Letter from Linus Pauling to W.S. Schaefer. June 13, 1939

Pauling provides Cornell University Press with a list of professors, researchers, and scientists who should receive copies of The Nature of the Chemical Bond. He requests that a select group receive complimentary copies at Pauling's own expense.  View Transcript

Letter from Linus Pauling to W.S. Schaefer. Page 1. June 13, 1939
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Letter from Linus Pauling to W.S. Schaefer. Page 2. June 13, 1939
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Associated: Edward W. Crellin, Henri Brasseur, Edward W. Hughes, Arnold Sommerfeld, Henry Eyring, W.L. Bragg, Robert A. Millikan, Worth H. Rodebush, Paul Epstein, Roger J. Williams, Christopher K. Ingold, Samuel C. Lind, Paul Emmett, Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, Peter Debye, Leonor Michaelis, Odd Hassel, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company

ID: 1939b.2-lp-schaefer-19390613

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