Letter from Linus Pauling to Sterling B. Hendricks. March 5, 1954

Pauling again strongly suggests that they try to get Todd for the symposium on nucleic acids, but first to consider whether Todd might be selected for a Pilgrim Lectureship, so as not to preclude it by inviting him for the nucleic acids symposium. Pauling supports Kalckar as a choice for speaker over Heppel. Pauling also notes that he will have Watson send his title to the Academy after Watson and Crick have discussed the matter together.  View Transcript

Letter from Linus Pauling to Sterling B. Hendricks. Page 1. March 5, 1954
Page 1

Associated: Detlev Bronk, Francis Crick, Leon A. Heppel, Herman M. Kalckar, Alexander Todd, James D. Watson

ID: sci14.020.3-lp-hendricks-19540305

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