Slides shown at the Pauling Nobel Prize Celebration Faculty Dinner. December 3, 1954

Slides shown at the Pauling Nobel Prize Celebration Faculty Dinner. Page 1. December 3, 1954
Page 1

Associated: Linus Pauling, Roscoe Dickinson, Richard M. Badger, A.A. Noyes, Richard C. Tolman, Paul Emmett, Joseph E. Mayer, Ernest Swift, Stuart Bates, William N. Lacey, Howard J. Lucas, Crellin Pauling, Charles H. Prescott, James Edgar Bell, Ernest White, Reinhardt Schuhmann, William Holton, Vincent Manchee, Oliver R. Wulf, L. Merle Kirkpatrick, Peter Pauling, Linda Pauling, Ava Helen Pauling

ID: 1954h2.10-slideslist-19541203

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