Letter from Linus Pauling to Linus Pauling, Jr. October 8, 1954

Pauling writes to his son, Linus Pauling Jr., updating him on his current life activities. He informs his son that he will not be making a trip around the world with Ava Helen because the State Deparment will not issue him a passport. Pauling notes that he has been invited to go to South Africa in the spring of 1956 for six weeks and plans to go. He also describes his plans to travel to Princeton for the next month with Ava Helen, and discusses his work on revising the second edition of "College Chemistry." He mentions that there have been many visitors in the house, ranging from Professor Serdaroglu from Turkey to Professor Mizushima from Japan. Pauling tells his son that he is on the Scientific Advisory Board of the Massachusetts General Hospital again and plans on visiting it in December. He also updates Pauling Jr. on his work with hemoglobin.  View Transcript

Letter from Linus Pauling to Linus Pauling, Jr. Page 1. October 8, 1954
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Letter from Linus Pauling to Linus Pauling, Jr. Page 2. October 8, 1954
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Letter from Linus Pauling to Linus Pauling, Jr. Page 3. October 8, 1954
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Letter from Linus Pauling to Linus Pauling, Jr. Page 4. October 8, 1954
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Associated: George Beadle, J.P. Buwalda, Robert Corey, Federation of American Scientists, Harvey Itano, Crellin Pauling, Peter Pauling, Princeton University, University of California, Berkeley, Leonora Bilger, Makio Murayama, Anthony C. Allison, William H. Freeman, Nami Serdaroglu, Massachusetts General Hospital, University of Oxford, American Philosophical Society, Northwestern University, Verlag Chemie, Allen Lein, International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry, American Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rudy Caspers, Ronny Caspers

ID: bio5.037.7-lp-lpjr-19541008

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