Letter from Linus Pauling to S.S. Prentiss. July 27, 1944

Pauling discusses the production of three Model K oxygen meters and one Model L meter for NDRC use and an additional two Model K meters for use at Caltech. He describes the difficulty of acquiring satisfactory equipment for use in the meters. Due to productions difficulties, only two Model Ks and one Model L are currently available for NDRC use, with another Model K currently being prepared for practical use.  View Transcript

Letter from Linus Pauling to S.S. Prentiss. Page 1. July 27, 1944
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Letter from Linus Pauling to S.S. Prentiss. Page 2. July 27, 1944
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Associated: Arnold O. Beckman, National Defense Research Committee

ID: sci13.001.1-lp-prentiss-19440727

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