Letter from Linus Pauling to Peter Pauling. April 2, 1954

Pauling writes to discuss his and Ava Helen's recent travels, his receipt of more Penguin books, his revision of College Chemistry, and his forthcoming delivery of the principal address at the annual meeting of the Chemical Institute of Canada in Toronto. Pauling also notes his and Ava Helen's plans to drive to Toronto from Portland, Linda's desire to spend a year abroad after her June graduation, and his continuing work on collagen.  View Transcript

Letter from Linus Pauling to Peter Pauling. Page 1. April 2, 1954
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Letter from Linus Pauling to Peter Pauling. Page 2. April 2, 1954
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Associated: Norman R. Davidson, Harold M. Mott-Smith, Ava Helen Pauling, Linda Pauling, Harry Truman, Oliver R. Wulf, American Chemical Society, William H. Freeman, W.L. Bragg, Antioch College, Chemical Institute of Canada, Arnold S. Wilmott, Abigail Elizabeth Darling

ID: bio5.042.1-lp-peterpauling-19540402

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