East Berlin, Germany. "Prof. Pauling and the German
representative of the International Council Hienz Kraschutzki are going through the
Brandenburger Tor." On separate print: "East Berlin, 5 July 1959." Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. July 5, 1959.
Linus Pauling speaking at Florida State University. Photograph by Sidney Fox. Black
and white print. 1959.
Linus Pauling standing next to an unidentified man. Japan [?]. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1959.
An overflow audience listening to Linus Pauling speak against war. Munich, Germany.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1959.
Linus Pauling speaking to a large audience. Darmstadt, Germany. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1959.
Linus Pauling and unidentified individuals. June 29, 1959. Dusseldorf, Germany. "Nobelpreistragen
Prof. Pauling ruvid aut/unt euier Richtfed der Stadt/Stadl Dusseldorf von OBGlock
russt" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. June 29, 1959.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling sitting at the head of a conference table. Linus speaking
on peace. June 30, 1959. Munster, Germany. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. June 30, 1959.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling posing at a bus stop with several unidentified individuals.
Japan. [?] Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1959.
Linus Pauling, Ava Helen Pauling, and two unidentified men, boarding an airplane bound
for Berlin. Munich, Germany. "On the way to Berlin from Munchen, July 4 1959." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. July 4, 1959.
An unidentified older woman, an unidentified younger woman [Lucy Pauling?], an infant
[Kirstin Pauling?] and a toddler [Cheryl Pauling?]. Photographer unknown. Color print. 1959.
Linus Pauling standing outside the Albert Schweitzer Hospital with Dr. Isao Takahashi.
Lambéréne, Gabon. "Albert Schweitzer Hospital, Lambéréne, Africa, July 1959, Dr. Isao
Takahashi in charge of leper colony, Paddy Pauling." Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. July, 1959.
Solvay International Institute of Chemistry. Brussels, France. "[Photographer] G. Coopmans, Rue de Maquis, 114 Evre-Bruxelles [Caption] Institut International De Chimie Solvay; onzieme Conseil de Chimis - Bruxelles,
1-6 juin 1959 [Back row] R. Promel, P. Soupart, R. Brunish, E. Schram, J. Leonis,
R. Crockaert, A. Sels. [Second row from back] R. Thomas, R. Hamers, Mme. Sadron, M.
Julia, V. Luzatti, A. Claude, C. De Duve, L. Flamache, H. Chantrenne. [Second row
from front] R. Markham, L. Vansendriesche, R. Felix, J. N. Davidson, V. Desreux, G.
Champetier, J. Th.G. Overbeek, J. Watson, M. Grunberg-Manago, H. Fraenkel-Conrat.
[Front row:] G. Schramm, S. Moore, C. Sadron, J. A. V. Butler, J. H. de Boer, A. R.
Ubbelohde, Sir Alexander R. Todd, W. Kuhn, A. Rich, M. H. Wilkins, R. Defay, S. Ochoa."
Photograph by G. Coopmans. Black and white print. June 1-6, 1959.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling arriving in Tokyo surrounded by a small crowd. Tokyo,
Japan. "Arrival Tokyo - 1959" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1959.
An unidentified man, Linda Pauling [?], another unidentified man, and Ava Helen Pauling
standing around a Christmas tree. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1959.
Ava Helen Pauling reaching into a box. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1959.
An unidentified man, Crellin Pauling, and Barclay Kamb, at a Christmas party. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1959.
Ava Helen Pauling, Linus Pauling and an unidentified man standing in front of a Christmas
tree. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1959.
Linus Pauling standing behind a Christmas tree, while an unidentified man reaches
for something on the floor. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1959.
Linus Pauling riding in a procession for peace. Hiroshima, Japan. "Peace March / 6
August. 1959. / Hiroshima / From Dr. Z. Maki" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. August 6, 1959.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling posing with faculty and students from the University of
Osaka chemistry and physics departments. Nara, Japan. "From Prof. Mizuho Adagiri Kiuki
[?] Univ. Osaka Students in Chemistry and physics and professors. Nara, 1959" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1959.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling arriving in Tokyo, surrounded by a small crowd. Tokyo,
Japan. "Arrival Tokyo 1959" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1959.
Linus Pauling lecturing. Tokyo, Japan. "Tokyo - Asahi lecture - 1959" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1959.
Ava Helen Pauling and an unidentified woman standing next to a table. Tokyo, Japan.
"Tokyo - Asahi lecture - 1959" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1959.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling sitting at a long table. Tokyo, Japan. "Tokyo - Asahi
lecture - 1959" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1959.
Albert Schweitzer and Linus Pauling standing outside holding pith helmets. Lambéréne,
Gabon. "Albert Schweitzer + Linus Pauling Lambéréne Africa 1959" "47" Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1959.
Two unidentified women, Ava Helen Pauling, and Linus Pauling sitting outside on a
bench. Ava Helen and Linus smiling for the camera. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1959.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling standing outside, smiling. LP wears a straw conical hat.
Hiroshima, Japan. "Year?"Hiroshima, August 6. Photographer unknown. Color print. August 6, 1959.
Linus Pauling sitting outside with a large crowd of people. Hiroshima, Japan. "1426"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1959.
A collection of photographs from the Munich Chapter of the Federation of the Victims
of Fascism and War. "Bund der Opfer des Faschismus und des Krieges-e.V.-Sitz Munchen;
Friede, Freiheit, Recht, Ehre [Translation from German: Federation of the Victims
of Fascism and War, Munich Seat; Peace, Liberty, Right, Honor] "See oversize photographs
box.". 1959.
Photographs and Images related to Linus Pauling, 1950's.
Linus Pauling standing in his lab, shaking hands with Peter Lehman [?]. "Respectfully,
Peter Lehman. 1717" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Dr. Downd [?] standing with Linus Pauling. Both smiling. "Dr. Downd and Dr. Pauling
0992 V62 John J. Loughlin 133 E. 35th St., N.Y.C." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Linus Pauling standing in front of a building with four other gentlemen. Yale University,
New Haven, Connecticut. "[From left to right:] ? LP / Ernest Lawrence Wendell Standley
Yale" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Formal portrait of Ava Helen and Linus Pauling. Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1950s.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling standing outside with a group of unidentified people.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling sitting at the head of a table. Cuba [?]. "FOTO ; A. GARCIA MIRANDA / ANTONIO GARCIA CUBAS No. 59 / TEL. 19-00-01" Black and white print. 1950s.
A group of unidentified elderly women standing outside. Ava Helen Pauling standing
on the right. "Hilda Polacheck [?]" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Steve Allison and Linus Pauling sitting at a table with telephones and microphones.
"Dr. Linus Pauling, California Int. of Tech. Pasadena, Calif. & Steve Allison, WWDC,
WnDC." [1925-1963] Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Ava Helen Pauling and Linus Pauling sitting inside together. Photographer unknown.
Color print. 1950s.
Ava Helen Pauling and Linus Pauling talking. Photographer unknown. Color print. 1950s.
Formal portrait of Clarence K. Streit. "Clarence K. Streit" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1950s.
Linus Pauling sitting next to an unidentified man. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1950s.
Ava Helen Pauling (swimming) and Linus Pauling (standing) hosting a party. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Linus Pauling (back to the camera) talking to guests at his party. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1950s.
Ava Helen Pauling swimming. An unidentified man standing in the background. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Linus Pauling sitting with two unidentified men. An unidentified couple standing behind
Linus. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling attending a small banquet. Springfield [?], Massachusetts.
"MEYERS STUDIO / 1562 MAIN ST. / SPRINGFIELD, MASS" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Ava Helen Pauling (sitting) and Linus Pauling (standing), greeting an unidentified
woman. Springfield [?], Massachusetts. "MEYERS STUDIO / 1562 MAIN ST. / SPRINGFIELD, MASS" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
A crowded lecture hall. Linus and Ava Helen Pauling sitting on stage, to the right
of the speaker. Springfield [?], Massachusetts. "MEYERS STUDIO / 1562 MAIN ST. / SPRINGFIELD, MASS" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Linus Pauling (center), and several unidentified men, sitting on stage wearing honorary
robes. France. [Photographer:] "MENTION OBLIGATOIRE / AGENCE / INTERCONTINENTALE / Actualites, Features, Photos /
(TOUS DROITS RESERVES) / 100, rue Reaumur --- PARIS (2) / Telephone: Gutenberg" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Linus Pauling holding a molecular model. Seated next to LP is George Beadle. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Dale Carnegie, Linus Pauling, and Dr. E.C. Nance. Linus speaking. Tampa, Florida.
"Mr. Dale Carnegie, Dr. Linus Pauling, Dr. E.C. Nance" Copyright: No. 8060-1 Photo by / Robertson and Fresh / Tampa's Commercial Photographers / 504 E. Lafayette St., Tampa, Fla." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Ava Helen (back row, sixth from right) and Linus Pauling (front row, third from right)
posing around a conference table with a group of unidentified people. Havana, Cuba.
"Gorge Dominguez Fotografo Puente Dealvarado 6. Tel, 35-63-23 Dep 30 Mexico D.F."
"LP; Senor Jody, translator; Dr. Goodman of N.J.; Mrs. Emery of S.F.; Dr. Noble of
Mexico not present; [?] Habana Cuba" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Close up profiles of Linus and Ava Helen Pauling. Pasadena, California [?]. "REPRODUCTION
Pauling Prof of Chem Cal yoo oney[?] Pasadena 4 ep[?]" Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1950s.
Linus Pauling showing a molecular model to a young boy. "Linda Pauling Kamb 3500 Fairpoint
St. Pasadena, CA 91107-1261" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling sitting outside together. [On front of picture:] "With
respect from Paramhans Tewari, Chemistry Dept Lucknow University, Lucknow. U.P. (India).
Old C[&?] T pictures. Dr. Noyes, etc" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Dr. Clarence Hall and Linus Pauling. Tampa, Florida. "Robertson-Fresk Tampa, Florida"
"Dr. Clarence Hall, Dr. Linus Pauling" Photographer unknown. Color print. 1950s.
Dr. Clarence Hall, E.C. Nance, and Linus Pauling. All three wearing suits. Tampa,
Florida. "Robertson-Fresk Tampa, Florida" "Dr. Clarence Hall, Dr. E.C. Nance, Dr.
Linus Pauling" Photographer unknown. Color print. 1950s.
Linus Pauling celebrating Halloween with several unidentified young people [graduate
students?]. An unidentified girl playing guitar. Photographer unknown. Color print. 1950s.
Linus Pauling speaking to an audience from behind a podium. Image slightly blurred.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Linus Pauling standing outside the Carlton Hotel in Tel-Aviv. Tel-Aviv, Israel. "LP
in Tel-Aviv." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Linus Pauling standing in a crowded room with three unidentified men. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Linus Pauling and an unidentified man examining a piece of paper. Both wearing glasses
and suits. "Owen & Moroney Commercial Photographers Shepard Bush W.12 Telephone SHE
1141" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Mr. and Mrs. Best standing in a reception room with Ava Helen and Linus Pauling. "LP
AHP Best + Mrs. Best / Owen & Moroney Commercial Photographers Shepards Bush W.12
Telephone SHE 1141" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Portrait of Virginia Durr. "Durr" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting inside, talking to an unidentified woman. Ava Helen and
the unidentified woman dressed formally. "Owen & Moroney Commercial Photographers
Shepards Bush W.12 Telephone SHE 1141" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling greeting an unidentified man [A.I. Oparin?] and woman
at a formal event. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Linus Pauling standing at a banquet table, sharing a light moment with several unidentified
men. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Linus Pauling, A.I. Oparin [?] and two unidentified men standing at a dinner table,
toasting. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Linus Pauling standing at a podium, gesturing with both hands. Stockholm, Sweden.
"Copyright Dagens Bild Holländargatan 24 / Tel. 31 56 30 -- 32 15 30 Stockholm--Sweden" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Linus Pauling and Lord Adrian. Linus scowling, facing to the right, Lord Adrian looking
pensive and facing to the left. "LP Lord Adrian / Owen & Moroney Commercial Photographers
Shepard Bush W.12 telephone SHE 1141" Black and white print. 1950s.
Linus Pauling (standing) Ava Helen Pauling (sitting), and Sir Peter Medawar (sitting).
"LP AHP + Medawar / Owen & Moroney Commercial Photographers Shepards Bush W.12 Telephone
SHE 1141" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Linus Pauling standing outside with Fred Ewing. Both smiling. "LP & Fred Ewing." Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Linus, Ava Helen, Crellin, and Lucy Pauling enjoying a family picnic. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Linus Pauling standing at the foot of a staircase with four unidentified men. "66"
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Linus and Ava Helen Pauling sitting at a dinner table. Ava Helen holding an unidentified
little girl. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting at a dinner table, holding an unidentified little girl.
An unidentified woman sitting at the table holding a baby. Photographer unknown. Black
and white print. 1950s.
Rear view of a naked boy about to jump into a tank of water. Ava Helen Pauling [?]
wading. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Linus Pauling standing with an unidentified man [graduate student?] amidst several
molecular models. Linus holding a molecular model in one hand and gesturing with the
other. "Linda Pauling-Kamb / 3500 Fairpoint St. / Pasadena, CA / 91107-1261" Copyright
Wide World Photos. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Linus Pauling being filmed while working in his laboratory. Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1950s.
Ava Helen Pauling standing between two unidentified men wearing graduation gowns.
Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Linus Pauling talking to Vally Weigl at an annual Women's International League for
Peace and Freedom (WILPF) convention. Washington, D.C. "Remembering out meeting at
the Washington WILPF Annual Convention / Cordially Vally Weigl" Photographer unknown.
Black and white print. 1950s.
Linus Pauling practicing a speech. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Ava Helen Pauling's brother-in-law Milton Briggs, Ava Helen Pauling, and Linus Pauling
standing in the desert. "Milton Briggs AHP LP" Photographer unknown. Black and white
print. 1950s.
Ava Helen Pauling sitting on a rocky beach with her brother George Miller. "Linda's
Photo / AHP and George Miller (brother)" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
An unidentified European building. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Ava Helen Pauling standing in a classroom with two unidentified women. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Ava Helen Pauling talking to an unidentified woman. Photographer unknown. Black and
white print. 1950s.
Ava Helen Pauling and an unidentified woman standing outside, looking after two unidentified
boys and two unidentified girls. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Ava Helen Pauling and seven unidentified women looking at little boys. Photographer
unknown. Black and white print. 1950s.
Ava Helen Pauling talking with a